Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 57: Ch 57 – Expectations

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“Naan… you can bring out those souls, right?” I asked.

“Yes. Why?”

“Go ahead and bring out the one who isn’t Kay.” I said internally.

A few moments trickled past before I started to feel my mana flowing again. It flowed out and just to the side of where we were all clustered. Moment by moment I watched as what looked like swirling dust began to take shape in the air. All things considered, it was like watching a statue made of dust scatter into the wind, but in reverse. Then I could see the legs shift, the hands move. It began to act before it was even fully there. Then before I knew it, it glanced back at me. A man taller than Devin standing there with dark red skin and black loose hair that ran out in short finger-length curls. His yellow eyes searched over us.

Devin stood up in front of me protectively and I realized I’d just gone and had this happen without informing anyone.

“It’s-” I was about to begin before I was cut off by the new arrival.

“That your woman little man?” Said the red-skinned demon-looking man.

“And if it is?” Devin asked back reaching for his sword.

The big demon man laughed, “Just try and hold on to her. She’ll be mine soon enough.”

Devin paused his actions and looked puzzled.

I was confused as well honestly. “Um… I brought him out. He's a soul like me, remember?" I tried to explain to Devin, but I couldn't help but shift my attention back to the big demon, "What's your deal?”

The demon glanced over at me, “You're hotter than the other one, but your only human, not like the demon chick. Where is she anyway? Can I fuck her again?” He asked me like someone might ask for a bag of chips with their lunch.

“Oh, gods… Is this a thing with people like you?” Devin asked me, at least understanding my hasty explanation.

“Uh…” I said a bit flabbergasted by what he chose as his first actions.

“Speechless huh?” The big man said, “I am pretty impressive.” He mused flexing his sizable arms and chest muscles. Even he seemed surprised for some reason. It didn't improve anything, if anything it just made his stupid grin even cockier.

“It.. has less to do with your appearance and more to do with your personality…”I pointed out.

“Yeah? I am pretty great, what is this place anyway? It's creepy.” He noted glancing around.

“Naan… what the hell is with this guy?” I asked internally.

“I don’t understand the question.”

“He’s… a massive dick.” I pointed out. Of course, now that I said it couldn’t help but glance down, and yes, there was certainly a massive dick on the massive dick.

“Oh, noticed my trusty tool huh?” The man stated.

“It is… hard to miss.” I couldn’t help but reply.

He chuckled, “See? The chicks love it.” The big man said to Devin.

Devin growled to himself, “Please tell me your not actually interested in this cretin.”

I couldn’t help but just force my eyes shut not wanting to even deal with this right now. This didn’t help however because unlike before when closing my eyes left me blind to the world now it just left me focusing on what Naan was looking at, which as it turned out was the new arrival. There was no escaping this I supposed.

“No…” I sighed opening my eyes and looking at him, “Look can you just walk down there?” I asked, pointing down the hallway.

He frowned at my words, “Walk? What? Why?" Then he glanced around again looking for someone, "Seriously though, where is the demon girl?” He continued ignoring my requests.

“Naan, how did you get him to do what you wanted?” I asked the former gemstone.

“When I explained I needed him to fuck someone he seemed quite eager.”

“Ah…” I said aloud. Of course. This was a lost cause, wasn’t it?

When I glanced back to the demon in question he was stroking himself. When he noticed I had noticed he stiffened slightly, then just kept on going with an obvious forcefulness.

“Um… what are you doing?” I asked him more confused than anything. It's not like being the focal point of masturbation was a new experience for me, but he couldn't read the mood at all.

“What's it look like?” He asked back.

“It looks like you're jacking off to me.” I replied honestly.

“Got it in one.” He said with a less sure grin.

“You are pretty oblivious aren't you?” I asked him.

“Hmm? What do you mean?” He asked clearly having no intention to stop his self-pleasuring.

“I’m the one that decides if you ever get to have a body. Yet, the first thing you do upon meeting me is ask to fuck my sister, and then start masturbating to me.” I said trying to articulate the insanity of this. Also, had I really adopted Kay? As much as I was annoyed by the attitude it really had more to do with the timing of it, this is just stupid.

