An Incubus Life

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Unearthly Power

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The cold water woke me in the shower.  I reached for my phone after turning off the water.  It was 3:29 am.  I texted my sister who hasn’t returned.  She texted back a few seconds later,  she was staying with a friend.  She must have hooked up with a guy and if she was still awake…

I grabbed a towel on the rack and started to dry off.  The first thing I noticed was the towels smell. It was sharp and I detected various perfumes embedded in the cloth.

“Caleb are you alright?” A female voice asked.  It was Paige’s other roommate, Vivian.  She had gone to a different party.

”Yeah, I’m good.  Just needed a long cold shower after drinking too much,” I said.  A long pause before she replied.

”if you vomited in there please clean up.” I heard her door close.  I had been in the shower for a few hours so she must have just gotten back.  The door to the apartment opening probably woke me.  

I passed by the mirror and paused.  What the hell was that me?  I backpeddled and looked again. It was my face but it had filled out.  My teeth were white and perfect.  I had chipped a tooth playing baseball when I was fourteen and it was whole now.  My eyes looked pale green instead of a light brown.  And my vision had greatly improved.  I had been near sighted and needed glasses to drive.  But everything looked sharp and clear.  So did that really happen then?  My face was mine but I looked handsome and charming, like a movie star.  

My eyes scanned down and my shoulders were square like a swimmer now.  My chest had filled out and I had muscles!  My god I looked good.  I flexed in the mirror.  I wasn’t huge, just well muscled.  Then my eyes drifted lower.  That was not my dick!  Well it was my dick but not the one I remembered.  It was limp currently but was still almost 10 inches long!  I admired the shaft and felt it and brought myself to arousal.  It was bigger at erection, I guessed 12 inches, and I felt a burning need to use it and get release.  Vivian was in her room and… I shook the thoughts of taking the girl forcibly from my head.  

I returned my focus to my body.  I was taller as well…or was I just standing taller?  No definitely taller,  maybe 6’4”?  I grew over two inches in a few hours to both my penis and overall height?  Definitely magic.  My legs were cut with muscles and looked amazing.  I returned to my face.  My black hair seemed shinier, healthier.  Then I realized what was missing…I had no body hair other than on my head!  I felt my chest and my skin felt silky too.  I was an Adonis.  I should be every girls dream.

Vivian would welcome me to her bed if she saw this body.  No!  Damn I was thinking more about sex than I did before this transformation.  I was what? an incubus?  That meant I got my power from sexual energy according to the succubus I signed on with.  I slouch form the bathroom to my sisters room and changed into my spare clothes.  At least I brought a hoodie.  That way I could keep the hod up and hide the changes.  I couldn’t explain them so best to not reveal them.  What other powers did I have.

The next thirty minutes were embarrassing.  I tried a bunch of things that superhero’s could do.  Shooting fire, climbing on walls, moving faster than sound, and many more.  I was definitely more fit.  I was stronger and faster but not inhumanly so.  My senses were enhanced. Hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch.  I lay down on my sister’s bed to think.

Even if this all there is to my transformation it was totally worth it to be enslaved to a succubus for eternity.  Thinking about the woman I blinked and I was suddenly back in that round white chamber with the large banners on the wall.  There was no raised dias with a throne anymore.  What did she call this place, a mind space.  I knew it was mine.  I had modeled it after hers but mine was so much less powerful.  In the center there was a pedestal and on  the pedestal was a large leather bound book.  

I examined the pedestal first.  It was flat silver in color and have script in a language I couldn’t understand.  No…the script started translating itself in my mind.  It was a language called abyssal and the script on the pedestal was runic markings I could use to contact my succubus master.  The book…

The title in abyssal read, The Incubus Handbook.  Well it looks like I was going to get my tutorial after all.  The words were in abyssal.  Although I could read it it seemed to take a few seconds for my mind to translate.  The first few pages detailed my contract to the demon queen Andromeda. Well at least I knew her name now.

The next few pages talked about my enhancements.  It said it was putting them in a form that I could best make use out of.

