Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 26: Ch 26 – Sister

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Before I could brood too much I tried to move closer to Kay to maybe offer her some small comfort, but she clearly shifted away from me as I approached. I only tried once, I clearly wasn’t Joan in this case. That would never be the case, and Joan would never be there to comfort her again.

Somehow this dim room was a hundred times worse then being shackled to a pole. The mood itself was oppressive, worse then the dungeon’s caves ever had been, even though they in truth weren't that different. It was hard to really say why it felt so pronounced.

Maybe it was all in my head, or maybe there was a feeling to it all. My body practically demanded I do something, I wanted to move, I wanted to act, I wanted to kill some guy. Not that I could do that, even if I wanted too... The the main thing was that I didn’t want to just sit here on the floor. That small protective sense I had for Kay had been concerned had somehow flipped on its head and become bubbling anger as I considered her. I might as well indulge the itch I had to walk around, for once I could at least do that much, the room had a plenty of space compared to my prior incarceration locations.

Still pace as I might, and push on the door as I could, nothing changed. Time trickled by and my muscles grew weak again. It was strange how it happened all at once. That just wasn’t normal, and I thought it had something to do with the strange urgency that had possessed me. It had filled me completely in the forest with that elf man. But even before that I could feel it, building towards something. In one sense it was almost like an orgasm, building ever higher and here I was unable to tip off over the edge and feel the magical euphoria that awaited.

Maybe the dungeon would have answer? Would I ever hear from it again? Could the dungeon track me down? Even if it did could it get close enough to speak with me? This city, was far larger then the human military camp had been. It was only a matter of time until we were sent off to be sacrificed? Or at least the explanation I’d come up with said so.

I sat back down to give my legs time to rest. How long had past? Minutes? Hours? I glanced over to Kay to find her eyes shut now. She might have passed out. Maybe even a day had passed? I didn’t feel the slight bit tired now, just the soreness in my legs. Even after all the stupid shit that had happened so far today I couldn’t sleep.

I didn’t want to rest, yet there was nothing else to do.

Then finally the door creaked open.

There were two men, one stood by the door and the other walked towards Kay but he noticed me there as well. “Oh, they found another one.”

“What do you want?” I asked.

As if to explain he dropped his pants.

What was this strange turn of events? After all that effort I put in to try and fill my corruption! Seducing guards and all of this shit?! They were just gonna come in here and fuck me anyway! I just sighed lightly to myself annoyed at poor joke the world was playing on me. In the end its not like I hadn't enjoyed all of it, so I suppose that sort of made up for it.

Still there was something I was curious about, “You’ve already been here?”

He might have nodded walking towards Kay.

As soon as I realized who his target was I stood up quickly, and interjected myself between them, “Not her.”

He raised his eyebrows at me, “You’d rather I take you instead?” He asked clearly surprised by my actions.

“Yes.” I stated resolutely, I'd made up my mind where Kay was concerned. I wasn't going to just sit there idly by while these elf men trampled what was left of her.

He shrugged, “I guess that's fine, she seems pretty done already. Why not try and protect your friend.” He said with a bit of a smirk as though he knew exactly how this would go for me.

Instead, it just turned me on. A part of me hated that, a part of me hated this man. Knowing what he’d likely already done and come here to do I should have wanted to take out my anger upon him. Instead here I was feeling excited again.

I put some space between me and Kay, not wanting to cause her anymore pain then I had to. I leaned against the wall. Looking back towards him he approached casually.

Why? Didn’t this bother me? Did I want this? Of course I did… I wanted to feel the rush, I wanted to enjoy the pleasure. It pained me to discover that even now, even with this man… I wanted him to be rough and fuck me.

He didn’t concern himself with my state, and barely with my body. He brushed my loin cloth to the side with a hand, and drove himself into me, pushing me against the wall and all my breath left me in a single rush.

Was this the first time I’d been pushed against a wall? Clearly it was, so much of the sex I had enjoyed was in the middle of fields, or forests.

He pressed his hands against my the curve of my back below my poncho, my entire body leaned against the cool stone even as I felt like I was on fire. My body could only get more excited, as though I was a fire, and sex was oil poured over me. I liked that analogy a lot. Mostly because It made me think of all the warmth they’d be dumping inside of me, more fuel to burn…

I enjoyed his thick cock as he roughly rammed himself into me again and again. I even enjoyed when he swapped places with the other man. Neither were anything special. But I sort of hated that I liked It rough just the way they kept giving it to me. Even then I tried to dislike it, I attempted to actively not show my own enjoyment. But all the same it was hard not too, It was who I was, and I couldn’t exactly make that sort of change in the blink of an eye, nor did I really want to deep down. Because deep down I wanted to enjoy this, and to do this.

They would cum inside of me, and swap places, once they had each had two rounds they left.

So it was that I watched them go their cum dripping down my legs. It annoyed me that I had to say… I wanted more of it. I couldn’t help it… I wanted to be fucked by anyone I found even remotely attractive. Maybe this was why the dungeon had said I had a high affinity with being a succubus? Something inside of me was horribly broken in just the right way that this was just how I worked?

