Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 87: Ch 86 – What Can Be Done

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We rushed and shambled through the forest in the direction Naan gave me. That tiny part of my mind reminded me it was there, I just needed to reach out and feel for them. I actively refused, pushing it back. Resisting the urge to see what I shouldn’t see.

I wish I could say we were making good time, but we were far slower than I would have liked. There was some good news however as once we got close enough Naan could see them, and we learned that they had found some cave to hide in.

The drake was too big to fit inside. Which just left Aquina getting shot with several arrows before retreating. When we arrived we found that she was standing on top of an outcropping gazing off into the distance, maybe she was looking for reinforcements?

“Devin… you go around from the side. I’ll head in and… hope that the drake is confused.”

Devin gave me a look that said, “Are you serious?”

“Alright, you hide behind a tree. And I’ll test if the drake is confused.” I offered a slightly more reasonable framing.

He sighed, “Fine…” Then split off hiding behind a tree as I pulled my dress over my head, tossing it to the side, already wearing Aquina’s outfit below. I wasted no time finishing my transformation which I admitted felt a bit tougher for some reason. Like my body wasn’t quite as willing to change forms anymore. That might have had something to do with what Jerome had said about being more orderly or sturdy. It might have slowed me down a touch, it made me feel a bit more like clay than mud but it wasn’t that big of an issue.

What was I doing? Did I actually think I was going to win? Did glowing eyes come with a reckless abandon to throw my life away? Or was it that I always had the disposition to do things like this?

I’d once grabbed a man’s balls to stop him from stabbing Devin. I’d thrown myself at an elvish priestess to protect Kay and myself. I’d revealed my identity to Charlene, and charged into a plant-riddled dungeon to save a town.

It occurred to me, that this wasn’t just some one-off insanity. This was what I always did. This was entirely, and one hundred percent me. That thought pushed the fear away, pushed everything but my forward momentum from my mind.

I took a breath, planted my feet, and glared at the drake that was sniffing around the small cave it couldn’t quite get inside.

“Hey!” I yelled.

The drake and Aquina glanced my way.

Aquina’s eyes widened, “You! Done watching your precious savior die?” She asked wickedly. I could tell she enjoyed taunting me.

“Come!” I ignored her and spoke to the drake instead.

The drake took a few steps towards me, then sniffed the air. It seemed to realize something, and its eyes focused, narrowing on me.

For the first time, I really considered that this was a bad idea. Like I thought it was kind of stupid, but now that I saw that big thing actually considering attacking me, it really sunk in. Too bad I didn’t have an affinity as a monster tamer or some shit. No, I take that back. But this was bad… I had thoughts about making a red sheet to wave in its face, but that was just as stupid as everything else that flickered through my head.

Stupid god, what good is this blessing anyway? Well, I guess it was helping Devin… But still!

Before I could really think much of it, the massive creature charged.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Devin start to move. I knew what he was going to do, where he was going to be.

I couldn’t allow that. I needed something else. But what could a succubus do? What would a dungeon do? I didn’t have time to ask questions or have conversations. I could use Naan’s abilities. I knew this now. I didn’t really know the rules, but deep down my body knew what, and the how.

If someone was going to throw themselves in front of this stupid thing, it wasn’t going to be Devin, it would be a cocky asshole that was already dead. I raised a hand, and dust swirled around me as mana surged from me, not some tiny trickle but in force, if mana was what gave a body strength, durability and form he would need a lot of it. While I was doing that, I let my body relax back into the form I liked best, my beast kin persona. If we got physical it was the form I’d walked in for days and the one that I felt was the best fit for me.

Red skin solidified before me, taking only moments with as much force as I put into it. Yet I couldn't let him flounder about the drake was nearly on top of us. So with a force of my own will over my mana, I planted Emmett's nearly formed feet and raised his hands without him having a say so.

“Holy fucking shit!” Emmett yelled as the massive drake plowed into him. I was shoved backward as his feet ground against the forest floor. Then I slipped, and Emmett tripped backward over me.

The massive thing tried to snap and bite at the big red-skinned demon but with two hands on its massive horn he wrestled back and forth trying to avoid getting eaten.

I was honestly a bit surprised it worked. But regardless, this wasn’t going to last long.

Devin was rushing in as well.

Blade outstretched Devin tried to drive the blade into the drake's eye.

But just before he was about to get stabbed the drake pulled backward and growled low realizing that we might actually be a threat. That wasn’t to say that one good chomp or hit with that horn would end us. But as long as the drake thought it could get hurt it changed the fight. It stood there scratching at the ground with its massive clawed paw as if it was trying to figure out what to do.

“Umm… what the hell?” Emmett asked.

