AnimeCon Harem

Chapter 12: Truth or Dare, Round Two

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    “So, I passed your dare, then?” Brian calmly conjectured, shifting back away from Kelly on the bedspread and working his hands one last time before nonchalantly relaxing them in his lap. There were a lot of discreet ways he could disguise his ardent erection, and he had been shamed into learning many of them throughout the course of his last relationship. Kept my cool, everything’s fine, Brian assured himself. If I can just… adjust myself out of this fold in my pant leg, no one’ll know the

    “I didn’t say you passed, yet,” Kelly pouted, turning further towards him and looking crestfallen. “You didn’t even finish.”

   Finish? The hell do you mean, finish? You keep making sexy noises when I have my hands on you, I really will finish, Brian thought, steeling himself to keep his composure.

    “Well, Stephanie?” he managed.

    “Y-you, uh, I think he passed,” Stephanie mumbled, her face red. “You didn’t say how long he had to plea… um, how long he had to make you feel good. That was, ah, wow, though. You wouldn’t happen to be a physical therapist, or, or a masseur?”

    “Nothin’ like that,” Brian said, giving her a lopsided grin.

    “We can pick up where we left off later though, right?” Kelly asked huskily, reluctantly returning to sit back in the easy chair while twisting and stretching her body.

    “Can I ask for a truth, then?” Brian asked, giving her a strange look.

    “Yeah, I guess you can,” Kelly said, “But I’ll take any dare too, you know?”

    “Truth or dare, then,” he asked.

    “No, really, anything,” Kelly said, curiosity getting the better of her. “I’ll take a truth or a dare, it doesn’t matter. Ask away.”

    “Okay, then,” Brian said. “Why’d you come to AnimeCon? I mean, you don’t seem like you’re into anime, you don’t consider yourself a weeb like us. So… why are you here? It’s been on my mind for a while now.”

    “All the things you can ask, and you ask that,” Kelly grunted, face falling in dismay.

    “I’m a little curious t-too,” Stephanie added. “I know I asked before, but...”

    “Fine, fine,” Kelly sighed. “First of all, you’ve gotta know that I’ve been to AnimeCon before, three years ago. So I’m not like, this complete outsider. But to clarify; I was never like, a real anime fan, or into all the geek stuff like you guys... I had this friend who was, Sarah. I came to AnimeCon with her back then, wore one of her old costumes. Rocked it. Was this real tight sorta jester’s outfit from some comic book thing—”

    “Jessie Terr?” Brian guessed.

    “...Probably? Yeah, I think that was it.”

    “Wait wait, you were Jessie Terr, here at Animecon, three years ago?” Brian asked in surprise. “Were you wearing a skirt sort of thing with fishnet, or the bodysuit?”

    “Uh… a skintight bodysuit, actually. Why?” Kelly asked, suspicion creeping into her voice.

    “Hell, I think I took a picture of you that year, standing with Emily. I’ll have her look through the album on her page tomorrow, but I’m pretty sure it was you.”

    “Y-you two have met here before?” Stephanie realized, shocked. “AnimeCon, um, the convention, it’s ah, it’s something like sixteen thousand attendees, the odds—”

    “This year, maybe,” Brian said thoughtfully. “Back then, things were different, AnimeCon couldn’t have been more than seven or eight thousand people, and there were a lot less cosplayers than there are now.”

    “It might’ve been me,” Kelly said, looking guilty. “There were a lot of pictures. And it was... look, it was fun. I liked it, the attention, the fan reaction, the anon...anonymity? Is that right? Everyone recognized who I was supposed to be, but at the same time, no one knew who I really was.”

    “I’m used to being sexy. I’m naturally sexy, but being able to put on this slinky costume, with her wig and stupid face paint... I was more, I was... pickin’ up her little mannerisms and mimicking her stupid accent just like Sarah coached me. I was like, gettin’ into it. It was fuckin’ weird, and kinda cool. And I was gonna make AnimeCon a habit, and come back every year.”

    “But you didn’t? What stopped you?” Brian asked.

    “Well, I started fucking up and never stopped, that’s what happened,” Kelly muttered, gritting her teeth. “This is kinda my last shot… at trying to see if I can still go back, back to where I used to be in my life, you know? Also I flipped out on my one manager and got suspended, so well... my weekend was free.”