It made sense in a way, and it was the best answer I had. I glanced over to Kay to find her golden eyes locked on me. I smiled at her, and she seemed to drift off mentally, her eyes unfocused and she just stared into the darkness.

I was an idiot, why did I smile? I really was broken wasn’t I? Still I felt even more closer to boiling over then I had before, was there still room to go? Was my corruption still not complete? Even after all this? It couldn’t be, but at this point did it even matter? Corruption or not… I wished they would come back. Maybe I’d just given up… That felt horribly accurate, as though some part of me clicked into place. I shook my head, I couldn’t give up… I… I needed to do my best… Whatever that was… Giving up wasn't in who I was. I'd do whatever I could, even if that was nothing more then getting fucked.

Food came, unlike our former accommodations we weren't taken out to a latrine to do our business. Instead there was just a hole in the corner, in some ways it was easier to not hold it, in other ways it was depressing being stuck in this room even more. At least the hole seemed to go somewhere, I decided to avoid thinking about it in the meantime.

At some point I curled up near the door and drifted off. When I woke nothing had really changed. It seemed my whole life was just a series of prison cells, but then again it sort of had been. I hadn’t really been allowed to leave the cave much at first, maybe a little later. Then when I had finally left I was strapped to a pole. Then I was kept in a closest. Now I’m stuck in this hell hole. Was I really blaming the dungeon now? Rationally we’d decided to work together, I needed to remind myself of that. I needed to remember that it had been working on a plan to help me. I’d been working on a plan to help it as well…

It was getting harder and harder to stay positive, something about this place was trying to suck what little joy I had from me, to make me even more down then I already was. I hated that most of all, whatever it was, it was like the room was saturated in depression, and slowly but surely it was seeping into my skin. It didn’t help that my situation hadn’t been great before coming here either, it was all just coming to a head.

The two men returned and once more I insisted they have their way with me instead. I couldn’t even hold back my moans as they went harder and harder. It was like they were trying to punish me by fucking me as deeply and thoroughly as they could. Yet that just made me love it more and more. They shoved me against the wall, slapped my ass, even tugged on my tail. I enjoyed it all, unless they actually started hurting me rather then just treating me roughly I doubted there was anyway I wouldn’t. The second time I even climaxed, my tiny rebellion at trying to resist my own impulses had completely evaporated and I’d just given in to enjoying it to the fullest.

This just became my new life. A dark cave with a sister who refused to speak, who for some reason watched two men fuck me over and over again while I moaned out with increasing glee. If I didn’t feel so horrible about Kay the whole thing would probably have turned me on even more.

Part of me knew that the situation was horrible. But another part of me didn’t really care as long as I kept getting fed, and was getting to enjoy cock regularly. Maybe I’d just lost all sense of standards? Sex was the only thing about this place that I liked, but the situation it put me, and of course Kay in was terrible. Yet I couldn’t really bring myself to care, I really did feel like this was rock bottom. The strange thing is that it didn’t feel all that new to me. Rather it felt like I had returned home after a strange vacation. The fact that this situation, and all the wrongness about it felt so natural to me should have concerned me. But I couldn’t really be bothered to care either.

When the two men left after dumping their loads into me I turned around and watched them leave, pulling the door behind them. Their semen leaking out of me, thick gobs and strands as the thinner bit of the mixture flowed in rivulets. I couldn’t help myself… I sunk my fingers into myself, coating them in their fluids, and brought what I could to my lips.

Why did I do this? Because I wanted to… I wanted to taste it. My body was fire… and if I could burn just a little bit brighter.. I’d been on the edge of something for days, yet I couldn’t get past it, I couldn’t reach that apex. I wanted the release…. But I only kept building towards some unseen summit. Yet each little bit only revealed that that summit was still beyond my reach.

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I think it was the fourth day, Kay had just watch the two men fill me up. There I was licking cum off my fingers when Kay spoke, “Why…”

“Why what?” I asked pausing my tongue as I licked drippy semen from my palm.

“Why do you enjoy it?” She asked.

I considered for a long moment hoping some meaningful answer would come to me. Hoping some nugget of wisdom would bubble to the surface of my strange mind. But nothing came, so I was left with only the empty words, “I don’t know. I just do.” I always had… This was who I’d been before my second chance. Then as if to make it worse I finished licking the cum on my hand. It was like I couldn't help it, I loved the way it made me feel...

“My sister really is dead… isn’t she?” Kay asked after a time.

I decided I’d just let the rest drain itself free as I walked around pacing. Even I had limits, and I couldn’t bring myself to keep this up in front of Kay, her pain was just too palpable. Even it meant missing out on some more of that wonderful sensation it gave me as it flowed into my body that was already on fire. Even though I really wanted it...

