An Ordinary Mob Character

Chapter 20: 20. Unknown Enemies Attack

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"Are you sure you don't want to come,"

"No, I will stay here, you can go,"

I said and wave my hands to my sister, who wore the black top and my black pants, then Raina who wore the red and white mix colors dress, and lastly Aqua who wore the maid dress.

"Okay, take care of yourself and room,"

My sister kisses me on the forehead and then flashes a smile at me before these three girls go out.

I sighed get back in the room, it's been a week since I came here, and today was Sunday, so my sister, Aqua, and Raina went outside shopping.

I didn't want to go with them since I have to meet Princess Ruri, I promise to fight her, and after that, I would go to the headquarters of the Everliving Organization, I only met Zora and didn't meet others, and since sister started living with me, I didn't get a chance to meet them, so today I plan to meet.

So I wore the white t-shirt and black pants, lock the room, and headed outside of the Academy.

Academy is located inside the forest, so when I get out of the academy I'm surrounded by the forest, according to Princess Ruri, I have to move east for while, so I did and,

"Oh, Ace, I didn't expect to meet you here, are you here to fight me,"

This crazy boy, what the heck is he doing here,

"I don't want to fight or anything but," I notice a big Saber-Tooth Tiger laying on the ground with blood holes in the stomach, and I sighed, so now he didn't have anyone to fight in the academy so he came here to fight a monster, just how much he loves fighting.

"Ace, look here, this is Saber-Tooth Tiger, it was really slow, so I defeat him in some second, but I heard that king of Saber-Tooth Tiger live a little deep in a forest, so how about we go there and kill it,"

He enthusiastically spread his hand and said with his wide smile and big eyes that make anyone think that this crazy boy is crazy, sorry he is crazy.

"I have something to do today, so let's go some other day," I wave my hand and rushed ahead to the east with my fastest speed but there was no way I could surpass the Light Element's speed.

"Why are following me?"

"I have nothing to do, so I thought it would be fun to follow you,"

I didn't speak more since I know this crazy won't leave me alone, so I let him follow, then I reached the point of meeting and saw Princess Ruri.

She wore a tight blue top that had some designs and white leather pants, really modern clothes become too popular in a such short time, I walk to her,

"So you and this princess are secret lovers,"

A crazy boy walk beside me and asked and I sighed, ignoring him,

"Hm, Ace why is Haru with you? You said you will come alone," Ruri tilt her head and asked.

"Haru, who's that?"

"Oye, my name is Haru, you don't even know my name,"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know your name," I apologize to a crazy boy, seriously I forget that his name isn't a crazy boy but Haru.

"Princess Ruri, I met him in a way, then he followed me behind, so just think of him as a bug and ignore him,"

"Well... I don't think I can do that but, you don't have to call princess before my name," Ruri gently laugh and said.

"Okay, anyway I wanted to ask you something,"

"I know, you probably wanted to know about my sword style, then sister Zaria teach me, and she said you were the one who taught her, so I wanted to fight with you, and also it would be nice... if you can also point out if I'm lacking something," She nervously laugh and avert eye contact.

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I sighed, this sister of mine, why didn't she tell me that she teach someone my sword style, anyway I don't see any reason to refuse a princess, and teaching her might benefit me later, so I nodded,

"Okay, let's fight,"

"Hey, you two are fighting, let me join as well, I also want to fight,"

"Crazy boy, first let me and Ruri fight each other then I fight with you,"

"You will fight with me," Crazy boy's eyes sparkle as he looked at me.

"Yes, I will, so side aside and let me and Ruri battle first,"

I don't mind fighting with a crazy boy, I didn't agree to fight at school because that would make me stand out, so here in this place where no one other than us, so it's perfect for fighting.

"Let's go Ruri,"

"Y-yes," She nervously nodded, before we stood at a five-meter distance. she gave me a wooden sword she bring with her and she said that we would fight without using mana.

"I will be referee, so 3, 2, 1 and start,"

I was ready but Ruri didn't come at me, so I said,

"You can come first,"

"A-thank you, b-be careful,"

Ruri said and she rush to me, she strike the sword and I blocked her, there wasn't much in this battle, our swords exchanged with each other, and nothing else.

The sword battle go on for while and I notice that Ruri's footwork was not right, it was not wrong, but over the years I polished my swordsmanship better, so I taught her improved footwork, and I also have to teach this to my sister.

"T-Thank you," Ruri was nervous as she thanked me.

"Why are you so much nervous?"

"Uh... it... it,"

Before Ruri spoke more, a rough man cut spoke,

"Haha, little princess alone in the wood with two boys, is she planning to elope to save herself from her father's marriage arrangement,"

I saw this man, thin and long legs, with a square face and sharp black eyes, and hair, well he didn't have any, but the mana I sensed inside him was Master Knight in Ninth Grade level.

Then I saw this thin man fly away and smashed a tree, breaking the tree down.

"Hehe, I'm finally able to fight someone to death,"

Crazy boy, crazily laugh and looked over at the man who got flying away,

"Hey, crazy boy, beat him to death while I take care of others," I shouted at him, and then my eyes move around and saw three other men, and all of them were around Advanced Knight in Ninth or Seventh Grade.

"Ruri, did you kill anyone before,"

"Huh? What?"

One man move forward to attack me and the other two went to Ruri,

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