“We are trying to not die!” I told him as I pulled myself to my feet.

“Makes sense…” he admitted as he too climbed back up and we all three stood facing off against the drake.

Behind it, I could see Aquina considering her own participation in this. I considered giving Kay a body as well just to have the numbers. But I honestly didn’t know if adding a naked Kay running around would improve our odds or just distract the massive pervert and Devin. If I was perfectly honest I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to let her die again either. I decided Emmett would have to do. But really I knew where two more soldiers were hiding. Cowering like idiots when we were out here fighting for our lives.

I found the cords for them, and they vibrated as I spoke to them, “Are you two going to hide in a cave while the woman you’ve fucked fights a drake?” I insulted them.

“Wha?” “Eh?” I got back from both, not that I could place either.

The drake took a tentative step forward, and Devin took a half step forward his sword thrusting.

The drake turned slightly, realizing perhaps that Devin was the one it was fighting, the rest of us were just obstacles to that end.

The beast took another step forward causing its back legs to move as well as it closed the distance.

“Emmett, do what you can to make sure Devin stays alive.” I ordered.

“What about me?” He whispered back.

“If Devin dies, so do you. But so long as he lives, you have a shot.” I insisted.

That gave him pause. After a heartbeat, he asked, “With you?”

Seriously that's what he was worried about? “Fine. I’ll reward you if you do well.” I agreed.

For some reason, Emmett grit his teeth and grinned like a mad man, “Holy shit… I get to fuck a cat girl!”

That was what he was excited about!?

The drake was done waiting and rushed towards Devin.

Devin tried to step to the side, but the beast pivoted like it expected that move and swung its horn towards Devin. Horn hit sword and the blade was thrown to the side.

My heart skipped a beat as the drake lunged forward, but Emmett who was almost a foot taller than Devin lunged in, grabbing the drake around the neck with his sizable muscle-bound arms and tried to wrestle the thing from the side.

If nothing else he distracted the massive thing just enough for Devin to escape the massive horn that was swinging to take off his head. He dove to the side reaching for his sword.

What could a dungeon do? What could a succubus do? I had one more idea, and while Devin didn’t know it, he was the real distraction.

I passed behind Emmett and jumped for all I was worth onto the things back, in the same instant I lengthened a horn from my palm as quickly as I could.

The drake was twisting to get to Devin as Emmett tried to prevent it. In the end, the drake was just too strong to be stopped and it twisted reaching for Devin.

I clamped my legs down on the side of the creature, anchoring myself as best I could, I pulled my hand back, and I braced myself for the pain I expected.

The creature seized up at realizing I was on its back. And even as my hand swung forward its head-turning so it could look back at me with one singular eye.

While I hadn’t been aiming for that, I pushed with all the strength I had to veer my hand towards the much easier target. Hand horn struck the drake's eye. The drake twisted away, my hand horn snapped, and I screamed in pain as the drake howled.

The drake thrashed. I pressed down with my legs, even trying to wrap them lower but it bucked this way, then that way. Its head twisted to the side and I saw Emmett lose his grip before the drake bucked up, and down, again, then again. Each time with more force. I slipped and was sent up into the air with frightening speed.

The world moved in slow motion as the drake hopped backward, and stared up at me. Its mouth opened wide.

Devin grabbed his sword.

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I needed to stay in the air for one more second… for one more heartbeat! My body acted on instinct as huge black bat wings came to mind and shot from my back. One violent beat downwards and I could feel my back scream in pain as my whole body lurched upwards. That was it… That was all I could muster. I was nothing but pain after that.

Devin’s sword drove through the drake's throat from the front.

I saw it go straight through its open mouth, and I realized I would now be cut in half as well as eaten. Fantastic!

The drake reeled back in pain instead and I fell even as my bat wings receded. I hit the ground just under where the drake’s maw would have been. But it was only a momentary reprieve as I saw its claws looming above.

Then Emmett was there, more tackling it than anything else.

The drake was forced back a step before it crashed back down, and its head was blocked by Emette’s broad shoulders and head that tried to hold the thing over him like he was trying to suplex the thing.

The drake howled and its claws scraped at the ground.

I tried to move, I tried to stand up. But my body seemed too heavy like I had just run a massive sprint and I was out of breath. Was I even breathing? I inhaled violently but that wasn’t getting me off the ground anytime soon.

I saw Devin rush in, and he grabbed his sword with two hands, using all his strength to twist the blade still embedded in the thing's neck.

The drake let out a deep howl and using all its strength it back peddled away, a few steps into the motion the sword dropped out of its lower jaw as blood began flowing in earnest.

