Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 40: Ch 40 – Bliss

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Since Gerl's dream wasn't particularly interesting, I decided to maybe see what Devin’s mind was cooking up instead. That wasn’t hard either since I was still straddling him.

I took a peek, the ideas picking up quite a bit faster than I had with Gerl. The sound of running water, green lazy leaves, a few logs. Quite the picturesque scene was set. A tiger kin, green eyes, orange, and black striped hair, this was me again wasn’t it? What a lucky girl I am to be the focus of both dreams… Oh, what was I doing? Stroking his bulge… I glanced down at where I was sitting and realized that maybe I’d been responsible for this. I couldn’t help but grin at the situation I'd unwittingly created.

Since I was already where I wanted to be, I didn’t waste my time and untied the string he used to keep his pants on. Then I raised myself up slightly slipping his pants down. His dick popped up eager for attention in his dream or otherwise.

Wait! This was supposed to be about me messing with his dreams. So in his dream, I just removed his pants as well. I let my night wardrobe suck into my skin, the one true perk of not wearing real clothing. In an instant, I was hovering naked over his waiting cock. I gently lowered myself onto him and in his dream as if his mind needed an excuse for the sensations his body felt, my dream alter ego plunged his length into her mouth. “What a lucky boy you are… You get to feel my pussy while you dream of me sucking you off…” I moaned even as I let the words spill into his dream mostly by accident.

I just wasted a few moments enjoying him inside of me as my insides became increasingly drenched. His face frowned in both reality and the dream, while in the dream he asked, “Dream?”

As I rocked my hips and made my dream self pull herself back to say, “Yeah, this is a dream. I’m not sucking your dick. I’m riding it. I couldn't help but sort of love this, it felt so terrible and wonderful at the same time.

“You… What are you talking about?” He asked back in the dream, and I could tell my words were affecting his dream state, his mind was drifting quickly towards wakefulness rather than accepting the dream.

Before I came up with a response my dream self replied all on her own, "I said I want to ride your cock!"

"Oh..." Devin groaned out. At that, I could feel his mind consciously move to accept the dream more all on its own, without me really having to apply any pressure. He must really want the dream to keep going, not that I blame him. Still, I wasn't sure what I felt about that. Sure I liked that he wanted me to keep sucking him off, dream or no dream. But his mind had actively resisted my overt statement about him dreaming? Maybe there was more to it than that? I wasn't sure.

In his dream, it didn't take long for my tiger kin dream alter ego to mount Devin and begin emulating me. The whole thing felt a bit surreal as my dream self worked to do what I was doing, I wondered if it was me doing that subconsciously. Or maybe it was Devin's mind trying to make sense of what he felt and expected. Either way, I found it quite amusing. After several minutes of watching my reflection get his attention, while I rode his sleeping body, I came to a conclusion. Watching Devin fuck my alter ego while I essentially masturbated was not even the same league as actually fucking Devin. Sure his cock was inside of me, sure I could get the angle right... but he was still, motionless. His attention was all on an image I wasn't receiving any sensation from. All the things I loved about sex were lacking. His mind, and emotions were disconnected from me. His hands rubbing my skin were absent, the way he pulled me and groaned into me, demanding more and more of me was simply not here. At least he was technically fucking me in the dream, if it was another woman it would have been oh so much worse. But while it was a turn-on and I could probably climax in maybe ten or so more minutes. Why was I settling for porn when I could have him right now?

"This is a dream though." I inserted the words into his dream. The depth of his dream had been drifting around not quite waking, not drifting deeper. Maybe I was part of that, I think I was unconsciously flexing my magical finger on him to keep him where he was. Not that I could honestly say, this was very much a thing where I was doing things entirely by instinct and I wasn't even sure what all instincts I had in that sense.

"If this is a dream why are you telling me about it?" he asked back skeptically.

"Because I want your hands on the real me... and not on this facsimile." My dream clone provided my answer.

