Another isekai but this time is a tentacle living armor

Chapter 16: CH.11

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aaannnd... he became catatonic...probably brain dead... ups... still breathing tho... good thing that I tried it on him first.

and as it turns out I can read memories... sort of...I mean...images... as a kind of "gift" type file image... no audio...for now, i...can't explain... without going metaphysical... probably.

anyhow I don't think he will be useful anymore... no... he... might still be useful.

I left a clone of myself to play a bit and went out of the cell into the next cell where the other bandit was, this guy was a bit more cooperative than the last, I mean... I still had to kick him into the chair then restrain him but that's to be expected, so this guy was more cooperative how? well, he got all of his hand's fingers broken 1 for each insult he threw at me, luckily got the same info from him that the last, captain Ruvien for example, tho this guy provided some more insight as to why there were bandits together with soldiers.

it turns out there was a nameless band of bandits in that cave previously then these soldiers attacked and when they surrendered they were offered to work for them just because they knew the area not much more info tho... I also tried to prove his brain a bit, still left him catatonic... got some images... flashbacks of what he told me, [Neuron alteration] skill leveled up to 4 too...

and I went out of the cell breathes a sigh finally calming down, why you ask? well... kind of a bit of a brute on the torture methods, I mean the first was kind of an execution, second, not so much, he at least has better chances of survival than the first... first might have organ failure or something later due to that hammer blow, don't care, and in my defense, I was under the adaptation system, how do I know? tell me how does a former 20 y o human torture another of his former race? easy, I wanted to try doing it a bit having the knowledge of how and all and had my resistance reduced by the system and the influence of my body, but to be fair it has been getting less powerful, I don't think I will leave the next guys at death's door, that's why I started with the bandits I expected this, I also don't think I will go nuts as I did with the goblins again... maybe... I haven't tested it... yet.

now into the next captive who was already waiting on his chair still knock out which begs the question if the other tho have been throwing insults my way in a really high voice and have been screaming for... I don't know... the last hour or come he is still asleep? well...the cells are made in such a way that sound can't pass from cell to cell, so he didn't hear a thing, of course, there are exceptions like for example that "captan Ruvien" that I fought, his cell is at the end and I made it so that the sound from the screams goes int his cell, how is done? well, space-time magic, by the way, the transfer of sounds is easy in comparison to... for example, short-range teleportation most commonly known as blink.

in short, the captain must now be awake and ether thinking of how to get out of here or scared shitless, either of the two is fine.

now into this guy... he is all tied up, but I don't have a car battery handy so no electricity, could make one... just missing some lead for the reaction, other types of batteries don't have the necessary, umf to them to work... although... I can make something like a capacitor... and I wonder if there is magic for it... I mean... electricity is the flow of charges so under that definition the only thing that comes to mind is fire, why? because fire relates to electricity, sadly no eureka moment and suddenly knowing how to do it... but I want to try, another thing, now... I mean I already proved that I can extract at least images so I am wondering if the subject is asleep it changes, or will I be able to see what he is dreaming or something? or on a similar note can I implant memories? or modify memories already in there? these are things that I am working on discovering right now.

now... you know the drill, I start poking into his brain through his hear, but this time really carefully while having his head really tightly held so that it doesn't move as I already have noticed the easiness for a catatonic state.


let's see...

...I see... nop that won't do...hooo... a flashback of a pretty lady interesting ... wonder what this girl is to this guy, o wait... he killed her, what a waste... ho, a reaction... he must regret it... some dirt found... what else...fights... there is an image of a mansion with a butler by an entrance presenting himself then signaling something... ok ill remember that butler's face might be useful... some images of training... more knights, soldiers...the butler again in a meeting where this guy is standing behind a seated person...but I can see a familiar group... no boss looking person...

yup it's the guys that were transporting Luna, knew it, what else can I find?

now into the fun part.

then my body started to shift

-ugh... my head... ...hh!! what is this! why am I bound!? (guy)

the guy in the chair finally woke up

-hi....! long time no see!

