Anarcho: A Cyberpunk Fantasy

Chapter 22: Hussy (Anarcho, #2): Chapter Six—Luxury Suite Reconnaissance

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Chapter Six—Luxury Suite Reconnaissance

It turned out that still-clothed-holo-babe-sidekick Lexa couldn’t actually open doors, despite having a wide array of access, indicating that she was connected to the mainframe systems of the Chylaxium and used by the crew for various reasons.

Typical, Kyle thought.

She was probably used to monitor and spy on the guests. Covertly of course. The Chylaxium was for the ultrarich, but that didn’t mean they weren’t taken advantage of outside of their knowledge.

In this world where Ororis Prime ruled most of the known galaxy, your bank account and your influence determined what privileges you were allowed to enjoy, and which restrictions you could forgo.

They managed to nab a master card from one of the maids who wasn’t paying attention.“Can you believe what they wear on this ship?” Kyle said.

“Yes I can,” John said as he approached Laiwyn Scorr’s room door. “Now focus, Max.”

“Practically see their tits through their filmy tights…”

“Hey! I said focus.” He snapped his fingers.


John swiped the key card and the door opened. John went in first, glancing about as he stalked into the room as if it were his own.

“Damn,” Kyle said.


“I mean… our rooms are nice, but this is on a whole other level.”

The windows were opened, but instead of a view of empty space, there was a holo-display of Ela Luna Keys that flickered from orbital view of the blue planet specked with little green islands, to the beach views of oily vacationers wearing very little clothing, to the sprawling condos, hotels and night districts. Everywhere luxury cars sped along the prestine roads and above in the sky lanes. There were ships in the atmosphere gliding along while shooting off colorful flares while party goers danced to music and swam in lit pools atop their decks.

The main room had a sitting area of sleek white furniture with white cushions. The outer walls were of a calming cream with sliding doors and trasnparent panels leading to other areas of the suite.

Kyle went into the bedroom.

Now that’s a bed!

It was massive, the sheets crisp and silky with a night time hologram of forest trees swaying gently in the breeze as fireflies flickered about, the sound of crickets and the wind audible.

Atop the bed were various articles of… skimpy clothing. Hussy Hess had been and was being a very naughty girl.

Glancing about, he didn’t see anything of note.

“Anything?” John called.

“Nothing,” Kyle said.

He came out of the bedroom and joined John in the living room. “Hey, Lexa.”

“Yes, Kyle?”

She appeared behind him and he turned around to look at her. “Open the safe.”

She smiled. “Of course.”

There was a click and John looked up and walked to the black safe set inside of the wall near a small inlet that housed a holo-net device. He opened the safe door and looked inside.

“Anything?” Kyle asked.

“We’ve got a tablet,” he said, pulling the device out. He set it on the couch and swiped his finger across the screen. “It’s locked.”

“Can you bust it?”

“The algorithm is probably state of the art,” he said. “I’d need a few hours to let the cracker do its work. I don’t think we’re getting into this thing.”

“It’s not like we need to,” Kyle said. “I mean, Scorr’s a douche, but our job isn’t to spy on him—it’s to get Hussy Hess back to her daddy.”

John chuckled. “Yeah,” he said, “but it doesn’t hurt to check things out. Besides, didn’t you say he was a bad guy?”

“Definitely,” Kyle said. “I say we off him once we land on Ela Luna Keys. Should be easy enough.”

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“I don’t know if he deserves that for what he’s been up to,” John said. “But we can lift his tablet before we take off.”

“And give him a nice big bruise on the back of his head.”

“You’re a sadist.”


“Excuse me?” Lexa asked.

“What is it?” John said.

“You told me to inform you of Laiwyn Scorr’s movements. He’s left the Roko’s Claw nightclub and is heading due south. I project that he may be going to the gentleman’s club called the Red Dagger.”

“The man’s a busy guy,” Kyle said with a smirk.

“Hmm,” Lexa said. “Indeed. He’s met with no less than six people.”

“What has he told them?”

“I’m sorry, I’m not at liberty to listen into private conversations aboard the ship.”

“To the hells you’re not,” Kyle said.

“If you do not believe me, I can show you my core limitations within my code framework.”

“That won’t be necessary,” John said.

“Oh,” Lexa said airily. “One more thing, John.”


“I thought you might want to know that Kelly Hess is on her way back to the room.”

“What?” Kyle barked. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“I just did, Mr. Harrowitz.”

“How far is she?” John asked.

“She’s twenty-two point-three meters from the front entrance.”

“What the fuck!” Kyle said, glancing about as if he might be able to find somewhere to hide.

“Time to leave,” John said as he made for the door.

“John!” Kyle said. “The tablet, man!”

He looked at it. “Shit.” He moved to the safe, set it inside as close to the way he had found it as he could.

“Come on!”

He closed the safe. “Let’s go.”

Kyle lead the way to the door. “Lexa, we’re going to have words after this.”

“I’m more than happy to speak with you and to answer any questions you may—“

“Shut the hells up, Lexa!”

Kyle hit the door key. It slid open with a soft hiss to reveal Kelly Hess. She blinked, eyes widening as she jerked back in surprise to find two strange men in her and Laiwyn’s rooms.

Kyle didn’t say anything and he didn’t wait for Kelly Hess to speak. He grabbed the front of her shirt and hauled her into the room.

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