Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 59: Ch 59 – A Step

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We’d mostly just sat there catching our breath and letting the situation settle in. I was in Devin’s lap and he was leaning against the wall. Across from me, Gerl stared at his feet.

Scout was the first to stand up. He turned, and took a few steps toward me, waiting until he was sure I had noticed him before suddenly proclaiming, “Dark, we leave.”

“What?” I asked him shocked by that. I didn't understand exactly, but "we leave." practically squeezed my heart.

He looked to me, “Light, we hunt. Dark, we return.” He continued after a moment. It was a rare sight indeed for him to fully express something like this.

“You're going to leave for a day and then come back?” I said relaxing a little. It wasn't great, but I understood. Our little mission had been to find a way to deal with this without worrying about the town. This was risky by comparison, but what could I do?

He nodded. I could only hope that I was understanding him properly.

I just nodded in acceptance what else was there? “Alright.”

I watched him as he collected the other men and with his light source, he led them down the passageway.

Kosue waved at me and rushed off to follow them.

She normally didn't need to leave, but maybe she wanted to help them? What was she going to do down here, wait? No, it probably made more sense to leave.

This left me with Devin and Gerl.

Of course with my guards gone it left me needing to deal with Gerl.

My brain surged with ways that might work, like sealing him into some kind of cell, or digging a massive pit and throwing him inside. But the reality was I didn't want to do any of that, and Gerl didn't deserve any of it either.

Which left only one more approach.

“Gerl, have you given much thought to my offer?” I asked.

“Ah…” He said not looking up at me.

“No? Then why don’t we talk about what you want? What are your goals? What is it you want from life?” I asked.

He shrugged.

“Come on, surely you aren't completely aimless?” I pressed.

“I suppose if I had to say, it would be to have a wife and start a family.” He admitted.

I nodded, “I don’t think I would get in the way of that.”

He looked up at me a bit confused, “What do you mean?”

Perhaps I’d misread him? “Gerl, why don’t you want to work with me?”

“I mean I don’t necessarily dislike you… If I had to say… I do like you.” He noted which simply caused me to smile. “But… The goblins… the… demon, and the dungeon. You are… a heretic.”

I glanced back to Devin who tilted his head at me probably thinking.

“I’m afraid I don’t really understand why you think that. I’m… not from around here.” I explained.

“Well, goblins are monsters they regularly attack towns and travelers. And… demons, it circumvents the natural order. Dungeons because they create demons do this as well.” Gerl tried to explain.

“Who says?” I asked.

“Who?” Gerl echoed, a bit perplexed by the question. “I… suppose the followers of Jerome?”

Was that a question? I wondered if he really had his facts straight. Not that I didn't see how it was possible, but the whole way he said it made me think he really had no idea. “That's the god of order right?” I asked wanting to at least make sure I wasn't talking out my ass.

“Right.” Gerl nodded.

“Are there downsides?” I asked him.

“I… don’t follow.” He said confused.

“You are telling me that I’m something of antagonistic to Jerome right? So what do you get by going along with him?” I asked.

He blinked staring at me, his lips opening and closing not unlike a fish.

“I realize that the inquisition is out there and they probably will try to stop me or whatever. But I just want to do my own thing. Make friends, work together and build something.” I explained.

“I… see.” He replied, uncertain of what else to do.

The voice in my head spoke up, “I believe that these humans are inherently putting words in the god's mouth.”

“Explain?” I asked Naan.

“While he might be right that demons are within the chaotic domain. Dungeons also possess contract magic, which is definitive of the orderly domain.”

“Which wouldn’t be possible of the this Jerome fellow hated dungeons?”

“That's assuming divinities can hate.”

“True…” I said realizing that my track record with personification wasn't strong.

I focused back on Gerl, “Gerl, did you know that dungeons can use contract magic as well?”

He shook his head, “I… I don’t really know much about magic.” He noted.

“You just knew about demons?” I clarified.

He nodded.

“Contracts are magic used to create, or enforce order.” I said with minor creative license. “I think maybe people have put words in Jerome’s mouth.”

Gerl’s brow knit at that.

“I’m not really sure, but all I’m saying is that considering what limited things I know. If this Jerome really thought of dungeons as such an evil force, why would dungeons be able to use magic aligned with him?” I said just expressing my own thoughts aloud, not that I had any basis for it. While I had wanted to avoid it, the truth was that I was talking out my ass, but I seemed to have a knack for that.

“You think so?” he seemed more thoughtful.

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“Probably.” I replied.