-a..aa.a.a Ana!!?? how are you alive you should be dead, i... ..I killed you!! (guy)

-you did? mmm, then how am I here mmm...? shouldn't you worry about yourself more considering the situation you are in right now?

-hu!? (guy)



then the content of a bucket flew into the guy bound in a chair

-why did you threw water on me!!? (guy)

I guess the shock has worn off...

I started to walk around the guy

-mmm I wonder... to wake you up a bit more? you see... I have some questions and you are going to answer them and when I am satisfied I'll let you go... and just to be clear I don't care about my supposed death, I want to know about your boss... and the butler that he contacts you with.

he paled... I suppose there is something I shouldn't know

-so let's started... what's the name of the butler?

-I... iI...I don't know what you are talking about (guy)


-hoo...I know you do...and... you will...tell me about it

I said picking up a rag that I brought with me

-the only question... is when...

then I kicked him on the chest making the chair recline back, I made sure that his head would be in the right place by holding his entire body then.

I threw the rag on top of his face.

-have you ever experienced drowning? there is a general knowledge that it will happen only if you are underwater... but in reality, you only need a rag and a bucket of water or... some magic.

I then placed my hand over the rag and started to form a small but constant stream of water into it, the reaction was instantaneous, he started to quite literally drown while trying to queep his head away from the stream of water.

-come on, fight it, avoid the water. (guy)

after a few seconds, I stopped the water and removed the rag then I moved the chair into the right position again 

-now... ready to talk?

-ana...I am sorry I shouldn't have...ugf (guy)

I hit the guy flat in the stomach

-not the answer I am looking for, I ain't interested in your apologies just the answers to my questions, now the butler's name if you would.

- .a...a...ana... you weren't... like this...(guy)

haa...a... why can't it be easy...

mmhh... I finally can change back to my new standard form... that guy really didn't want to tell me the name... he ended up a bit broken apologizing to this girl... ana...

I am a bit tired and want to go to sleep with Luna for a while, but first the last guy of this session, he is awake but tied up in the chair, I don't have anything new so, I will go with something simple, remember that this is my domain right? well... for a bit of mana, I can change the settings for everything or just a section in this case the section is just around the chair.

so I enter the room and surprisingly the guy is just looking at me not moving or saving anything... interesting...

-what does my captor want?

-I just want a name and any information you can tell me about your boss and if you do I'll let you go (Blake)

-and if I don't?

-things will get really uncomfortable for you (Blake)

he just looked at me not saying anything... I am tired so I would like for him to answer soon.

-fine who? what?

... that's surprising... but...finally a smart one made me smile a little

-first the name of the butler that you appear to be under, then why the girls that were with you were in such condition finally who is your boss, leader, commander, etc however you call him/her (Blake)

-his name is banks...I don't know they were like that when they were assigned to us but they have been becoming more... how to say it... empty-headed lastly, I don't know the name... just that he is a noble of the empire and the only order us around through that butler...

-mmm, that was fast... anything else you want to share with me? (Blake)

-I have heard rumors that the noble is a summoned hero

that just made me freeze a little... but I managed to hold it as not to show... but a hero he... I doubt it is one of Romina's by the story so far it appears that she hasn't summoned one in a few hundred years so I doubt they are even alive... unless they aren't necessarily human... something for later.

for now, I just walk beside the guy there are more things that need answers, I am tired... but this is enough and he made things easy, tho some of the answers might be fake but the ones that are not are worth in any case, not a good idea to let him live so, for now, to sleep with him.

then placed my hand right beside his throat then a needle appeared from one of my fingers with a sedative in it it is a weak one but it will do the job.

after the clear ouch, he went to sleep and I went to the last cell but I stopped in front of the door and noticed something that might be entertaining, so I just left by sinking my avatar into the ground.

