Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 36: Ch 36 – Journey

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We set out after breakfast and started walking again. The goblins packed up the giant pile of shit that was in the cave into bundles. There was all the pelts, and other items they had claimed from our original cave. Some other things they had gotten from who knew where. Some of it was from the elven scout they encountered on their way to rescue me, some were from the first elf I ever saw. But it was all bundled up, wrapped in pelts and plant fibers. There were even a few random bones thrown in here or there as though they were trying to be as stereotypical as possible.

It did make me wonder though, “What bones are those?” I asked Kosue who was walking just ahead of me.

She followed my finger towards the large bone that was watched to such a bundle on the back of a goblin.

She shrugged.

“You don’t know?” I asked.

“Found?” She said not sure herself.

I blinked, “Oh…” They had just found big bones lying around and thought they were useful so they kept them… Here I’d thought they had hunted some big creature and harvested it for its various parts. I had a lot to learn…

There was also a long trip ahead of us, a long trip that would take a long day. This second day of our trip was less enthusiastic, at least for me. What novelty there was being back in the open dried up and vanished entirely. My thoughts turned towards other things, mostly nonsense. The worst thing was how much time I spent watching Devin walk around. No matter how much I kept reminding myself to look ahead, to pay attention my mind just kept wandering back to his arms, and his hands. Over to his jawline. My thoughts only continued to grow more and more perverse.

I’d spent so long enjoying my own sexual exploitation that I found myself unable to think of anything else. I don’t think I’d be able to resist playing with Devin tonight. I needed the attention or I was going to start losing it.

Still running out of places to place my attention caused my mind to drift back to places I didn’t want it, to what had happened. Specifically to Kay. I couldn’t help but keep asking the question, “Was there another way?” or “Could I have done something differently?” Maybe had I explained things upfront rather than hiding things? Perhaps there was some other piece that when factored in would have changed things…

My thoughts were scattered as “Turn west.” was suddenly spoken into my mind from Naan. I noticed everyone else glance up or shift at the same time, so had he spoken to everyone? In fact, most of them shifted with that much, and I followed along.

“Why?” I asked after a moment when we were all back to walking in the same direction.

“I noticed another dungeon ahead in the direction Scout was taking us.”

“Wait.. another one?” I asked a bit curious.

“Yes. Best we not interact.”

“Can you talk to them like we can talk to you?” I asked.

“Yes, though we would need to be closer, close enough that they would be able to notice us I think.”

“Right… So no real idea what they are like?” I asked to make sure.

“No. I think it’s best to keep it that way. We have no way to know what to expect, they could be quite territorial, or they may have other thoughts that counter our own.”

“True.” I agreed, we’d briefly discussed that before. Naan’s cautious side was probably the best approach for this. “Was it here before?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“I did not notice it here before. Either its presence is new, or stronger now.” Naan explained.

Still, that did mean… I glanced towards Scout who looked thoughtful, “Scout, do you know another place we can stay for the night?”

He shook his head, “Not this way.”

Naan spoke up, “I’ll focus on finding somewhere for us to stay, for now, we should just keep moving until sundown.”

Devin glanced over at me, or maybe Naan since it was hanging between my breasts. I couldn’t help myself as leaned forward just enough so I could squeeze my breasts together with my upper arms.

He blushed noticing my actions and turned away. “I wasn’t staring at you…” He said as he noticed me step up alongside him.

“So you were looking at the rock?” I said pouting up at him.

“Yes…” he said peeking over at me, “Why would you rather I’d been staring at your chest?”

“Absolutely.” I proclaimed.

He stared back at me for a moment and he nearly tripped as his foot clipped a chunk of dirt.

I couldn’t help but chuckle at his expense. “You want to feel them? You’ve not had an opportunity to enjoy my new body yet.” I tempted him.

He stared ahead, “You’re nothing but trouble, you know that?”

“But you like trouble.” I whispered my reply.

He took in a deep breath I caught thanks to my particularly sensitive ears.

“Don’t worry, you can repay me for breakfast tonight, wouldn’t want you to have to start paying interest after all.” I chimed.

“Interest?” Devin asked back, a bit perplexed.

