And Back Again

Chapter 16: Chapter 13: Souvenir

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Day 6 - Night

Fort Matthew - Matthew Plaza

Fucking surreal.

Bright greens, blues, yellows, reds, etc… are in front of me. No, not spells. Neon. Bulbs filled with neon glow across storefronts. From open signs to the store's name or emblem. All shaped out of glass tubes filled with shining gas.

Remember that scene in Cars where they fix their stores' neon?

It's a bit after eight and the sun has just set. The blue sky is shifting to black. A big moon hangs in the sky. Stars are starting to twinkle. And Matthew Plaza is lit up.

Heading to the dorms means walking by the council's spending spree again. Considered evicting all of them too but, this is what I want humanity to get back too.

A sense of normalcy.

Hehe. It's amazing how quickly people can adapt. We just had a violent coup but the stores are still open. And hundreds are shopping.

"King." "Your majesty." "Bless you." "God save the king!" "Your honor." "Liberty!" "Sir."

Repaired street lamps compete with the neon signs and lights from windows. Making me easy to identify. No one crowds me though. Just bows and or greets me as they pass.

While I take a closer look at the stores.

Oh, this cafe has a patio you can eat on. Rah-en-het bank? Is that an ankh symbol in neon? Sweet, a bookstore. I wonder if they have the latest Eminence in Shadow?

There are singles, couples and groups perusing the Plaza. Few are armored but everyone is armed. Some with guns but most with swords, axes, maces, etc… The clothes they're wearing are modern and not in terrible shape. The public baths include a laundry and lots of folks sew.

There's even a few rickshaws. That's new.

Jet's got a hold of one elbow and Kasa the other. Half pulling me along as we take a left on 8th. Huh. Didn't realize there were two rows of shops. Trees and benches decorate the paved space between them.

Cool that restaurant has dining areas at the front and back. With a second story patio too? I should eat there sometime. Meadows? Why, ah, the system slave is a minotaur. 

All six girls, wait, nine? Are gossiping about what's in the display windows of the jewelers. And tell me not to go into the store with the hanging beads for its doorway. That's the brothel.

Carly's among the extra three but I don't recognize the other two.


  • [Jelinda "Jet" Clarke | Terran | Female Adult | 21 Sorceress | Iron… ]
  • [Kasa Pearson | Terran | Female Adult | 20 Thief | Copper… ]
  • [Cheng "Chen" Qiu | Terran | Female Adult | 14 Monk | Copper… ]
  • [Alta Hale | Terran | Female Adult | 18 Priestess | Copper… ]
  • [Brittney Boone| Terran | Female Adult | 17 Fighter | Copper… ]
  • [Emily Burt | Terran | Female Adult | 16 Ranger | Copper… ]
  • [Carly Molander | Terran | Female Adult | 13 Fighter | Copper… ]
  • [Elisheva Weizmann | Terran | Female Adult | 9 Psionicist | Tin… ]
  • [Sybella De Waal | Terran | Female Adult | 23 Chevalier | Iron… ]

Cool, Kasa's on the edge of Iron rank. Good for her. Wow, Elly and Sybel have advanced classes? Bet they belong to, or work for, the club.

You see, ninety plus percent of people end up with basic classes. Fighter, mage, thief, priest, farmer, barber, etc, etc… You get your class as a Lead but it doesn't do anything for you until you get system awarded experience.

As soon as you hit level "1" you become a Tin and begin your ranker journey. Then, if the system decides your achievements are noteworthy enough? You get the option to choose an improved or advanced class during your breakthrough. 

Heard from the couple who've done it that it's painful as fuck. Your entire body and skills get rebuilt as if you've had that class from the start. Takes hours where you're helpless and the result isn't that great.

Yes you get stronger in some areas but also get weaker in others. Worse you lose the flexibility of the basic classes.

Now that's not the same as getting a "secondary" class. Like a baker adding fighter or vice versa.

Those who the system considers "special," may get offered a better class up front. Like Louis was. Electrineer is a combo class. Which is a whole other thing. Part tinkerer. Part elementalist. 

As if that wasn't confusing enough. It is possible to "buy" an upgraded class at the start or reset to another. Options are still limited to what the system chooses to offer. But it will be more than the default.

If I remember Zecawk’s lessons correctly then Sybella could have gotten to Chevalier on her own. Basic Fighter for Tin. Improved Knight for Copper. Then getting offered Advanced Chevalier for Iron. She might be a very good fighter.

Elisheva? Not a chance in hell. Either she's a special? Or bought the class. Probably paid for by the club. And pondering who they are doesn't go unnoticed. 

"I am sorry, madame. I could not distract his thoughts." From the psychic dressed like a nun.

The knight with some shining armor lady looks back at her. "It's okay, Elly, you are still in training."

The nun was trying to mind control me? Really? I didn't feel a thing.

