An Angel’s Thesis

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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Geira’s morning stroll comes to an abrupt end just as she is entering the courtyard.  While the rings and chimes of metal striking and sliding against metal have guided her out of bed for years, seeing Shana swinging a sword longer than she is tall roots her within the armory door frame.  Depending on the angle, the girl even somewhat vanishes behind its ridiculously wide blade too.


The sun’s burning rays bring Geira back to her senses.  She moves to the building’s shade and decides to observe Shana’s form just like other members of the temple already are.  Now that the sun isn’t glaring into her eyes, she notices the Shana is drenched with sweat.  Her oversized, “Hawaiian,” shirt clings to her body, leaving her petite frame, and lack of underwear, apparent for all the onlookers.


That her borrowed shorts are barely visible beneath said shirt make for a very risqué show.


Geira watches Shana circle the zweihander in a figure 8 like pattern around herself, maneuvering a hilt that’s more than half her arm’s length around her own body the same way a stream funnels around a tube, with rapt attention.  Each step Shana takes is controlled and decisive.  Despite her thin arms, neither the blade’s length nor its ridiculous width affect the balance of her swings.  Watching her is like watching a work of art.


As Geira steps closer to call out to her, she notices the gouges cut across the ground.  Realizing Shana made them while practicing has her reconsider her previous assessment.  “Careful you don’t hurt yourself.”


Shana finishes a final circular swing before twirling the sword around with the fingers of a single hand. The blade flicks upward and she rests the dull edge just behind the parrying hook over her shoulder. 


Geira says, “You’d have been better off doing this in that more alluring armor.  It was designed for this sort of movement.”


Shana expression blanches with disgust as she wipes aside the sweaty hair clinging to her forehead.  Now that it has been layered, it no longer acts as the heavy curtain it had been the day before.  Regardless, her wavy locks have a life of their own as they move to partially cover one side of her face while lovingly wrap around the other.


“You wear it if you like it so much.”


“No, I’m serious.  First yesterday and now this? Your chest must be killing you.”  Geira then laughs as Shana’s expression darkens with annoyance, confirming her suspicion. 


With a, “Whatever,” Shana pivots her zweihander over her shoulder and lets it slide down her back.  Yet instead of impaling ground, it vanishes without even falling past her waist.  She then says, “So, did you want something?”


Geira’s grin deepens at Shana’s blatant changing of the topic.  “Not really. When I woke up and saw that you had packed your futon, I thought you had left.  I was not expecting to find you swinging that.”  The mirth lacing her words, however, comes from the happiness at seeing Shana still there. 


Shana’s feels a lump take root in her chest despite Geira’s joy.  She isn’t irritated by the slightly older girl.  She doesn’t dislike her either.  Instead, very much to her own surprise and confusion, speaking to Geira is comforting.  Not even a full day has passed since they first met, yet that was enough for her to consider the Valkyrja as someone trustworthy.


Then, as Geira says, “I don’t know what’s more of a monstrosity, that sword or your arm strength,” Shana’s expression clouds over.  Surprised by the sudden shift in emotion, Geira falls silent.  “Sorry, calling you monstrous was going too far.  Honestly, I can’t see you as anythi—”


“Last night… I tried grabbing the soap during my bath and missed.  It ended up being just outside my reach.”


Geira is taken aback by Shana’s hesitant and distressed tone.  She is initially tempted to tease the girl, but immediately buries the idea.  Concern compels her to keep the girl speaking, except she is at a loss over how.  “I was wondering where that dent came from.  So, it turns out you knocked it onto the ground.”


“I should have been able to grab it…”  Shana looks up and stares straight into Geira’s eyes.  Her tone is calmer now that she has started, yet a twinge of anxiousness remains.  “Back when we first met, my eyes were slightly higher than yours.  Now, my head barely reaches past your mouth.  Earlier this morning, I went to serve myself a glass of water, but the glass was again just outside my reach.”


Geira, starting to understand Shana’s unease, softly smiles at the bitterness filling her face.  Despite the Valkyrja’s doubts towards the girl, she speaks words she wants and hopes to be true.  “You wore that guise for a long time.  I can’t even imagine what it must be like, the frustration of readjusting to everything about yourself.  However, sacrificing everything for Thea was really brave and noble of you, and I will not forget that.  No matter what anyone else says, I will be right here to support you as you adjust back.”


