An Ordinary Mob Character

Chapter 9: 9. The kidnapper Soleil Baeza

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"Ms. Zaria, I'm Soleil Baeza, the one who kidnapped you,"

"Wow, you look like a gentleman, I thought some rough man kidnapped me,"

"Haha, well, your quite lucky, a rough man was supposed to kidnap you but then I volunteered for it, but since you look calm then there is some question I like to ask,"

"If I answer your questions then is there any chance you will release me?"

"Well, it's felt sad to say but no, however answering the question will only benefit you,"

Zaria heard this man, and she got silent, she didn't know who these people were and why they kidnapped her, she didn't have any strength to get herself free, the only thing she could rely on was her bald father.

She hope that he find her and rescue her however for now she had to find some answers from this gentleman kidnapper.

"Well, anyway there is nothing to do for me so ask your questions,"

"I'm glad to hear this, Ms. Zaria, well then I only have one question, did you experience any heart pain or some black spot that appeared on your body recently?"

Zaria frowned, she did experience heart pain and many black spots also appeared on her body but it wasn't recently but one year ago, and then one day suddenly all the black spots disappeared and from that day she didn't even experience any heart pain.

"Are you a doctor or what?"

"Haha, yes, Ms. Zaria I'm a doctor but some circumstances brought me into kidnapping stuff, well," Soleil man become sad, then he shook his head and asked, "So, what is your answer did you experience any pain or black spots?"

"Yes, but it year ago and then one day every black spot disappeared and I also didn't feel any heart pain from there on," Zaria replied.

"I see... so it's got a cure on its own but how?" Soleil muttered to himself and was lost in thoughts.

"What? What brought you into this kidnapping stuff?"

"Hm, huh! Oh! Sorry, Ms. Zaria, I got lost in some thought, so what did you say?" Soleil came to his sense and asked.

"Well, I said, what brought you into this kidnapping stuff?" Zaria sighed and asked, she felt dry, "By the way, I can request some water, my throat become a dried river,"

"Of course, Ms. Zaria, wait a minute," Soleil get up and after some minutes he brought a glass of water, and hand it to Zaria.

Zaria's hands were bound to chains on the wall, but the chains were long enough for her to drink water on her own, so she gulp down the whole glass and looked at Soleil.

"Yes, what brought me to this business, well Ms. Zaria, I don't want to talk but looking at you reminds me of my daughter, you know, her age is the same as you, some people kidnapped her, and to get her back I need to do some human experiment,"

"Then, I'm the human you will experiment on it," Zaria chuckled and said.

"It's sad, but yes, your blood is very special, and the people who kidnapped my daughter want to do something with it,"

"You don't know what they want to do with my blood?"

"I don't know, and it makes me sad, if they did it for some evil purpose then I might not able to forgive myself, however, I love my daughter very much, and that's why I'm willing to do anything for it,"

"Hm, well I also have someone that I'm willing to do anything for it, so I can understand that, by the way, who are these people?"

"I don't know,"

Zaria sighed, it looked like this Soleil man didn't know much about the people who kidnapped her daughter and whu they wanted blood from her.

"Sir, sir emergency, emergency there is one guy who keeps killing people," a man covered in blood comes there, out of breath, and blood that keeps spilling from his guts makes it clear that this man would die in minutes.

"Well, Ms. Zaria, it was a pleasure talking to you, and if you have any luck then I bet you can go back home today, if you can then please give this to my wife, she works at Moon Restaurant," Soleil take off the necklace from his neck and place it in front of Zaria.

"Okay, Ms. Zaria, if luck stays with me then we might meet again otherwise..." Soleil didn't say anything more and left.

"Well, I hope you die," Zaria said to herself as her gaze drops to the necklace, it had two photos one was Soleil and a girl around ten years and the other photo had a beautiful woman picture.


Soleil come out from the room where he locked the Zaria, he walked into these tiny tunnels and as he walked he saw some man wearing black attire, and his hood covered his entire face, only the lower part of the face was visible.

From this lower part of his face, Soleil could guess this man was a child around 13 to 15 years, and looking at many corpses around this child, he smiled and shook his head.

"I never imagined a child had such power, what is your name? Oh sorry, I should introduce myself before, I'm Soleil Baeza,"

"Zero, the leader of Everliving Organization, and I'm here to start a war on Demonic Cult," The child's voice is as deep as an abyss.

Soleil got a chill hearing Zero's voice, but he wasn't afraid, seeing Zero, he knew he wasn't a match for him.

"Your really young, and you want to start a war with Demonic Cult, well, I myself don't know much about Cult, other than the fact that this Cult wanted some people with heroes' blood,

Well then, Zero, I don't want to fight but I'm forced to fight, so let's begin," Soleil said as he take the sword that was on the ground.

Red mana circulates all over his body, and to the sword, the red mana soon turns into fire and in this darkness, this fire is brought to light and makes the temperature hot.

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"Very well, let's start," Zero said as he dash towards the Soleil.

Soleil narrow his eyes and put his whole focus on Zero's moments, but his eyes couldn't keep up Zero's speed, although he managed to block his attack, it hurts, and used a lot of mana to defend himself.

He was Grandmaster Knight in First Grade and he got pushed back like this, this Zero, even though he looked like a teenager, his strength was unfathomable.

Zero didn't stop and he attack Soleil one after another, and the only thing Soleil could do was block.

Only because this space was narrow that Soleil was able to keep up with Zero speed barely, and his every attack was taking a huge amount of mana from him.

He knew if things keep going like this then he would be killed by him in a minute.

"I guess, I have to use that,"

Soleil muttered, and a burst of mana came out from him, mana turned into flames and as the flames got too big in this narrow space, the sword in his hand covered in flames, and he slash towards the Zero, the flame slash took the shape of an eagle.

The eagle screamed as he flap the wings and fire spread all over the tunnel, the eagle without any hesitation rushed to Zero.

This move used all of the mana Soleil had, and this was the ultimate move Soleil have, even the Saint Knight get gravely injured with this move.

The eagle collide with Zero and a very big blast happen, the whole tunnel started shaking, debris fell, and crack after a crack appeared in the tunnel.

"I hope the kid doesn't die, but also hope he gets injured enough that won't able to fight anymore,"

Soleil said to himself, as he wait for the dust to settle, and as dust settle down he saw the Zero, his clothes tattered, and his whole body got covered in blood.

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