Another Cheat of Mochizuki Touya

Chapter 8: Joining the Guild

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When i open my eyes, i saw an unfamiliar ceiling. But with something like transparent map on my left eye made me remember that i truly got isekai'd. 

'Ah yeah, toxay the day we will join adventurer guild.'

Remembering the plan last night before ruined by reward of the gacha, i then go downstair after washing up my face. Magic is incredible. It was a shame there is no bathroom at this place. 

'I can wash up in the river or the lake nearby.'

At the time i've arrive af the dining room,i was Elze and Linze sat at the corner. Both of them eat in silence with a red eyes. I then go toward them and sat in between them. Seeing me come, Mika brought out the breakfast for and we just ate in silence.  After i'm done i then spoke.

"Shall we go?"

The two just nod with a blush. It's look like the damage is too big for their mind. On the way go the guild no one say a word, because i can't stand the silence, i then start to buy various things. From Vegetable, Fruit and some Flower. Seeing the thing that i bought, Linze finally gave out to her curiousity.

"Touya-san, what do you need that for?"

"To increaze the variety of my farm"

She only tilt her head cutely after heard what i said. Seeing her reaction is too cute, i unconciously pat her head. Seeing what i do Elze finally snap out.

"Where's your apology toward me"

"Apology for what?"

"For.. For..."

On middle on her sentence there are a smoke arise from her head. Seeing her reaction i then got a nive idea to tease her.

"That was your punishment for what you do."

Seeing no one looked at our direction i then take out the smartphone and put the thing i bought toward Inventory and add.

"This device is something like a storage device. It was a prototype and what i'll do if this device broken because of your doing? It cost me an entire family fortune."

"I'm Sorry"

Sensing the atmosphsre became more awkward, Linze then try to defuse  it by saying something that i think is incredible.

"How about we call even? Both of you it's at fault."

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Heard what her sister said Elze face became red and murmuring something inaudible. But i got goosebumb out of nowhere. With an awkward silence, we finally arrive at the Adventure Guild. The guild is two storey building that really eye catching because of it location. When we are inside, everyone looked at us with an intensity that made the twin cowering behind my back. With them pushing my back, i can only helplessly sigh and move toward the receptionist. Because the stare made me more unconfortable, i must take this a bit faster.

"We'd like to register please."

"All right then, would be that for three of you?"

With areaaly nice smile she asking us that.

"Yes. All of us"

With a forced smile Linze the one that answer her.

"Will this be your first registration? If so i can provide some basic explanation for the guild."

"Please do"

Even if i know about it, the twin knowledge about the guild still zero. The gist of it is almost same with adventure guild on the multyverse. So my knowledge will helpfull for a long run.

"That's the sum about it. If you got any question please ask any receptionist that avaible"

"Got it, i've understand"

"Very well. Please fill in these form with the requirement detail."

After gotten the form, we then fill it with some necessary information and then giving back to her. Done with rechecking the form, she then taking out a black card and cast a spell. She then taking out a pin and giving it to us and tellingus to drop some blood on it. When we do that the card shine a bit.

"Each of your personal Guild Cards has a little spell on it that will make it turned gray if handled by someone that other that it real owner. for longer than few seconds. It was a simple anti-forgely and anti-theft measurement. Also if you lose your card, please tell the guild ASAP. With a small fee, we'll be able to reissue it."

The receptionist then giving out an example by held my card for few second. And as she said the card color is changed. 

"With this all your registration in complete. All request that avaible are posted on the board over there. If you see the one that you likely to accept, pleasw see the detail and confirm it to the one that responsible on quest. And lastly Welcome to join the Adventure Guild."

After she said that the gallery start to cheer, the intense feeling dissappear and changing to a happy atmosphere. The change even made te twin a bit dumbfounded and the thing that i can do is shaking my head and gaveout a helpless smile.

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