Shana closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.  A light smile plays at her lips as she regains control over her unease.  Nothing has changed about her troubles, she is still unsure of herself.  She can’t even accept anything Geira said to her either.  Regardless, her body feels lighter.  She looks back into Geira’s eyes and says, “Thanks.”


Geira makes a sly grin.  “You know, despite that ghastly strength of yours, you really are just a cute girl when you smile like that.”


Shana clicks her tongue at the remark.  “Rude, I’ll have you know that both my parents are human.”


“Yeah?  Well, you don’t smell like one.  Come on, let’s get you washed up for breakfast.  Thea’s probably up by now, too.”


Shana’s hand thrust up to stop Geira.  Her face burns a light red as she says, “I can wash myself, thanks.”  Then after staring Geira down, she mumbles out, “Do you mind lending me another pair of shorts?”


Geira fights down a chuckle as she says, “Yeah, I’ll bring them to you in a bit.  What about a shirt?  Or do you have even more hidden away like you did that one?”


“I’m good.  I’ve got loads.”


“Great, I suppose I’ll question Thea in the meantime.”


Shana thanks her and walks for the bathroom.  Yet the moment her back is turned to the other girl, her expression tenses.  Recalling that earlier display bothers her.  She doesn’t hate that she was encouraged, but the fact she needed encouragement to begin with.  That isn’t like her.


She steps into the armory muttering to herself, “What’s wrong with me?”




Shana’s expression twists with a myriad of emotions before falling flat as she stares at the bras that were forced into her hands.  Reluctance is etched across her face.  At the same time, she questions how such clothing came to exist there.


She then looks up at Geira.  The Valkyrja’s expression is like a wolf’s, one eager for her prey to finally relent.  After a moment’s silence, she says, “Thinking about it, these will only get in my way.”


Geira’s expression flashes from anticipation to shock and then frustration.  “What do you mean you don’t need them!?  It hasn’t even been 24 hours, and you’re already obviously dying from pain.”


“Quit exaggerating.”


“You’ve been tugging on your shirt every step you take.  Heck, you wince whenever you turn too fast.”


Even Thea, who was dragged along to go shopping by Geira, is off put by Shana’s remark.  “If you don’t like them, we can find you some different ones.”


Geira shakes her head with a firm, “No, not happening.  The white one makes a great contrast with her skin and hair.  With the right expression, it’ll create an amazing impression of purity and innocence.  The pink and red match wonderfully with her eyes and can be alternated as needed.  The black… well, that speaks for itself.”


Shana shoves the bras back to Geira.  “Yeah, pass.  I was serious when I said they’ll get in my way.  I don’t want my back covered with anything.  The whole reason I wear Hawaiian shirts is because they’re easy to take off.”


Geira frowns as she says, “Wait, are you planning to get something with an open back?  Look, I get armor isn’t really useful against a lot of what’s out there, but you still need some cover.”


“I’ll wear a jacket.”


Thea, seeing that neither Shana nor Geira intend to yield to the other, steps in.  She places a hand upon Geira’s arm and says, “She’s the one who's going to be wearing it.  How about finding her a cute, padded top with a matching jacket instead?”


Shana makes a face upon seeing Geira fire back suggestions of her own.  If not because Geira is paying for the new clothes, she would have gone off to do her own shopping.  That she isn’t familiar with the current trends is more an inconvenience than anything else.  Such is how she feels when Geira gives her white, pink, red, and black panties.


They are tie-ons. Instead of using elastic to cling to her waist, they have to be tied into staying against her hips.  Shana’s face once more flashes a myriad of emotions before sighing out in reluctant acceptance. “What, no purple?”


Geira snaps back with, “Only the Princeps is allowed to wear that color in the Holy Empire.”


By the time they finish shopping, Shana has the clothes she’ll be wearing out in her hands: a light pink, halter neck; a simple pair of men’s pants loose enough that they allow her to comfortably kick others in the face, and some simple shoes.


While she gets changed, Geira puts the rest into a bag for her to later toss into her dimensional storage.


As they leave the magically cooled store, Shana says, “I’m surprised at how similar these clothes are to where I’m from.  The materials are different, but that’s about it.”


Geira scoffs and says, “I’m more surprised that you're wearing that top with breasts like those.  They need to be at least a size bigger to really pull it off.  You barely have any center or side view whatsoever.”


Shana glances down into the V created by the halter top going up her chest and around her neck.  The pair of bulges underneath create a promising lift, but they are well covered and firmly secured in place.  At a complete loss on what to say due to lack of interest in the matter, she gives a clueless, “They’re… fine?”


