Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 84: Ch 83 – Reunion

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I didn’t know what to say, or what to do. What could I even do? I could make light, light candles, and I knew how to mix drinks with magic! I’d never even used anything but the light incantation. What else could I do? Shapeshift? I could make mostly useless claws, and I couldn’t really get stronger, or sturdier. Well, that knife hadn't turned out too bad, but I was almost entirely sure that was a complete fluke! I could fuck with dreams!?

I was useless in a straight-up fight! But hearing the grip of Devin’s sword crease as he readied himself for what came, just one thing came to me. We had a pit. “When I scream Nel, everyone close your eyes and get to the other side of the pit!

“What?” Devin asked glancing at me dumbfounded.

“Just do it. It's gonna be bright.” I explained.

Devin gave me a smirk, “As my queen commands.” he whispered to me.

I glanced at the two archers and two swordsmen who all nodded at my words.

I was glad that was the only resistance to my plan as the massive creature in question surged into view practically plowing through bushes and small trees like they weren't even there. The creature was taller than Devin. And longer by several degrees, it had four massive legs thudding to either side of its body. Its whole length was covered in red almost metallic scales. The forward part of its snout was covered in what looked like a horn, that moved back along its face, a large singular horn protruding from between two sizable nostrils. Several sizable canines were visible even with the mouth closed. Its underside was a lighter pale metallic gray. On its back, as Naan had indicated rode the same woman I recalled from the prison. She was in the middle with a man in front, and behind her. The one in front was holding reins that fit around the massive beast's thick throat. Its eyes were glued to us like we were dinner.

I took a deep breath as the creature careened towards us. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified, every part of my body wanted to flee. My mind screamed at me to just give in. To give up and despair. But I shook that off, stared death on legs squarely, and found the courage to act. I poured mana into my lungs, and I raised my hand and uttered, “Ful, loc, ri, ril, fir, ah...”

I held my breath, held for that last word. The creature was getting closer, and I wasn’t sure how close I wanted it. I didn’t know if it was going to just charge us, or what. Perhaps a touch too soon, I could wait no longer and I shouted, “Nel!”

The forest turned white as I dumped a quantity of mana that should never have been devoted to this incantation into the world with no purpose but to make a spark of fire. I’d chosen fire instead of light for one reason and one reason only. Because I needed one bright flash, not an orb of blinding light for an hour.

Even squinting, and behind my hand, I felt the intensity of it for that instant.

The drake reeled backward throwing its riders from its back as it howled out.

“Anna!” I heard from behind me. I turned only now remembering to follow my own directions. I rushed to follow and nearly fell into my own trap as the after image of flickering circles and white seemed seared into the edges of my vision for a moment. It was only then that the pain in my hand hit me. I ignored it since it wasn’t that bad.

No sooner than we had all gathered on the opposite side of the pit than the Drake sniffed the air. It thrashed its head, blinking its eyes, and then seemed to see us. Or smell us, I couldn’t tell with how it was furiously growling and thrashing. It charged straight for us and just as I had hoped, it slipped over the edge of the pit and firmly dove in.

Its massive tail thrashed back and forth as it smashed into the stone walls. My group and I quickly put some space between us, and the massive creature. Rather than done, it only seemed pissed off. But it was mostly stuck. I could hear scratching and flailing as its claws tried to gain purchase on the smooth stone walls.

In the distance, I saw the three that had been thrown from its back start picking themselves up.

I saw two arrows fly and struck the two attendants one after the other. Both were off center, one in the lower chest, one near the shoulder.

Holy shit, was it going to be this easy?

“Despair!” The priestess, Aquina shouted.

As though we were all struck by a physical force the whole world seemed to become oppressive. I could hear as two men on my side dropped to the ground. In an instant, I spared a glance to see them just staring off into space on their knees. It was the two swordsmen. Not the archers or Devin, though they all looked paler and stiff.

“We are all going to die…” the gentle archer voiced from my side.

“No…” I stated before him.

Yet my word didn't deter either, the two archers suddenly broke and started running into the woods.

I glanced at Devin the horror inside me asking the question, What about him?

