Another Cheat of Mochizuki Touya

Chapter 4: Meet with Future Wife

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After the shock subside, the old man ehem the gentleman before me are inviting me inside his carriage. From our communication so far i finally know the reason (even if i've already know), the man in front of me Zanac Zenfield, is a fashion designer. Seeing my unusual clothes making his passion on fire.

"Hmm, I've never saw this design. And the way it sewn.... How could this had been made? Hmm..."

He looked at my uniform with great interest. My clothes is just a set of school uniform. It was a otherworld design and sewn using a machine so he'll never understand how to made it, except if i providing sewing machine to him.

"How about i sell it to you?"


"Yes. I got that from traveling merchant, but this is my last clothes. If you kindly to give me some spare clothes. And for how much this clothes of mine price.. i can't decide by my own."

After thinking for a bit he then said.

"Hmm. seeing the intricacies of the sewing, this is a high end product. But because of a second hand.... How about 10 gold? And for the change and spare clothes i'll give it  to you as extra"

I then act like hesitating about it for few second, after that i then gave him a nod. Seeing i'm giving him a nod, his mood became better. We then talk about random thing while enjoying the scenery around us. After about three hours holding the pain we finally arrive at the gate of the city Reflet.

On the gate there are soldier that talking with Zanac while occasionally glancing at me. It looked like he are wary of me. When investigation is done, thebcarriage then move inside the city and after a while we arrive at front of a shop.

"We've arrived! Come now, let's see you on a new clothes."

After he said that, he then stepped down from the carriage and i followed behind him. On the top of the shop there a sign thread and needle. I can read the word under it. It looked like my ither cheat work diferrent.

Zanac then guide me inside his shop, and several staff come and greet us.

"Welcome back owner"

"So like that huh?"

"You don't seem to be surprised, Touya-kun."

"With that gaudy carriage and you just stop infront of the shop, I can at least deduce some possibilities"

He then gave out a wry smile and the shout. After that he throw me to the changing room.

"Somebody pick up some new clothes for the boy and give him some extra changes."

I then taking off my school uniform and put it aside. While i'm checking the clothes from Zanac, he suddenly appear and looking at me with a sparkling eyes. He then said.

"M-Might i press you to sell those undergarment as well."

Okay, it's decided if not because of the plot, i won't get near him. He aren't gentleman, he is a robber. After some negotiation i finally relent to sell everything except the one covering my pride. On negotiation i got an extra gold coin for it. I don't know if i'm lucky or unlucky meeting him. 

"By the way, you wouldn't know where i could find someplace like inn, would you? I'd like to find a place for me to rest before the sun goes down."

"An inn isn't it? Turn right as you go out to the street, then follow the road. You should find the sign of Silver Moon inn. It won't be harx to find."

After giving him my thanks, i then start walking toward it. The map on my left eye is really practical. Before i go, he said that i must came to him if i got some another unusual garment. I was on dilemma that should i to tell him about the culture or not. Because i had nothing to do i then check the Shop. My cultured mind already know the others function so i'll just skip it. 

The Shop are divided to a few section. Weapon, Grimoire and Item that are on multyverse. The cost of one weapon will made me bleed. but for safety of those girls, i must ready to sacrifice my money. I then remember that i'm still had a gift on Inventory but because i've already arrive, i then decide to open it latter. 

"Ah.. welcome. Are you here for a meal, or is it a room that you want?"

The lady behind the counter welcoming me and asking me with a smile.

"Ah, i'd like a room please. Huw much a night?"

"Two copper! Meals included on the price. Oh! You have to pay up at front please."

Cheap. More cheaper than gate inn on Seiryuu city.

"One month please."

After i said that i then giving out one gold coin.

"Alrighty, one month is it? Lately I haven't had many customer so you are kind of a life saver. Thank you, but i'm out of silver coin so i'll give copper as change. Are you find with it?"

I then giving her a nod and she giving me fourty copper as change. Shen then taking out a thick book that looked like a register. She then open it and giving me a feather pen.

"Ok then, can you sign up here?"

I then sign at the place she point it.

"Hmm, Mochizuki Touya, You had an unusual name here."

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"Ah sorry, The order is reverse. Touya is my given name and Mochizuki is my Family name."

"Oh reverse? Are you perhaps from Eashen?"

"Somewhere similiar with that place"

"Okay. Your room at third floor,  right at the end. It gets the best sunlight out all of our rooms! This is your key, be sure not to lose it. The toilet and the bath is on the first floor,and this room here for dining.  Speaking of which, will you having lunch today?"

"Ah, please. I haven't eat anything since morning."

"I'll whip up something real quick. You can use this time to check your room. Or maybe rest for a bit."

After giving her my thanks, i then go upstair and slumped down on the bed. Because i got some free time i then checking the Inventory. Inside it, there are a two things, a gift box and smartphone. It looked like i can invite the member on the spot too. FIrst things i do is tap the gift box and what i got is three ticket. a rainbow colored gacha ticket, a golden colored one and a discount coupon. Except the last, the other two madw my head hurt. The phrase 'Gacha for Life' is haunting me even in another world. I don't know if the blessing from Fortuna can be used here or not.

Done with putting my extra clothes on top of the table, i then step in on dining room. When i'm arrive, i was attacked by a nice smell.

"Here you go! Sorry for the wait."

The inn receptionis that told me her name is Mika,put a food on one of the table. A soup, sandwich and salad. A humble meal as i see but the taste is superb. 

Rrrr Rrrr

After i'm done eating everything, my phone suddenly vibrate. Seeing no one around i then  check it. On Chatroom there are number 1 on it. Seeing the notification made me want to check it. But when i looked the map at my left eyes, there are a suspicious thing on it. A red dot sudxenly appear on it.

"Hmm, Time to go then"

Before i'm out from the inn, Mika ask me where do i want to go. I just tell her to take a little breather. She then tell me to becarefull and i just answer with waveing hand. On outside i then recheck the map and focus on the red dots. Seeing a suspicious dots on one of the alley made me fasten my step, because there are two shining dots following it.

When i've arrive at the place of the suspicious dots, i saw the twin arguing with two hoodlum. I got the jackpot. After discard those unnecessary thing on my mind, i then go forward on the most perfect timing.

"Ah, excuse me. Can i have a moment?"

My arrival made them stop argueing. The hoodlum looking at me with an intimidating look.

"Huh? Whaddya want kid?"

One of it saying that with a snarl whilst try to intimidate me.

"Ah, not you. I mean the girl over there."

"Ah, me?"

The girl in question Elze face suddenly turning red. She blushed with just simple word? Or maybe just act?

"I was just wondering if you might sell me that antler for one gold coin?"

Hearing what i said, she gave out a really beautifull  smile. With that smile she then say..

"It's a deal"

Hearing our conversation, the hoodlum became mad.

"The hell is this. Don't go selling the things belong other people--"


With a no chant magic, i'm breaking the antler with it. Everyone looked at me with a disbelief look, especially Linze. But the hoodlum is the one first came out from the stupor.

"Wha....!? What the hell do you think you are doing!?"

With a smile i then answer it.

"Whatever you mean? I'm free to treat my belonging however i'd like  to. Oh. I guess i haven't paid it yet? Don't worry i'll do it after this."

"I'll kill you"

One of it suddenly pulling a knife and trying to attack me. When he arrive at the zone, i gave him a kick on his face. After he is down, i then kick out his knife and giving him an extra service by punching his solar plexus. I then looking at battle between Elze and the other one. And the winner is her. Her prowes really incredible as i see on the screen.

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