Anime Template

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Kyoka Suigetsu

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[Integral Core Reactivation: Ongoing…]

[All Clear!]

[Physical Material Recreation: Ongoing…]

[All Clear!]

[Consciousness Startup: Ongoing…]

[All Clear!]

[Good day, sir. This is System Assistant, Ruri. I exist to assist the Host to guide your progress and clear your doubts, it’s my pleasure to serve you]

A non-organic voice rang in my mind as my blurred consciousness gains clarity.

I groaned and held my muddled head as the tinnitus slowly subsided. I just sat at the floor and waited until the uncomfortable feeling cleared.

I found myself sitting at the floor, with nothing but darkness on my surrounding. Strangely, I didn’t feel any discomfort. In fact, I actually felt at home in this place; as if I originally belonged here.

I tried to explore my surrounding but aside from the feedback from my senses that I’m standing at something, everything is in the dark.

Seemingly aware of my confusion, an inorganic voice rang in my mind.

[Host, this is the Heavenly Cloning System. Its function is to assist the Host and clone you using the fictions you watched in your previous world]

Hearing this, my forehead slowly creased, but my emotion didn’t stir at all.

As a youth from 21st century, I already browsed a lot of novels or stories depicting the life to another world. This kind of generic and cliché genre has long been my staple for killing some time. Hence, I didn’t feel too much from System’s existence; Just a bit surprised.

After all, the System I got is unliked to the ones I know.

‘‘A system that replicates me while using character from fiction as the basis?’’

Hearing this, an inorganic voice once again rang in my mind.

[Yes. To put it simply, the system will create your clone but using a fiction character template]

[Please take note, the template for cloning is random similar to a gacha. Hence, please be prepared]

[For example: We can use Uchiha Madara Template to make a clone of you. They will inherit the best qualities from the said template; Meaning it’s possible to get his experiences, awaken Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Susanoo, and Rinnegan]

[Please take note, the template for cloning is random similar to a gacha. Hence, please be prepared]

[Also, the said clone will develop its own personality. But regardless, the fact that it’s you will never change]

[In a way, they are you and you are them. Like branches which emerged from the tree itself]

[Please be at ease, since they are you; they will never think of pushing you in dangerous situation. After all, once the System determined your death, they will also disappear]

[Reminder! you can only draw template once for every mission from Reincarnation or System Task]

Hearing this, some of my doubts was finally cleared.

But there’s still something I haven’t asked yet, and that was-

“I see. Last question, where am I?”

[This is the room for reincarnates, The Chamber of Reincarnation]

[The Host was selected by the Reincarnation Space to travel through heavens and complete missions]

“… Reincarnation Space?”

Frankly speaking, I can’t help but feel incredulous with the sudden entrance of Reincarnation Space. Because as long as you’re an avid reader of novels and fanfiction, this kind genre was something that you’ll eventually encounter.

Reincarnation Space, it was a place where countless beings from other worlds congregate. The beings selected by the will of Reincarnation will usually embark in a rather colorful life; accomplishing various tasks in another worlds.

Based from the information from the books I previously read, the people who can accomplish a high evaluation after accomplishing a task will get a generous reward; Getting powerful artifacts, strength, weapons, and so on.

Truly, a place where people rise as long as they have the knack for it.

‘Yet, I was actually selected? How interesting.’

I can’t help but feel a bit excited about it.

After all, I had enough of my dull everyday life; doing the same thing over and over. But now, it seems like those days is finally about to end.

‘But first, let’s get something from the System.’

I forcibly curbed my excitement and looked at the System Personal panel.

Name: Ren Suimei

Age: 20

Title: N/A

Traits: N/A


Clones from countless Heavens (Unique)

-Allows the user to split his soul and summon a clone (Template).

I didn’t feel much seeing my desolate Personal Panel. After all, everyone has to start with something. With this in mind, I consoled myself and asked the System Assistant.

“Ruri, how do I activate this skill?”

[Host, just say ‘Clone’ to activate the skill]

Hearing this, I inwardly said the activation key which immediately presented me another transparent panel.

[Generating Random Template…]

[Materializing the Clone….]

[All Clear!]

[Cloning Template: Sosuke Aizen!]       

A series of prompt rang in my mind, but my attention was caught by the pillar of light that suddenly appeared before me.

A silhouette of a figure could be seen basking at the pillar of light. The figure was quite tall, perhaps 180+ cm? Regardless, I could feel a boundless pressure from the figure, a sense of his might and majesty.

Soon, the pillar of light subsided and the figure finally revealed himself.

A man with calm and stable temperament. He was wearing an arrancar style-clothes over his shihakusho; Clothes that Aizen wore after defecting from Soul Society to Hueco Mundo.

Seeing the main body, the clone let out a subtle smile.

“Hello, it is my pleasure to meet you, Ren.”

Hearing his calm, polite, and soft-spoken words, I can’t help but felt a wave of good will towards the clone.

‘This clone really inherited Aizen’s way of talking. Was it one of his best qualities?’

I shook my head and let out a chuckle; stretched out my hand towards him.

“I’ll be on your care from now on, Aizen.”

After Aizen’s appearance, the dark environment for some reason turned in a lush forest.

The sky was clear, and I could hear rustling sound of trees. The bell-like chirping of birds was strangely comforting along with the fresh and untainted air. I couldn’t help but immerse myself in such place.

