An Omni-Player’s Desired Ending

Chapter 4: Episode 1 – The Game Will Begin (3)

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It had been a few minutes since Amelie had separated from Maria. Though she didn't told anything to Maria, the woman wasn't really mad, just annoyed. In order to pass the time, Maria took out her phone and plugged her earbuds in, drowning herself in soothing music.

She walked past run-down buildings, marched down the rusting staircase of the second street, and stridden across the road and into a wide alleyway. Maria knew the neighborhood inside out, so she knew where to and not to go.

There were some parts of the neighborhood that were dangerous to enter or trespass on, Maria learned it after her brother had accidentally strolled past a building that was occupied by a group of thugs. Fortunately, her brother had made it out alive and reported the thugs.

But apart from thugs gathering within the neighborhood, the place was also crawling with creepers. No matter where she went, Maria could feel someone staring at her. She could still feel the creepy stares a few people gave her when she entered the neighborhood. Maria shuddered with every bit of stare she was given.

Damn it, Millie, why do you have to leave me in this place? It would've been better if you ditched me right after we left the neighborhood... 

Maria shuddered when recalling those stares. She had gotten used to them whenever she came to this neighborhood, but it didn't change the fact that it was still creepy for her.

Other than that, there was something else that bothered Maria. The same word kept repeating in her mind, swirling around her head like a math equation.


What does it mean by a game?

She didn't know and was a bit anxious. There were always some stories about strange advertisements or unknown messages posted on the internet. The possibility of being hacked through those messages scared Maria.

It was best if she ignored it for now.

The woman walked quietly to an empty sidewalk, listening to music as she watched her surroundings. The exit of the neighborhood was only a few walks away.

Maria took a few steps forward before coming to a stop. There was silence with the music playing from her phone had gone quiet. Her finger remained on the paused button as her ears perked up to hear footsteps.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

There were loud footsteps nearby. Maria looked in the distance and saw a young woman running. The woman's gaze seemed to be focused behind her, not looking in her direction.

"Do people ignore their surroundings nowadays?" Maria thought and sighed. She placed her phone into her pocket and began walking across the other sidewalk.

There was no use shouting for them, so the best she could do was to move and avoid them. She didn't want to gather unwanted attention since she was now in the quiet parts of the neighborhood.

As she continued walking through the sidewalk, the footsteps gradually grew louder and closer. Maria glanced curiously at the woman. She was far away and seemed to be running away from someone.

The streets were empty and surrounded by old buildings. It wasn't strange seeing people running from someone, but it felt worrying to encounter some for Maria She tried to ignore the loud clicks the woman's heels were creating and shifted her focus back to the streets.

"It wasn't my business anyways." Maria had her head down to avoid eye contact when she suddenly heard a pair of voices coming in front.

Yelling and screaming, the male voices that came from the woman's direction caused her to shrink. Who would be shouting this early in the morning?

Hearing their voices in this secluded neighborhood, Maria felt a bit scared.

"Get back here!" A rough male voice shouted.

Another voice followed. This time, it was softer and firmer. "You can't just take off and go to places whenever you feel like it!"

The woman didn't look terrified, but rather determined. Maria was walking close to the road when the woman sharply turned to her left, her pace increasing.

Maria didn't expect the woman to suddenly change her direction and shouted, only for it to be too late. Both Maria and the woman collided with each other, letting each of their pained groans and cries as they fell on one another.

"Watch where you're-!" It was the woman who bumped into Maria who raised her voice, but her expression hardened for a moment.

"Me? You watch where you're going!" Maria shouted, gritting her teeth.

Just great. Another reason to punch a wall.

Maria grumbled before remembering the two voices. She quickly looked behind the lady, seeing nothing but an empty sidewalk.

"Where's the two men that chased after you?" 

The woman looked at Maria with a bit of surprise, but quickly calmed down and smiled nervously at her. "I'm sorry, but no men are chasing after me. You must've been hearing things."

"I see... maybe I'm just tired. Hearing things probably."

I know that I'm not hearing things, but where were the two men? They couldn't have gone that far.

Maria decided to play dumb and shrugged it off as if her ears deceived her, but she knew she heard them correctly. She knew what she heard and wasn't delusional.

Her gaze moved from the tall yet old buildings to the woman sitting in front of her, staring at her with blank eyes. She scanned the woman from top to bottom and took note of her appearance.

The woman wore a long, white coat that reached down her knees, bandages badly wrapped around her neck and forearms. Her shirt was slightly tattered, she had long brown hair that was loose and a dazed look on her face.