His eyes met mine, and I could practically feel his resolve harden, “That's a given. It's where, and how that matters.” He stated raising his sword.

With that, I felt my own concern evaporate and I glared at the source of our problems, “Aquina! You’ve got some new tricks?!” I demanded.

She looked at me puzzled. Then glanced at Devin, “The shape-shifting bitch?” Her mouth opened wide, glee practically pouring from my mouth as she realized who I was. “Capture her!” She shouted.

To my surprise, the two men pulled arrows from their wounds carelessly and each pulled a long knife that resembled Aquina’s horrible torture device.

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“Oh…” I uttered, realizing that they didn’t seem all that concerned with the arrow wounds.

“Can you try to do something about those two?” Devin asked, gesturing to the men on the ground. Clearly, he realized he was about to be outnumbered, and I didn’t even have a knife on me. If… no when we survived this I was going to learn how to at least use a knife!

I knelt down next to one of them and shook him, “Hey!”

His eyes didn’t even focus on me. Instead, tears just started pouring down his cheeks. “We were never going to win this… This war was over before it even began…” He muttered hopelessly.

I slapped him across the face not sure what else to do. But he just sort of stared off limply. “Shit… I don’t think so.” I said only having one more idea, I leaned in so I was speaking into his ear, “Hey… forget all that. If you fight for me I’ll let you fuck me later? Wouldn’t that be good?”

I realized I was losing precious time as the two attendants flanked the pit with the still thrashing drake inside of it.

The man didn’t respond at all, and I was left feeling a little depressed. No, stop that! I reminded myself that if nothing else I could at least give Devin some room. I grabbed the man and pulled trying to heave him backward. Unfortunately, he didn’t help at all, dead weight in my grip. He just fell back lying so his eyes turned to the sky even as tears leaked from his face.

“Fuck this!” I growled, “You piece of shit, will you fucking move!” I shouted at the man who had become little more than a mess of sobbing hopelessness.

Devin seemed to realize the problem, and making his own decision he grabbed me and pulled me along. I almost thought we were going to make a run for it when he suddenly spun around, and his sword struck one of the attendant's knives as they had charged after us.

I nearly tripped at the suddenness of our stop but managed to stay on my feet. But I had almost nothing to do, nothing to give.

The second man joined in and Devin was forced to dance backward, lucky his blade was longer and he was able to keep them back with careful swings that deflected their long knives.

I kept moving backward to give Devin the room he needed to fight.

Then, a lucky break, Devin’s blade struck the man’s hand, severing several fingers and causing the knife to crash to the ground.

The other one surged forward as if trying to make up for his ally's mistake but Devin stepped in practically expecting it and he grabbed the attacking man’s hand, forcing it to the side even as he rammed his sword through the man’s core.

The other man stared at Devin shocked.

Devin twisted his sword and jumped back. Blood poured from the man as he stumbled forward, then back.

“You idiots!” Aquina shouted, clearly disappointed, she rounded the pit heading our way.

The man who had lost half his fingers yelled and charged forward trying to grab at Devin.

Devin didn’t seem the least bit worried about him now, and his sword came in sideways. A split second later the man’s head rolled down and into the grass as his body crumpled to the ground.

The other man who was in the process of bleeding to death leaped forward or at least tried to, It was more a stumble. Devin managed to slap the knife away, but his blade lodged into the man’s chest. This would probably have been good if not for the fact that he was already done for.

It was then Aquina stepped in.

“Devin, no!” I yelled feeling like an idiot.

Devin however wasn’t an idiot, and he abandoned his sword dancing back a half step and pulling a knife of his own from his waist. A moment later his blade went straight into Aquina’s throat, her jagged knife went into his shoulder.

I could see Aquina’s eyes roll back into her head and she let out a moan. “Lulinla, curses you.”

Devin pulled back groaning in pain as the blade in his shoulder sawed through flesh. All the same, Aquina was left standing there blood gushing from her throat as the blade was removed. Yet she grinned.

To my utter horror, I saw a massive snout raise up from the pit at that moment and two claws on either side pulled the front half of the drake over the lip.

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