An Account of Steam & Blood

Chapter 52: Chapter 49 – Profane Legacy

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I awoke to an unfamiliar ceiling- not. This time, I awoke to a dark and dusty stone floor, only dimly lit by the mana particulates still remaining in the air, portraying a visual similar to a starry sky. My body groaned with pain both blunt and sharp, and I thought for a moment that my body was bleeding from every orifice and pore. But no, it simply felt like it. I slowly pushed myself off the floor with a quiet grunt, and sat straight. To my left was the remains of Dura'kahn, on his knees, extinguished. There were no more flames, no more light. He had finally found his resting place.

I lifted my hand up and looked at the perfect crystal sphere in my hand, which was radiating a soft crimson light. And just then-

Licht: "Im going to destroy you myself someday if you keep this up." He said furiously, rattling my head even more than it was I winced, holding my head before responding

Iris: "hey, come on, tone it down a bit, I'm an injured little girl you know...?" I said defensively, sensing that a harsh lecture was inbound.

Licht: "Yeah, and whose fault is that, huh? It's not like you overcharged your body and burnt up a part of your lifeforce in exchange for mana or anything. You're lucky there's so much mana in the air right now or you WOULD. HAVE. DIED. And YOU dying means ME dying"

Iris: "Okay, Okay, I'm sorry for being reckless! Er, It really was necessary though!" I said, trying to quell his wrath a little. Except it only ticked him off further.

Licht: "Oh, necessary was it? So getting all worked up, and not listening to me anymore, is your idea of necessary? How about the plan you asked me to come up with huh? I swear, if I ever get a body, I'm going to pummel you to death myself for all the times you almost got us killed."

I really couldn't refute that, I had to close my eyes and groan, letting my arms fall. "I really am sorry, so scold me later please... I think you'll kill my brain with the lecturing before you can get a body" I said, and he settled down with a huff. At least he'd be quiet for the time being.

I let out a deep sigh, and returned my gaze to the orb. That knight, Dura'kahn, called it his legacy. And he put his hope in me... But why me? Am I really worthy of something like this?

Iris: "...Is there a greater meaning behind him giving this to me?" I wondered aloud, and after a few moments I activated the arm's mana absorption. Then, red energy began to stream from the orb into my arm, and soon it spread into my whole body. It felt warm, and electric as it spread throughout every bit of myself. Then I began to see visions of something.

They seemed to be of a city... Streets full of happy people... Technology that advanced the living standards of the people... Then... Flashes of static and noise. An image of creatures flooding the streets. Blood of all colors and kinds pooling together into a murky mess. Particulates scattering through the air, red and blue, fire and darkness. Ashes, embers. And nothing.

I saw myself, in unbreakable armor. A large single-edged sword in one hand. A gun in the other, which I knew had the power of a cannon. I fought something, a horrific monstrosity. Yet most of it was covered in mysterious noise. And then I was back in that dimly lit room, with my metal arm, next to the body of the ancient knight, Dura'kahn.

Were those his memories, or my future? I wondered, before backing up against the wall and sitting back. My thoughts spun like a slowly-churned cauldron. All my thoughts blended into a muddy mix, not helped by my killer migraine from mana rebound. I at least decided on one course of action. Checking my status.

--- = --- = ---

Iris - Age 14 - Female - Level 58 - Exhaustion (Major), Mana-anemia (Major)

Body - Sp: 43/360(60^) MP 83/385(70^)

You are reading story An Account of Steam & Blood at

Stats - Str: 37(5^), Dex: 50(6^), Agi: 52(6^), End: 38(4^), Int: 41 Luk: ~

Skills - Parallel Thought {3}, Sword skill {5}(1^), Gunsmithing {1}, Mental Resistance {3}, Disease Resistance {1}, Precision Mana Control {1}[EVO], Dagger Skill {3}, Critical Point {3}, Dark Vision {2}, Marksmanship {2}, Intense Pressure {2}(1^), Appraisal {1}, Falsification {1}, Primal Enhancement {4}, Cleave{1}, Magic Bolts {2}, Acting {1}, Wild Brawling{2}, Mana Coating{2}(1^), Mana Blade{1}, Detection {1}, Regeneration {1}, Spellcraft {1}

Title: Death-breaker, Crimson Wildcat, Sky-Slayer, Cruel, Light in the Darkness, Profane Descendant

Capability: 400 (700) with Limited PE) (932) with Full PE)

--- = --- = ---

I feel like my headache got worse... I scowled at my status bar for a bit as I read it. I got some major boosts from that fight... But my level didn't increase as much as I thought it should. And what's with that "Profane Descendant" title? The hell? Whose descendant am I, and why is that profane? aggh, the questions just keep piling up. I felt like there was something else, but I closed my status and leaned my head back. I just wanna get some rest.

Iris: "No better time than now, I guess. Sorry, Dura'kahn, but I'll be borrowing this room for a bit." I said, laying down and using my back as a poor-quality pillow, while munching on some monster jerky. I looked up at the now-starry ceiling, trying to just empty my head for a bit. I felt like simply surviving wasn't enough anymore, or just aimlessly getting stronger.

I decided that, from now on, I would uncover more of this world's secrets. Dark, ancient mysteries that seem to drive the wheel of fate this world runs on. For whatever reason, I seemed to be a major thread in this world's weave of fate. But I need to know why. I chewed up the last bits of jerky in my hand as I resolved myself. I wasn't going to be a pawn in anyone's scheme, even if it was a god.

I scoffed. If I had to, I'll even become a god myself. Or maybe a devil? We'll see. Those were my final thoughts as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


While Iris slept, I continued to think about all the things that happened. That old warrior's words in particular continued to bother me. What did he mean when he said "we would find out"? Was it simply those visions? Or is there more to it... And that new title. That orb, his "legacy", was it... It feels like we absorbed more than just some measly stats or skills.

Licht: "...Wait, this is... Is this what changed? Why... No, what does it mean..."

My discovery spun my consciousness further into contemplation, and I was so focused I even missed Iris waking up fully rested.

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