“Hmm? You don’t look like a dungeon.” He pointed out.

“Looks can be deceiving apparently.” I pointed out.

Only then did I notice that Gerl was pressed into the corner staring at the demon man in question, “Miss Anna? What's he talking about?”

Everyone glanced over to him quite clearly forgetting, or having never noticed him over there. Step by step he was moving away from me.

“I’m a dungeon.” I replied realizing how silly it really sounded when I said it out loud.

“That… doesn't make sense.” He pointed out.

“Well, it's kind of complicated, but it's true. What's wrong?” I asked him.

He paused there, “That's… that's a demon.” he pointed at the big man.

“True.” I nodded for once at least glad that my interpretation was the same as the residents of this world. I suppose in a few ways that made sense. If the souls a dungeon gathered were demons by nature, that would make being a succubus logical, seeing as how that's specifically a sex demon.” Still, I’d yet to see Kay in her physical form, when I spoke to her inside of her dream, or mind she had looked as she always had. But based on the big idiot that wasn't the case.

I couldn’t help but be curious, but it wasn’t really helping the situation. “I brought him out so he could do something for me.” I tried to explain.

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“You keep saying I.” Naan pointed out in my head.

“Would you rather I keep saying we and everyone think I’m crazy?” I replied to Naan even as Gerl pressed on unknowing of my own internal conversation.

“You did that? That’s… that's chaos magic, its… wrong.” He pointed out.

Oh damn it, I pressed my hands over my eyes, the results pointless as ever.

“Could you maybe not cover your face while I’m trying to get off?” The demon in question noted.

I lowered my hands not because he asked me to, but because I was really starting to get pissed off now.

Devin took a step back from me, “Anna...?”

“Cut that out right now.” I said to the red-skinned demon in question.

“Hmm? Why would I do that?” he said his cock fully erect and starting to drip a little from the tip as he continued stroking himself.

“Because…” I said through gritted teeth.

He just smirked at me as though there was nothing I could do.

“Naan… what the hell?”

“Should we punish him?” Naan asked.

“That was an option?” I groaned internally.

“His body is made of our mana.”

“So his body is a loaner…” I considered.

“We can do as we wish with it, from dispelling him, to puppeteer it. While his soul has provided the form and function our mana is very much the force behind it.”

“Alright, then can we do that? I honestly have no idea where to even begin.” I replied.

“I’ll handle it.” Naan replied.

At that, the demon in question stopped stroking himself and he glanced down at his hand which gradually began to rise.

“Uhh… what's this about?” he asked staring at his hand as though it was a serpent that might bite him.

I couldn’t help but feel some tiny bit of sympathy having seen Naan move my fingers before. Still, this guy was the worst, and I was done with this whole situation.

The demon in question began choking himself, using one hand to try and remove the other one.

I glanced over to Gerl and said, “Gerl, I really don’t know anything about that.”

“You don’t?” he asked perplexed.

I shook my head, “I really don’t…”

I was so done with this.

Still gagging came from the demon and I glanced over at him.

Eyes bugging out at me he was clawing at one hand with the other.

“You done being an idiot?” I asked him.

He nodded his head.

At that Naan let him go and he pulled back his hand gasping for air. Strange that he needed air when he was made of mana. Still, he recovered quickly and glared at me, “You bitch.”

“Seriously? I’m the bitch?” I asked the demon.

“Yeah… damn that hurt… How did you do that?” He asked.

“Your body is literally made of my mana.” I pointed out.

“Oh… So that is how it was.” The demon in question said as though that answered the question. “Shit… you really do own me don’t you…”

I tried to push on, “Let's try this again shall we? What's your name?”

“Emmett.” He replied all semblance of his cocky attitude replaced with one I could only describe as petulant.

“Alright Emmett, I’m Anna.” I started simply trying to be cordial.

“Great…” He groaned back at me.

“Can I stab him?” Devin asked.

“Please don’t… I have no idea if I can make a new body for him if you do that.” I sighed.

“Dick…” He said looking at Devin.

Devin visibly gripped the handle of the sword at his hip.

I placed a hand on Devin's wrist, and asked, “Patience?”.

“Only because you asked…” He sighed releasing the grip a touch reluctantly.

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