I rolled, trying to push myself up. But still panting I wasn’t ready yet. My body felt overused like I’d pushed it well beyond its limits. Or maybe it was a reaction to the pain? I didn’t know, and it wasn’t like thinking about it was going to give me the answers.

The drake shifted its gaze at Emmett and Devin, then to me. My two valiant defenders took a step forward both weaponless.

But the drake took another step back, it then made a decision, it turned, and began bounding off into the forest deciding we were too much trouble, or maybe it was in enough pain.

I watched as the two men stared after it.

“Holy shit…” Emmett breathed.

Devin took a few steps forward to grab his sword, “What?” He said panting.

I rolled back onto my back deciding it was easier to breathe that way, but as soon as I did I saw the person who had been sneaking up behind me.

Aquina’s eyes widened as they met mine, and she lunged forward jagged knife ready to plunge into me. “Lulinla, curses-” An arrow struck her in the chest, a second one in the head and she jerked backward.

“Devin!” I cried out.

Both men turned to see Aquina stagger back and forth, they broke into a sprint.

Aquina’s eyes only grew wider as she realized she was outnumbered. She turned and went to move, but my hand caught her foot, and even as weak as I was I somehow held her ankle firmly enough for her to trip forward.

Aquina struck the ground and kicked my hand free. She was on all fours, spun around, and with nothing but fury in her features she raised her knife, “Lulinla!” She screamed her voice echoing around us.

Emmett crashed into her even as she stuck the knife into his massive chest. They went down into a heap forcing her down once more.

I panted as Devin reached me, sword in hand dripping drake blood.

I finally pushed myself to stand, and shakily took a few steps towards the massive red naked mass of muscle. Then the whole mass turned into ash in an instant, like his body was nothing but a balloon popping releasing its contents. Aquina pushed herself to her knees her head at a strange angle, and her elbow facing the wrong way. What the hell was she made of?

“De-sp-ai-” She began, her throat and lungs not quite working right, before Devin’s sword cut through her neck, and then there was silence.

Her head rolled backward, her body dropped forward.

This left me staring at an unfamiliar sight. A whitish-blue smoky orb, and a black orb with red vines all over it. An instant later the red vines constricted around the black orb, and it popped like a bubble releasing a horrible putrid sensation around us. But it faded quickly, and as it faded I could feel a rightness assert itself in its place. I could feel something bubbling up from within me, it wasn’t exactly like mana. In fact, if I had to say, I didn’t know what it was. It felt similar but different at the same time.

Strange feelings aside, I reached out to touch the other one, but my hand simply phased right through it like it wasn’t there.

“Anna?” Devin asked worriedly.

I didn’t need my hands, I needed Naan’s. I pulled on the nearly invisible cord between me and the orb and it practically leaped back into me.

I didn’t release it either instead I vibrated the connection, “Emmett?”

“Oh… Whoa… I died again huh?” He replied.

I honestly relaxed, I figured that this was the soul that remained, but Lulinla’s threat had worried me. Slightly calmed I said, “Yeah, but you did good.”

“Nice…” He said, “So, you gonna bring me back so we can fuck?”

I honestly considered it. But wiser thoughts asserted themselves as I glanced at Devin and realized we needed to get out of here. “Not yet, but it's a rain check.”

“You better not be messing with me.” Emmett insisted.

“I’m not. I’m a woman of my word.” I shot back.

The two archers stepped up behind Devin.

The one with the big dick glanced at both of us, “Uh… sorry about that.”

“We don’t know what came over us…” The gentler man who looked horrified at his actions said.

“At least you came back.” I said standing up straight though I staggered from pain that I honestly couldn't place.

Both seemed pretty grim, and both seemed only slightly surprised to see me in this form. Who did I think I was fooling at this point?

“Where did the big red thing go?” The one with the big cock said.

“Disappeared.” I replied, not wanting to even get into a discussion about that.

“Strange…” he noted.

Devin who had been looking over me said, “So? We done?”

“We better be, I could sleep for a week.” I replied still feeling the pain from the utter stupidity I'd pushed myself through.

“And here I thought you had other intentions.” He said with a knowing smile.

“That too… carry me?” I asked with a smirk.

Devin just laughed, “My shoulder hurts so fucking bad. Maybe we can... not?”

I looked at it, it looked better than it had earlier, but it wasn’t exactly stitching itself back together before my eyes.

“Let's… catch up with the others.” I offered instead.

“Which way?” Devin asked me.

I raised a hand pointing in the direction of a bundle of cords that told me where they were. One, in particular, was brighter and thicker than the rest, Gerl. One other stood out not quite as bright, or thick as Gerl, but still unique among them, Dragon Smith.

So we started walking. One foot in front of the other.

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