I reappear where I left the 3 girls, they are all fine now... but I made a quick check into their heads, just in case, following the information I got...something must be there and after comparing it with the ones I already played with and with my memory of a normal brain from my studies (from books) there are some anomalies in the form of damage in there, first in the frontal cortex, meaning the part of the brain that takes care of decision making and all that stuff, in all 3 just that in one it is a little less, all in all, nothing too "serious".

there is also an anomaly on their temporal lobe on all 3 of them and for the lack of a better term... it is a jumbled mess... meaning that they will most likely have some degree of memory damage if not total... all of this is giving me a pretty good idea of what they were doing to them, and it is most likely permanent... can't do anything about it... except to restore their frontal cortex... but memories... that's pretty much impossible...

after I was finished I took them out of their pods and carried them to separate beds in my playing area they are under the effects of some drugs to keep them asleep but it can be countered by another drug I have that will wake them up instantly, that or a bit of neurochemical alteration making them wake up.

You are reading story Another isekai but this time is a tentacle living armor at

then I sank into the ground while I changed my perspective to Luna.

I haven't explained it but when I am in the perspective of armor, I have 360 degrees of field of vision...or is it 720 when it is a sphere around yourself...? don't know... whatever you get my point... I can also have it when I am in an altered shape like my human one, but I prefer to just use the "normal"  directional one... I feel more comfortable, wonder how it works... but that's not important right now... I actually changed my perspective on luna because I wanted to appear beside her to "sleep" with her... but I suppose... I will have to stay awake all of the remaining night (not that it is something I have to do all nights).


because... Luna is... silently crying... a nightmare I suppose... she must feel at ease when I am beside her... in a human form...

I am also looking at Grace at the same time and she... is beside a tree trying to please herself, emphasis on trying. and wouldn't you know it one of the three girls has just started to wake up and I have to admit controlling four instances at the same time is really taxing me even with [parallel thinking] I might need to get the other one the [multiple minds] skill... and just to clarify if the conscience is a pc processor [parallel thinking] is the number of threads processors and [multiple minds] is the addition of extra cores basically.

for now, I just change back into my avatar Luna and Grace will have to wait for a bit...

the first thing I do is enter the room I had placed her in and basically fuse with the wall, then started to observe the girl for any signs of mental damage.

she just opens her eyes then seats up, looks around the room (which is nothing too out of the ordinary, just a wooden room with a window that lets through some light from the outside, and just to clarify my world was basically an endless void at the start I just spent a bit of mana in order to make it appear like a grass plain with what's basically a skybox) but stops before looking at where I was at, then she looks down into her hands, I use this opportunity to appear again and start walking towards her but.

-...who... I'm I...? (girl)

as you can see she just asked who she was... that's to be expected, but before I could do anything, she placed her hands on her head clearly in pain and started to scream.

as you would expect I quickly checked her with [investigation] receiving a big headache while rushing to her side then I hugged her trying to calm her down but no luck.

sadly no luck either nothing with my skill it shows nothing evidently wrong except what I had previously observed, must be something with her psyche ... maybe...or... she is trying to remember something, but the information might be too corrupted for her brain to process so it causes her a great deal of pain... still... she needs a distraction so that her mind becomes blank per say.

and I know just the thing...

I grab her head with both my hands and make her face me, she just looks at me stunned, in pain, and curious of who I was, and I gave her a deep and long kiss laced with the fast-acting be horny. you. know. what. drug called aphrodisiac, I also added a bit of a health potion with some pain killer to help her a bit.

of course, I thoroughly raped the inside her mouth soon she stopped resisting and... probably feeling reduced pain as the drugs passed through her system, she then moved her hands from her head now just enjoying the weird pleasure she is feeling right now.

and if you are wondering... I could clearly see it in her eyes they changed from pained ones to eyes that were looking for more.

as I left her naked on the bed I just made her lie down while still kissing her and massaging her tiny breasts.

