An Old Man from the Countryside Becomes a Swords Saint: I Was Just a Rural Sword Teacher, But My Successful Students Won't Leave Me Alone!

Chapter 115: CH 115

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“Phew, I’m a little tired,” I said.

“Fufu, thank you for your hard work, Master,” Thyssel said.

After we saw off the 5 students who’d left for their next lesson, I and Thyssel also left the classroom.

And even though it is only about an hour of lecturing and training, it can be tiring for someone who is in an unfamiliar environment. And this was despite things going so smoothly and having Thyssel with me. As expected, it took a little bit of physical strength and mental strength out of me.

Although I feel tired, it’s a feeling different from instructing the Knights in swordsmanship, though it’s good that I feel satisfied with the results. If possible, there’s a bit of desire to see the growth of the five students, but that is not my role.

“There are a lot of students here after all, huh?” I said.

“Mm,” Thyssel said. “There are only a few students in the Sword Magic Department.”

We spoke while people passed us by. Ultimately, the total number of students in the Academy is 600, which is quite different from when I was teaching at the dojo.

Perhaps it’s just because it’s the time between classes, but I keep seeing students going past in a hurry.

Most of them are aspiring magicians. Of course, it is not difficult to imagine that there is a gigantic list of things to learn and skills to gain.

Swordsmanship isn’t just about swinging a sword. Of course, practice is important, but more than that, there are the lectures… you have to acquire knowledge on how to use it. Adding magic on top of that is just too much.

“By the way, did you enroll here after graduating, Thyssel?” I asked.

“Yeah. I gave it my all,” Thyssel said.”

“Great job,” I said.

“Ehehe,” Thyssel giggled.

In the face of honest praise, she’ll show a soft expression, which is unusual for her.

I didn’t even know that Thyssel could use magic. At least, I’ve never heard of her having the capability in her 5 years of attending my dojo.

I don’t know when she woke up to her magical talent, but it was definitely after she graduated from my dojo that she started studying magic in earnest. In short, she’s a relatively recent graduate.

It’s not a trivial effort to aspire to one thing, and then take a new path from the way of the swordsman, putting what was growing steadily to the side. Even if my magical talent suddenly manifests itself now, I probably won’t be able to stop my swordsmanship and pick up learning magic in its place.

Well, I think that their youth is working in their favor here, too. Even if I’m recognized as having some talent, it takes courage to step into new horizons at my age. Especially if I don’t have the talent to begin with.

“But most of what you did while you were still in the dojo, was that fine?” I asked.

“Mm,” Thyssel went. “It’s fine.”

It seems that there is no particular problem when I ask again.

I don’t know how far sword magic and the like will progress based on swordsmanship skill, but as far as I can from Thyssel’s movements, the foundation is probably swordsmanship tactics.

Although she is a magician, she does not focus on magic, but on swordsmanship. I also felt that she was using magic in the sense of an assisting option or reinforcing her assault than the primary offensive tactic.

“The Sword Magic Department was created this year, but… it’s not very popular,” Thyssel murmured with a troubled expression.

“Well, that is true, 5 students is a bit small,” I said.

Well, I wonder if a subject that uses magic as a secondary factor will have an easy time getting popular. I’d think more people would learn pure spellcasting, after enrolling in the Magician’s Academy.

“If it’s not popular… the department itself will be dissolved,” Thyssel said.

“Huh, is that so?” I asked.

I didn’t know that. Or rather, Lucy didn’t say anything about that.

“I don’t think it will disappear soon, but if the number of people taking the course continues to be few, it will be judged meaningless to continue offering in the Academy,” Thyssel said.

“Is that so, too…?” I asked.

Well, that would be the case unless the Academy was operating as a complete philanthropic non-profit.

This was an educational institution, but its policy is guided by the national interest more than that. Unpopular, unprofitable departments will be weeded out eventually. It’s the same at the kendo dojo.

“So, you, Master Beryl, can help it regain its popularity… hopefully,” Thyssel said.

“Hahaha…” I went. “I have high hopes.”

Suddenly, I feel like I was burdened with the heavy responsibility of rebuilding her classes.

Well, I’ll try as much as I can, but I’m not sure if Sword Magic will become popular. I’m totally ignorant of magic, and what I teach is just an extension of the kendo dojo.

However, with what little I can teach, I also want to improve their experience. I can’t help them grow to their true heights, so let’s do what I can now.

“Moving on from that, I wonder what it’s like to awaken to magic?” I asked.