His eyes narrowed on my reflection, "What are you doing?" I could feel his mind push back against my tiny pressure wanting to wake up.

"Just this." My dream self said picking up her pace. I instinctively did the same, I wasn't sure if this was my fault, or if I was just doing what my dream self was doing... It's not like it was a bad idea.

Still, I could feel his mind bucking back at me, it wasn't something I couldn't resist, but it did raise a question. “You want to wake up don’t you?” My dream self asked at my request.

“Of course I do.” He said with increasing firmness. Rather than try and fight to keep him asleep I let him wake without resistance. His eyes flickered open and glanced up at me with a bit of shock taking root quickly as his eyes traced over my moonlit curves.

“What… What are you doing?” He said in a whisper. Even just him being awake was so much better. I loved seeing his eyes open and fixed upon me. The way he was shocked and concerned about us being found out pushed my lust to bubble so much more than his closed eyes. The way his hands instinctively found their way to my thighs regardless of if he was sure or not sure if he wanted to continue sent tiny ripples across my skin and I loved it!

The only thing that would be better, is to get him more involved. I could do that, right?. “What does it look like?" I asked back sensually with long breaths. Even as I shifted my motion to be larger forwards and backward motions on his length as I used my hands on his shirt to keep my upper body more central. “You feel really good tonight… its been so long since I’ve enjoyed you.” I said cooing and licking my lips. Sure I was being a bit manipulative, but that helped just as much with me as it would with him. I needed to dial both of us up to where I wanted. I wanted him squeezing me, and kissing me. I needed him to fuck me as I fucked him back.

Devin of course focused on the man next to us first, “What if he wakes up?” He asked glancing at Gerl next to us. He clearly was concerned that he was going to turn around and tell us to stop at any moment.

Not that I really cared but I guess I could at least alleviate his concerns, I set my hand on him and felt at his dream. He might have been a lighter sleeper, but he was presently completely preoccupied with dinner. “He's fine, enjoying the dinner I apparently cooked him.” I mused back to Devin.

“Dinner? What are you talking about?”

“Don’t you remember your dream?” I asked.

“A little… Could… Could you stop that?” He asked even as his hands stroked my legs.

“Why would I? I’ve been waiting for this for days… Maybe weeks. The only problem is that I’m the one doing all the work.” I said smiling even as I let my soft breaths out as low moans. “He’s not going to wake up.” I explained, “I can keep him asleep. So stop worrying…” I said leaning back and raising myself up slightly, and dropping back down his length rocking the bed slightly.

“Are you kidding!?” Devin groaned out.

“Not remotely…” I said moving my hands on him to where we were joined. Of course, they touched his warm flesh, and I let my hands snake up his body under his shirt. Leaning down I continued the motion up his body until I’d pushed his shirt up to his neck and I’d laid myself against him, my breasts pressing against him. “Or would you rather have stayed asleep?” I asked inches from his lips.

“You… And here I thought maybe you’d let it go-” He growled before I pushed my lips to his and invaded his mouth for my own delight. I didn’t let the moments go to waste either as I used my legs to keep my hips moving, just focusing on the vertical motion.

Finally, he started to get into it as his hands shifted upwards to my hips. His firm hands pressed into my soft flesh and groped my body he’d been only stroking, his strength joined my own and drove me only harder.

“You…” he breathed out as I let our lips part.

“You like my changes? You’ve yet to enjoy my new body.” I pointed out.

“You’re so soft…” He said as his hands worked their way up to my ass cheeks.

“So you like?” I asked again with increased inflection, as I raised his shirt up and over his head as he sat up. I tossed the shirt to the side, and he lifted me up as he wrapped himself around me, forcing my breasts to squeeze against his chest by his command rather than mine like my whole body was just putty he wanted to squeeze through his fingers. I loved it, I'd always missed this more firm attention when my body was simply Meryl's. While I was the same size, I was used to being softer and more squishy in particular. Now that I was, it made this so much more delicious as his hands enjoyed me even more. This just felt more, like me, for the first time my soul and my body were singing in the same tune whereas before they had always just been just a bit off.