As for Kay’s question, I wanted to agree. Some part of me didn’t want to take that tiny hope she was clinging too. If I did that, what would she have? Nothing. She didn’t really have anyone, or anything unless I in this one moment gave her something. Was I capable of that? The thought ticked in my brain. Wasn’t I already trying to do that? As much as I wasn’t Meryl, I wasn’t necessarily no one either.

“Maybe the sister you knew is gone… But I’m here.” I answered instead, some small ember in my chest burned a touch brighter at that. I don't know why but it was like caring for anything, or anyone made that bit of a difference, and staved off the apathy that had been settling into me.

She looked up at me, “You left…”

“But here we are. I told Joan to forget about me and focus on helping you.” I said, of course after I said it, I regretted bringing him up.

“He couldn’t…” She said looking down at the floor.

I grimaced, “Would anything be different if I had stayed?” True or not, I was digging a whole I really didn't want to.

“You could have let them have you instead of me…” She said almost snarling the words at me.

Her tone hit me like a truck, and feelings I didn't even know I had surged up at it. Was it was true? Sure, I couldn’t deny that. I would have, gladly in fact. Yet her tone and insinuation caused words to practically leap from my lips, “Just because I’m willing to be the one they abuse, does that make it right for you to be spared when I am not?”

She frowned at me almost perplexed by my response, “But you like it!”

Once more I replied without thinking, “But I didn’t ask for it!” Why was I arguing? Who was I arguing with? This felt like a conversation I’d had before rather then one I was having with Kay.

Her expression screwed up and she stared at me like I wasn’t making any sense, and could I blame her? “Didn’t you? You said those things to the human man… is this any different?”

I sighed, she couldn’t understand what I was saying, and I honestly couldn’t blame her for it. “I didn’t let them have their way with me because I wanted it the first day Kay. I did it because I wanted to help you.” Had the situation been different would I have done it anyway? Probably, but I wanted there to be meaning in my choice. But in the end the truth was still there...

She considered my words a bit more carefully.

“I know today I look like I’m enjoying it and maybe I am… But I can’t tell you why! I don’t necessarily want to be this way! But its how I am. Honestly if I wasn’t, I’d probably be curled up in the corner like you. What would you prefer? That we both sit in the corner wallowing in despair? Or that it be this way?” I asked almost demanding an answer. I don’t know why I was so worked up by this. I should calm down, and be more understanding.

“I… I don’t want them to touch me again…” She said wrapping her arms around her and pulling tight.

I could accept that. “Fine, then I’ll let them touch me instead. Just stay in the corner and do whatever you want. It’s fine. Your big sister will do what she can.” I interjected. Big sister… But I wasn’t… Who was I talking too? Kay? My heart felt strange. What was wrong with me? So much for trying to be calm and understanding… Then again when had that ever worked…

Kay curled up into herself a bit more at that. I might have over done it. I likely had. I had no idea what I was saying, or if I was wrong or if I was right. I just disliked the idea that somehow she thought that this was my preferred state. Each day they came and enjoyed me, and each day my body enjoyed it regardless of what some tiny voice in my head insisted, in fact was that voice even around anymore?

I couldn’t not enjoy it. Maybe its because deep down I was already a monster or something? I simply craved it on some visceral level? Did it even matter anyway? If my theory was right I was like this before I’d even come to this world, so none of that even applied.

Hours ticked by and before night, or so I assumed, Kay spoke again, “Should I let them have their way with me too?”

“That’s not what I want.” I explained glad that I actually had calmed down before she asked me again.

“Then.. what?” She asked.

This time I gave it some real thought, not letting whatever rush of emotion that had surged up guide my response. “I just want you to not blame me for this Kay. I didn’t want this to happen to you, and I certainly don’t want to be here either. Nothing worked out for either of us. I just want that tiny shred of pride that I can do this one good thing for you. Because before its over I doubt I’ll get any other chances.”

She was quite for a while after that, but finally she said, “I… I’m sorry... I said that earlier… I am glad… I’m glad you let them… Does that make me a terrible person? That I’m glad it’s you instead of me?”

I considered, “It’s fine. Even if it’s because I’m the way I am. I want to do this for you. It hurt me to see you looking inside of me and not finding the sister you want to see so badly. I didn’t know what to do. I decided it would be better if you thought she was just dead instead. But I hated having to hurt you like that. So this… I feel better being able to do something to help you instead.”

Kay looked up at me and her lip quivered, “You mean that?”

I nodded, “I know I’m not the person you want me to be. That's impossible... But I will try and protect you Kay. Some part of me refuses to give up on being your sister. I honestly don’t understand it… But it's true.”

“I don’t really get it… but thank you…” She offered weakly.

I walked over to her, and rather then pull away she let me get close and wrap my arms around her. She was cold, and damp in a way I wasn’t expecting.

“You’re so warm… But… you smell kinda gross…” She offered after a moment.

I couldn’t help but laugh, and after a few moments Kay somehow found some small mirth in herself as well, even if it only lasted a few seconds.

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