Abyssal Eyes, Tier 1, see in low light and see a sapient’s core, next tier cost 100 life essence

Abyssal Strength, Tier 1, next tier cost 100 life essence

Abyssal Speed, Tier 1, next tier cost 100 life essence

Abyssal Endurance, Tier 1, next tier cost 100 life essence

Abyssal Smell, Tier 1, pick out and identify faint smells, next tier cost 100 life essence

Abyssal Taste, Tier 1, identify poisons, next tier cost 100 life essence

Chronomancy, Tier 1, alter your apparent age, next tier cost 100 life essence

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Incubus Form, Tier 1, transform into your demon form, next tier cost 1,000 life essence

Incubus Tail, Tier 1, control your tail and it’s form while in incubus form, next tier 100 life essence

Melodic Voice, Tier 1, sooth and calm your target, next tier cost at 100 life essence

Aphrodisiac Salivary Glands, Tier 1, your saliva is an aphrodisiac, next tier at 100 life essence

 Seductive Gaze, Tier 1, seduce your target with your eyes, next tier cost at 100 life essence

Mask Aether Core, Tier 1, hide your true nature, next tier cost at 100 life essence

Contact Queen Andromeda 100 life essence

Andromeda did say I would need to gain power to contact her and then she could bestow more power upon me.  So I was now immortal, powerful and I needed to have sex to get more powerful?  How good of a life I was leading?  The only issue with my new path was I needed life essence and not aether.  Life essence was aether that was crystallized in a person’s soul…or at least that is what my best guess was from reading the book.

The next few pages were instructions on how to create a vortex and siphon life essence crystallized through a core during arousal and passion.  I read through what I needed to do but I would need to practice the techniques.  As I got to the last few chapters I swore.  There were other creatures on Earth from the other planes.  Other agents, vampires, other demons, werewolves, elves, goblins, trolls, and many more.  Apparently my abyssal eyes could see through most of their disguises on Earth.  And from the book it was clear that none of them were my allies.  So I was on my own since Andromeda didn’t have other agents or at least she hadn’t mentioned having anyone else on Earth.  I was listed as a higher tier creature though.  Of the 107 creatures listed an incubus/succubus was the 17th most powerful listed.  I would need to tier up my aether masking skill as soon as possible to hide from the more powerful creatures.

I left my mind space slightly paranoid now.  There were others out there and they would try to kill me for my aether core so they could improve their own abilities. That didn’t seem fair.

I felt a tingle in my body…my eyes picked something up through the wall into Vivian’s room.  She was stirring her aether core. I moved to the wall and listened.  I knew immediately that she was masterbating.  She was alone. I was sure of that.  My senses didn’t feel anyone else.  My cock hardened as my enhanced hearing picked up the hum of a vibrator and I heard her breathing heavy as she tried to bring herself to orgasm.  Her bed must be right next to the wall.  Her body was an arm span away through the wall.

I instinctively grabbed my cock.  The enhanced size and girth made it feel awkward as I stroked the shaft and listened to Vivian. I could see particulate flashes in the air…it was aether.  She was drawing it to her from her lust.  I started to create the vortex sink like I read in the text.  I should have read it more carefully.  A small ethereal vortex formed and started pulling in the particles.  That wasn’t too hard. I could feel her temp rising and her breaths shorten as she started panting.  She was close.  She let out a long moan as she climaxed.  I followed shortly after, ejaculating onto the wall.  

So much!  Damn it.  I grabbed the towel and started frantically cleaning up the wall and floor.  The smell was more pungent than I remembered.  Hopefully it was just my enhanced smell and my incubus semen didn’t smell this much.  I would be embarrassed if Paige found out but she would understand…maybe.  Vivian was already staring on round two.  I decided to run down and through the towel in the washing machine.  I took the clothes I wore under my cloak with me.  Might as well wash them too.  The sun was coming up and even though I had a full night I felt alive!

I hid in the laundry room.  I didn’t want to go back to the apartment because I was afraid I might try my powers on Vivian.  It would feel too much like rape to me,  using my charm gaze to get her to let me fuck her.  I needed a willing partner.  Back home there was a bar in the adjacent town that was known to have hookers.  Yes that was a good plan.  I didn’t have to worry about STDs and paying for sex to try out my powers seemed like a perfect compromise.  

At 10am Paige and Ashley came back.  I was wearing my hoody and kept my face mostly covered as Paige drove me to the bus stop.  And yes Paige did have sex last night, I could smell it on her.  It caused me to get aroused thinking about it and I kept my backpack in my lap the entire drive.  

At the station I got on my bus and went all the way in the back, put on my ear buds and watched the scenery as I planned.





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