AnimeCon Harem

Chapter 15: A Taste of Pink

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   There’s no way she actually meant it, Brian told himself, trying to push the thought out of his mind. Holding each other, kissing, and even taking clothes off for dares is one thing, but this is…

    Of course, it was inevitable that he’d imagine it, at least. He had met Stephanie’s vulva face-first in a collision of bodies that had him sprawled out on the ground in the middle of the crowded convention floor. That was how he had first met this girl.

    It hadn’t ended there, thankfully. She’d joined him for lunch, flirted and kissed with him, traversed the convention center together for a while. Now she was in his hotel room, daring him to eat her out? He absolutely harbored a strong attraction to her, on many levels, and his mind had idly wandered back to that brief but point-blank introduction to her panties and the plush shapes of her inner thighs all day long.

    “Alright, uh, what are we doing?” Brian asked awkwardly, somehow getting an ominous feeling.

    “Go on, tell him, Steph,” Kelly prompted.

    “I dare you, uh, to go down on me,” Stephanie said, biting her lip and watching him intently.

    “...Do you really understand what you’re asking me to do?” He asked.

    Stephanie was trying to keep her face composed, but he saw the minute tells of several different expressions coming and going. A vulnerable-looking uncertainty in her eyes, a tiny flicker of the space between her brows creasing, a twitch of her lips.

    “I dare you to go down on me,” She repeated firmly.

“You...uh, well, okay,” he said, flabbergasted.

    He could see the naked outer edges of her thighs curving beautifully out into that curvaceous butt, and if she shifted those defensively drawn legs of hers in any direction, he would see her uncovered intimate places from behind her lovely ankles. He struggled to keep his calm and not stare intently, but it was futile; every graceful line of her slightly shaking body was drawing his eye back.

    Flashing a devilish smile, Kelly slipped her hands up Stephanie’s knees and pried them open... or tried to; Stephanie flinched at her touch but her legs were firmly locked and didn’t budge in the slightest.

    “H-hey,” Stephanie exclaimed, dropping her voice to a feeble whisper. “I’m, not, I’m, you know... Kelly, I’m not wearing any panties...”

    “Uh, yeah,” Kelly acknowledged. “Isn’t that kinda the point? It’d be pretty tough for him to go down on you if you were still wearing panties, wouldn’t it?”

   She still has no idea what going down on someone means, Brian realized, stifling the urge to smack his forehead down into his palm. Wasn’t Kelly going to explain? No… no, of course not.

    “Uh? Yeah, I… yes, sorry,” Stephanie mumbled, blinking. “So he’ll… see my…?”

    “Guess he doesn’t have to,” Kelly conceded. “S’your dare, you want the lights out for this?”

    “Steph...” Brian asked, feeling a strange sense of crisis. Why does this suddenly feel less like truth or dare and more like some hostage situation? Do I need to rescue Stephanie?

    “Hhh-hh-I’m-okay,” the girl exhaled distressfully, her face flushed red. “It’s fine, I-I’ll want to see, too. I’m okay. I just, um, give me a minute. I can do this.”

    “C’mon, then, Brian,” Kelly’s grin only grew wider. “Get over here and tongue this girl’s twat.”

    He’d been about to speak up in protest when with a shiver, Stephanie’s knees twitched and reluctantly pulled away from each other. Slowly, shakily, she spread her legs the rest of the way and opened herself up to Brian’s view, her eyes locked steadily on his. It was hard to tear himself away from her gaze to look down towards what she was revealing to him… but of course, he did.

    The lush, plump shapes of her raised thighs drew his eye immediately to the juncture between them, and as she splayed her legs there was a faint wet sound from her slightly parting lower lips in the shocked silence of the hotel room.

    Absolutely fucking amazing.

    Though Stephanie’s pubic hair was untrimmed, it really wasn’t much more than a faint blonde peach fuzz forming a messy halo just above her vulva. Her pale skin looked impossibly soft and inviting to the touch, and her blushing lips revealed the lovely pink of her inner labia. She was very obviously aroused, and the slick line of wetness between her lips reflected light from the tableside lamp.

    Realizing he’d been admiring Stephanie appreciatively for a few moments, he gave her a reassuring smile as he knelt on the bed in front of the pair of girls.

    “Yeah, uh, damn. Looks like she’s ready to go, for sure. Hope you know what you’re doin’ down there,” Kelly remarked, grinning. Stephanie’s smile wavered, and she covered her face with both hands in embarrassment.

    “I’ll figure it out,” he answered casually. He was honestly just as confident in his cunnilingus as he was in his massages—and for the same reasons. Chloe’s libido had been tempered thoroughly by her socio-political ideas, but she always managed to feel empowered by him going down on her. More and more so, in fact, the more experienced and proficient he became at it.