I sighed for a moment, “If you don’t pay me back, and keep owing me more, then I’ll start requiring you to pay extra.” I tried to explain without getting complicated.

“That’s extortion!” He said back, a bit amused.

“I am a monster.” I said smirking at him.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He said with good humor.

“Would changing your previous contract not strain your relationship?” Naan suddenly asked me.

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It was my turn to nearly trip this time. “I mean if I was being serious. Besides the ‘payment’ I’m after he’ll most certainly enjoy. We’re just flirting.” I tried to explain back directly.

“Curious…” Naan rumbled back.

A few more hours trickled by as our group meandered out of the tall trees into a field of high grass and spotty weeds. I started wishing I could shapeshift some bug spray enough after that. That at least put a damper on an otherwise preoccupied mind, turning me into a grumpy and itchy mess instead. What was worse was that I was fairly sure that the insects were on to my ruse, it's like they knew my dress was somehow part of me and were biting it! Stupid bugs! Bite something else! I was starting to wonder if my whole look would start to fall apart because of bug bites when Scout held up a fist and growled at our lead.

Everyone slowed to a stop behind him.

“Wall.” He said pointing ahead of us.

True enough now that I was paying attention to something other than my discomfort there was definitely a wall up ahead. Beyond the wall were buildings. What were clearly fields set up in rough blocks separated by paths around the walls. The fields were clearly well maintained and producing plenty just a glance, it looked like they had already started harvesting some on one side of the town where a field was half emptied.

“That’s a town.” Devin helpfully announced.

Scout looked back at him skeptically.

I understood what he probably wanted to ask, so I did the honors, “What makes you so sure?” I for one would prefer to avoid a repeat of my last "town" experience.

“We passed through there when I was with the soldiers.” He recalled, “We camped inside the walls.” He explained.

I couldn’t help but glance towards the town and Naan and I replied at the same time.

“We should avoid them.” Naan said while I offered, “We could try and trade.”

Everyone looked at me, or Naan. Everyone seemed confused.

“Moment.” I said glancing down at the gemstone, “Private discussion?” I thought at it.

“Why do you want to stay in the village?” Naan asked with a touch of annoyance in its otherwise even tone.

“Comforts, we can try and trade some of the pelts and junk we are carrying around and maybe get something else.” I offered.

“Humans do not like goblins.” Naan insisted.

“I’ve run into some that disliked beast kin too. It’s not a sure thing, plus I can become human, and then we would have two humans and some goblins servants.” I offered.

“Dangerous…” Naan rumbled.

“We’re going to have to try and figure something out one way or another. I’ve been staring at the bundles of pelts all day. We have piles of them, besides I’d really prefer a room, the cave was cold and damp.”

“Your odd insistence on such risks will get us killed.” Naan insisted.

“If you want you can have the goblins camp outside, but then we're going to have to explain how an injured man and a slip of a woman carried eight sacks of who knows what into town.” I offered.

“Simple solution, take one, or two sacks.” Naan noted instead.

I considered. “Fine… I guess that's fair, I guess you’ll go with them?”

“Yes. But I’ll try to stay close, we don’t want to become separated again.”

“I thought you can feel me.” I pointed out.

“Your presence has diminished significantly since then. I lack confidence in that approach as it stands.”

I frowned, “Right… Well, maybe I can change that.” I noted then looked up at the others.

I explained the short version to everyone. That done, I lifted Naan from me, the leather cords that wrapped around Naan’s gemstone retracting into my neck as they refused to be separated from my body. I then passed Naan off to Scout and glanced at Devin, who was looking at the two sacks that had been set down in front of him.

“What?” I asked him.

“I think they are kind of pissed…” He said glancing over at the goblins.

I followed his eyes to them and the moment my eye reached them they seemed to be doing anything but glaring at Devin.

I patted him on the back, “They are just protective of me.”

“So am I…” He complained.

“I know that.” I reassured him, “You gonna carry both of those.” I asked.

He gave me a level stare and I laughed.

“I’m kidding… I’ll carry one, I just thought I’d give you the chance to show off.” I said picking up my own sack.

“I’m already concerned about what I’m gonna have to endure later. Best I save what strength I can by wearing you down first.” He explained.

“That's practically devious…” I grinned.

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