Geira groans out as she covers her face with a hand.  “Well, it’s not like you don’t look cute, but you could look so much better.”


“Who cares?  It’s all been enchanted against breaking or burning up, right?  That’s all that really matters.”


Thea, fearing Geira might drag them all into another clothing store if the tension continues to rise, cuts in.  Her voice is calm, but quick and firm as she says, “Only to a degree.  A good sword can still cut them.  By the way, it’s been hours since we had breakfast.  How about getting something to eat?”


Once Geira begins to list options of where they can eat, Thea sighs out in relief.  Her biggest fear, Geira dragging them into another store and potentially forcing new clothes on her next, has been averted.  With that, she has again been able to keep attention off of herself.


Although, that act in general is proving much easier than she had anticipated.  Geira, as a Valkyrja, naturally draws attention to herself.  Her well-toned frame, towering height for a girl, endowed breasts, and leaf green hair are all eyes catchers.  Shana is much smaller and slimmer in comparison, but her complete disregard towards displaying her own voluminous black hair makes her stand out in a different way.  The two draw attention regardless of where they go.


Thea had expected eyes would end up being drawn to her simply by being with them, and had prepared herself for the worst, but nothing has happened.  If anything, the ceaseless back and forth between Geira and Shana keeps even the onlookers too on edge to notice anything save for them.


Regardless, she is terrified.  Never had she thought she’d be brazenly walking down such a busy avenue, much less without covering herself.  Thankfully, she doesn’t seem to be in any danger, at least for now.


“What do you two prefer?  Something that makes your mouth melt into heaven, or something that spreads soothing warmth from your tongue all across your face and makes you sigh out in bliss?”


Thea is brought back to her senses at Geira’s sudden question.  Realizing she may never have a chance to eat anything like them ever again, she opts for the outrageous sounding choice.  “I would love to taste heaven.”


Geira nods with anticipation as she says, “You definitely won’t regret it.  How about you, Shana?”


“Shana…?”  Geira calls out to the girl upon not receiving a reply.  She turns at the same time and ends up spinning in a complete circle without seeing her.  “Where… where in the world did she go!?”


Thea freezes.  She was so lost in her own thoughts, she never even noticed they had been separated.  All she can recall is, “Sh- she was with us when we left the store. And we only turned that one time.”


“Damn it, she got lost!”  She takes Thea’s hand to keep from also getting separated from her while adding, “Come on, that’s probably where it happened.”




Shana rips a wanted poster free from a community bulletin board and leaves.  When she paused by the bulletin board to see if there was anything useful on it, she never expected to see herself.  Although, when she recalls her rampage through the holy palace, ending up branded a notorious criminal should have been obvious.  Furthermore, Ostia is the closest city to the Holy Capital.


Pursing her lips, she looks back down at the poster as she walks.  Despite having stared at it for minutes just earlier, she is still bewildered by it.


The poster reads:
Very dangerous.  Wanted alive.


Other than a picture, no information save the lie about being ‘dangerous’ is offered about her.  Furthermore, despite everything she did while there, she’s wanted alive.  Either she impressed them or strings were pulled, of which she leans towards the latter.  Remembering brings a wry smile to her face.  Despite all boasting from Lucius, they were not ready for someone like her.


She then shoves the poster into her pocket, making a note to burn it in private.  It’s then, while brushing away the lock of hair threatening to drop over her right eye, that she notices something is off.  A quick look around reveals Geira and Thea are no longer with her.


“Well, finding them shouldn’t be too hard.”


That’s when she notices a crowd further ahead.  As she gets closer, she hears cheering along with calls of, “Who’s next?  Beat me and you get all this gold!  Come on!”


Shana squeezes her way through and finds a woman, “Julia,” at the center.  She has a firm build with well-toned muscles and is holding a broadsword.  She is shorter than Geira, but not by much.  At her feet lies a pouch filled with gold coins.


As she steps forward, all the cheering and hollering dies.  Everyone stares at her in shock and fear.   When she looks around, those her eyes fall upon flinch and look away.  At the same time, she notices a growing sense of unease.  She mutters under her breath, “So this is what Thea meant…”


Julia calls out to Shana once she is clear from the crowd.  Irritation laces her voice as she says, “You’ve got guts walking out like this, I’ll give you that much.  Can you even pay the participation fee?”


Shana reaches behind her back and pulls out a bar of silver.  She then lobs it to Julia while saying, “That good enough for you?”