    “Are you really ready?” he asked, trying to keep his own excitement out of his voice.

    Stephanie quickly nodded, peeking through her fingers.

    “Okay,” he said heavily, taking a deep breath and pausing to gauge her reaction. “You want me to stop, for any reason, just, I dunno, say something, tap my head, or-”

    “I’m okay,” Stephanie said bravely, trembling a little at being so intimately inspected. Her small chest was rising and falling with her every breath. “Anything you do, I’ll, uh, I’ll be okay.”

   Here we go. Positioning himself on the bed, he settled comfortably between her knees, and then rubbed his cheek intimately up the inside of her leg. When that coarse but not-quite-stubble on his face made contact with her inner thigh, Stephanie stiffened, and when he began to roll his lower lip against her, wet her skin, pinch it between his lips, she couldn’t help but squirm. Nibbling and kissing and teasing his way across that exposed expanse, he slowly made his way closer to the blushing pink folds within her labia, already so wet they glistened.

    As he neared it, delighting in the uneven panting that escaped Stephanie, he held back, pursing his lips and blowing a warm breath softly over her. She spasmed, releasing a startled noise, and he could see her clench and flex with a wet sound right before his eyes. Grinning, he resumed his playful kissing upon her opposite thigh, touching down onto that soft, pale skin and eliciting a whimper of frustration and excitement from the girl.

    “Alright, uh, ease up there, I think we’re more than ready for ya, you know?” Kelly interrupted impatiently, as she peered over Stephanie’s shoulder in fascination.

    “Don’t wanna rush it, though, either,” Brian said, looking up and offering a playful smile. “I want her to enjoy it.” Stephanie’s eyes were clouded and fluttering as she gazed down at him in wonder.

    “But… guess you both want to get on with the game, huh?” Flashing them a lopsided smile, he lowered himself back down and kissed her directly.

   Wet. It was one thing to see it, and entirely another to feel her arousal, warm and slippery on his lips, to press a kiss into her softest and most intimate of places. He heard her sudden intake of breath and felt a jolt of surprise travel down her legs. Brian opened up his mouth and gently let his tongue explore, beginning to play along her in languorously slow laps. Her taste, musky but not unpleasant, filled his mouth as he kissed her, and he drank in the subtle nuances and reactions of her body.

    “Ohhhh... ohh-god, Brian,” Stephanie mumbled. Was she really dripping with wetness like this? The red flush of Stephanie’s engorged lips, her ragged breathing, and that dazed look in her eyes led them to think this situation had already spiralled well out of Stephanie’s control.

   That’s okay, though. I’ve got her. Enjoying himself, Brian leisurely mapped every bit of her with his tongue. He discovered that enticing place of hers he could ease his tongue into, and let it sink deep inside of her, causing Stephanie to let out a ragged gasp. With care he tenderly played around the shape of her clitoral hood and the tiny bud therein, which he had always thought of as for panic pleasure, but didn’t bully it just yet. There were movements that seemed to build up a certain delicious tension within her, and there were motions that seemed to relax her into a state of bliss. Intent on finding all of the individual sweet spots which seemed to send sensation rippling throughout her entire body, he continued, reading all of her subtle reactions.

   Hope you’re ready, Steph, Brian thought, inhaling deeply and gathering his concentration; it was time to start trying to guide her towards climax. Rather than an amateur frenzied licking or frantic stabbing with the tip of his tongue, Brian began to lap at her slowly, steadily, pressing the flat of his tongue against her into a muscular pad.

    “Ah, ah-h, aah, ah?!” Stephanie responded, immediately slipping out of the sensuous daze he’d lulled her into and trembling as waves of pleasure crashed into her. She rocked her hips in surprise, gyrating them slowly in sync with his own movements. There was something desperate, something delicious about her frantic motions that seemed to surprise her just as much as it did him. I really can’t believe I’m doing this, Brian realized, thoughts breaking through his own haze of arousal only with great difficulty. We meet today by accident, an accident right out of an anime gag where she lands sitting on my face.

    With broad strokes he tongued her, using slight motions of his head and neck rather than fatiguing his tongue as he persisted, increasing his speed. She turns out to be the sweetest little shy girl I’ve ever met, makes me wish I’d never wasted those years with Chloe…

    “Ahh-AHHH-ahhh-AHHHH!!” Stephanie’s cries picked up as his tempo rose.

   She even seems to be into me… and now this other girl we just met spends all night trying to make things happen, even now watches with that perverse smile as I tongue-fuck Stephanie on a dare, this is all…

   What is this, Stephanie wondered, an eerily disjointed thought drifting through the pink haze of fire. My whole head’s going straaange...