I then proceeded with the preparations for the main dish, I moved my free hand down her body, slowly and applying small amounts of pressure along the way slowly getting her clit which got some care in the form of an oily massage that was mostly composed of easily absorbable good for the body plant oil with maybe some aphrodisiac in just to speed things up.

slowly I could see her getting more red and fidgety as my relentless assault continued she was getting wetter and wetter until a massive wave of pleasure got her, making her cum rather strongly, I then stopped kissing her and she stayed limply on the bed.

I positioned myself between her legs to thoroughly enjoy her, but before I start, I got an idea... there is an encounter that got interrupted a while back and now is a good time to continue.

(at the same time)

I appear from Grace's armor from an angle outside of her field of vision behind her.

While she was trying to masturbate through her relatively stiff panties I tap on her shoulder which made her jump in a rotating motion.

-Haa! who! is th...(Grace)

When she made a turn to look at who touched her I graved her head and kissed her.

wen I stopped

-B...b...Blake!? what are you doing?? (Grace)

-just continuing where we left off... and don't worry about keeping watch I got it covered, but here is not a good place to do it... want to come inside? (Blake)

-inside the... tent? (Grace)

-no...mmm... I think it will be faster to just show you (Blake)

I then hugged her while slowly absorbing her entire body into mine while growing a little to accommodate her

-...he...? wh...a? (Grace)

while she was getting absorbed she appeared hesitant to either resist or to just let it happen

-don't worry everything is fine, you will soon find out. (Blake)

While she was getting... basically transported, I forced her into a fetal position to save space, and of course, after she was fully inside me I had a bulging stomach that was slowly retracting, and don't worry, I maintained a well-proportioned body by increasing my body's dimensions accordingly.

When she was fully transported and my dimensions went back to normal I started moving towards the sleeping Luna.

and when I opened the curtain I became a little surprised because I didn't find the sleeping sobbing Luna that I was expecting... instead, I found a half-awake horny, happily moaning Luna that was calling my name while having 2 fingers inside of her, I mean I knew she was a horny fox I even call her sometimes that way when I gave it to her... but it is kind of a... loving joke...but for her to be doing it at this time is...

is... fuck I didn't plan on doing it with her right now, I was just going to calm her down... but after seeing her like this calling for me, who could resist?

and... I might have had some responsibility by making her like this... given that she is a teenager, but I don't know how it changes from human to beast-men, anyhow... time for an unexpected addition.

((Grace POV) just after Blake entered its dimension)

-Blake?! where...?

I looked around every nock and cranny of my armor... so she can do that uh... it is an interesting way of keeping tabs on your property...


-this is what I get? guard duty...? you know what I need, so why?

guess some things never change...

-goodness, I am so horny, this stupid... thing inside me isn't making it any easier and I can't get it out... my panties won't budge...

stupid bandits negating me that release and getting me stuck with this...toy?


I better... just... patrol for a bit... for distraction...

(a while later)



I... I... can't... I


I plop down beside a tree and started tried to move my panties again or just cause enough stimulation, I need...

*tap, tap*

I felt a tap on my shoulder I...

-Haa! who! is th...(Grace)

...prepared for a fight but...

I suddenly got kissed by Blake

-B...b...Blake!? what are you doing?? (Grace)

wen did she came back??

-just continuing where we left off... and don't worry about keeping watch I got it covered, but here is not a good place to do it... want to come inside? (Blake)

left off? won't she mean? what were?

-inside the... tent? (Grace)

-no...mmm... I think it will be faster to just show you (Blake)

show me what?

then I suddenly got hugged and my whole body started to feel as if I was been licked all over just like... when I chose to wear the armor that Blake gave me, but suddenly started to feel good and was hard to move while Blake started growing... what's happening?

-don't worry everything is fine, you will soon find out. (Blake)

haa I am been made a feels nice... I feel like I'm floating...


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