“I do…” he said even as his body kept trying to move his hips without any leverage, the result was his cock flexing inside me as I continued what motion I could with my hips as squeezed as I was by him.

He snaked his arms around me one coming around and gripping a breast, the other went down and cupped my ass, “Your entire body is soft wet clay… I can’t help but want to reshape you.”

What sort of metaphor was that? and why did I love it so much? I pushed my lips to his driving him back to the bed as I increased my force on our hips. Parting once more I said, “Do what you want Devin…”

“But I can’t… He’ll wake up. You get too loud.” He insisted.

“Then put something in my mouth.” I grinned at him. Even as I reached out to verify that Grel was still sleeping quite soundly next to us. His dinner had moved on to me bringing out a pie. I couldn’t help myself and as she watched him eat the pie I had her reach her hand over to him and start massaging his pants. He might as well enjoy what I was really like if he was going to dream about me after all.

“Fine!” Devin said shifting me off of himself, as he stood from the bed and onto his feet.

I couldn't help but be a little disappointed, I'd actually meant his tongue, but clearly, he'd misunderstood.

He ran his fingers into my hair, braided as it was, his grip was firm. I even helped line up as he shoved his manhood into my mouth. The only real problem was that it wasn’t exactly quiet either. A few thrusts and the wet sounds were evident. He didn’t relent however and I just went with it my momentary disappointment evaporating away as I enjoyed every second of the rough treatment he gave as he used my mouth for his own enjoyment. The only problem was that it was over quickly, he pressed my face into him, driving his cock into my throat, it went in at just the right angle and size that sealed and he just pumped his cum directly down my throat like a hose.

Each pump was like euphoria to me now. What I’d once compared to coffee was almost an orgasm of its own, and moments after the second surge of thickness into me I shook and my giggles vibrated me soundlessly as my throat was blocked.

After a few moments, Devin relented and let his hand relax and I pulled back gently gliding down his length until it came free. I glanced down at his dick, still hard inches in front of me. I needed more… I loved it too much, it was very much my favorite thing in the world, at least at the moment. I clamped my lips onto his tip and reached up starting to stroke him with my hand.

“Ahh… Wait..” He said.

I ignored him until he pulled my head off his cock with a hand, “Hey…” He said down at me.

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I pouted up at him, “You were hard still…” I pouted.

“Yeah.. it usually takes a second.” he said.

“And if I keep going it won’t.” I insisted.

He frowned down at me, “You…”

“If you won’t let me suck yours I’ll suck his.” I complained. Twisting around and reaching over to Gerl. My hands reached his pants and the present state of his dream drifted back to me. He was presently explaining to me that it was only proper to do those kinds of things once we were married. What the hell Gerl!? How innocent and pure was this guy!

Devin’s hands grabbed me from behind, “No you won’t!” and he pulled me towards him.

Giggling to myself mischievously I squirmed on the bed reaching back towards Gerl my hands finding his pants.

A moment later Devin’s still mostly hard cock sunk into my ass.

I let out a squeak before my shape-shifting ability suddenly kicked in and made my ass more accepting as if entirely on its own.

“That was cute…” He mused down at me.

“You startled me…” I pointed out.

“Good.” He said pulling himself out and ramming himself back in. I remembered the first time he’d given me anal and this time certainly was easier for me, too easy... Oh right, I’d had two cocks last time, which meant I could get way tighter.

“Shit!” He groaned as my ass clamped down on him and his hands tightened on my sides.

“That’s for the surprise.” I snickered.

He worked his hips back again, this time he seemed to be fighting for each bit of his progress. “You little…” He grumbled as his hands came around my front and he grabbed my breasts from behind, let his hands wrap them up entirely and he squeezed each one, kneading them as he pulled me back against him. Not giving me any chance to reach out and try and reach Gerl anymore.