    She’d thought it had been rather bold and clever, thought that her dare would make Brian bend over her lap and pantomime some sort of going-down motion, whatever that might’ve been. Kelly would laugh, perhaps make a joke about how it was a shame they couldn’t do it for real, and the game would move on.

    To Stephanie’s stupefaction, she belatedly discovered that guys could actually go down on girls, and the entire situation had escalated outside of her expectations in a dramatic way. I...I could have stopped, could have explained. But the more I realized it was all actually happening… the less I wanted to stop?

    She peered down again through her fogging glasses at the downy-soft hair of Brian’s head nestled between her thighs, lapping at her most private of places. Formerly private, they belonged all to Brian now. In fact, he now knew her places more intimately, more thoroughly than she ever would.

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    It was pleasure beyond her ability to express. Brian was wonderfully satisfying an itch she’d never realized she had, and at the same time, drastically intensifying her thirst for more. It was maddening. He was enthusiastically tonguing her naughty, indecent places, her… pussy, and his raw desire for her, this impossibly intimate joining of their bodies, made Stephanie feel sexier than she’d imagined possible. As his steady strokes lashed into her, her hips moved on their own in response and that engulfing pink flame seemed to swallow up her mind.

    “Ah-AHHM-AUUHH-ah-ah-ah-AHHH!” Stephanie gasped desperately, losing control. Her entire life was burning up. That safe future life she’d envisioned ahead of her was being incinerated; revealed to be so frail and flimsy that it was difficult to even be considered fuel for this fire. Acquiring steady, responsible employment after graduation, focusing her attention only on paying off her loans and stabilizing her life—all gone up in a pink flash of heat and smoke. What would it have mattered how stable my life was, if it was so bleak and lifeless? What cold comfort would financial security be? Any hardship would be an adventure if… if it was with him.

    Eventually meeting some inoffensive, shy but sensible man and carefully dating him sometime in her thirties, possibly marrying and settling down into some comfortable, quiet life—all a dull mirage rendered to cinders by the flames consuming her. I’d always thought of a future boyfriend as some kind of... faceless, bland, person. Someone distant, someone withdrawn, like me. But Brian makes me feel ALIVE! Even just watching him, listening to him speak, MAKES MY HEART RACE! He doesn’t see me as boring and simple. He sees AMAZING things in me, and he brings those things out of me! And now he’s!

    “She’s about to cum,” Kelly realized in awe, a somehow distant voice in Stephanie’s ear.

    At that, Brian abruptly ceased his continuous lapping and wiggled the tip of his tongue frantically into the panic pleasure button—her clit, and triggered Stephanie’s orgasm. Her delirious ruminations, already ablaze from that pink inferno within her, were obliterated in the thunderous detonation of a mind-shaking explosion.

    Rather than stopping, Brian clamped his mouth down upon her and pushed his tongue flat again just below her clit. Changing his bobbing motion to a slight jerking of the head, he slurped his tongue at her as though trying to catch juice rolling down the body of a peach.

    Stephanie’s entire body shook, completely pinning the stunned Kelly back against the headboard. She uttered a final squeak and her legs quivered, kicking weakly. Her pussy quavered, flexing and contracting in the crescendo of pink eruptions that blasted across her consciousness like finale fireworks. Her head awash with light and reeling from the pleasure, Stephanie was knocked completely senseless.

   “Christ, Brian, you mighta blown her brain out,” Kelly remarked, dazed.

    Brian stiffly rose, stretching his shoulders, and wiped his chin with the back of his hand, unable to contain a grin as he surveyed his handiwork. Stephanie had collapsed back against Kelly, and her naked legs still gave an occasional twitch and jerk. Her entire crotch was slick with secretions and saliva, her delicate-looking breasts heaving with each panting breath, her twisted nightshirt dimpled outward with the pinpoints of her nipples. A line of drool went down her chin, and her eyes were glassy and dazed... but none of that was what Brian noticed.

    “When did... Kelly, her hair. When did it...?” There wasn’t a single strand of blonde left to be found in that shoulder-length fluffy tangle of Stephanie’s pink hair.

    “Oh my God,” Kelly realized, eyes widening in shock, yanking a hand out of her own jeans and absent-mindedly wiping them on the comforter. She swore, working her way out from between Stephanie and the headboard. “I, uh... fuck, I wasn’t paying attention… to that, anyways. Dye left over from wearing that headband seeped out even further…?”

    “I don’t think so,” Brian said, tracing a hand gently down Stephanie’s body to slightly spread the girl’s thigh. “Look.” That tiny patch of Stephanie’s pubic hair was also now the same shade of vivid pink.