    “Well, she did answer,” Brian said thoughtfully, glancing to Stephanie. “But all it does is raise more questions…”

    “S’all you get, champ,” Kelly denied flatly. “I’m all dares for the rest of the night. Anyways… let’s move on, alright? Truth or dare, Stephanie?”

    “I… I think I’m picking truth, again,” Stephanie said shyly.

    “Perfect! Great. Because I thought of a perfect question for you,” Kelly confessed, the graceful curves of her cheeks curling into a diabolical smile. “When you were in the shower earlier, did you masturbate at all?”

    The timid cutie looked completely stunned, and her mouth fell open in shock at the question. “I... did I what?” Stephanie stammered, nervously flicking her eyes between Brian and Kelly.

    “Were you a good little girl, who went in there just to wash up, to prepare your dainty little self for bed? Kelly persisted, still grinning wickedly. “Or’d you finger yourself?”

   Hah, as if, Brian thought to himself. Now you’re even overreaching on your truth questions. There’s no way that Stephanie…

    But Stephanie’s mortified face gave it all away immediately; a look of guilt and embarrassment that transformed into an alarmed, increasingly panicked expression. She hid her face in her hands, unable to quell her own reactions.

   Wait, no way... Did she really…?

    “Um, I...I d-don’t think I can answer,” Stephanie said quietly, unable to meet their eyes. “Does that—does that mean I’m out of the game now?”

    “It means you’re being needlessly difficult,” Kelly replied, chuckling. “Because if you back out here, both of us will know for sure why; it’s ‘cause you finger-fucked yourself silly soon as you had the water running in there, isn’t it? Right, Brian? If she refuses to answer, that’s what we’ll think.”

    “Uhmm…” he coughed helplessly.

   “But, on the other hand, if you come clean and admit what we basically now already know, you get to keep playing. You keep playing, you impress us with your courage and honesty, you form a bond with us—’cause everyone gets horny and masturbates at some point. And most importantly, if you look deep into Brian’s eyes when you answer, something amazing might happen.”

    “Okay, I...I did that,” Stephanie stammered, cheeks burning as she avoided their gaze. “A little. Only, ah, a little. I’d never—it, it was just a bit…”

   “Well. There we have it, the dirty truth. Look at this perverted little peach, Brian,” Kelly exclaimed, turning towards him with interest. “I really can’t believe she’d do that, and with both of us right out here outside… Are you shocked?”

    “It’s okay, Stephanie,” Brian reassured her, trying not to let his imagination run wild. “You answered her question, and you didn’t do anything wrong. I probably would have… uh, done that too, if I’d showered right after the con. It’s been a hell of a day.”

    “, you would have?” Stephanie asked, letting out a breath. More than just being relieved at his admission, she appeared to take interest, as well.

    “Yeah, I mean, probably,” Brian said, looking away awkwardly. “Uh, whose turn was it to go next?”

    “We’re really learning tons about each other with this game,” Kelly remarked gleefully. “In fact, if Steph thinks she can keep playing it safe with only picking truth questions… next time I can ask just what fantasy our little Stephanie was in there diddling herself to.”

    “Tr-truth or dare, Brian?” Stephanie asked, pretending not to hear.

    “Hmm… truth, this time,” he answered.

    “Okay, there was… this one thing I wanted to ask but, wasn’t sure if it would be okay…” Stephanie said meekly. “And, if you’re not comfortable, you, ah, you don’t have to answer—”

    “Yes, he does,” Kelly jumped in, rolling her eyes. “He doesn’t get any free passes. If you ask, he’s gotta answer, or he’s out of the game.”

    “Oh… right. In that case, I can ju—”

    “Go ahead, ask,” Brian prompted, curious. “I’ll answer any question you have.”

    “Um… okay. Why did you and your uh, ex-girlfriend, why did you two break up?” Stephanie asked, looking genuinely perplexed by the notion. “I can’t picture, or I mean, I can’t think of any reason why anyone would possibly, uh…”

    Brian managed a frown, caught off guard. “Well, that’s a bit... complicated to explain.”