The woman just sat there, frozen like a statue. At first, Maria thought she might've gotten injured after bumping into her, but then again, she didn't look to be in pain. Just... surprised?

Maria, "..."

The woman, "..."

It was becoming awkward and Maria felt uncomfortable.

She doesn't appear to be a resident here and she was chased after by two men...

After a moment of thinking, Maria gasped inwardly when a thought came up.

Mentally ill patient...?

For a moment, Maria was silent. She looked at the frozen woman before opening her mouth to speak.

Even before the words had gotten out, Maria let out a surprised groan when she felt the woman's arms wrapped around her. There was a moment of confusion and processing before panic spread to Maria's face.

The unknown woman was hugging her?!

She didn't know what to do in this situation. Does she push her away? Does she just sit there and do nothing? Does she make a run for it?

Maria, "..."

It would take more than a second for someone to realize their action, but the woman didn't move. She just remained still, continuing to hug Maria, her shoulders trembling greatly.

Even if it was strange, Maria took about a minute to relax, not feeling any sharp object being pointed behind her back.

"It doesn't seem like she wants to hurt me," She thought and calmed herself down.

She didn't feel anything being pressed against any part of her upper body, like a gun or knife or any weapon in particular. So it was safe to say this lady wasn't a threat, but she didn't want to sit any further while being hugged by a stranger.

Thus, Maria slowly tapped her back to speak. She had already prepared what to ask when the woman backed away from her in an instant.

Just realizing what she did, the woman quickly bowed her head and apologized. "I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me!"

It was a sudden action that Maria didn't have time to react to. Two residents walked by and whispered to each other, but their voices were loud enough for Maria to hear.

"Do you see that?"

"That woman must've done something to her. So many bandages..."

"Poor her."

Don't pity her! She was the one who bumped into me! I also had nothing to do with her bandages and ruined clothes! Maria thought irritatingly.

She felt uncomfortable, not only because a random person hugged her, but because she was still in this eerie neighborhood.

"Hell, I don't even know who she is." Maria thought. "Two strangers also whispered bad things about me and assumed I caused some trouble."

Her morning was already starting badly.

Maria looked back at the woman who was still bowing her head down with complicated eyes.

It made her feel slightly pitiful toward the woman. She just nodded and looked at the woman cautiously. The lady's eyes were glued to hers. There was a sense of nostalgia this lady's face was making that Maria continued with her thoughts.

"Could it be that I was correct? Was she a patient who perhaps lost a loved one that resembled me? Isn't this usually the case?"

Thinking like this, Maria sighed and felt sympathy for this person. It wasn't necessarily bad being cautious towards strangers, but she couldn't help but still pity the woman in front of her.

Maria had to ask about this woman's condition first before leaving. It was the least she could do after she bowed her head for her. She also wanted to know if she didn't receive any injuries because of her.

After composing herself, Maria lightly coughed and asked, "Are you okay?"

The woman nodded her head lightly. "Yes, I'm sorry..."

The woman avoided her stare and looked down at the concrete road. Maria was still unsure about what to say next when she noticed her gaze was focused on her wrist rather than the ground.

It took her a while to realize she wore many accessories hidden from her sleeves. Bead bracelets, rings, necklaces, and one hairpin. She also had two interesting watches.

One was a hybrid watch while the other was a touchscreen watch. A different model design than the one Maria commonly sees on the internet. It looked pretty expensive to be honest, having complicated buttons on it, and there was also a strange symbol engraved on the strap.

It doesn't look like Apple or Google. Is it a new brand?

Before Maria could even think to ask, the woman quickly stood up and said lightly, "I'm sorry, but I have to go."

"Ah, sure..." Maria didn't think much about her behavior and felt relieved when she heard this. She was chased by two men and needed to leave.

There was no point in biding the woman's time since Maria didn't know what the two men's intentions were.

Gathering her things, Maria stood up from the concrete sidewalk with a relieved face. She told her goodbyes to the young woman and felt a vibration from her pocket. Maria pulled out her phone and a smile crept to her face. It was Amelie and she had finally replied to Maria back.

Maria needed to meet up with her quickly. 

Though the moment Maria took a step, a strong wind blew in front of her, causing her to lurch back. The strong wind caused specks of dust and stone powder to fly on her way, making her cough lightly.

Was it always so windy?

Once the unexpected gale had calmed down, Maria opened her eyes to see the woman was gone. She felt a small, hard object placed inside her closed fist. There was something tucked inside of her hand.

