An Innocent Deal with a Demon

Chapter 5: Chapter 4

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The taxi pulled up to the curb. Without looking, Jovi pushed the door open and set her foot on the concrete. A hand presented itself in front of Jovi.

You look wonderful,” Vincent said.

The sun glistened against his wavy black hair, a few strands falling over his eyes. Jovi nearly gasped. Those eyes aren’t hazel, they’re yellow, she thought. Were Vincent’s eyes always yellow? Jovi hadn’t paid much attention when they met in the park, but she didn’t notice how saturated Vincent’s eyes were.

Realizing she’d been wasting the taxi’s meter, Jovi grabbed Vincent’s hand. “Thanks.”

Vincent then offered his arm. Jovi’s breath became uneven. Just take it and walk, Jovi thought. She hooked her arm through his, hoping the stiffness of his suit would steady her breathing, but the same cologne he had wore at the park a few months ago stabbed her nostrils. Vincent’s cologne didn’t smell bad; but it was darker, spicier, and stronger than any cologne she’d notice on a man back in Plymouth County.

The Il Milano Ristorante was lit with natural light. Imported Italian wine stacked the cabinets and a painted mural spanned the wall. At the far edge of the restaurant was a tall window and a door that led to an outdoor seating area.

Would you prefer to sit inside or outside?” Vincent asked.

Jovi heard Sam’s expression of the riverside in her head. “Outside.”

The waiter took Vincent and Jovi through the restaurant. Jovi’s heels clacked against the light wooden floor, not that any customers noticed. A handful of people chatted, paying no mind to Jovi and Vincent. They probably didn’t even think twice that Vincent was a demon fairy, even with those yellow snake eyes.

Vincent slid Jovi’s seat out. Jovi sat.

Our wine special today is Barolo from La Morra, Italia,” the waiter said.

We’ll take a bottle of that,” Vincent said. When the waiter went off, he folded his hands on the table and smiled. “Your first day of classes has come to a close. What do you think of Manhattan University so far?”

It’s alright,” Jovi said, playing with her white dinner napkin. “Not much has happened.”

Is your roommate a good fit for you?”

Yeah, I think so,” Jovi said, shoving aside Sam’s remarks towards their finance professor, Mr. Turner. “She’s nice.”

Good. If there is ever anything bothering you, let me know.”

Jovi looked at Vincent. Their contract said that Vincent would pay for Jovi’s expenses and more. Jovi wasn’t sure what “more” meant.

How did Vincent even get his money? Perhaps it had to do with him being a demon fairy. He wasn’t only handsome, but he had an addictive charm. Jovi found it hard to resist Vincent when she signed the contract, even when she was afraid.

What more could Vincent do to her?

Are you having second thoughts?” Vincent said.

Jovi whispered, “You’re a demon.”

Demon fairy,” Vincent said. “Demons are on a different temporal plane from us, as in, they are fully spiritual beings.”

And demon fairies aren’t spirits?”

We are. We just have the ability to migrate between realms. I’m surprised you believe in me.”

Your eyes give it away.”

So you can see them!”

They’re a little shocking.”

Only those who believe and focus hard enough can see my eyes.”

Can they see through my thoughts? Jovi wondered. She certainly felt that way. The waiter poured a glass of wine for each of them and took their orders.

Can I ask you some questions about that? The whole demon fairy thing.”

Of course. I love answering questions about what I do.”

Here goes, Jovi thought, twirling her finger into the napkin. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were a demon fairy before I signed the contract?”

Would you have believed me if I told you I was a demon fairy?”

I don’t know. I don’t think I would’ve signed the contract.”

Most people don’t take me seriously,” Vincent frowned. “When I talk about taking someone’s soul, people usually look at me funny. Besides, I’m not taking your soul. Our contract isn’t soul-binding.”

Jovi looked at him funny.

I can’t take your soul, and I won’t earn it if you're in a state of grace. Only you can give me your soul if you tarnish it by your own free will,” Vincent smiled. “That is, if you consent to a grave act with full knowledge of its gravity.”

So like, deliberately going against my conscious.”


Is that why you wanted to sign a contract with me?”

Vincent leaned into the table and held Jovi’s eyes. He flashed a grin, his tongue moving along his teeth. “Your soul is quite tasty looking.”

Jovi gasped.

Oh, come on,” Vincent chuckled, “I don’t eat souls, but I won’t lie to you, I do need souls. But anything you do is your choice, and I will not force you to do something you say is off limits.”

Can you please not scare me like that?”

Sorry. You’re just so cute,” Vincent said, twirling the red wine in his hand.

Jovi rubbed her nose. The sun felt like it was beating harder, but it was the early evening. Vincent’s responses didn’t make Jovi much better than before.

Jovi looked at the river, so calm and collected, but she felt like she was treading stormy waters. Vincent’s job was to collect souls and he was good at his job and Jovi was stuck with him until she graduated from college. Jovi couldn't give Vincent her soul. Her parents would be devastated mourning the loss of their little girl.

Despite the morbid thoughts from the demon fairy across from her, Jovi had an appetite. Her entree, chicken francese, was so beautifully presented: the parsley looked freshly picked, the sauce sparkled, and the pasta was neatly packed. With each bite, Jovi inspected the flavor balance and wondered how the meal differed from her own cooking.

