Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 48: Ch 48 – Gerl

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I lowered myself next to Gerl, “I’m going to untie your legs alright?”

“What? Why?” Naan asked me.

Gerl whispered over to me, “Miss Anna these are goblins…” He said glancing in either direction towards the brown half-pint thugs that had captured him.

I couldn’t help but laugh, “I know.”

Then noticing a rumbling in my head I answered Naan, “Trust…”

Since no one complained about my plan I reached over to his legs and started unwinding the fibers there. They were the same sturdy fibers that I’d seen any number of times. I applied a little shape-shifting to get my nails between the fibers and separate them. It was fun to find little tricks like that. The goblins used basic knots for this, so it took a bit of time to get everything untied.

While I was working, Gerl asked, “Why are you with goblins?”

“Would you believe that they are my friends?” I asked him.

“That…” He glanced at the two watching him. Then looked back at me, “They do seem to not mind you.” He admitted.

One of the goblins huffed, “Not mind!”

The other just shook his head.

“I… don’t understand.” Gerl admitted.

“I’m part of their tribe. So I’m sure your interpretation is somewhat insulating to them.” I explained.

“You? But you're human.” Gerl pointed out the obvious.

“It's complicated.” I said pulling free the last strand and pulling free the fibers. I handed them to the goblin sitting to the right, “You want this?”

He shrugged and took it, wrapping it around his neck for some reason.

I didn’t know what else to do with it, so I was fine with that outcome. “Gerl, I want to talk to you alone. So could you come with me?”

Gerl glanced around at Dervin, at the goblins, then back to me. “Sure…”

Clearly, he was intimidated by the watchful eyes of my men of various shapes and sizes. Technically I think he was intimidated by me too, but there wasn’t much I could do about that. Besides I had a feeling he was intimidated by me for a very different reason. At least earlier he seemed earnest and thought I friendly enough to speak to. So hopefully that would carry through.

“Dangerous…” Naan growled into my head.

“He’s harmless.” I insisted.

“No one is harmless.” The dungeon corrected.

I suppose that was true, but still, if you wanted trust, you had to be willing to give in return.

I stood up and held my hand out to him.

He took it with his bound hand and gently rose to his feet, clearly wary that if he did something out of place a pile of angry goblins would tear him limb from limb. Or at least that's what I figured his anxiousness was caused by.

I led him down and away and several goblins moved to follow me, including Devin.

“All of you just wait here. There’s no way out this way and I just want to talk to him.”

The goblins narrowed their eyes on Gerl, and Devin rolled his eyes, “Talk… Sure.”

I sighed, “I do, seriously.” I insisted, as much as I didn't mind the idea of me fucking Gerl, for some reason it bugged me that Devin's mind expected that I would end up there. Then again what did I expect? I'd done this to myself by doing what I'd done earlier.

“Come on.” I said to Gerl and led him down the passageway.

Gerl just followed along and he seemed to relax a bit as we walked. He was clearly unsure and worried. If not confused, and more.

While we walked I could feel the dungeon expand over the area near the top. A strange sensation I wasn't quite sure I understood. I felt it, then glanced back to see it happening. I guess some part of me had recognized it from earlier, and I suppose it made sense, Naan couldn't claim space around someone hostile, and we'd moved him away. It was quite industrious of the dungeon.

We reached the bottom, the soft sound of flowing water the only real sound to disturb us.

“Aren't you worried I’ll try to escape? Or capture you?” Gerl asked after a few moments.

I briefly ignored his question. I set the mushroom ink vial down on the ground off to the side and took a seat near it. Leaving Gerl just standing there watching me.

I gestured across from me. “To answer your questions, there is no way out this way, unless you plan on drowning. As for capturing me, I don’t think you want to harm me.” I smiled.

He considered my words for a moment. When he had enough he took a seat opposite me near the other wall to the downward passage. We sat far enough from the water that there wasn’t a chance of us getting wet.

“Can you tell me what happened to start off?” I asked wanting to figure out both what he thought, and what had happened at once.

He nodded shyly, “To be honest… When I ran off earlier… I didn’t know what to do. I ended up walking around the fields outside. Started leaving, then I decided I didn’t want to… I came back, but I was too unsure to talk to you again. So I left again, you were all I could think about… Then it started to get dark and I decided I’d head back into town. Of course, when I checked with Mr. Evan he refused to let me stay. I came by here but saw you in the back with Mr. Devin. I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to intrude." He sighed deeply, "I decided I should just leave so I started out of town. I happened to hear some sounds coming from a cave… You see… when I went to check on it I was jumped by several goblins. They jumped me, pinned me down, and told me, ‘Quite, or Die.’ Even I’m not dumb enough to ignore that.” He said glancing down at his bound wrists as he finished. “After that two of them watched me while the others were doing other things..." He said blushing as he looked at me, glancing away probably recalling earlier today, "Anyway, after a while it got dark, and then it started raining. After heading towards town. They camped out by the wall for a bit, then eventually they rushed into this place. Then I saw you there…” He finished his story.

