An Account of Steam & Blood

Chapter 37: Chapter 35 – Task force Ghost

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With Captain Y'vanna leaving the room to collect the others, I finally had a moment to myself to think about the situation. First, whoever these people were, they were clearly military. And their equipment was more advanced than anything I have ever seen. And on top of all that, they were extremely skilled, more so than any other people I have encountered so far. If I was lucky though, I wouldn't have to fight them. The military of the GSU wasn't my enemy, unless they made me theirs.

My weapons were, of course, gone. Confiscated, I'm sure. I was concerned about my sword, seeing as my armor is in poor condition after the battle. Hopefully it was sturdier than I expected. While waiting, I tried to struggle against the cuffs I was wearing, but couldn't get my hands free without putting all my might into it.

I decided to wait for now, and soon, Y'vanna and three more people entered the room, stood behind the captain in an orderly line. It was two men and one woman.

Y'vanna: "Now, Iris. Is there anything you would like to say before starting this story of yours?" she asked, having regained her composure from before.

Iris: "Just one thing... Who are you people?" She pondered my question for a moment before answering.

Y'vanna: "We're Task Force Ghost. Affiliated with the Grand Stone Union's military, experimental branch. That's all I can tell you." Experimental branch, huh...? These people were a big deal. Task force ghost...

Iris: "I see... Then, I guess I'll start..." And so, with a deep breath, I looked Y'vanna in the eyes and began recounting my tale from the beginning. How I was a street urchin struggling to survive, how I luckily began to work as a hunter and my near death experiences. I recounted the battle of Gravel 13 from beginning up to where I fell unconscious. The expressions of the four during my story slowly became a mix of pity and disbelief. I then talked about my time aboard the Dragon's Scale airship and how I killed a pseudo drake, learning how to use Primal Enhancement, ending with my arrival here in Mou 13, and how I made the Alchemists my enemies.

Iris: "...And so I encountered your group, arriving at the final lab in this city. The timing was certainly unfortunate."

Vahn: "No wonder you were such an impressive fighter. The trial's you have gone through... You have more than enough combat experience, and you're an extremely quick learner. You'll be unmatched in a few years time." Said the tall, burly man. The younger looking girl, the smallest of the girl, was on the verge of tears, however.

Mara: "You poor thing... Young girls like you deserve better than being forced to survive..."

Nicolai simply stood stunned while the other two spoke their minds. Then he spoke when they finished. "Ma'am, permission to wake up?"

He was, however, ignored. Y'vanna was also trying to process my story, head held in her hand. I waited for some time, but decided to be the first to speak. "...I would like to have my handcuffs removed now". A moment passed, then another. Y'vanna raised her hand, and Vahn came over to take my cuffs off. I rubbed my wrists once free.

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Y'vanna: "I think it's clear you aren't with the Alchemists of the Deep. So you're free to go after receiving medical treatment. However... I have a request for you." She said, looking up at me once more. Our eyes locked, and seeing I was intent to listen, she continued. "I would like to hire you to assist in an operation to investigate Gravel 13. News has already reached High Command, and we were dispatched to investigate. If possible, we will attempt to clear the monsters that have overrun the district. If you accept, you'll be paid handsomely, and damages incurred will be reimbursed."

An operation to clear Gravel 13... I thought it over for a few minutes. I couldn't fully trust these people, but this was an opportunity... An opportunity to see her again. Dior.

Iris: "...I accept. I have a personal reason to join, anyway. When will you go?"

Y'vanna: "Two days. Enough for you to heal up and make preparations."

Iris: "Roger."

Vahn: "If she's good enough, maybe we could recruit her" he said excitedly. Joining the military... I wonder. For now, I was brought out of the interrogation room and over to the medical bay, where my wounds were thoroughly treated. During my recovery, Christy was finally able to come see me, and latched on like a leech, crying her heart out with relief.

It felt nice to have someone that cares... I was also returned my equipment. As well as my sword... Which was partly melted, chipped, and broken. Apparently it happened in my last ditch attack, and it couldn't handle the power of primal enhancement. Ahh~... How was I gonna explain this to Lira... I guess I'll just have to see her about it tomorrow. For now, rest...


The once brightly-lit city was now dark, and pitch black. The once bustling streets were covered in debris and blood. Wreckage and half-devoured corpses. Among the ruins of this once-bustling city, were monsters of all kinds. Packs of goblins roamed the buildings, making nests within them. Stonecrawlers, massive centipedes with metal plates for shells that could spit acid and eat stone, they constructed burrows under the sides of the road. Twisted horrors that looked like creatures made from a patchwork of several other creatures mindlessly wandered the empty alleys. 

Bat-like creatures called Heelikas dwelled within the ruined towers. They were the size of horses, with humanoid bodies covered in thin, black fur, double-jointed legs ending in 4-clawed feet, arms ending in two long, serrated claws and another claw on the opposite side of their paws. On their back were huge, leathery wings currently folded around them like a cloak. Then their heads resembled snakes, but instead of scales, were covered in fur and had four eyes and huge, pointed ears. They dwelled together in large nests, but hunted either alone or in pairs.

And finally, in the largest workshop among the ruins, was the nest the Reapers dwelled in. Few in number, only 5 here, they served as royal guards to the Swarm Queen. She sat upon a throne of stone and bones. A young girl, essentially naked but covered in hard, dense chitin armor. With claws on her appendages, draconic wings, and a long tail ending in a blade. She had long horns emerging from a head of short, white hair along with longer, glowing blue frills. And her skin was a pale blue with blue irises over black eyes.

Dior. The young girl who was made into the Queen of Monsters, the Swarm Queen. She looked bored, playing with a skull stripped bare. "Iris... When will we meet again, I wonder..." She muttered to herself, heaving a sigh. She had evolved further since their parting, but Dior was confident that Iris, too, had improved. Their time of reckoning was soon approaching.

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