Annihilation Maker Of The Dead

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 Annihilation Maker

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"It's an unfamiliar ceiling."

I muttered the moment I comes to myself, I look around and noticed I was sitting on the staircase between the second and third floors. Why staircase specifically? I don't know.

I slowly stood up but, the sudden influx of memory assaulting my brain caused me to stepped back and comedically fall on my butt. I couldn't be bother with the pain on my bottom as I was focusing more on the craziest headaches I ever feel in my entire life. It feels like someone is hammering nail in my brain before pulling it out, then repeat.

"Goddamn it...I didn't expect it to be THAT painful."

I groaned with a huffed. Although the headaches had slightly subsided, I didn't immediately stood up again as I had something else to ponder about. Firstly, regarding my current identity in this world—I have a Japanese name now, Amamiya Youji.

It wasn't a bad name per se, it's fine as long as my name isn't something like Ryuu or Kuroyami. No offense to anyone with a name like that but it just makes me feel unbearably cringe. Thank you very much for the generic Japanese name, Goddess-sama.

Now let's talk about my background, rather Youji before I possessed and fused with his memory. He was adopted by a tanned woman that goes by the name Minami Rika when his parents died in a car accident. In reality, no one wanted to accept another mouth to feed when they were already having trouble with their own childrens. In the end, she was the only guardian left available for him—it was decided.

This guy is also pitiful, I sighed as I realized both of our past were very similar. Coincidence? Maybe not. But unlike me who was left alone, eventually resulting in me dropping out of school—Youji on the other hand was somehow lucky. 

However this Rika, although she wasn't always home, she did give him enough allowance for him to order food online. And whenever she was home, she tried her best to communicate with him and it didn't take long before he treated her like an older sister.

He was often quiet and reserved, the complete opposite of me who was a huge troublemaker when I was a student. I was that student that the teacher would always use as a scapegoat to discipline others on what they shouldn't do, honestly I'm very proud of my achievement.

Let's see, what else? Oh I'm also quite close to...the nurse of this school? Damn, she got some crazy badonkers—it's just as insane as the Goddess's. She was a close friend with my adopted sister, she also treated me like a little brother, so does this means that I have a chance? Yes? Yes.

It took me a few minutes to finally regained my bearing after I reorganized my messy thoughts. I no longer feels awkward with my new name, it's unreal how quickly I adapted to my new identity—is this one of the perks of my transmigration?

Nonetheless, there's another thing that's troubling me, the bonus memory that was probably the so-called 'little surprise' the Goddess spoke about. I frowned upon recalling the images I had briefly seen in my mind, it seems that the world I've transmigrated isn't an ordinary one. It was like that particular TV series, the Walking Dead?

Yes, this world will soon be overflow with zombies.


I cursed under my breath, I should've known it would not be an ordinary second life the moment I accepted the transmigration deal. The Goddess could have stopped me, but she didn't. I couldn't fully blame her either since it was my own decision that leads me here. In short, I fucked up.

But what about the cheat? If it weren't for this, I would've rejected her there and then. It should be worth it otherwise I will be mad. With a thought, I immediately understood 'it'. The cheat is called Annihilation Maker, and with it, I can create any beast from imagination—and by that, I mean anything!

Isn't this a little too crazy for an ordinary zombie apocalypse? Or is there something more to it? Don't tell me the endgame is that I will be fighting alien in a spaceship? Nai wa.

Well, it would be unwise to not treat this seriously, so I better comes up with something good. Symbiote? Although it's a pretty awesome power to have—it is pretty much just spiderman but bulky, no different than a hulk. Though that didn't mean I wouldn't consider it, I'm also big marvel fan.

But still, isn't there a better alternative? Something much cooler and more powerful—I recalled there was a game I used to play as a kid, prototype was it? I remembered the character being able to change his body part into a weapon, it looks like symbiote at first glance but it's actually a virus. 

I actually like its ability to consume other entity and shapeshifting into them, it was fun acting like one of them before I begin slaughtering everyone. There's also the added bonus that the player would gained all the skills, aura, and whatnot of the character they consumed—it makes the disguise even more difficult to be noticed by others.

I could turn it into a parasite type of beast and hide it within my body, that way no one would know I possessed such power unless I revealed it to them. Just recalling it in my mind makes me salivated, so I took a couple of deep breaths to calm down.

"...wait a minute."

Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind. I don't need to do it the roundabout way, just go straight to the point—I have a great idea for my first creation! I closed my eyes and activated my power, it begins to gathered at the top of my palm as I willed it. I opened my eyes and saw a mass of dark blob dancing around, it looks disgusting however I'm not done yet.