Julia squeezes the bar and claps it against her hand.  Smiling with satisfaction, she tosses it into a second pouch before saying, “Okay, yeah.  That works.  I’ve never thrashed a black haired, porni before.  Filthy tart, you’re going to regret ever sneaking into this city.  Once this is over, I’m tossing you into the sewer where you belong.”


“I’m Shana.”  With those words, she traces a flaming circle in the air with a finger by rotating her wrist.  As the space within the circle blurs, she places her fingers on the disk’s edge and eases it away across from herself while gently turning it on its side.  Then, before she can fully extend her arm, her hand sinks and vanishes within the space.


Without needing to look, she grasps her zweihander with a reverse grip and pulls it out.  She slides the long handle out of the space and its crescent hilt follows.  Then, as the parrying hooks appear, she hoists it overhead.  With one fluid motion, she pulls the ridiculously large blade free and twirls it around with her fingers before lowering the tip towards Julia’s face.


Julia dashes forward with a scoff, “You’re a bit strong, but so what?”  She skirts around Shana’s zweihander and swings her broadsword.


Shana lifts the hilt of her zweihander towards her head. Keeping it angled downward, she braces her free hand against the blade’s ridiculously wide, flat side in order to use it as a shield.  However, instead of remaining still to take the blow, she steps back with it while snapping out her sword.


Julia ducks underneath the swing and grins as she feels a gust of wind brush over the top of her light brown hair.  Then, from underneath Shana’s sword, she lunges for the girl’s neck.


Shana cannot pull her zweihander back in time to defend herself with it, nor does she try.  As Julia’s sword draws closer, she leans back and crescent kicks the brunette across the head.  Then, while Julia is stumbling over to regain her balance, she circles her zweihander around and stops it just before Julia’s neck.


Julia tenses upon feeling the cold blade beneath her chin, and with grit teeth, is guided into standing straight.  As she meets Shana’s eyes, she forces herself to say, “Fine, I yield.”


Shana makes a light smile, twirls her zweihander over her shoulder, and lets it disappear behind her back.  Then, while brushing aside the lock of hair partially falling over her eye, says,  “Don’t underestimate me.”


Julia’s face flushes red as she snarls, “Look, take the money and scram.”


Shana gives her a lighthearted “thanks,” takes the bag of money, also lets it vanish behind her back, and turns to leave.  The onlooker before her panic and part, creating a wide space for her to walk through.  Curious about something, she turns to a random guy and winks.  He pales and runs away screaming.


Excitement bubbles within her stomach at the outcome, but the feeling is forced away by a sudden sense of confusion.  She wonders what came over her to even do something like that.  At the same time, she also realizes she shouldn’t stay there any longer.  Everyone’s fear could lead to a lynching with a single word.




Valkyrja Geira, I would have a word with you.”


Geira stands straight as she recognizes the collected tone.  She grabs Thea’s hand as she turns around and squeezes it upon meeting a pair of dark eyes that glimmer like the night sky.
Dux Lucius Commodus, may the blessings of the Allfather, Odin, be upon you.  For us to encounter one another here surely must have been fated.  How may this Valkyrja be of service?”


Not once does she show any indication of bending her knee to him, the man the Princeps favors above all others within the Holy Aelia Empire.  Instead, she moves to hide Thea behind herself.


Lucius ignores her actions and merely gestures to his four companions.


Geira’s eyes widen upon seeing two of them have golden eyes, proof they are of the Princeps’ blood.  She steadies her breath and says, “I understand, please come with me.”  Then, with an even firmer hold on Thea’s hand, leads everyone to the temple.


Thea finds the silence overbearing.  Every time they pass by an alley, she wants nothing more than to yank her hand free and flee down it.  Yet, with the eyes of Antoninus, the son of the Princeps, and Faustina, the daughter of the Princeps, glued to her back, she realizes she wouldn’t get far.  She feels them daring her to run so that they might skewer her with sword and magic.


She can only pray something massive enough happens to distract them from her.  Those prayers, however, stop at mere thoughts.  There is no one for her to pray to.  If she were to try, she might instead receive divine retribution.  At the very least, she wishes she still had her hood to pull over her head.  In the end, she finds herself desperately squeezing Geira’s hand.  That is all she can do to keep from shaking.


Upon reaching the temple, some of the Praetorian Guards hidden within the populace enter with Lucius and his companions.  Regardless, during the time it takes to walk from the gate to the main entrance, the attendants ready a room for them.  As they sit down, Geira makes sure Thea is seated right beside her and a fair distance away from everyone else.