“It’s like, a person realizes, ‘Ah, this is magical power, isn’t it?’,” Thyssel said. “I was like that. I think most people are the same, as well.”

“Huh…” I went.

It’s not a topic that lasted too long, so I’ll ask something else.

Magical power. Magic, huh? As long as magic is such a vast system, it must exist, but it is strange from the perspective that it could be used at all.

All that said, I have personally seen Lucy’s and Miu’s spellcasting and Thyssel’s sword magic, and I can’t deny it can be used.

“But it’s a luxury to be able to use magic at long distance and swordsmanship at the same time, I’m envious,” I said.

As a matter of course, swords are used at close range.

In addition to that, I envy her having a long-distance option. I’ve experienced fighting against bows, but it’s nothing so dangerous and annoying.

“Not exactly,” Thyssel said. “It’s not well-known, but magic can’t be used at long range.”

“Huh? Is that true?” I asked.

It was an unexpected word from Thyssel.

What does she mean, magic can’t be used at long distances? I think it should be well-suited for firing from afar. Although there is the matter of magical power being your ammunition, it seems to be much easier to use than a bow or turret.

“Hmm… magic is a medium-range option…” Thyssel said. “The farther away from your body, the harder it is to control. And the power drops. If you try to shoot long distances, you will get very tired. But the power is only mediocre. A bow is probably stronger.”

“Is that so……?” I said.

That was surprising, honestly.

From the way Thyssel talks about it, this is a fact that anyone with magical talent and who was learning about it would notice. It seems difficult to manipulate magic to that extent.

In my selfish imagination, it was something kneading invisible dough and then throwing it out, but it seems that it was not so messy.

“So out of curiosity,” I said, “what happens if you shoot a magical spell at a far-away target?”

“It will disperse when you can no longer control it with your magical power,” Thysesl said. “It can be done if you have the talent, but it is very difficult to extend the range and maintain the intensity.”

“I see……”

In that case, it would be impossible to use a tactic like making a line of mages and creating an artillery barrage or firing line.

Yeah, magic is surprisingly inflexible. In that respect, I get the impression that someone like Lucy who can launch a magical rainstorm was truly exceptional.

And now that I’ve heard all this, I’m convinced about Miu’s status.

She has the magical capability. There was no mistaking it since she was able to make fire with just her magic.

However, it will take specialized knowledge and skills to make the fire bigger, maintain it, and let it fly out. So Miu can only ignite a flame now. That seems to be the case.

“With all that said, what is Sword Magic to begin with…?” I asked.

“Strictly speaking, you can do it without using a sword,” Thyssel said. “However, it’s easier for the caster to visualize it with a tool, such as a sword. Besides, it’s novel to give magic ‘sharpness.’ I’m not certain, but it is possible to both use sword magic and casting with a tome

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Firing off magic with a magical book in hand is the perfect image of a magician. However, compared to the Sword Mage who handles it with a blade, it’s intriguing from a swordsman’s perspective. To put it simply, it’s cool.

As Lucy said before, it seems that the magic that humans can handle as of now is estimated to be less than 10% of the total amount of magic in the world. Then, as research progresses, new magic and schools other than sword magic should continue to be born.

I wonder if Sword Magic is a fairly new one, among the schools.

“I guess that means you’re the leading authority on Sword magic, huh, Thyssel?” I asked.

“… I don’t know,” Thyssel said. “There are other users besides me, and the one who taught me was the Head Magus.”

Though Thyssel didn’t accept all my compliments, she seemed a little happy.

However, it seems that Lucy was the one who taught her magic and Thyssel wasn’t the leading authority of Sword Magic. Though, it would be no exaggeration to say she is the face of that school of magic.

“But, you’re still an excellent user. You have to do your best,” I said.

“……Yeah,” Thyssel said.

From now on, Sword Magic will make a leap forward, and the number of users will increase steadily, and then it will become a major school for magicians… or at least I hope. It would be nice if it improved a little. Looking at the current state of Thyssel and the Sword Magic Department, the road ahead seems to be steep.

“… Mm. You must be… Thyssel, yes?”

“Ah, Deputy Headmaster,” Thyssel said.

And while we walked around the school building talking about this and that, there came forward an old man who was quite up in his years and clearly different from the students who were passing us by.

It seems he’s another teacher at the Academy. Is the Deputy Headmaster a high-ranking figure among them?

“And you would be?” the older man said, his ageless eyes pointed at me.

