An Unbound Soul

Chương 292: Side Story: Mating Season: Day 2 (NSFW)

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"Oh, I have an idea! Since it's such a nice morning, why don't we go for a walk?" asked Cluma, hovering over me in my bed on all fours, which was an interesting sight to open my eyes to, particularly since she still hadn't put any clothes on.

"Okay?" I hesitantly agreed, suspicious of her motives. With her current mood, a 'walk' sounded wildly implausible, but with her positioned on top of me like that, I had limited escape options. "But can we get breakfast first?"

"Great. Let's get dressed!" she declared, ignoring my suggestion of breakfast. I had a sneaking suspicion that she'd had an Idea, which never boded well. Alas, my desire not to be the world's largest hypocrite prevented me from saying it out loud.

She jumped off, and I let her tug me by the hand out of bed and into her room, where she pulled her catsuit out of a wardrobe. "You can wear your maid costume, but first, penis," she ordered, holding out a hand.

"What?" I asked. Normally, I'd complain about her asking me to go outdoors dressed as a maid, but this time she'd managed to one-up herself. My suspicions had been spot on.

"Well, you've got those awesome skills. Time to put them to good use!"

"Wait! You want me to use [Detach]?! On my penis?!"

"Oh, come on. Don't tell me you've never considered it."

Well, yes. Of course I'd thought about what would happen. And then I'd decided the answer was nothing good, and thought about something more sensible instead. Logically, using [Detach] in that way wouldn't be any worse than a limb, but... some body parts were more sensitive than others!

How much did I trust Cluma while she was in heat? The thought was... interesting, and the memories of the previous day's activities were still fresh. I invoked [Detach].

"Not your balls, silly! They won't fit."

Right... I undid the [Detach] and reactivated it with a slightly smaller portion of myself. Cluma took it off me, and inserted the sensitive body-part into herself. With great effort, I managed to keep stoic despite the stimulation.

"Hmm... It's too small again, now that the potion wore off. Oh, I know!"

She rooted around in her bag and took out something shaped like an elongated egg, connected to a wide, flared base by a thin stem. I may not be the expert here, but I knew a butt-plug when I saw one. Sure enough, she carefully inserted it exactly where the name suggested, and I could feel the increased pressure it caused, managing to keep silent but failing to prevent myself from twitching. Cluma noticed and flashed an evil grin.

... Wait. I may have already denied being an expert, but I was fairly sure lube was a thing that was practically a requirement in this situation. She'd just shoved an unlubed lump of metal up her bum, with no apparent difficulty or discomfort. The opposite of discomfort, really; she was still grinning at me obscenely. Did she have a butt plug with a comfort enchantment?

The alternative was that a beastkin anus was self lubricating, a thought I really wished I could bleach out of my mind about half a second after I'd had it. I flickered [Mana Sight] to prove that the toy was, in fact, enchanted so I could put that particular theory to rest.

Then, of course, she pulled on her catsuit over the top, trapping both foreign objects inside herself.

"Well, aren't you getting dressed? I know it's in your [Inventory]. Oh, but this time, I think the traditional outfit would be appropriate."

"Unlike you, I'm not that well prepared," I pointed out, remembering the statue in the Emerald Nest. She had mentioned before there was a difference, but had never clarified what it was. Luckily or unluckily, [Mana Sight] had shown me the answer without needing to ask. "I only have the child-friendly version."

Cluma's evil grin widened as she pulled something else out from under her bed. Another tail, the same colour and length as my real one, but... it wasn't on a belt.

"Bend over," she ordered.

I complied, curiosity winning out over other considerations, and Cluma gently inserted the tail. It was oddly pleasant, once again relying on enchantments to do what would normally require a bottle of slime. Who had made these things, and whatever did they think about it? If it turned out to be Grover, I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to look him in the face again.

I used [Detach] on my real tail, not wanting to sport two of them, then donned most of the rest of my outfit; the paws were included, but the lacy panties no longer fit, forcing me to go commando. Then the pair of us stepped outside and walked the streets of Dawnhold, heading for the fields outside the town.

This was insane. We were out in public, me cross-dressing without underwear and Cluma wearing a skintight outfit with cleavage clearly visible through the cut-out, both of us with butt plugs inserted, and me being inside Cluma.

That last point bore repeating. I was still inside Cluma. Every step she took caused my penis's warm, sticky prison to flex around it, the continuous stimulation building up until I struggled to walk normally. How was I supposed to get it back out when we were done?

"Is something the matter?" asked Cluma, still wearing the same evil grin as she rubbed her lower tummy. Hard.

"Eep!" I squeaked.

Frankly, I would normally never have agreed to go outdoors like this at all. In fact, last year I'd sworn I wouldn't. I was no exhibitionist. But it was still early enough in the morning that very few people were out and about. We were both fully clothed, albeit both in unusual outfits, and I could keep watch with [Mana Sight] to ensure we weren't overlooked.

Alas, [Mana Sight] also showed me that no less than three beastkin couples were doing similar things. Two would have looked like they were just enjoying a walk, to a regular observer. With [Mana Sight], I could see just how incorrect that appearance was. One couple were certainly fans of rope.