Geira looks over her “guests,” as she waits for the room to clear.  Once they are the only ones remaining, she looks them in their eyes as she speaks.  She takes advantage of her position to refrain from granting them the etiquette dictated for speaking to them and says, “Welcome Sebastos Antoninus Titus Germanicus; Sebaste Faustina Annia Germanicus, Dux Lucius Commodus.  A few years have passed since I have last been graced by any of you and am delighted to see all of you in good health.  Pray tell, how may this Valkyrja be of service to you?”


Antoninus clears his throat.  His golden eyes move from Geira to Thea.  He then gestures to man and woman with them and says, “Before we start, allow me to introduce our noble companions, Zachary Aurelius and his sister, Ariel Aurelius.  The gods have deemed it appropriate to grant us Apostles for these trying times.”


Zachary and Ariel both stand.  They make fists with their right hands and place them over their hearts.  Zachary’s green eyes are firm and inspire confidence, just like his tone.  “We swear to cleanse these lands of all that threaten them.”


Ariel’s face shines like her honey gold hair as she follows up on Zachary’s oath with a soothing smile.  “We swear light shall shine upon all cast in shadow.”

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Geira is at a loss for words from awe at who her guests are.  It’s only as she hears Thea gasp out does she recall the fear that dwelled in the girl’s eyes when they first entered the room.  Using that as a tether to return to her senses, she stands and extends her greeting.  “I am Geira, Valkyrja of the Allfather.  I welcome you both as fellow protectors of this land and extend the Allfather’s blessings onto you.”


At the same time, she notices that Zachary and Ariel do not resemble each in the slightest.  Their cheek bones, foreheads, noses, and chins have nothing in common.  That stated, she can’t deny both are quite attractive.  That they are dressed in simple, plain, clothes to blend in with the populace does nothing to hide that.


Lucius speaks as they reseat themselves.  “Valkyrja Geira, I am certain you have been made aware, but the Dreaded One’s reach grows stronger with each passing day.  The gods have graced us with Apostles, but our strength is still lacking.  We come to request you accompany us on our journey.”


Geira closes her eyes to break away from Lucius’ starry night eyes and takes a deep breath.  Earlier that morning, she was informed of an attempted assassination in the Holy Capital.  At the same time, she recalls Shana's lack of hesitation when she took off to rescue Thea from a pack of cyclopes, although she also used Thea’s blood to undo her disguise.  Right now, she cannot discern if she did that in order to reassure the girl or because her disguise happened to be compromised.  All she does know is that Shana has black hair, and that she’s a bit of an airhead.


She exhales and glances at the five before her.  Eyes that carry the starry night sky, two pairs of golden eyes, emerald eyes, and gentle azure eyes all stare at her in anticipation.  With her fist against her heart, she lowers her head and says, “Your invitation honors me. Truly, embarking on such a quest would bring honor to the Allfather.  Yet with great regret, I must refuse.” 


Geira looks around the table, pausing on everyone, and continues, “This Valkyrja has already dedicated herself to another quest of equal importance for the world.  Under the name of the Allfather, I pledge to see this quest through.”


Thea gasps. Not only is Geira taking the Odin’s oath, she is clearly doing it to protect her.


Lucius glances at the black haired girl.  Leaning back in his seat with resignation, he simply says, “Truly a shame, but I wish you the best on your quest.  Perhaps we shall meet again along our respective journeys.”


That is when Ariel glances out the window and gasps.  Her expression fills with wonder and delight upon seeing Vor out in the courtyard.


Antoninus says, “Valkyrja Geira, perhaps you could introduce your majestic partner to us?”


Geira needs all of her will power to keep her expression from falling flat.  She sips some tea to calm herself and says, “Vor does not take well to meeting new people.  Ariel may approach him, but I kindly ask that the rest of you maintain your distance.”


Geira then brings everyone outside.  Then, along with Thea, she leads Ariel to her partner. 


Vor, much to Geira’s annoyance, neighs in delight and rubs his head against the complete stranger.  Ariel laughs and rubs his neck, running her fingers through his silver white mane while calling him beautiful.  Vor then lowers his front legs, indicating for his new friend to ride him.


Ariel turns to Geira who, after a brief moment of intense internal anguish, nods.  Ariel hops on, and the moment she has a secure hold of his main as per Geira’s instructions, Vor leaps into the air.  He flies her around the courtyard three times before trotting to a landing beside Geira.