“Nice to meet you,” I said. “My name is Beryl Gardenant and I am a temporary lecturer in the Sword Magic Department, by request of the Headmaster.”

I’ve called myself a “temporary lecturer,” but it’s not wrong.

My first impression is that he’s quite old. He’s a lot older than my father. The white hair and beard, and the deeply carved wrinkles on his face tell his age.

However, despite being so old, his waist is hardly bent. He didn’t seem to need a cane, so I got the impression that his legs were stronger than that.

“… I see,” he said. “I am Faustus Brown. I am the Deputy Headmaster of the Magician’s Academy.”

Huh… did this person just sigh and roll his eyes just now? Did I say something wrong?

“I’d appreciate it if you refrain from causing too much of a disturbance here,” Brown said.

“Huh…?” I asked.

And after replying to my greeting, Deputy Headmaster Brown quickly turned on his heels.

Yeah. I wonder what he means by a “disturbance?” I’m just trying to teach swordsmanship normally.

“… I would like to give you one piece of advice,” Deputy Headmaster Brown said as he suddenly stopped and turned around.

“……What is it?” I asked.

“As long as the Headmaster has given you her blessing, I can’t tell you not to go in and out of the Academy,” Brown said. “Just keep away from the basement.”

“… I’ll keep it in mind,” I said.

And with that, Brown leaves for real.

What was left was a strange atmosphere thanks to the sudden advice.

“Thyssel, does this school have an underground level?” I asked.

“Mm,” Thyssel said. “I don’t even know what’s going on down there. But, we have been told to stay away.”

“I see……”

That Thyssel, alumni and a professor, doesn’t even know it means that it’s a highly confidential matter, only for the eyes of the senior administration.

If I ask Lucy about it, she may tell me, but I don’t intend to go that deep. I don’t want to be regarded with suspicion, so let’s obediently follow here.

And what Lucy didn’t tell me was information that I didn’t need. It is useless just to worry about it so much.

“… What kind of person is the Deputy Headmaster?” I asked.

“The Deputy Headmaster is a magician first and foremost,” Thyssel said. “He is very serious about magic. He’s also quite strict.”

“Hmm,” I went.

Magic first. It doesn’t seem to be something so gentle, by the tone of her voice. Among magicians, Sword Magic is quite new, and since it uses magic as an aid to swordsmanship, it may not be well received.

“Do you think the Deputy Headmaster is interested in you?” I asked

“Mm,” Thyssel said. “He doesn’t think much about Sword Magic, though… I think.”

“I see……”

His reaction was undeniably bad earlier.

Moreover, if someone like the Deputy Headmaster is leading the opposition, the future will be difficult indeed.

I’d like to help somehow, but this is a difficult place because there may be some judgment from the authorities.

“… Are there factions among the magicians?” I asked.

At the same time, I was a little worried.

Until very recently, I’ve only been involved with the Papacy and Royal Families of this and our neighboring country, so I’m really worried about that.

I don’t think it will develop into a civil war, but I would like to be exempt from being involved in something without knowing the reason.

“I don’t think there are factions,” Thyssel said. “There are a lot of schools of magic. People have different tastes. But, there are anti-magic factions. The people who say, ‘What’s the point of distorting the mysteries of magic with human hands?’”

“Huh, so there are people like that…” I muttered.

I don’t think there could be anti-mages in the Magician’s Academy, but it’s best if I just learn they exist.

Well, as with anything, there are supporters and critics everywhere. Some people may decry swordsmanship as barbaric.

Anti-Mages. Since it could refer to the practitioners themselves, they may not be against the existence of magic itself.

In short, they admit that magic exists but do not believe that magic should be used or reproduced by human hands.

“All kinds of people in the world,” I said.

When I was in Bidden Village, I wouldn’t have even thought of such a thing. I wouldn’t even know about it. The village was almost everything in my life.

In this sense, my horizons have widened, the cause was probably my heading to Baltrain. Though it’s not that I’m unaware of how the dojo is doing now.

However, compared to when I was teaching swordsmanship in Bidden Village, my life is much fresher and more exciting. Even this time, it will be something that I could have never experienced, staying in the countryside.

Even though it was a job that was half-forced by Alexia, the reality is not so bad.

“… What’s wrong, Master?” Thyssel asked.

“Oh, no,” I said. “I just felt that Baltrain is an amazing place.”

“……? I see,” Thyssel said.

Oh, no, now’s not the time to be feeling impressed. There’s going to be instructing the Knights soon, so let’s stay sharp.

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