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After that experience, it finally sunk in to me; that I’m truly in another world.

But soon, I found that along with Aizen, we still have company.

Their looks were varied, there was an old man of unknown profession, a student, a doctor, and finally a rugged looking man; staring at us with indifference.

Seeing this, I couldn’t help but ponder for a moment.

‘Hmm, aside from the obvious reaction of the others, it looks like that man is going to be our leader, huh.’

I glanced at the rugged looking man. He had the look similar to a soldier, firm, steady and ferocious. He didn’t bother curbing his presence, which inadvertently attracted the rest of people besides us.

After all, his appearance was too incongruous compared to the panicky and terror-stricken expression of my colleagues, he had the look of someone used in this kind of situation.

‘A senior, huh.’

I glanced at the rest and saw the fidgety old man, looking tangled and hesitant.

But soon, seemingly making up his mind, the old man took the initiative and inquired the rugged looking man.

“… You, did you perhaps bring us here?”

The old man made a sound that even he seems skeptic about.

Well, it’s not really hard to foresee such thing. After all, among the confused and horrified expression of the others, the rugged looking man alone was indifferent about the situation. Which indirectly led in a rather wonderful misunderstanding.

I couldn’t help but raise my thumb inwardly, admiring the old man’s steel like guts.

Hearing this, the rugged looking man glanced at the old man. The old man felt a wave of discomfort from the gaze of the rugged looking man. But fortunately, the rugged looking man retracted his gaze directed it to everyone.

“I won’t say nonsensical things about your human rights or whatnot. To put it simply, this place is no longer the planet you belonged. Now, to put it badly, you lots are either lucky or unfortunate bastards. Because in Reincarnation Space, you can either survive and enjoy the its generosity, or joined the countless unlucky fools who died without achieving anything.”

“As for the task, the Reincarnation Space won’t require you to accomplish any for the time being; that is aside from surviving.”

“That’s about it. If you have any more questions, you better find the answer yourself. As for the danger we might encounter on the road, you will with it by yourself.”

The others grimaced hearing his cold and chilling words.

“Now, follow me and be obedient until we reached the town near here. After that, you can do whatever you want.”

With his rough yet unquestionable tone, the rugged looking man turned his back and left.

The doctor’s forehead visibly creased but he didn’t say anything as he wordlessly followed the rugged looking man. The student and old man was still confused but they had no choice but to follow along.

As for me and Aizen, we tacitly decided to follow the party until finally reaching the town.

Thankfully, the following walk was smooth sailing. There were no surprises such as monster suddenly appearing or internal discord unlike in the novel.

Is what I and Aizen wanted the rest to see and feel.

In fact, the road was actually dangerous.

Let’s roll back to the previous event.

Earlier after the explanation of the rugged looking man, a series of prompt from Reincarnation Space crazily poured in our mind for some reason.

[Warning! The Reincarnation Space was being attacked by foreign forces! Please immediately return and defend!]

[Warning! The Reincarnation Space was being attacked by foreign forces! Please immediately return and defend!]

[Warning! The Reincarnation Space was being attacked by foreign forces! Please immediately retur…]

Hearing this, the newcomers aside me was confused while the rugged looking man looked solemn.

It didn’t take a while before everyone realize how big the trouble was; seeing that even Reincarnation Space was panicking even summoning the newcomers.

Soon, a new prompt from Reincarnation Space suddenly appeared.

[Forcibly Summoning Reincarnates!]

[Countdown 1…]


I couldn’t help but feel disgusted while at the same time urgent from seeing the prompt.

It must be noted, that aside from the rugged looking man before us, we, the newcomers; has no means to do anything at all. Hence, the forced summoning of Reincarnation Space was no different from death sentence.

That’s why the expression of the doctor and the rugged looking man look a bit unsightly.

After all, no one can feel at ease being summoned and die right away.

Feeling the depressing atmosphere, I didn’t tarry and immediately inquired Ruri.

“Hey Ruri, is it possible to offset that forced summoning of Reincarnation Space?”

Ruri didn’t respond right away unlike usual. But soon, the long-awaited transparent panel finally appeared.

[It’s possible, but the System has to shutdown and accumulate energy afterwards. Please be at ease, the function of the system will still work; it’s just upgrading and your inquiries would have to wait for a while]

My forehead creased, but I still chose to cancel the forced summon of Reincarnation Space.

“Do it.”

Seeing this, the corner of Aizen’s mouth visibly rose; looking at Ren with approval.

“A wise choice.”

Hearing my decision, Ruri immediately started the process.

[Origin Reactor Activation…]

[Time and Space Distortion…]

[Releasing Maximum Output to generate a massive Spatial Quake…]

[Checking all relevant instruments…]

[Preparing for release…]

[All clear!]


A feeling of being disconnected at something emerged from within. I can feel that the anchor or something from a certain being was being severed.

Seemingly aware of this, the Reincarnation Space immediately reacted.

[Detecting unknown intervention!]

[Retracting all connection from material world!]

[Retracting Forced Summoning!]

[Message: Interesting. It’s the first that someone can actually resist my forced summoning. But do not be happy yet, because once I’m done dealing with these filthy invaders… YOU’RE NEXT!!]

The sound of screeching metal rang in my head after the last panel from Reincarnation Space appeared.

But it soon subsided, under the dumbfounded eyes of the people around me.

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