And Back Again

Chapter 23: Chapter 19: Powwow

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Day 14(43) - Morning

New Amster City - Coney Island

Fourteen Days

"Snorf." *crunch* "Grahaha." *crash* "Snorf."

Picture a bison. But it's gray. Then add a third pair of legs, more horns and a spiked tail.

  • [ Stefalo | Male Adult | D-grade ]

Still covered in thick fur and has those high front shoulders. That would be taller than me if I was dumb enough to stand next to one.

Right now it's making a meal of an already wrecked hot dog stand. As in the stand itself. Some dungeon beasties can eat just about anything.

*whoosh* *snap*

  • [Stingshot | Female Adult | E-grade ]

A cat hiding in the stand bolts. But it doesn't get very far as a streak of blue from the monster bison's back intercepts it. Same colors and size as a Bluejay. But a much longer and sharper beak. Plus some gruesome Freddy Kruger style talons.

They like to ride on grazers and target anything spooked out of their hidey-holes. Several are hanging out on each beastly buffalo. Chirping at each other and keeping an eye out for potential meals.

Yeah, I said each. There's nine here eating the already trashed tourist traps. A dozen more are wading in the ocean just past the beach. Trying to stay cool on this muggy cloudy August day.

The hot dog fan is the largest and highest ranking. Some of the others are clearly calves. Or whatever it is baby stefalo are called.

I'm sitting on the dock of a bay. Well, what's left of it. With my feet dangling off the side. Armored up but have more bare metal on this time. Been tinkering with Electrineer to see if I can up the firepower.


This herd probably came out of the Coney Island dungeon during the last break. It's tougher than Ditcher but still manageable. Think it's up to seven or eight floors now.

These monsters shit like cows. Leaving piles dotted across the beach and boardwalk. You can see plants already sprouting out of the older dung heaps.

  • [ Glowrose | F-grade ]

None of them are natives though. And this is happening across the planet. Earth's flora and fauna can't compete with the mana enhanced invaders. Eventually, what's left will begin mutating too. Including humanity. But this world will have become unrecognizable by then.

"Boss, he's here." Jet's words whisper in my ear. Her and four Blackhearts are here. As well as Ely and Z.

Ah, the guest has arrived.

*thunch* *thunch* *thunch*

Can feel a little tremor through the ground with each step. And he finally comes around a building down the walk so I can see him.

  • [ Nathan Ward | Male Junior | Sentinel 32 | Bronze… ]

Oh. He finally completed the armor set. Good for him.

What's walking down the street looks like a tank with legs. Except instead of a cannon this one has a warhammer and shield. Kids gotta be a good seven feet tall. Built like a wall and covered from head to toe in shiny silver metal.

The strongman of Gerritsen enclave and owner of Mau Mau dungeon.

Now Louis is a hero. But he's hardly the only one. Most bastions are built around someone with the guts, skill and luck to step up and survive. Communities naturally formed around them. For good and bad reasons. With good and bad results.

Louis even spread some tips he'd gotten from Zecawk. Like on walls and the public kitchen. No, not by phone or meeting. But by radio. Pretending it was stuff he discovered. Hopefully this has helped mankind. But it's impossible to tell how much.

Strongmen don't really have a title or position. They are simply the strongest. And whatever they say goes. Period. Even if the hero doesn't enforce it. Others, out of fear or to curry favor, will.

Gerritsen is a typical enclave. Small and packed with people. Fort Matthew is different because Louis was a thrifty fellow and made some lucky choices. Then Zecawk told me, him, what was coming and what he needed to do.

  • [ Community: Fort Matthew | Owner: John Barton | Population: 16,249 | Size: 4 km2 ]
  • [ Community: Gerritsen | Owner: Nathan Ward | Population: 25,777 | Size: 0.6 km2 ]

Both panels are as of this morning. So Ward's town has 158% of Fort Matthew's population in 15% of its area. And before you start thinking that's unlivable. Point six sq km is six hundred thousand sq meters.