As Geira is helping her down, Lucius walks over and pats the pegasus while saying, “This beast looks quite friendly to me.”


Vor slaps Lucius onto the ground with a wing as he screeches out a neigh and leaps onto his hind legs.  Geira and Ariel throw themselves in front of Vor before he can stomp down on Lucius, forcing him to flap his wings to pull away and keep from trampling the two ladies.  Once Vor has all four legs on the ground, he snorts at Lucius and turns away.


Geira exhales in relief.  She was afraid something like that would happen but keeps those thoughts to herself.  Instead, she turns to Ariel to reevaluate her.  While the Apostle’s expression is full of bewilderment, she did act without hesitation.


Ariel helps Lucius back onto his feet, asking him, “Are you alright?”


Lucius growls out, “Fine,” before then turning to Geria.  “What was the meaning of that?”


Geira lowers her head for a moment, but then lifts it and meets his stare head on.  Her tone remains firm as she says, “My apologies, Dux Lucius Commodus.  However, as I mentioned, Vor truly does not take well to new people.”


Lucius, realizing there is little he can say in reply, turns away.  He looks to Antonius and says, “I believe we are finished here, Antoninus.”


Antonius, understanding his comrade’s frustration, nods.  After a few words, he thanks Geira for her time and follows him out the temple.


Only once they are out of sight does Geira sigh in relief.  She turns to Vor and rubs his head.  “What am I going to do with you…?”  Despite her words, her expression is more pleased than exasperated.


She then turns to Thea and says, “Be careful around Lucius.  He’s complete and utter scum.”


Thea glances to Vor while saying, “Because he knocked him to the ground?”


Geira continues to pat Vor’s head.  She considers her words for a moment before saying, “Vor won’t always act violently to people, but you can trust him when he does.”


“But didn’t Vor hit Shana?  She’s very clear with her feelings about him.”


Geira pauses at the question.  With a sigh, she says, “That was more of a swat.  It was Vor saying, ‘Don’t touch me,’ more than anything else.  With Lucius, it was more along the lines of, ‘I’m going to smash your brains out.’  Shana might be hiding a lot, but I don’t believe she is a bad person.”


Then, as Vor goes over to nuzzle his face against Thea’s neck, Geira adds, “And you look pretty trustworthy too.  Anyway, now that they’re finally gone, let’s have lunch.”


Thea pushes Vor’s face aside as she says, “What about Shana?”


“She’s a big girl.  She chose to walk off on her own, she can figure out her own lunch.”


Thea averts her gaze.  That was not what she was asking about, but she hesitates on whether or not she should be more clear.  She is well aware that her safety at the moment depends entirely on Geira.  While the Valkyrja has noble intentions, she doesn’t want to gamble on what could happen should her mood be spoiled any further.


Geira then laughs and says, “I’m kidding, I’m kidding.  If anything happens, we’ll definitely hear about it faster by waiting here.  Something is bound to turn up sooner or later.”


Shana admires the vessels moored off in the distance within the harbor created by Ostia’s walls.  Even from a distance, she is given the impression of floating fortresses. They are easily over 10 stories tall, well beyond the true height of the walls, and roughly around 100 meters in length, probably longer.


“I really underestimated them.  Ships like those could easily circle the planet.”


None of the ships have masts either, making her wonder if they use magic to move themselves forward or if they’ve developed some sort of propeller system.  The thought then leads her to wonder how magic might have been used in their construction.


As she continues walking, she notices smaller vessels closer to the shore, those do have masts.  More surprising, however, is that very few seem to be for military service.  That said, there is a wall dividing the harbor far off in the distance.  The few military vessels in sight there might just be for keeping the peace.


Shana stops bothering to think about it and instead bites off a roasted vegetable from the skewer in her hand.


Shir-Shana,” the man beside her taps her arm and says, “those guards are glaring at us pretty hard.  Would you not agree that it’s time to leave?” 


Shana bites off a piece of meat from a second skewer.  She continues for the harbor while saying, “Then leave.  You’re the one following me.”


“Oh, come now, Shri-Shana.  Don’t be like that.  You look like the venturing sort and we’d have ourselves quite the stories to tell if we teamed up.”


Shana tosses the annoying mosquito a cold glare and continues walking.  Refusing him again is more of a hassle than she cares to go through.  Instead, she holds her head high and breathes in the sea breeze.  She relishes the nostalgic ting of salt in the air and a pleasant sigh escapes her lips.