<Nina: That's because there was nothing to feel. She never used her powers. They're trying to make you think the knight's the VIP. When it's really the mentalist.>


Face them. "Okay, I know these seven are here for my wonder weiner." Carly goes full tomato and fidgets while Chen nods enthusiastically. "But what do you two want?"

Sybel keeps the charade going. "The club summons you to a meeting." Eyebrow rise! "An audience! The families of the club, uh, ask for an audience… your majesty. " She half bows.


"They, uh, we wish to know your terms." She's trying to stay calm, cool and collected.


"The families remaining in Fort Matthews."


"My terms are the same for everyone who lives here. You do support and defend the town. You don't break any of my laws. In letter or spirit." Eye them both. "Do that and we'll get along fine. Is that clear enough?"

The fighter bows again. "Thank you for your time, your majesty. We will be leaving then." Turns to go when the psychic touches her hand briefly. Causing her to turn back to face me. "There is one other matter, please."

"Yes?" Geesh, hurry up, I need to find momentos for Louis and then spend the rest of the night in a reverse gangbang.

"It is regarding, um, Cynthia Houghton."

*record scratch*

It's a hot August night but there's suddenly a chill to the air.

"I do not know where that whore is." Evil grin. "Hopefully she's alive and in a lot of pain."

Hesitant. "The families have been searching for lost, um, relatives. When found, if saveable, they are… brought back."

My voice has a growl to it. "Get to the point."

Miss knight is looking very uncomfortable in her armor. "Miss Houghton was not considered, um, salvageable. Especially given her choices regarding Fort Matthew's savior." And here it comes. "However, her mother still asks that she come home." A long sigh. "The patriarchs will allow it. If you do too."

Lint or bottle cap. Like lint or a bottle cap.

Walk over and sit on a bench. The Plaza has lots of them. So I take a few steps, sit down and lean back. Facing them with my arms spread.

Almost instantly Carly is under one arm and Chen under the other. The rest look a little pouty but take up positions around me. Except for the two debutantes.

"When you look at me. What do you see?"

Sybel is confused. "Yo-your majesty?"

"Yes, I am the king." Nod. "But I am also the judge." Sneer. "And I sentenced that skank to suffer." Notice the psychic's fists are clenched and trembling. "Will she suffer with you?"

Knight bows. "Yes, your honor. From other rescued students we have learned just how far Miss Houghton had fallen." And no one told the scholarship kid from the projects. Bunch of bitches and bastards. "There is a rumor that her parents even received a video."

Inner peace… inner peace…

"You know the greatest trick the devil ever pulled? Was convincing the world that he didn't exist."

And I lost her again. "Your hon-majesty?"

Yeah, not the best quote to use. But I can't think of another one right now. Oh, well, fuck it.

"As long as her sentence continues. I have no objections to you taking the crusty cunt back to your condos." Wave a hand while Chen nibbles on my ear. "Anything else?"

"May we accompany you for a bit longer?"

"Fine, is that it?"

She bows again. "Yes, your majesty."

Get up as Carly and Chen whine. "Autobots, roll out." I say as the Psionicist types on her phone. Is Elly passing the word or setting up an ambush? Guess we'll find out.

Take a gander at the condos that have appeared in the last few days south of the Plaza and Town Hall. East of 8th Ave. There's a twelve foot wall around it and it stops just short of the outer wall. Five five-story apartment buildings are in view. Each well lit and looking very sturdy.

We hang a right through the campus entrance on 8th. The greens have been taken over by tents and shelters here too. But not nearly as badly as what's become Bartertown. It's cleaner here as well. The first building is Jackson Hall. A four story tall Y-shaped dorm with 24 double rooms per floor.

The place is dirty but not bad. Floors could use waxing but no one's got time for that.

"Whoa." "Holy shit." "I'm tellin' ma!"

Some kids who are up to late are still running the halls. Guess seeing us in our adventuring impresses them.

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Yeah, I don't think so. Elevators are god's greatest gift to man. But I've learned to avoid the small metal deathtraps. We take the stairs. Good exercise anyway.

"-seeing this Bill? A viewer recorded the temple disappearing and sent in this clip." A pause. "With the jail and slave market that makes three buildings vanished. Gone."

"So what building will his high and mightiness take next, Bob? The tavern? An apartment? The soup kitchen? There needs to be checks and balances."

"Oh shove it up your ass Bill." Scoffs. "Did those checks and balances keep the council from selling their souls to an alien god? Did it keep them from selling us to the slavers? Or keep the upper crust out? Face it. Democracy isn't and hasn't kept us alive. The Lord High Judge has."

Fluid spits out of a mouth. "Pfft. Is that what he's calling himself now? Yes, I admit the council failed. But that doesn't make monarchy the answer-"

Exiting on the third floor let's us get blasted by loud voices coming from an open door down the hall. Speakers? Someone has a podcast cranked up.