In freedom units that leaves each man, woman and child a 12 x 20 foot space for themselves. And that's if everyone shares one floor. Yeah, I know it's kind of a bullshit number because it doesn't include walls, streets, furniture, workspace, etc… But at least you can see that people aren't standing on each other.

In fact, the population should be a lot higher than that. There's only around 50 major bastions in the metropolitan area. Which had twenty million people. Louis thinks half of everyone died. Leaving ten million. Which should mean two hundred thousand per town.

Yes, the population varies a lot. But that much? Even counting the people who fled before realizing there was nowhere to run to. Plus the little enclave holdouts that only cover a block or two. It's not enough. I suspect the casualty figure is a hell of a lot higher. More like ninety percent instead of fifty.

Just hard to tell because the ones who don't make it? Get eaten. So there's no bodies left behind to count. Guess-


A muffled helmet voice interrupts my mental meandering. "I have come here to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of bubblegum."

Oops, drifted off again. Focus, dude, focus.

Mr Ward has a few guys with him like I have a few gals with me. We aren't pointing weapons at each other yet. But do have them in hand.

"I keep telling you, Nathan." Sigh. "That's too long to be a catchphrase."

"Well, my mum says it's cool so- oh, shit. Damn, uh, sorry man. Heard about, you know. My condolences." An apologetic seven foot tall wall of armor looks weird. "Did you get the guy?"

"Yeah, he and his buddies are all dead now." The Protector of Gerritsen is around Louis's age. "How is Mau Mau doing?"

Thumbs up. "Great! Thanks for the bridge idea. The ferries were too slow." OK sign. "I would have never guessed you could do that."

"Yep." Nod. "As long as one end is in your turf. You can even cross a canyon with it."

One of his posse, who will now be known as weaselface, intrudes.

"Protector, I apologize but you do have a busy schedule."

Nathan waves him off. "Yeah, yeah, keep your shirt on." Shakes his helmet. "Your sister is just gonna have to wait." Turns his head back my way. "So what's up?"

"Wanted to let you know something and ask that it not be spread around too much."

"Okay…" The helm nods.

Climb up to my feet and wipe my hands off. "Still looks like we've got twelve days till the next break." He nods since I've already shared this on the radio. "My sensors have picked up something else though." Louis totally made up 'sensors' to explain where his predictions come from. "Something else is also coming."

"Another break?" Tilts his head. "That soon?"

Motion no. "Like a break but different. And coming within a couple days of the 4th break. May not even be monsters that time. But something worse." That's enough info. "Once that's dealt with though? I'll be going on the offensive."

"Offensive?" Big guy's confused.

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"Humanity won't survive if we stay divided. So I will unite us." Can tell Mr Ward is shocked even through his plate mail. "Fight me or join me. I'm still coming."

Seriously, apologetic armor suit was weird. Fidgeting indecisive all metal guy looks downright hilarious. 

"Um… uh… Louis, I… I can't just say yes or no to something like that. Need to check with, uh, mum and dad first. I'm sorry."

"Huh? Oh, no worries." Smile disarmingly. "I'm telling you now to give you time." Raise my palms. "You've got two weeks to decide."

Nathan's relieved. "Really? Cool, thank you." But weaselface and the others are wearing a 'kill you and rape your women' mix of sneers and leers.

I sit back down on the edge of the dock. Watching the tide roll away. "Thank you for coming to see me, Nathan." Point. "Say hi to his sister for me."

Weaselface looks offended but his boss just laughs. "Doubt she'll want to waste time talking but I'll tell her anyway. Bye Louis." Waves and starts to turn but stops. "Uh, Louis? Are you really okay?"

"What do you mean?" Keep watching the waves and stefalo. A fin that's bigger than it has any right to be, rises up and then goes back down further out in the bay.

Bird monsters for the airplanes, helicopters and drones. Sea monsters for the boats and ships. Global trade and travel is so fucked.

"You're acting kind of douchey now. And [Identify] says you changed your name to John Barton? I didn’t even know you could do that." Louis remembers him as a good kid. Maybe his normally terrible judge of character was right for a change. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Laugh a little.

