An Innocent Deal with a Demon

Chapter 1: Prologue

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Vincent watched as two young men played a one-on-one match of soccer. Undoubtedly good friends, they played with an intrinsic passion. A passion so special that Vincent had to act.

Vincent walked straight into a soccer ball pass and stopped the ball under his leather dress shoe.

“Hey,” said one of the boys, sweat coating his suntanned skin.

“You two have wonderful synergy. Do you play on a team?” Vincent asked.

“Yeah, for Plymouth State.”

“Ah! I could tell. You’re en route for the big league, then.”

“Yes, sir! I live for this game. You could say I was born on AstroTurf.”

Driven, young, and impulsive. The perfect candidate for signing a contract with a demon fairy.

Two lesser angel fairies appeared, floating around each boy’s head, not that the boys could see the spirits. Maybe the boys could hear the angel fairies nagging, but Vincent wasn’t concerned. Their line of offense was no match for a greater demon fairy like himself.

The other boy eyed Vincent carefully. “You a scout or what?”

“Something of that,” Vincent smiled, unmoved by the bickering angel fairies. “I’d certainly hate to see talent go to waste.”

“Pleasure to meet you, sir. I’m Harris. Timothy Harris.” Droplets gathered on the sweaty boy’s hand. Ew, Vincent thought. He pinched the boy’s fingers, yet managed a firm shake. “The pleasure is all mine.”

“Paul Manuel,” the cautious boy said.

Vincent glanced at the park entrance. “Timothy Harris and Paul Manuel. I have wonderful friends in the industry. How about we strike a deal on the spot?”

“Seriously?” Timothy’s eyes glistened like a puppy waiting for a treat.

On the other hand, Paul crossed his arms, trapping more heat on his body in the hot summer sun. This boy would need a bit of massaging to crack; would it even be worth it?

“Oh, yes. You could coin it the deal of a lifetime with a small price to pay.”

“What is it? I’m all ears.”

“Your soul,” Vincent said.

Timothy flashed a toothy grin. “My soul? That’s what you want?”

The price for fame and glory wasn’t much to ask for. It was all too common for a person of high status such as a sports player to lose who they are at heart and tarnish their soul, contract or no contract – but signing away another soul with his name increased the Devil’s affinity towards him. After all, he was one of the most high respected demon fairies in Hell.

Paul wasn’t thrilled. Whether or not Paul believed that his soul had value or that he heard the angel fairies shouting didn’t matter, anyway. He wasn’t buying into cheating earth’s standards. Even if he had a chance for fame by his talent alone, he’d never survive with the big shots. Earning his signature would require tailored treatment.

And Vincent wasn’t here for Paul, or even Timothy. This was his warm-up.

“Yes,” Vincent passed the ball to Paul, unshaken. Like anyone else, the boys deserved an explanation. “When you die, your soul is judged, and you either earn a spot upstairs or next to the devil himself. Your promise to the latter will ensure success in your worldly endeavors.”

Flailing their tiny wings, the angel fairies each circled Timothy and Paul’s heads like a merry-go-round. They shouted, “Do not fall to vice!” Vincent had grown so used to lesser angel fairies’ tantrums that he could fall asleep to them.

Paul waved. “You can talk to our coach. He’ll be able to work something out with you if your serious.”

“Where do I sign?” Timothy said.

Paul twitched. “If he’s really trying to recruit you and coach finds out, you’ll be suspended from the team.”

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Vincent couldn’t help but chuckle. The people of today’s age were so shortsighted! Then again, weren’t humans always this way? Although humans had good reason for fearing the unknowns of death and the soul, most of them opted to maximize their material gains because they were certain about what they could see. Vincent’s purpose was to exploit that.

Vincent unfolded his notepad, the contract already mystically written in Timothy’s name.

“Tim, you can’t be taking this guy seriously,” Paul said.

“All I’m doing is writing my name for him,” Timothy grabbed Vincent’s fountain pen.

“He’s got a ‘contract’ on a notepad, for crying out loud.”

“You miss one hundred percent of the shots you don’t take.” Timothy scribbled his name on the woven paper.

The angel fairy guarding Timothy wagged his fat, puny finger at Vincent and cried, “You are the one we pray for the most!”

Vincent tried to let the comment roll over his head. He didn’t want prayers. He wanted souls.

Timothy presented the pen back to Vincent. “Thank you, mister… Sorry, what was your name? I didn’t catch it.”

“Vincent,” Vincent winked, flicking sweat off his pen.

Vincent strolled off the field, stepping to the beat of the lesser angel fairies’ cries. That boy was a nice surprise, Vincent thought, scanning the park benches. Through the years, Vincent had seen just how gruesome humans can become when they are blinded by material desires. Whether they want true love or more partners than they could count, revenge on a backstabber or to overthrow a cartel enemy, Vincent thought he’d seen it all. He’d grown bored of easy wins. For once, he wanted a challenge. He wanted to lure the purest of hearts as his very own keepsake in Hell.

He wanted an innocent soul, such as Jovi Russo’s.

Vincent had sent his fairy secretary, Iris, to look for a clean soul, which led her to Jovi Russo. Jovi’s soul had little evidence of corruption. From his Iris’ investigation, Vincent knew that Jovi Russo was working as a waitress in a restaurant, trying to earn money while she applied to colleges. Today, she should’ve received a letter of acceptance from a prestigious college, but there isn’t a chance in Hell she’d be able to afford it without digging herself into debt.


Vincent rubbed his forehead and refocused his eyes. A diamond encrusted rod glistened under the tree’s shade.

“Your fairy has been a nuisance to me.”

Woven in the branches above sat Ambrose, his white suit jacket tinted hues of blue and green from the sky and leaves. He was Jovi’s very own guardian angel fairy. Each human has a guardian angel fairy that protects humans and enforces Vincent and their father’s will. In essence, a nuisance to Vincent and demon fairies.

“You’ve lightened up, brother,” Vincent tugged Ambrose’s weapon. “It’s not like you to show yourself out in the open.”

“Why are you after my human?” Ambrose jerked the rod from Vincent’s hand.

“I’m bored of racking up souls that are already tarnished. The successes don’t feel very rewarding anymore.”

“That is the feeling Father intended.”

Vincent pushed air out of his nose. “So I’m here to try my hand at Jovi Russo’s soul. And no matter how you frame it, you won’t be able to do anything about it.”

Angel fairies hate getting tangled up in human affairs. Unless their father made an order to, angel fairies would only interfere with a hands off approach, typically by sending a lesser angel fairy to wail into an unassuming human’s ear.

Ambrose’s loyalty to their father was no exception to the rule, which added to the fun of Vincent’s project – maybe Vincent could score an angel fairy in Hell! The Darkest Fairy would surely shower Vincent with reward.

“I will do exactly what needs to be done. No more, no less,” Ambrose said.

“Mhm.” Vincent smiled, bobbing along. “It appears that Jovi has arrived. I’ll be seeing you around.”

Ambrose didn’t bother saying ‘goodbye’ or ‘see you soon.’ Typical, Vincent thought.

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