Do you like it?” Vincent asked as Jovi ate a forkful of spaghetti.

Yes,” Jovi said, a hand over her mouth.

I was hoping this would remind you of home.”

Jovi blinked. She was indeed Italian and made Italian meals often; but as good as the food tasted, it wasn’t her and her mother’s cooking. “It is delicious.”

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It’s time to leave, the cutesy voice echoed in Jovi’s head.

Where is that voice coming from? Jovi thought.

Vincent stabbed his food. He appeared entranced in thought. Jovi didn’t know how to break Vincent out of his thoughts – maybe he wasn’t actually thinking of anything but the food – so she focused on the flavors of the food, preparing herself for when she would set foot in a home kitchen again.

After they ordered coffee and lemon sorbet. Vincent took his coffee black, just like Iris did. Must be a demon fairy thing, Jovi thought.

You like your coffee without milk or sugar?” Jovi asked.

Of course,” Vincent said. “The fill-ins distract you from the true taste.”

It’ll get dark soon, the voice told Jovi.

Vincent’s brow crinkled so slightly. Did he hear it too? He was a demon fairy, so he was probably akin to weird things happening.

Did you happen to hear anything?” Jovi asked.

No, I’m not paying attention to other peoples’ conversations,” Vincent said.

Go! Go, before it gets dark, the voice said.

Vincent touched Jovi’s hand. Jovi jerked her hand back an inch.

Let’s take a walk by the river,” Vincent said.

As long as we don’t hold hands, Jovi thought. “Okay.”

The two took walked down the stairs to the path closer to the river. The breeze blew strands of hair into Jovi’s mouth and her dress’ skirt was lifting a bit. Jovi moved the hair away from her lips and ignored her dress in hopes that Vincent was ignoring it, too.

The sun was setting. Oranges and pinks bled through the clouds and reflected in the water. The Queensboro Bridge glowed with cars going to Roosevelt Island, its buildings lighting up the skyline.

I have a gift for you.”

Vincent opened a jewelry box revealing a dainty necklace with an emerald gemstone.

You got me a necklace?” Jovi blinked.

Do you like it?”

I – I mean yes, but isn’t that a bit much for a first date?”

No,” Vincent said, getting behind Jovi. His hands held the necklace over her neck and his lapel wove itself through Jovi’s hair. “It’s merely a small gift for – ”

Vincent pressed against Jovi’s backside. He raised his arms and his elbows hovered around Jovi’s head. The necklace moved out over the waterside, as if something was pulling it.

Let go! Let go!” a voice shouted.

The voice sounded like the one in Jovi’s head. Jovi caught her breath. A floating girl as big as a cat’s head flickered and faded.

Let Miss Jovi go!”

The little girl gave one final tug, pulling Vincent into Jovi hard enough for Jovi to lose her balance. She bent over, bracing herself for a plunge into the river, but Vincent’s pulled her back.

Jovi looked up at the little girl. She had bright blonde hair and a light dress that sat above her bare feet. Above all, she had wings.

My apologies, Jovi,” Vincent said, his voice nearly cracking, “I must have lost my footing.”

Miss Jovi does not need necklaces or dinners,” the girl said, flailing her arms.

You’re the voice,” Jovi swallowed. “You’re the voice in my head.”

The little girl lowered her hands. “Miss Jovi can see me?”

It appears so,” Vincent grumbled.

Hello!” The little girl darted right in front of Jovi’s nose. “I’m Susan, but please call me Su. I am an angel fairy tasked to help you overcome your fears! I have known you your entire life, Miss Jovi, before the moment you were conceived up until this very moment here!”

Jovi blushed. “O-Oh! That’s a long time.”

Yes!” Su saluted. “I am here to serve!”

Vincent whisked Jovi around. His arms snaked around Jovi’s body, pulling her close. Jovi’s insides squirmed with warmth, but she remained still against Vincent’s chest.

You’ve ruined my date quite enough, Su,” Vincent said. “Be on your way now.”

No! I cannot leave until you free Miss Jovi!” Su barked. “If you do not, I will drop this necklace into the river for the river divers to find!”

They aren’t diving for gold. In any case, I don’t care about the necklace. I can get another.”

Another tiny figure floated from above with red wings. She wore leather shorts and fishnet stockings. Her hair was a familiar shade of black.

There you are, you little twerp,” the voice said, identical to Iris’.

You know what to do, Iris,” Vincent said. He finally let go of Jovi and pulled her by the arm. “Come now, Jovi, let the girls fight.”

Jovi glimpsed at the fairies. Red and blue colors clashed against each other right over the heads of unassuming customers. The sound of the arguing died down once Vincent and Jovi got to their seats and went through the restaurant. Vincent handed one of the servers cash and a card on their way out.

Sorry,” Vincent said, releasing Jovi’s arm. “Did I hurt you?”

Jovi rubbed her arm. Vincent’s grip was a little tight. “I’m fine.”

Don’t worry, I’ll have another necklace made for you.”

It’s not that. This whole thing is just really… hard to get used to.”

It will get easier. Would you prefer me to escort you to the dormitory?”

No, I’m sorry, but I think I need a little time to myself,” Jovi muttered.

Very well,” Vincent said, flagging for a taxi. He opened the door for Jovi. Jovi got in and didn’t look back.

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