    “Betcha it’s not,” Kelly said snidely. “People are complicated, yeah, but breakups themselves always turn out to be for pretty simple reasons, don’t they?”

    “Well, okay. I guess the short version is... she stopped trusting me, so the relationship stopped working. Is that simple enough?”

    “Wha—no way, that’s not fair,” Kelly protested. “That’s like, only half of an answer, a tenth of an answer. You have to tell us the why to actually answer her question; why’d she stop trusting you?”

    “Why wouldn’t she trust you?” Stephanie asked as well, wearing an expression of disbelief and confusion.

    “Because I’m a guy,” Brian sighed, shaking his head.

    “Okay, spill,” Kelly demanded.

    “I’ve been kind of mulling the whole situation over in my head every morning run. Trying to organize my thoughts, figure it all out, you know? Her name was Chloe. She went to the college in my town, so when we met she was already kind of... in the periphery of that local circle of friends. Long story short, we hung out a lot, started dating. Eventually got an apartment together. Things were fine, for a while.”

    “I don’t know if it was professors or college activists or what, but partway through one of her courses; this gender studies class, the material stopped being objective and started pushing this weird political slant.”

    “Political slant?” Stephanie murmured, looking confused.

    “Yeah, opened her eyes to all of our inequalities, I guess. They taught her that there was a wage gap between men and women... so she began to insist that it was absolutely unfair for her to be paying half of the rent. She learned that most women are sexually assaulted, and their statistics said that one in every three men is a rapist. From that point it didn’t a matter that I respected when she said no, I was required to earn a yes from her for every potential stage of intimacy. That’s how it all started, anyways. As time went on she just... got deeper and deeper into this extremist mindset that couldn’t help but despise me.”

    “Yikes,” Kelly said. “Yeah, you’d mentioned some of that before. I can kinda see why you broke up with her.”

    “She left me, not the other way around,” Brian replied. “It was frustrating, it hurts, and I hate it, but... it’s not like she just changed all of the sudden, it was this gradual thing, over two years. Before I knew it, I wasn’t even fit to speak with her on any number of subjects, because my opinions, as a privileged white male, weren’t valid. Her having to educate me on the social injustices just seemed to make me more and more guilty.”

    “B-but you don’t think that way, do you?” Stephanie asked, looking genuinely concerned. “You, uh, I don’t think you did anything wrong.”

    “For a while I guess I tried to convince myself of some of it,” Brian admitted. “But well... I don’t know what to think about anything anymore. I can’t imagine that I’m not terribly biased in this situation, so don’t consider what I’ve said any kind of fair assessment or anything. I know that Chloe was doing what she thought was right, so that, at least... is admirable.”

    “Unless she’s actually really wrong,” Kelly observed dryly.

    “I guess,” Brian said indifferently, letting out slow breath. “Anyways, does all of that answer the question to your satisfaction?”

    “I... yes, it does. Sorry,” Stephanie answered, managing a sheepish grin.

    “Don’t be, you’re up next,” Brian said. “Truth or dare, Stephanie?”

    “Truth,” she replied.

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    “Okay, how do you feel about gender roles and relationships?” he asked.

    “I think that guys are obvious predators and subtle parasites of women,” Kelly jumped in. “And girls are obvious parasites and subtle predators of men. Girl I knew said that, always agreed with it, though. Shit, wasn’t my question though, sorry.”

    “S’alright,” Brian chuckled. “My ex would definitely agree with at least half of that. Go on, Steph.”

    “I, uh, honestly hadn’t thought much about either of them,” Stephanie admitted, shaking her head. “I never thought any of it would be… applicable to me? I’d just want you—uh, that is, um, the other person in a relationship, to be happy, that’s all that matters to me. I don’t think the genders really matter to that, but, I actually don’t know very much about the topic at all, so…that’s my answer, I guess?”

    “Really?” Kelly asked. “Genders don’t matter to you? Like, you’d hook up with a girl?”

    “Hey, you wait ‘till your next turn to ask a new question,” Brian chided. “Stephanie’s turn to dare you, now.”

    “Truth or dare?” Stephanie asked.