"Hehe… I'm shown proof that my crush is a lying cheating whore. A lot of proof. My mother and sister are raped to death by goblins. And I find out it's all part of a plot, by a classmate, to ruin and kill me." Face him. "So, no, I'm not okay. Not even close. But I'll be okay again. Someday."

And that's before tossing not knowing if my wife and sons are alive or dead on top. Safe or in pain. Are they angry at me for leaving? Do they hate me? Yeah, so fucking not okay.

Couple of times armorman raises a finger like he's going to say something but drops it again. Before finally speaking. "I don't know what you're going through. But I know pain, and darkness. I can at least listen, if you want to talk. Okay?"

"Thanks for the offer. Might take you up on it." Smile. "Now go get laid, champ."

*thunch* *thunch*

Gives me another thumbs up as the tank pivots and stomps away. Maybe he really is a good kid. Hope I don't have to kill him.

Huh? Why are we meeting in the ruins? Oh, right, after an incident or two it's become an unwritten rule that strongmen never enter another strongman's enclave. Unless they want to fight for it. We communicate by radio or face to face meetings in the ruins.

Wonder if weaselface's sister is hot? Probably is. There’s too much competition to bother fucking her if she's not.

We've shared some details about each other before. The Protector of Gerritsen was a foster child.  Bounced from home to home. Family to family. Always longing for attention and respect. But rarely getting any.

Now, thanks to the apocalypse, he has it. Lots of it. A mom. A dad. Siblings. And plenty of pussy throwing themselves at him.

As the Sentinel's crunching footsteps and cronies recede into the distance. "Boss? Was that the right thing to do?" Jet asks as I go back to watching the stefalo.

"You don't agree?" Reply without looking back.

My mocha skinned sorceress is concerned. "What if he doesn't keep the secret?"

"Haha. Well of course he won't." Laugh. "Wouldn't have asked him to keep it a secret if I thought he actually would."

"Then why…"

Ely chimes in. "If the master announced that he is declaring war in two weeks?" Do you realize what you just called me? "Half of the bastions wouldn't believe it. But when they hear it through their spies instead?"

"Their paranoia will make them believe." Z adds emotionlessly.

"Exactly." I continue. "Strongmen rule the enclaves. But they don't control them." Wave a finger. "Their cronies do. And those crews will be full of greedy, scheming, backstabbing little shits. Who will believe it because it's what they'd do."

"And they did believe you." Ely states. See? It's a good idea to bring a psychic sometimes.

Busty Bry asks. "Is war really necessary, big daddy?"

Motion her over with a finger. Then reach around and give her ass a squeeze. "War is coming. It might pass over us but I doubt it. New Am is just too juicy a target."

Yeah, it's possible but my gut says we'll have at least one of the really aggressive bastards go after Fort Matthew because we are doing too well. High walls, well fed population, and a lot of system purchased buildings.

And if I'm wrong? Good, will make my conquest simpler. But if I'm right? Everyone preparing for me will be better prepared for them too.

<BledWhiteHeart: They will come John. The auction is soon and a particularly cruel elf prince is expected to bid.>

An elf? Great…

<BledWhiteHeart: He is called the Bloody Sun by his enemies. And has been restricting his growth to join this integration.>

Can you tell me which portal he'll choose?

<BledWhiteHeart: I'm sorry John. All I will be able to find out is who won. The system keeps which portals the winners choose a secret.>

Swell, Nina?

<Nina: Yes master?>

How's the helicarrier coming?

<Nina: Still working on the frame, dear. Months from launch unless we receive many more resources and workers.>

Urgh. May have to toss more recruits in the vats.

Bry gets on her knees and presses those beautiful E-cups against my shoulder. "Master? Is there anything I can do? I… I've never done it outdoors before." Aw… Bless your big heart. And tight pussy.


Hand on cheek I give her a kiss. "Thank you, but later. We need to finish the sweep." Climb to my feet again. "May have to pull another all nighter." Bry looks sad. "But I promise to take your ass and fill it first." And she's happy again. Notice several girls now look thirsty. "Fight now. Fuck later. Let's move out."


It's good to be the king.

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