That was quite the mess, wasn't it? It was getting pretty late too. I'd expected Naan sooner, but I guess it had waited to ensure no one saw them. I nodded along with the story more or less expecting much of what he told me. Still, there was certainly some bad luck in that. “Why did you check on the cave?” I asked.

Gerl shrugged, “I just did… I didn’t really think about it, I just did it. Clearly, it was a bad idea considering how it turned out. I just thought I heard two people talking inside.” He admitted.

He’d heard the goblins talking? I supposed if you didn’t quite hear what they were saying you might not realize who was speaking, especially if you couldn't make out the words and just heard voices. I supposed it didn’t matter. It made sense.

“Gerl… I want to start by explaining something very simple.” I began slowly as I articulated my thoughts.

“Alright?” Gerl seemed insistent but attentive.

“I don’t want to hurt you, or anyone in this town.”

“But the goblins…” Gerl pointed out.

“They came here because I told them I had a place where they could stay. But they aren't going to hurt anyone.” I interjected. “That is my fault.” I said realizing that it was entirely true.

“Okay… So I can go now?” He asked uncertainly.

“No.” Naan stated firmly to me without prompting on my part.

I suppressed a surge of annoyance and I replied to the dungeon, “If your gonna be so adamant, why aren't you talking to him?”

“No. You hid me for a reason, and at this point, I think it would only complicate things.”

Well, there was that, “I guess I agree with that much.” I replied mentally, even as I sighed aloud.

So continued with Gerl, “Unfortunately no. Since even if I want to trust you. I can’t.”

“Then… what? You’re going to keep me down here?” He asked.

“For the moment.” I admitted.

“He has had seen us, and our faces. If you wish to save him, you have no choice but to forge a contract with him.” Naan explained.

That was a good option I supposed. If Naan was hellbent on murder, I could save him if I could convince him to work for me instead.

“Do you have family, or friends out there?” I asked wanting to get to know him a little so I knew what I was working with.

“Oh… Oh gods and goddesses… you really are going to kill me aren't you.” Gerl said suddenly panicking.

“Gerl! Gerl!” I said half standing and moving over to him.

He glanced up at me, his eyes wide, panic in them.

I couldn’t help but freeze as our eyes met, and his hands reached upwards towards me. We both completely froze at that moment both realizing what might be about to happen.

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I refused to step back, and instead, I forced myself to speak, “Gerl. Please, just talk to me.”

He looked at his hands as if realizing what he might have just considered doing. Then deflated, setting his hands down.

“No…” He replied.

I frowned, “No?” What did that mean?

“You asked if I had friends or family…” He replied.

I couldn’t help but take a breath, I hadn’t realized I’d been holding my breath. “Oh.” I sat down next to him.

He glanced over at me clearly a bit confused by my actions. Perhaps especially because of that tense moment, we had just had. Of course, that's the reason I decided to sit by him instead.

I sat there next to him for a few moments one hand in the other rubbing my thumb with the other. I wasn’t entirely sure how to do this. How to go about it, but there was only one way forward, “Gerl, the truth is that I want you to help me.”

“Help you? Miss Anna… I don’t understand this at all.” he said.

“I know. You know how I laughed about your dream earlier?” I decided to ask him.

“Yes…” He said with a bit of bitterness in it.

“I need to confess to something. The reason you had that dream was me.”

“I know that…” He said, “You’re beautiful.”

I couldn't help but giggle softly at that, “No. I mean I actually controlled your dream.”

“What use could this possibly serve?” Naan pressed.

Gerl glanced up at me with nothing but confusion on his face.

I really wish I could punch Naan, it wasn't being helpful, and it was just secong guessing everything I was doing. I ignored Naan for the moment, “I have the ability to mess with people's dreams. And… I was sort of trying it out on you the other night. I didn’t intend on you doing that with your mother. But every time I tried to be gentle about it you kept shoving my dream counterpart off. I got a bit impatient… and then sort of forgot I’d forced the issue. So, I guess I’m sorry about that.”

I could see the turning of gears in his mind. What I said made too much sense to outright dismiss. Yet it was nonsense from his perspective. I looked back at my hands as I continued to explain, “I made a few changes. The first thing I did was see what you’d have her do if I pressed my finger to your lips. After that, for some reason, we both started eating dinner. Then I tried to be a bit more forceful.” I said smiling to myself, “You sort of decided to introduce me to your mother after that.” I chuckled at the memory.

