
Chapter 3: “Inhuman Ambush”

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The sound of rustling came from our side to which, two of my squadmates had taken notice. I aimed my rifle in the direction of the rustling, not knowing if I was delusional or not but I could hear the faint stomps coming from the forest. The steps then became faster as the bushes began to rustle even faster. I kept the crosshairs of my rifle downrange as I waited for the enemy.

I waited for a few seconds and I waited for the right moment to yell-

"Contact! Contact!" As I yelled the callout, the android launched itself toward me while screaming a phrase.


For a split second, I caught the expression of the android, an inhuman smile plastered on its face. I then squeezed the trigger and placed two shots into its head, before tackling its lifeless body to the ground while it was in the air. I then got up and quickly placed my foot on its torso before firing two more shots into its head.

Its body going limp. A few seconds later, more sounds coming from the forest began to erupt as I noticed my fatal mistake. I should've killed it while it was running towards me because that damn scream it made attracted everything nearby. My squad leader began to shout orders towards his fellow operators.

"Defensive positions, get behind some cover. Koppelson! James! get the machine guns facing the North. Marcus and Huell double time, let's move!"

The pair of machine gunners got into a position on opposite sides of the road whilst I took position behind another tree. I looked through the forest to see multiple hostiles making a beeline toward our position. "Concentrated Fire! Short bursts, aim for the heads or torsos!" The squad leader yelled.

I aimed for what looked like another maid with cat ears and fired a few bursts into it. The machine fell to the ground lifeless as I aimed for another android. I repeated each step precisely and carefully along with all my comrades. We placed holes into the androids whilst the machine gunners sprayed into the forest to draw the androids out.

The firefight lasted for but a few short moments before the squad leader ordered the cease-fire. My arms eased up from the tension of battle before looking at the rest of my squadmates to see if they were alright. Both the left and my right were clear, so then I turned around to check our flank to see that they were all okay from the engagement. Everyone was okay, then the squad leader ordered the command to stand up.

I promptly looked up to check the area in front of me, only to find the destroyed carcasses of anime cat girls. I saw a few of them leaking oil whilst I saw others leaking red blood. I was surprised at first until I saw the squad leader's face when he was looking at the same bodies as I was.

"Spread out and check the corpses. I hope I'm not imagining this." The squad leader said wearily. We all complied before going off in a separate direction whilst also keeping 2 guys behind as we stepped through the littered area of bodies. I was at the front of the team and the first android I saw was leaking oil. It was undeniable that these things needed a combustible source of energy, however, what didn't make sense was how they got these things to attack humans.

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I walked past a few other corpses that were leaking oil and then I came across one that was spilling blood. I look at the puddle that was under the corpse and then back at the body that had 2 shots towards the head and multiple bullet holes in the torso. My eyes glanced toward its face to see not a cynical smile, but an expression of pain and lifelessness. What was more unsettling was the fact that all the other bodies that had been leaking oil, had that same expression of cynical smile plastered on their faces, even in death.

That one single fact creeped me the fuck out. I stood up from my position and turned my way toward our radio operator who was coincidentally on my side of the road.

"Take note of this, some of the bodies are leaking blood. Should probably tell the commander, whoever made these must've powered the machines using human blood, either that than they're using bodies as some kind of host." I told him.

The radioman looked at the body in front of me and nodded in affirmation before we all made our way back to the road where we found the squad leader and his group waiting for us after we finished our search. I was the first to speak to him as I reported my findings.

"Some of the bodies were leaking blood. I think we should report this to CDC, whatever's going on here, the Commander and the General are hiding something." I said as the grip on my rifle loosened.

"We got the same situation, Once we're finished, we'll report back as soon as we can, but for now our priority is the power plant. Understood?" My squad leader finished. He kept his sentences short and understandable but still, I couldn't disagree with him.

"Yes sir." After that, the squad leader ordered us to form back into an element and we continued our trek down the road. Even after the confrontation, I looked at my comrades to see no expression or even the slightest sign of unease. Of course, I was pretty young and most of the people I was walking with were older than me. However, this was expected of us not the slightest did we ever show a sign of fear.

The long walk down and up the road was, uneventful to say the least. My eyes stared at the side of the road looking for any sign of movement however the state of the forest was still and quiet. I decided to take my eyes off the road for a moment to take in the scenery around my squad.

The dawn sky had begun to shine through the trees as the sun peeked over the horizon, allowing us to flip our NVGs off. It was peaceful for 40 minutes, and during that time I was thinking of what I'd do after this mission. I immediately concluded that we'll be fighting closer to the city, and near the Military base.

The sound of a voice coming through my headset caused us all to stop as the man in the front had reported an object at the side of the road.

"Eyes up, Chapel at our front."

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