“Oh… yes…” I moaned out.

“There you go being loud.” Devin chastised me.

“Your cock feels amazing. I love how your hands feel, but more than anything I can’t wait to feel you shoot more cum into me. It's like drinking heaven.” I said as I breathed deeply from his strong thrusts spearing into my ass.

“I can’t believe you…” Devin groaned behind me.

“You can’t believe what? How amazing I am? How good I feel? How you never want to be without me?” I asked each one after a thrust as though I allowed him to punctuate my statements with my moans.

“Not at all. I can’t… Believe that you convinced me to do this.” He said as he picked up his pace and pressed me down against the bed.

I began to climax again as he shifted his angle, driving more down into me as he pushed down on my back into the bed. His hand pushing on the small of my back caused my whole body to flex, my face turning to the side so I could breathe as he drove himself down into me again and again. His position shifted behind me trying to find the perfect way for him to drill me. He tried rising up one leg to the bed, tried pulling my leg up to the side, but in the end, my legs just went further out between his and he ended up more over me than behind. From there he put more of his weight on my back and hammered downwards with each stroke.

I reached over and found Gerl almost waking up, I quickly helped guide him back to sleep to find that now for some reason he was introducing my alter ego to his mother. This was ridiculous! "Just fuck already!" I pushed.

However, I couldn't dwell on that as I let out another spurt of giggles and Devin just kept going. Moment after moment, orgasm after orgasm he drove me harder and harder into the soft bed below. Then finally, perhaps in too short of a time in truth, Devin really shoved me down as he buried his length so deep the pain actually returned for a moment. But the pain was worth it because a moment later there was nothing but bliss as his nectar exploded into me again.

I let out a long moan as Devin practically collapsed against me from behind.

“That's… the shit…” I moaned out as my chain of climaxes burst with one overwhelming surge.

“Please… don’t say that… when my dick is in your ass.” Devin panted behind me he sounded exhausted, the way he leaned on me and barely held himself up only further emphasized how he'd pushed himself to please me.

I smiled as I closed my eyes. My body was humming, singing a song without words as warmth and energy poured into my veins.

Heartbeats passed with us like that connected, our flesh gently pulsing and squeezing one another as we both came down from our highs. He pulled free and stood there breathing deeply. I brought myself up to a seating position glad for the extra instant energy within, and without saying a word I just inhaled his now soft length into my mouth, licking and sucking every little bit I could get off of him. Pure bliss… My favorite kind of honey… When I’d gotten what I could I pulled free with a soft pop, “Thanks…” I breathed out feeling great.

“You ready to sleep now?” He asked looking down at me skeptically.

“I guess…” I said holding my hands up at him.

“What?” He asked.

“Pamper me…” I said.

“You’re ridiculous… put something on and get back in bed.” He said lifting me out of bed, then he set me on the floor.

What!? Maybe he was kind of pissed? That wasn't that bad, was it?

He pulled his pants up, then climbed into bed laying back down.

Still, I couldn't help but glare at him from the floor for a moment before snatching up his shirt and throwing it in his face. Why did he put me on the floor? What was I? A dog that had woke him up?

“Oof…” he grunted. He pulled it on as I climbed into bed next to him my nighty returning with but a thought and a step.

“You can at least hold me while I go to sleep.” I asserted.

He obliged wrapping his arms around me, he even held me tighter letting my body fold into his middle.

“You can fondle me too.” I whispered back at him.

“Go to sleep.” He insisted, even if he might have chuckled very lightly.

Maybe he wasn't that angry after all, I had woken him up after all so I guess I could take a bit of blame for this. I sort of lost track of the dream test at some point, but it had been fun. I couldn’t help but giggle a little, much more relaxed and feeling warm and fuzzy inside. I fell asleep forgetting all about that forceful insistence I’d placed into Gerl’s dream.

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