“You… you really know what I was dreaming about.” Gerl said clearly surprised as it dawned on him that I wasn’t just making things up.

“It’s not all I can do either.” I explained glancing over at him as I changed my hair color from blond to a fiery red color.

I watched as Gerl’s eyes turned into saucers. “Yo… Yo…” He said before freezing up.

“I’m sort of a succubus.” I said giving him a far too innocent grin.

“So… Sort of?” He asked a pit of panic in the word.

“I really don’t know what that means to most people…” I admitted. “I can change how I look and mess with your dreams. But beyond that I really love sex, but I guess you knew that part already.”

Gerl blushed furiously at that recollection, and I found it quite adorable.

“Would you be willing to join me? To help me?” I asked.

“I… I don’t…” He said before I pressed a finger to his lips.

“Gerl, remember what I said when I started? I don’t want to hurt you or these other people. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I’m just an idiot is all…” I said not sure what else to say.

“You’re not…” He replied ignoring my finger so that the tip of my finger pressed against his lower lip, the tip of his tongue just barely touching it.

I couldn't help but wish he would lean forward, and close his lips around it, gently suck on it... Wait, stop that! Blinked trying to force my brain back on track, “For now just think about it?" I asked, but then I continued more sultry, "I mean there are perks. At least if you like me.” I said giving him my best smile.

Gerl glanced away, “I…”

“Naan, can we make a prison cell or something?” I asked mentally, not really sure how this was going to work in the meantime. I didn't like the idea of keeping him tied up, but honestly was a cage better?

“I can make one near the entrance, down here is too close to him.”

I wasn't sure how well that would even work. But I was reminded of something else and so I spoke to Gerl, “By the way, I should really apologize for pushing you so far earlier.”

“What? No, Miss Anna… What… What you did was… wonderful…” he said clearly not sure what to say, but coming up with something anyway.

“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Maybe next time I can get you inside of me.” I said with a bit too much enthusiasm.

“Umm….” He whispered.

“Yes?” I asked.

“Why?” He asked back.

“Why what?” I pressed.

He considered while staring at his wrists. “I’m scrawny, I can't even grow a beard, no matter how old I get it just looks ridiculous. There's nothing special about me.”

“That doesn't really bother me. Most people are pretty unremarkable really. But I do need to remind you that I’m not your girlfriend. I’m a sex demon.” I said fondly.

Gerl glanced up at me then back to his wrists. “I don’t mind… I’d never be able to be with a woman as beautiful as you. You are like the women in the castles and noble houses.”

I leaned over to him, pressing my lips to his cheek and gently kissing him, “Sweet talker. But that's all you get unless you actually agree.” I said slowly climbing to my feet.

“Wait…” He whispered.

“Yes?” I asked again.

“Is that really what I’m trying to decide between? Being killed by goblins and… being with someone as special as you?”

I wasn’t that special, clearly, Gerl was conflating my appearance, which was a result of shape-shifting, with more meaningful traits. But I supposed I wasn’t going to disagree with that, it would help me after all. Still, I didn’t want him to feel trapped either, “No. I don’t know quite know-how, or when. But if you be our prisoner for a while longer we’ll find a way to let you go eventually.”

“Anna!” Naan hissed into my mind. “You seem to think that you can just deci-”

I turned away from Gerl so he couldn’t see as I replied with a force I couldn’t help but show on my features, “Naan, Shut up and let me work.” I stated mentally with an absolute force I had never really spoken with since I'd met the dungeon.

Naan was instantly quiet, maybe even stunned by my response.

Good. I wanted to fucking smack the stupid rock at this point. But I needed to calm down. I took a breath, and I schooled my features, then I turned back to Gerl with a smile on my lips, “So don’t worry, you only have to help me if you want to. But I’d really appreciate it.”

Gerl nodded, “Miss Anna… You really are a very nice person.”

“I think that the goblins might need to tie you up again for now… So don’t give them any trouble alright?”

“I… I won’t do anything.” He insisted.

“It's just the way it's going to be unless you agree to join me. But we’ll get you some food and make sure you are alright.” I explained.

“Miss Anna…” He started again.

“Yes?” I asked one final time.

After a pause, he said, “Have a good night Miss Anna.”

“Thanks. Try not to let the goblins worry you too much… and I’m sorry you got involved in this.” I said. I started up the passage leaving him there for the moment, It was hard to ignore the roiling inside my gut, however. I wasn't usually an angry person, I knew that. But something about Naan had really just set me off, it was mostly it's timing, but I did not like its approach with Gerl in the slightest.

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