Its first ability is...of course time manipulation! With the most overpowered ability like this, I won't be afraid of anything if I can just turn back time! Nothing can stop me now!


But to my astonishment, the mass of blob suddenly disappeared into dark glittering light, I immediately knew it instinctively that I made a mistake somewhere. 

Let me try again. With a thought, I watched as a small fly suddenly materialized on my finger before it flew away. It was just a random fly. Now I knows that my imagination wasn't the cause, so what was the problem? 

"Don't tell required my stamina?"

I smacked the corner of my fist against the wall in a fit of anger, I grimaced from the pain. I shouldn't have done that, anyway, I knew something was wrong since the cheat seems insanely overpowered. Damn it! But to think it has a shortcoming, and that it needs to utilize my stamina—this is a scam! I've been scammed! 

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However, I wouldn't give up! Maybe one day I could do much more than just turning back time!

A symbiote, no. Let's go with the second best options, blacklight virus in parasite form. But I should do it carefully in case the same thing happened again. 

First, let's add its first ability to shapeshift body part into a weapon—hm, its condition is still good so I could put some more. How about superhuman strength and its leaping ability? I immediately feel like half of my stamina had been siphoned just from that, however I'm not completely done yet. 

Healing factor! How about a powerful—no no, I take it back. Let's just go with small healing factor for now, I sighed in relief when I saw it stabilized. Rather than continuing, I shoved the mass of blob into my chest, I immediately feels the sudden increase in my strength.

"This is addicting."

I muttered with a wide smile on my face. At most, I could add two or more abilities, however that will leave me completely exhausted. That would be an idiotic move as the zombie apocalypse will soon run its course. It won't be a few months later, but today is the day. From Youji's memory, I can tell the shooting star had occured only a few days ago. From my understanding, that was the true cause of the apocalypse.

Now that I have armed myself, I should call my adopted sister. She should be fine since she isn't just an ordinary person. She got a cabinet full of weaponry in her room, which speaks a lot about her profession. It shouldn't be illegal job otherwise she would've hidden it better from me.

Despite that, I still couldn't simply tossed my anxiety aside. I have truly inherited Youji's memory and feeling, so I am no longer the foreign soul that inhabited someone's body—I am Amamiya Youji.

The moment I stood up, I could feel something vibrating inside my pocket. I pulled it out and realized it was my flip phone. I flipped it open and saw the name and a number calling me, I chuckles, it appears we had the same thoughts. It was my adopted sister Rika. I answered it before putting it close to my left ear.

"Youji! Where are you right now?"

There was an obvious sign of urgency in her voice, I wasn't surprised that she might have known more about the situation than I did. She work for the government after all. I didn't hear any sound of weapon firing from her background so that means she should be fine for now.

"I'm at school, why?"

"Listen to me carefully, I want you to skip school and head home immediately."

I raised my eyebrows at her words, but then I come to the realization that she was worried about me. It makes sense considering she only knew the previous me who was known to be quiet and reserved—there's no way someone like that could survive in the zombie apocalypse, unless he changed. I did, however I couldn't just tell her that.

"You hear me? Just go straight home, ignore everyth—oh, I almost forgot that she's also working as nurse at your school. Grab Shizuka too, then let her drive you home at the fastest speed."


"I wish to tell you everything but, sigh. I have no time for that. Just trusted me, okay?"

I knew exactly why, but I thought I could gain some vital information from her by acting ignorant. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that she would tell me the truth. From her perspective, telling me that there's a zombie outbreak will only resulting in me panicking. 

"I understand. However, do you mind telling me where you are right now?"

"I'm at the airport, no need to worry about me."

I could hear her sigh from the other end of the call, I smiled at that.

"Alright, I know you can take care of yourself so I won't. But we will be seeing each other again right?"

"...yeah, I will be seeing you later."

She remained silence momentarily before responding to me. Her voice sounds unsure at first but, there was also a hint of certainty at the end that makes me think that she might do something. That was more than enough for me, if she couldn't come to me—I will just go to her since I already knew where she was.

"Okay, goodbye for now."

"Mm, have a safe trip home. Don't dilly-dally any longer, go straight to Shizuka!"

After saying that, she hung up the call. I put the flip phone back into my pocket as my mind was occupied with recalling where the nurse office was. A few seconds later, I slowly walk down the staircase. It was then that my feet comes to a halt as, the loud speaker connecting to the public address system located on the ground floor was turned on. 

[For all students, please stay calm and remain in your classroom. Do not go out, I repeated do not go out. Currently there's a violent—argh! Stay away from me! Aah!]

I realized the apocalypse has already begin.

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