“I still think you are a good person… You even kept me safe in there. Even though doing so doesn't help you.” He offered.

“I try.” I replied.

Devin whose arms were wrapped around my middle gave me a squeeze back against him. Maybe he was trying to agree without joining the conversation.

“Miss Anna, will you answer something for me?” Gerl began.

“What is it?”

“You are going to use some magic on me to make sure I don’t betray you right?” He asked.

“That makes it sound more nefarious than it really is. I want to make a contract with you so that we can work together in a trusting relationship.” I asserted.

“Right… Umm…” he stammered.

“What is it?” I asked.

“I… You won’t be able to make me do things right?” He asked.

“I’m not really in the habit of making people do things they don’t want to. But… to be honest, I don’t know the details of how it works.” I admitted. Naan and I had gone over the words so many times, but I did get the impression that there was the expectation that they would be loyal. I wasn’t sure how that was enforced.

“Oh…” He said frowning at his hands.

“What is it you are afraid I’ll ask you to do?” I asked.

“I don’t know… I just like the idea no one can truly tell me what to do.” he replied.

“I guess I can understand that. Everyone has limits and differences.” I replied.

He nodded, “I don’t really…” he fidgeted his fingers uncertainly.

"We can always change his contract later by canceling and reforging it." Naan interjected.

"Nothing else? No way to say clear his memory or something if we cut him loose?"

“If you mean with a condition, it's quite simple, he can’t uphold terms to not remember something. Because he won’t remember it.”

“Alright… I guess that sort of makes sense." I mused trying to think of something else.

"Besides once the contract is canceled that's it, there's no more contract. You don't get to say something happens to someone upon cancelation. Let alone invoke some other form of magic." Naan said and I could practically feel it's nonexistent eyes rolling. "Besides, while I have a basic understanding of how it works, and what the rules are, sometimes we only try something and see if it works. There is also the problem of acceptance. Even if you get the person to say the words the contract itself works more by the intent in the words. So while it's possible to get them to agree to be your slave for instance, unless they actually believe the words they are saying, the contract will fail.”

I guess it made sense, I'd experienced similar issues with my abilities. Try to grow a bone and you get what ends up as a soft growth.

“So your plan to force people into service?” I asked.

“Having not tried it, I believe people would have a hard time not believing that they are being forced into slavery while their lives are being threatened.” Naan replied.

I had to think about that one for a moment, “Alright, maybe that's true. I guess I can just let him know."

Naan simply rumbled back.

I found that he was watching me as I had zoned out and he glanced away when I focused back on him.

“Alright, I don't really have any big counter offers here, but if you want to change our agreement later, we can always cancel it and try again with something else.” I offered.

“Like what?" he asked.

“If say you found your wife or something, we could maybe say you can stay with her, or something like that.” I offered.

“Oh…" I said frowning, "I guess that is the best I can hope for.” He said solemnly.

“Was there something else?” I asked.

“I… mean, I don’t… um, if I want… to, hmm…” He shook his head as if realizing he was making a mistake, or not sure how to phrase what he wanted.

“Gerl, do you want to fuck me?” I asked with a bright smile.

He blushed profusely at my words, “I… I… Uh...” He stammered clearly he had not had the courage to ask for such a thing.

Meanwhile, Devin groaned against me.

I placed my hands on Devin’s arms, “You can help too Devin. I won’t send you away.”

“So much for my plans. Besides, maybe you should try listening to him.” Devin sighed.

I tilted my head, “Oh… don’t sulk. I listen just fine.”

“Sure... and I’m not sulking…” He growled.

I giggled to myself.

“You can be so frustrating." Devin said gruffly.

“I know… You can be nice and rough to let me know just how frustrating I am.” I mused.

“That's… umm… not...” Gerl awkwardly interjected clearly not understanding the decision being reached. I stood up and walked over to Gerl.

“I accept your terms Gerl, but I just need to know one thing before we begin. If you die, do you want to come back as… a demon?” I offered.

“You can do that?” He asked staring at me.

I verified with Naan that I hadn’t gotten that wrong, and had to elaborate, “Yes, and no. As long as nothing interferes with the contract magic then yes. Of course, even then, keep in mind that if you are a demon you pretty much will be done if we cancel this contract. Plus we’ve not had a ton of opportunity to make good on giving our souls bodies yet.” I pointed out.

“I don’t really plan on dying…” He replied. “Also… I um…” He trailed off just stopping there.

I frowned slightly but nodded, “Of course, I just want to be clear.”

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