The third, a pair of dogkin, were both completely nude, except for a collar worn by the male. The female had him on a lead. Admittedly they were keeping out of sight of any windows, but a pedestrian could have walked passed them at any time. If there were people on the streets acting like that, then I could get away with anything.

By the time we reached a field of wheat outside of town, it was obvious that I wouldn't be able to hold on any longer. "S... stop... If you... If you keep moving around... I'm going to..."

Cluma didn't stop, laughing as she deliberately stretched and flexed.

"Ah!" I moaned, as I once again emptied myself into Cluma.

"Mmm... Warm," she commented happily. "But now you're shrinking again. Boring!"

With my eyes fixed on Cluma, I drew out one of the potions of potence I'd stashed in my [Inventory].

"Hey? What are you...?" started Cluma as I downed it.

"Ah!" she exclaimed as I swelled beyond my normal limits inside of her. With her plug already occupying some space in the region, and her catsuit holding me in place, her tummy noticeably bulged.

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Of course, the effect was just as bad for me as it was for her, leaving her practically unable to move without the both of us being overcome by the stimulation.

"That... was... mean..." she panted, trying to find a comfortable way to walk.

"Think you can make it home?" I asked. "Or do I need to teleport you?"

Her face set in determination, she started marching back towards our house, the stimulation be damned. I followed as best as I could, alternating between all sorts of strange gaits. If anyone saw us, they'd be under no delusions that we were on a regular walk, with both of us enjoying multiple orgasms by the time we made it back.

Cluma slammed the door behind herself, panting. It took her several seconds and all her concentration to squeeze out a single word; "Breakfast."

"Good idea, but first, penis."

"Yes please."

"No, I mean, give it back!"

"I know exactly what you meant," grinned Cluma, rubbing her belly again and causing me to grab a chair back for support. "And I'm ignoring it."

"Argg... I can't even think properly!"

"Your fault for drinking that potion."

Cluma pottered into the kitchen, still holding my manhood hostage. And, for some reason, squelching.

"Eww!" I exclaimed, as I realised the reason. With the potion causing me to pump her full of biologically infeasible amounts of fluids, her stomach had bulged further, but of course it wasn't all contained. It would have leaked out and run down the legs of her bodysuit. With the integrated feet, it couldn't even escape. "Isn't that kinda gross?"

"Gross? What?"

"You're walking in my cum!"

"Oh, that. It feels squishy and funny. Not really gross, though. I mean, I already have it inside me, so it's not like treading in it will hurt."

"That is... logical," I answered carefully, fairly sure that while having it in her vagina was fine, having it running down her legs and around her feet wasn't. I simply couldn't articulate why. "I'm going to go change. This tail is starting to chafe."


Ignoring the temporarily sex-crazed catgirl, I moved upstairs and stripped in the bathroom, carefully pulling out my alternative tail.

And then the sight of the black haze where my penis should be gave me an idea. A terrible, stupid idea that I'm pretty sure wouldn't have appealed in the slightest if I wasn't high on sex-potion.

... A potion that had already given me mild alchemic poisoning, and I'd need to take a second. How bad would it get? At the moment, I only had a slight penalty to my pool regenerations, so a second rank four potion would probably push me into stat damage. It would be fine; I wasn't going to end up with zero endurance or something equally deadly.

And so I took out one of the rank four healing potions I kept in my [Inventory], braced myself for pain, and activated the second stage of [Detach].

There was quite a lot of pain. Also an unhealthy amount of blood. But I was a high-level delver, and not the sort of person to let a sudden severed penis ruin my day. I downed the potion.

A minute later, I was the proud owner of two penises. Also another level of [Regeneration], that I was never, ever going to admit to anyone, even in my drugged up state.

Now, how best to mess around with Cluma? Could [Superimpose] be used in reverse? I'd never before tried to use it to reinforce a detached body part, but why not? Both parts were equally me.

It worked perfectly, turning my new penis slightly transparent as its realness was shifted inside of Cluma. And then I poked it. It twitched, and a squeak came from downstairs. So, of course, I poked it again.

"Peter!" she yelled. "What are you doing?"

"Revenge!" I shouted back, making my way downstairs, still naked.

Her response was, viewed through [Mana Sight], to arch herself backward, employing her full flexibility to land on her hands and twist, squeezing and stimulating my imprisoned manhood beyond anything she'd done thus far.

Also, [Superimpose] turned out to boost the sensations rather effectively.

It was my turn to squeak as both penises squirted out a new load, my local dose impacting the walls and carpet of our staircase. I would have thought something impolite about needing to clean up the mess if not for every last scrap of my mind that wasn't absorbed in the [Superimpose] and potion fuelled orgasm being required to stop myself falling down the stairs.

"Yeah... Don't think I came out on top of that," I muttered, deactivating [Superimpose].

"On top of what?" asked Cluma, just as she poked her head out of the doorway and saw me.

She looked down, as if checking something, and then back up, her grin growing even more obscene than it had been when we went out.

"Oh my... that looks fun. And as luck would have it, I've finished breakfast! Time to try two holes at once!"

"Hey, wait! I haven't!"

"Too bad," she answered as she dragged me back upstairs.

My missed meal was quickly forgotten, lost in a haze of pleasure, the pair of us keeping up the party until my potion wore off and her hormones ebbed.

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