“That’s a beautiful smile you’ve got there.”


Shana glances at the pest again before once more looking forward.  Now more relaxed, she inadvertently becomes more talkative.  “I’ve spent the last few years of my life near the coast.  Days like today are just perfect for walking across the scorching sand, cooling your feet with the waves, and testing new spells.”


“So, why did we come to the harbor?  I am assuming it doesn’t have to do with magic.”
“What do you mean, ‘we?’  You have nothing to do with me.”
“There is no need to be so distant, my name is Viren.”
“Repeat that as many times as you want, I still don’t care.”
“Being with me can provide you with some good cover, though.”


Shana pays his words no mind.
Then, a firm voice says, “Halt, state your business here.”


A guard with a spear appears before Shana, blocking her path.  More stand ready at her sides, not far away.  She twirls a lock of her wavy hair with a finger, wondering if that is only happening because of it.  The thought is soon tossed aside, and she says, “I’m looking for a ferry.”


The guards become wary at her statement.  Those at the sides reach for their sword as they ready themselves to fight if needed.


Shri-Shana, come again?” Even Viren is taken aback.  Out of all the scenarios he had guessed based on the little he knew of her, he had assumed he’d be able to jump in and explain that they were seeing the ships together.  Reality, however, proves much more difficult than he anticipated.


The guard barks at Shana, dismissing her words as a lie.  “I’ll only repeat myself once, you moecha putida. Why are you here?”


Shana doesn’t take her eyes off of the guard in front of her.  At the same time, she takes note of the guards surrounding her and secretly prepares a spell with her internal magic circle, one that will help her escape.


The guard then sneers and muses aloud as he looks Shana over.  “Actually, no.  You’re here to continue what you started, aren’t you?”


“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”


“No?  Then let me remind you.  Last night, there was a girl roaming around the upper districts.  She’s suspected for attempting to break into the Legatus’ villa.”  The guard then grabs for Shana’s hair while shouting, “Witnesses reported that she had filthy, black, hair just like yours!”


Shana takes hold of the guard’s forearm and swings him around, slamming him into the two guards approaching from the left.


Viren jumps to her other side before she can do anything else.  He blocks the foremost guard’s sword with his talwar sabre as he says, “Stop right there!”  A swift kick then sends the guard tumbling into his partner behind him.


“What is the meaning of this?  No questioning, no investigation, you just met her and condemned her guilty!?”


Another guard blows a whistle while they reassemble themselves and surround the two.


The guard Shana flung away readies his spear and glares at Shana’s accomplice with disgust.  His face burns red as he shouts at the top of his lungs.  “You’re vouching for this filth?  Such depravity!  Letting yourself sink that low.  I’ll see you stoned—”


Shana slips past the guard’s spear while he’s talking, grabs him by his collar, uses his body to bat away the two guards beside him, and flings him at newly arriving guards.  Despite her effort to open an escape path, however, she and Viren are soon surrounded and cut off from each other.


She then leaps up over everyone’s heads, kicks off air, and zips straight towards Viren.  She scoops him up with her arms upon landing and prepares to leap away when,


“Stop this at once!”


A firm voice cries out from above.  Everyone looks up to see a white pegasus neigh out as he lands beside Shana.


Geira hops off Vor, looks around for the highest ranked officer, and marches up to the guard with the spear.  Ice laces her words as she stares him down.  “Explain this, now.”


The guard’s back automatically straightens into a salute.  “Honorable Valkyrja, we’re currently apprehending a criminal.  Her suspicious behavior leads us to conclude she is plotting some sort of terrorist attack on this port.”


Kutta!”  Viren, enraged by the bold faced lie, storms towards the guard with his talwar ready to cut him down.  “You surrounded and attacked her for no reason!  None whatsoever!”


The guard says, “Restrain him.”


Some guards move forward to comply, but Geira stops them with a turn of her head.  Even Viren pauses at the pressure she’s emitting.  That’s when the guard says, “Honorable Valkyrja, this man has been enticed by that lupa.  He’s clearly been enthralled by their nightly romps.”


“How dare you insult—” Viren’s talwar is stopped mid-swing.  He grits his teeth, yet despite whichever way he tries to pull or push his arm, it’s locked in place.  That is when he notices Shana has taken hold of his forearm.  He knew she was strong, but never did he think it was to the point of making him feel as helpless as a child.


Shana speaks with a collected tone, yet irritation laces her words.  “Let her speak.” 