    “What the—” Kelly began.

    “Stephanie?” Brian called, leaning over the girl. “Are you alright?”

    “What the hell’d you do?” Kelly asked, leaning in for a closer look.

    “You were watching the whole time, right? You didn’t notice anything... weird?”

    “I noticed plenty of weird things,” Kelly rebutted, glancing him up and down. “You were like, melting muff there. She just came on your face, dude. How’d you do that? I mean, I know how you did it, I’ve done it once or twice, but never like...”

    “That’s… not that weird,” Brian said distractedly. “Her hair’s pink, Kelly. All of it.”

    “I dunno, maybe she has some like, condition or something. Albino?”

    “Albinism isn’t... instantaneous, and as far as I know, it’s never bright pink, either?”

    “Well gee, sorry for not havin’ all the answers. You were the one who made her pink. You were the one with her every time it happened, right?” Kelly pointed out, shifting the rest of the way out from beneath the limp girl. “Hell, we pretty much know why it happened too. Either it’s you touching her or getting her turned on or… something like that.”

    “I…” Well, it’s hard to argue with that. “Stephanie?” Still slightly panting, her eyes were slowly able to flick up and focus on him, but she wasn’t able to answer yet.

    “Damn though, uh, fuck having that massage later, can I try getting a little of what she had instead?” Kelly asked earnestly, “I don’t know that I really even expected anything, but uh, wow, if that feels even a tiny bit as good as it looks...”

    “I—” Stephanie croaked between breaths, “I...” Still trembling a bit, she’d finally regained control of herself and tried to sit up, a silly smile floating across her face.

    “Stephanie?” Brian asked again.

    “I... didn’t say you could stop yet,” Stephanie managed finally, breathing out slowly. “That was…” Her face still completely flushed and unable to hide her beaming smile, she dreamily met worried gaze.

    “Okay, well,” Kelly mumbled eagerly. “Whose turn was it, like, who’s asking who next?”

    “No more turns tonight,” Brian said, letting out a heavy sigh. “Stephanie? All of your hair’s pink now. And I mean, all of it.”

    “All... pink?” She blinked at him slowly for a moment, baffled, before bringing a shaking hand up to hold up one of her pink tresses. A look of concern finally appeared on her face and she looked back at Brian. “Is it, um… am I… pretty now?”

   That’s all you’re worried about? “Steph, you’re beautiful.”

    “Kiss me,” she exhaled. “Please…?”

    “What?” Kelly protested, drawing closer to them. “No, no, hold on. We don’t have to stop playing here, we can go a little bit further, can’t we? Orrr, we could do… other… stuff?”

    As Brian knelt down upon the bedspread and lifted Stephanie’s chin gently with his fingertips, he could feel Kelly beside him, tracing her hand down his side and across his naked back, her fingers plucking at the leather strap of his shoulder holster. How did everything get so… crazy tonight?

    Then he was kissing Stephanie, and he once again forgot about his misgivings. Earlier in the day her kisses had been energetic, excited; but now it was very different. A relaxed, languid and wet exchanging of tongue and slow, erotic slurps. He barely even registered that Kelly was drawing closer, slipping her hands around him. Stephanie’s still… completely naked from the waist down, he remembered, feeling his painfully erect dick surge in response to their kiss. She… we could…

    “No, no, not tonight,” Brian said, snapping upright with difficulty. “Things are… things would get way out of hand.”

    “I’m okay with way out of hand,” Kelly said earnestly. “And Stephanie, well, she’s lovin’ way out of hand, from the looks of it.”

    “I… look, it’s almost one in the morning already, we’ve been… it’s been… we don’t know what’s going on with the hair color thing, and it’s gonna be a busy day tomorrow. I’m out. I’m conceding, I’m out of the game.”

    “If Brian’s not playing, then… I’m finished playing too,” Stephanie decided. “But, um, it was great, really. It was so much fun.”

    “So I win,” Kelly realized, letting out a bitter chuckle. “Well, really, Stephanie won, but… okay. Us all cuddling up together tonight’ll be my consolation prize. And maybe more?”

    “Can I… put my pajama pants back on?” Stephanie blushed, remembering she was still naked from the waist down.

    “Yeah, let’s all get ready for bed,” Brian decided, giving her a hand up so that she could wobble unsteadily over towards the alcove with the sink and the mirror.

    “Brian…” Kelly mumbled, face awash with frustration. “Are we all really okay with ending things here like this?”

    “Nothing’s ending, Kelly,” Brian said. “We’re just getting some sleep. This was all only the first day of the convention, you know? AnimeCon runs all weekend.”

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