Sudden goosebumps spread through her body. When she opened her hand, she was surprised to see a USB drive resting on her palm.

"A USB drive?"

Maria took a good look at the small object.

It didn't look anything strange or damaged. It was in perfect condition and was something you'd typically see in computer rooms or office rooms.

A dark shade of purple line was drawn on the case. It seemed to be forming a letter, but the color had lost its opacity and only a long line drawn across its case was left behind.

Where did the woman go to? Where did the USB come from?

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Maria's face was dark. She was still in the empty, secluded neighborhood and needed to find Amelie. It made her feel as if she was in a ghost town and had interacted with a ghost that had given her a mysterious USB. What if the USB was haunted?!

"I have to go find Millie now... Surely she'll like this." 

✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦

Maria finally left the small neighborhood through a small alleyway and was back in the crowded city. Many people were walking along the sidewalk, chattering, and bickering, Maria let out a sigh of relief.

Adults, children, and the elderly were all gathered together and walking buzzingly in the streets of Quezon. The smell of pollution and car smoke pervaded the air, making Maria cover her nose. 

It's suffocating, to say the least, but at least it wasn't creepy.

"The convenience store should be around here somewhere..."

Her head rotated in different directions, trying to look for the store. Many curious eyes gazed at her for a moment before looking away.

Not long after, she saw the store. There weren't many people inside the store since it was still early in the morning. 

Maria's eyes narrowed when she saw someone buying inside the store. Two men sitting inside, eating instant noodles along with energy drinks.

"Who the hell drinks energy drinks at 8 in the morning?" Maria wondered. "Ah wait, is that?"

Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt an arm wrapped around her neck. The arm came from a thin person and Maria quickly guessed who it was.

"Aw, did you miss me?" Amelie's voice was soft yet teasing.

"You're the last person I'd miss," Maria replied with a groan.

"Weh? You sure you weren't scared of being left alone in that neighborhood?"

"What did you even do? You just took off without saying anything." 

Amelie's smile quickly faded after Maria asked. 

"Shouldn't you be more worried about yourself? I left you in the neighborhood and you came back injured." Amelie looked down, eyes sad.

Maria followed her gaze and saw her right knee scraped, the fabric of her jeans was slightly tattered and blood stained it slightly. 

Before she returned to the city, Maria had tripped on a rock and fell on the sidewalk. She was so lost in her thoughts after discovering the woman that she didn't check her surroundings.

"I tripped," Maria replied. "Besides, where did you even run off to?" 

"It doesn't matter, I'm here and well. I'm not dead or injured anyways." 

Maria went silent before muttering, "And you were the one that told me not to wander around secluded places."

Amelie just looked at the ground with a dark expression. If she didn't want to answer, then it was fine. Maria didn't want to appear nosy and should leave her private matters alone.

"You don't have to answer it, it's clear you're not comfortable with it," Maria said softly. "Should we get going now? It's already 8:45 and the gate would close at around 9, right?" 

There was a moment of silence between the two women before Amelie said firmly, "I'll tell you, it's fine." 

"I don't wanna force you, so are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'd feel bad if I didn't tell you."

Maria wasn't sure what to say. She was curious but she didn't want to ask more. Thus she didn't say anything else and sat down at one of the tables outside of the convenience store.

Amelie made one more pending expression at her. Maria could tell she was still uncomfortable. Maria was even ready to drop the subject when Amelie finally spoke, "I saw something. A shadow."

"Maybe you saw someone going past the alley?"

"No, that's not it," She said. "It can't be someone. It was around 7'0 or so and something radiated from its body. It was glowing with purple."

"What did you see? An enderman or something?" Maria tried to make Amelie laugh, but her expression didn't change. 

Amelie just blankly stared at her, even looking a bit disappointed in her sense of humor. Maria shrugged and felt a bit hurt by her reaction. She could've at least let out a small snicker or snort.

"It's creeping me out," Amelie continued. "It's been going around for weeks... like I'm being followed." 

"Was that really what you saw?"

Amelie nodded seriously. 

There was a moment of silence before Maria said, "I believe you."

"I knew you would- Sorry?" It seems Amelie was surprised by her response.

"I believe you. It's weird if you suddenly started making things up from your head."

Amelie sighed with relief when she heard this. "Thanks, I thought you would've started doubting me-"

Her words were cut off when Maria added, "After all, you're the last person I'd expect to have some imagination to come up with such a lie."

"Excuse me?"

Maria wanted to dismiss the topic, so she decided to mess around with her friend for a bit. After all, lightening up the mood wouldn't be so bad. Hearing a story like that would give people the creeps.