Viren exhales and relaxes his arm.  Then, as Shana releases him, he sheathes his sword.


Geira is amused by the exchange.  Despite that, she keeps her curiosity to herself and says, “I’m quite interested in what this man has to say.” She then turns to him and says, “Tell me, what happened.”


The guard again goes to complain, but he flinches back at Viren’s glare.  Depending on what the guard says, he will cut him down without care for the consequences.


Anger laces Viren’s words.  He already put away his weapon, but from his attitude, he doesn’t need it.  “Shri-Shana and I were walking, admiring the ships, when he interrupted.  He accused Shana of having attacked the villa of the Legatus last night, and then tried to grab her hair.”


Geira’s expression doesn’t change as she glances at the guard.  “Really?  How strange.  Why haven’t I heard a single thing about that?”


The guard’s face twitches.  He makes no effort to hide his irritation as he says, “The report must have been lost on the transit to your current temple.”


“Yet I heard of this confrontation moments after it started?”


“Regardless, that man can’t be trusted!  There’s no knowing what that—”


“I’m looking for a ferry.”  Shana’s clear and firm voice cuts through the guard’s tirade.


Viren tenses with fright.  He omitted that suspicious detail to protect Shana, but now she’s freely confessing it herself.  Fearing Valkyrja Geira will turn on them upon hearing such an unbelievable admission, he turns to her.  Her expression, however, leaves him baffled.


Geira is blanching at the remark.  Exasperated, she turns with the words, “Shana, what?”


“There are many places I want to go and traveling by ship will be a lot faster than walking.”


Geira is taken aback, not just by the boldness with which Shana is claiming she is ready to part with her, but her utter ignorance.  “Shana, these ships are for cargo.  What you need is a sky ship.”


Shana’s expression brightens at the information.  Her messy hair does nothing to hide the radiance of her smile.  “Sky ships!?”


Her excitement at learning of sky ships and complete disregard for her current situation makes Geira shake her head.  Viren, on the other hand, has to fight to keep from laughing.  He is completely taken in by her carefree nature.


The guard, however, is shocked by the casual exchange between the two.  Unable to control himself, he cries out for an answer.  “Honorable Valkyrja, are you acquainted with this meretix?”


Geira’s expression hardens into a frown.  “Shana is my guest.  She rode into the city with me just yesterday and spent the night with me.”  Then, as the guard pales and goes to make an excuse, she looks to the other guards and says, “Take him away.  I’ll be back to finish with this later.”


Once they leave, she turns to Viren.  While she has never seen his face before, his features and brownish skin denotes his ethnicity as being from Bharat.  More importantly, his blue angarkhi has saffron embroidery and is matched with a saffron cummerband around his waist.  With a wry smile, she says, “That fool had no idea who you are, but I thank the Allfather for the good fortune Shana must have had to wind up holding the Pramodan Lotus in her arms.”


Viren’s expression turns bashful.  His eyes glance at Shana as he says, “I, too, never expected that I would come to be carried in such a position.”


“What, are you regretful?”


Viren shakes his head.  A silly smile eases itself across his face as he adds, “Nonsense, Shri-Shana could have escaped at any moment she wanted.  That she returned for one such as myself flatters me to no end.”


“You raised your sword to help me fight the guards.  That…”  Shana trails off.  Now that she’s finally looking at him, she notices that his hair is a deep marine blue and that he has matching eyes.  They are impossible colors just like Geira’s.  She’s curious, but she clears away those questions with a breath.  “Either way, thanks, Viren.”


Viren laughs upon finally hearing her say his name.  “Of course, you clearly did nothing wrong. However, I suppose this is where we part.  Until we meet again, Shri-Shana, namaste.”  He then reaches for her head, intending to brush her hair away from her face, but Shana grabs his wrist before he can get too close.


At Shana’s cold stare, he smirks and opens his palm to reveal a pink lotus, one that compliments her eyes.  “A parting gift.”


Shana’s face twists with disgust at what he was about to do, but she nonetheless accepts it with her fingers.  Then as she glances back at him, her mouth moves on its own. “Perhaps we’ll meet again.”


Viren’s face brightens from delight.  Excitement laces his words as he says, “We absolutely will!  Phir milenge.”  Then, with a nod to Geira, he walks away.


Geira, despite Shana’s complaints, helps her onto Vor’s back and then climbs on behind her.  Once Vor is soaring above the rooftops, she stops restraining herself and asks, “What the heck happened?”

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