    “Dare,” Kelly said, leaning back and regarding Stephanie with a confident smile.

   Hope it didn’t seem like I was exaggerating about the whole Chloe thing, Brian thought. Kinda weird talking about it. It was always such a touchy subject that I never really got to share my thoughts on it with anyone, even Emily.

    Frowning, Stephanie looked from Kelly to Brian, and then down into her hands in her lap. “I, uh, I can’t think of anything to dare,” she admitted.

    “You can’t think of anything you want me to do?” Kelly asked in exasperated vexation. “You can tell me to do anything you want, you have me at your command, and you’ve got nothing? Do you want me to finish what you started and have me strip?”

    “What was the other dare we’ve had tonight...? Ah, right, that was it; dare me to make you feel good. There’s no downside to that for you, and it even leaves things open for me to make you feel good in, you know, my own way.”

    “I...uh, okay. I dare you to make me feel good,” Stephanie agreed nervously.

   Uh-oh. She walked right into that before I could warn her. Somehow I doubt Kelly planned on making her feel good using stuff like motivational words and high-fives. As it turned out, he was right.

    Hopping out of the chair, Kelly joined Stephanie near the headboard of the bed and leaned in close, much to Stephanie’s surprise. The scene girl drew Stephanie into a hug, smooshing Kelly’s soft breasts against the girl’s smaller pair and slipping her arms around her tightly. “How does this feel?”

    “Um,” Stephanie said awkwardly, staring over Kelly’s shoulder at Brian in surprise. “It’s… nice, I... guess?”

    “Keep talking, it’s therapeutic,” Kelly whispered, caressing pink locks of hair away from Stephanie’s pale neck with her fingertips. “Just look over at Brian and describe to him how I’m making you feel, okay?”

    “Oh-okay?” Stephanie agreed stiffly.

    “Mmm,” Kelly responded, and she puckered her lips and smacked a moist kiss just below Stephanie’s ear. “Keep tellin’ him…”

    “Ah!” Stephanie yelped in surprise, and then shivered as Kelly’s sumptuously soft lips played across her neck in a string of sensual kisses. “It-it’s, just, that I’m, well, it’s sensitive there...”

    “Mm-hmm?” Kelly hummed, playing her teeth across the girl’s bare skin. “Are you still lookin’ right into Brian’s eyes?”

    “Uh-huh,” Stephanie breathed.

    “Then I’m gonna keep going… until I hear you tell him that what I’m doing is making you feel really good,” Kelly purred, blowing softly in the girl’s ear, and then she nuzzled closer and pulled the girl’s earlobe into her mouth, pinching it gently between her teeth.

   Okay… this is pretty kinky, Brian decided, trying to keep anything but an amused smile from showing.

    “Ah? ...Ahhh-ah!” Stephanie cooed, gripping firmly onto Kelly’s embrace in surprise. “It feels, it’s, uh, it’s... weird?”

   “Weird, huh? Well, I like making you feel weird. Is he still... watchin’?” Kelly asked in a husky voice, nibbling messy kisses, darting her tongue out, dragging a wet line down the softest portions of Stephanie’s neck. “Is he watching you make weird faces?”

    “Uh-huh?” Stephanie affirmed, squirming, and she swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

    “Well, I’ll try not to leave too many hickies,” Kelly promised, and she shifted her position and continued down the other side of Stephanie’s neck. Brian couldn’t see what she was doing from his vantage point now, but he could hear her making wet suckling noises and Stephanie’s eyes were going unfocused in an erotic daze.

    “Ahh-ahhh! That, uh, that’s good,” Stephanie finally gave in. “That feels good, you can… you can stop now!”

    “I don’t know… did it really feel good?” Kelly asked, looking doubtful.

    “Yes! Yes, it was, ah, nice. It felt really good,” Stephanie reassured her quickly.

    “Be sure and remember it,” Kelly said, still using her flirtatious tone. “‘Cause you can try it out on Brian later. Or me, if you want some practice first. We can exchange all kinds of pointers all night long.” With apparent reluctance Kelly released the girl and bounced up off the bed again, returning to the easy chair with a new sway in her hips.

    “Truth or dare, Brian?” Kelly asked.