I turn the other way and head for mom's place at the end. All eight of the entrances are closed. And since these student rooms were never meant to be soundproofed. As we walk down the stone floored hallway I hear talking, music, arguing, fucking and other not sure what it is noises.

The temp is cool since Louis put effort into keeping the AC working. Smells musty though. Place needs a good cleaning. And there's her door.

Whore Slut Bitch For a free ride call…

And more is spray painted on and around the door. I expected this. Really did. Knew Johnny's boys wouldn't be able to stop themselves. Just another reason to make their deaths special. 


Pushing it open reveals the place is completely trashed. More graffiti all over. Furniture broken, pissed or shit on. A good thing is that this is days old. So the odor is there but at least it's not fresh.

"Gonna need a moment alone girls."

No one says anything but I hear them shift back down the hall.

Standard layout for FMPA dorms. One large room with a side bathroom. Both beds are mostly intact and one has an occupant covered in blankets. My cybereyes quickly show who it is.


Ignoring the whore, I start picking my way through the wreckage. Oh, a broken frame but intact family photo. Geesh, was I twelve in that one? Hey, mom's AA pin. I was so proud of her. Sis's diploma, she worked damn hard for it.

As I get closer to the bed I start smelling blood and vomit. Another check shows the bed's been bled on. A lot. Then I hear it. Or, rather, me.

♫I'm calling all heroes, legends and stars. Anyone listening just open your heart-♫

It's muffled under the blankets but that's definitely me from the town hall gig. Then a weak voice comes out.

"Louie’s dead, isn't he." Cynth states.


"It's his words. His face. But he tried the guitar and hated it." Sniffles. "You're amazing."

I remain silent.

"Did he think of me when-"


"What did he-"



*cough* *ptui*

<Nina: She's been severely beaten. Broken bones and internal bleeding. She will die before the sun rises unless treated.>


"When I die? Can I see-"


"Oh…" A pause. "Is there anything left? Of him?"

"I carry his memories." Tap my chest. "And his pain."

"Hi-his dreams?"

"You killed them."

"I… I was smart once. I think." Sniffle. "But I did dumb things. So became dumb." The blanket tightens. "If I do, um, smart things. Wi-will I-"


Cynthia begins to wail.

"I'm… sorry… I… I'm… so… sorry Louie!"

Resting my Steelwolf's muzzle against her blanket covered head doesn't even slow her sobbing down as the high school hooker repeats over and over again.

"Louie… Louieee… Louiee… Louie…"

Admit I'm having a lot more issues with Louis’s remains than I did with Jesper’s. He's much more present in my mind. And part of him wants to forgive this stupid bitch.

But that's the thing. This is my mind. And with the anguish over losing my family. Why the fuck should I care about your suffering? Though, that is a good point. Why should I be the only one suffering?

A scroll materializes in my right hand.

"[Greater Regeneration]"

And disintegrates as it's mana pours into Cynthia Houghton. Of course this is system magic. So it's going to restore her to what it considers her previous optimal state. In both body and mind.

Memories, feelings, etc… are not lost.

If brain damaged from trauma, abuse and drugs Cynth hurts this much over what she's done? How badly will "smart" Cynth hurt? Let's find out.

As the scroll does its work I rummage around and find a few more bits to store in my storage space.

Not going to admit how much better I feel afterwards. Will have to do something about this sooner or later.

The fading mana and growing whimpers let me know she's done "cooking."

"No… no… no no no no nononono…" Oh boy, she's about to pop! "AIYEEE!"

I yank the blankets off and look down at the prostitute who's pulling her hair out.


With my left hand I press the 40 cal revolver's muzzle against her brow again. Pressing her head against the bed. She's still wearing the bordello outfit from earlier. Now torn, cut, and soaked in vomit and blood. Her eyes bore into mine. You can practically see the horror and pain in them.

"Kill me, please."


Now that's what I wanted to hear! Lean over and give her a peck on the lips. And my best "burn in hell" grin.

"That'll do, pig. That'll do."

Cynth looks up at me. Stunned. Like her brain has short circuited. Stand and walk out to see Elly stomping my way.

"What did you do?" The Psionicist demands.

Send her a wink. "Was wondering when you would stop pretending." Glare back at her. "You should be grateful. I used a very expensive scroll to heal her."

Sybel catches up to her boss. "Your majesty, please. Miss Houghton is an old friend of Miss Weizmann's. She is just distraught."

"Remember our agreement. You do not want to found guilty in my court." Stroll passed them. "Do enjoy your new toy."

My self-proclaimed royal guard have their weapons ready as Jet asks. "Everything okay chief?"

"I'm not in a good mood." Menacing. "Let's go put someone in a worse mood."

Run, Johnny, run.

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