"If you ever tried writing a novel, It'll probably be more of a slice of life than fantasy."

"Do I really look like a slice-of-life type of person? Don't you think horror stories suit me better?" 

"I doubt it," Maria smirked as she scrolled through her phone. "I'd be a better writer compared to you."

"Then wanna bet on it?"

"No," An immediate response came.

Maria got up from her seat and continued to scroll through her phone. Amelie could only stare blankly at the woman and sighed. This person was too boring to even make bets with. Sometimes, Amelie wondered what her friend was always thinking.

✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦

The two finally arrived at the institution on foot. A few students could be seen still loitering outside the entrance. 

Maria saw the two guards who usually close the entrance every 9:00 A.M. each week. She often chatted with them during her first year of college. 

"Ah, it's you two again." The male guard said as he saw the approaching women.
"I'm convinced that Maria is your mother now, Amelie." The female guard said jokingly. "After all, who often takes care of you in school and continues until college?"
Amelie smiled wriggly at the guard's comment and said, "She's just being a good friend."
The two guards laughed. Looking at the time, the male guard blew his whistle and informed the remaining students to come inside.

Classes were about to start and the guards had to take their morning breakfast. A few familiar students waved in the two women's direction to which they waved back with a smile.

"Come on you two, the doors are going to be closed now," The male guard informed them.

Maria and Amelie hurriedly entered the building with the two guards following behind them.

The college building was so big that even the double door was at least 10 feet tall and heavy. There were beautiful carvings on the front door that were a bit familiar to Maria. 

"Why did you come in? You're not even a student here," Amelie asked when she noticed Maria wasn't leaving.

"I have errands to run," Maria explained. "One of the teachers here came looking for me." 


The sound of the door creaking caught the women's attention. They watched as the two guards pushed the door close with a bit of difficulty. It had been like this since Maria was still in college. The door was heavy and creaked a lot which annoyed some students. It was old after all.

Once the two guards were near closing the doors, they heard two male voices shouting from the distance. They stopped midway and Maria saw the same men who ate inside the convenience store earlier.
They were also the same men they had talked about last night.

It was Zack and Nick, one of their closest friends since middle school.

Zack was a large and fit young man with thin black hair and tanned skin. He had a duffle bag wrapped around his chest and wore a black windbreaker. The man following behind him was Nick. However, Nick was rather the opposite of Zack.

Nick's facial features involved having a thin face with white skin. His hair was dyed ash brown and he had a slender physical body. Wearing a blue sweater, Nick reminded Maria of a lot of models because of his good sense of fashion. 

Maria envied his smooth skin...

They both ran inside the building, breathing heavily and drenched in sweat. With their messy appearance, they knew they couldn't walk around the college looking like that. Though, they weren't really allowed to wear their outfits. 

Fortunately, they brought their uniforms in order to change. They didn't seem to notice the two women as they immediately headed for the nearest bathroom to change. It wasn't a surprise seeing the two men in the building, after all, they worked here. 

Once they left, the two guards continued to close the door before waving goodbye to the women. The two prepared to leave the hall when suddenly―


Maria's phone rang with a notification. She pulled out her device and prayed it wasn't from her relatives.

To her somewhat luck, the notification she was reading now was the same message she had seen from earlier, only this time a few lines were changed. It went from [The Game is about to Begin] to [Choose your guide now].

Maria's eyes narrowed at a new notification and turned to click on the exit icon. Though even when her finger rested on the 'X' icon, the message wouldn't disappear.

One tap, two taps, three taps, nothing.

Not only did the exit button do nothing, but the message also continued to invade her phone. The numbers multiplied and her phone kept vibrating uncontrollably. Maria was surprised and irritated by what was happening.

"Is my phone getting hacked? Maybe if I try resetting my phone would it then go away?"

Panic took over and Maria immediately tried to turn off her phone.

The off button wouldn't work. Maria was immediately worried and tried to press the button again, adding more force to her finger in hopes that it to work.

Damn it, I thought this would happen, but I didn't think it would actually happen.

As the two walked within the wide hallway, noises suddenly rang in their ears and something glowing appeared before their eyes. 

Maria came to a halt as well as Amelie, their eyes flickering in confusion and surprise by the floating square, reading the text inside.


[The Main Game will begin in 37 Hours!]

[The 48th Apocalypse will soon Arrive!] 

[And the Time of Play has Come!] 

[Players, Welcome to the Game of Survival!] 

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