    “...Truth,” Brian decided, not failing to notice the eager smile Kelly was failing to hide.

    “Son of a bitch,” Kelly swore, although her smile didn’t falter. “You just knew I had somethin’ good to dare ya, didn’t you?”

    “That look of manic glee was a little telling, yeah,” he admitted, leaning back and crossing his arms.

    “Damn, I was gonna have you... well, I’ll still get my chance. You can’t hide behind truth forever,” Kelly said in a conspiratorial voice.

    “Says who?” he countered.

    “Says me, ‘cause sometimes truth questions are even better than dares,” Kelly said, and she jerked her thumb toward Stephanie. “Okay then, tell me the truth, do you want to fuck her?”

    “I... uh,” Brian blurted, looking nervously over at Stephanie. There really is no such thing as a safe question in this game, huh?

    “You either wanna fuck her...” Kelly suggested, “...or you don’t. It’s one or the other.”

    “That’s just... I mean, Stephanie, isn’t that going a little too far for a question?” Brian pleaded.

    “Uh,” Stephanie sat up and fidgeted, trying not to appear as though she had been leaning forward in excitement and anticipation. “W-well, if you’re not, um, comfortable answ—”

    “C’mon, guys,” Kelly interrupted quickly, “I was only even asking that to do my girl Steph here a favor, ‘cause I can tell... she really wants to know. Don’tcha, Steph?”

    “...Do you?” Brian asked.

    A look of panic came over the blushing girl, and she waved her hands in front of her. “I um, it’s not, I mean, it’s your turn, not mine, I don’t, uh, I d-don’t have to say anything. I don’t has—have to answer.”

    “But do I have to answer?” Brian asked. “Is it going too far, or is it a fair question?”

    “Uh…” Stephanie mouthed, floundering.

    “You were right, Brian. Truth or dare is like, a deep game,” Kelly said, praise evident in her voice. “You learn more about people by what they ask, by how they answer, and even by what the impartial judge player decides is a fair question or not.”

    “Th-that’s not fair, I can’t, how?! I can’t be impartial when it’s about me—” Stephanie protested.

    “S’why it’s really so telling,” Kelly smirked. “Like, if you say it’s a legal question, then what it really means is that you want to know, too. You want to know if Brian here wants to fuck you, that is.”

    “That’s not, that isn’t... necessarily... um,” Stephanie said weakly.

    “So you don’t care whether he wants to fuck you or not?”

    “This... this isn’t my turn, it’s Brian’s ques-question,” Stephanie sputtered, “I don’t think that, uhm, that we can have unfair ‘truth’ questions, so there’s really... there’s really no need to ask me, uh, to ask the third player if it’s fair or not, un-unless it’s a ‘dare’ question.”

    “So you do want to know?” Kelly grinned.

    “Th-that’s not what I said!” Stephanie denied.

    “Fine, I’ll answer, I do,” Brian jumped in, and the girls seemed to forget their argument instantly.

    “You do... what? Say it out loud,” Kelly gloated. “Say what you want to do to her, Brian.”

    “I do want to... do it with her,” Brian grudgingly admitted.

    “You want to fuck her,” Kelly said.


    “Say it—!”

    “Look, it’s fine if you just want to make me uncomfortable, but I don’t want you using me to make Steph uncomfortable. I mean, we’re all rooming together…”

    “Don’t blame me for makin’ you guys uncomfortable, all I did was bring the truth to light and make things a bit more honest around here,” Kelly smirked. “You’re the one who wants to fuck her so bad. In fact, I think next time you pick truth I’m gonna ask for you to describe for us exactly how you want to fuck her.”

    “Ohh,” Stephanie blurted, blushing fiercely. She was struggling to keep anything from showing on her face, and failing miserably. “Y-you guys both are so mean.”

    “What?!” Kelly retorted indignantly, “I’m just tryin’ to look out for you here! So now you know what’s up. And as for Brian, well, like, it’s not his fault he wants to fuck you, he can’t help it, right? After all you’re—”

    “Uh... well, whose turn was it next?” Brian asked sheepishly, coughing into his fist.

    “You’re asking me, now,” Kelly laughed. “...Your chance for revenge?”

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