Another isekai but this time is a tentacle living armor

Chapter 19: CH:13

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While all of this conversation was happening two interesting events occurred simultaneously


I don't know if you noticed before but I did mention that I had 4 active instances well do you know what I was referring to?

well not counting the 2 instances for Luna and Grace, I had... the me in the normal world, 2 avatars in my dimension one taking care of the girls and another "looking" after my prisoners, then looking at the documents I found on the cave for answers into what had happened to the girls and let me tell ya... interesting but nasty stuff... I am gonna derail myself a moment, but... do you... happen to know about project MKUltra?

well in a quick overview of this project it is basically using an assortment of drugs, hypnosis, torture, and some other stuff to actually program someone... well... not exactly that... but you get my point.

but in that case, the drugs didn't quite destroy the brain.

in this case... they use a... sort of chemical concoction that weakens the structure of the brain... it's pretty much random on the process but they guide it with targeted magic crafted into some of the scrolls I recovered, they basically cure the damage as soon as it is done, this causes that they can still have core body functions and understanding of words and having a small capability to learn or be "programmed" in a messed sort of way, but taking away everything that makes them... them... by removing free will.

after knowing this it helped me a lot in figuring out what was wrong with them.

now... back into my original topic, my last instance was in my cat form that was lazily resting on a tree branch close to the cave waiting so I could witness the fireworks and if it doesn't work so that I can make some cleanup, this is because I like having a plan B whenever possible, it is a... habit I picked up from my family... their jobs were quite... something after all...

I do kind of miss them... but not a point of focus right now

now into the events

Event 1: this actually is one you might have figured out already, but it involves my last untouched prisoner my labyrinth, and a whole lot of horror.

you see when found something interesting and left I was referring to this guy.

In fact, when I was in front of the door of the Ruvien guy cell was that I noticed that the door frame was actually quite beaten up and about to collapse, I actually didn't notice before because I was focused on other things... and due to the fact that only the floor of the corridors is where I have a tactile feel...

well after I disappeared that door was thrown down by the guy inside then he like a very bad assassin... maybe because he was a knight... started to sneak around then finding the others on their cells... and as I leave them unconscious I accidentally left the doors open sooo... he got in and woke them up... but he had to carry one of them because... seeing the one you loved and killed is kind of a... mind-shattering experience he was still apologizing.

well... after I found out I made sure to guide them towards the nearly completed maze then... well I released one of my instances and... let's say that it became too much fun chasing them that my "instincts" took over that instance and well...

POV change 3ºd person

on an empty and dark hallway corridor, there were two running figures, one of them carrying a third that appeared to be awake but out of itself.

they apparently were running away from something that was seemingly following them.

-..ha...haha...ha..*echoed laughter*

when they heard that laugh that appeared to come from the walls they hastened their pace

-keep running is right behind us!!

suddenly they found themselves at an intersection of corridors

-Haaa.... fuck!!

-where to now, cap?!

-ha! fuck it com...

*thumrurum* a lance-like object impaled itself deeply right in front of where he was walking to

*creepy voice* HAHAHA...!! found you!!


the there figures made their way down the corridor they could hear the fast but heavy steps of whatever was following them

while running they got to another intersection this one having doors at seemingly random intervals

-there we can hide in there! open it!

-on I'm on... AAAAA!

suddenly the one that got the order was thrown into the ground and dragged into the distant void of the corridor

seeing this the "cap" ran towards the nearest door and opened it with a kick before entering throwing his partner inside then blocking the door with a nearby crate, started to drag his partner towards another crate with the intent of hiding but before he could get far...

-NOW... where might you be...?

the crazy voice was heard again and he hurried up But not before hearing steps right the other side of the door so without another option, he dropped his partner and ran towards the crates, not before the door busted open by the sheer impact

-maybe here!!?

then suddenly his friend began screaming while being dragged outside, then a few seconds later he was heard no more

-then there was one...

then the steps were heard going out of the room, so after a second the "cap" took a look over the crate only to find the distorted face of whatever was following, with multiple rows of teeth, shiny reed lifeless eyes, and a giant lance behind her, smiling at him.

-found you C: ...

the cap then scared the fuck up assumed a combat stance. he been a soldier was what helped him keep his composure in this situation but then he blinked, and the being disappeared from his vision.

he looked around for a few seconds, then weirdly he relaxed. only to find the face yet again right on top of him.




as a well-known vampire once said...

-he passed out like a little bitch!!I believe they are not the actual words... but close enough


that was a thing...

I might need something similar to... how it was called? "gamer mind" or something because first, it was me raping Luna (altho not unwelcome...) then the goblins... and now this... I didn't realize that I both needed to get used to my new body, as well as to deal with the overwhelmingly powerful influence this body has over my mind. I mean I have lost control two times already...*sigh* at least I now know that if I have a different instance this one can go full nut job while the rest stay normal.

Granted, I still wanted to run amok, but... o well they are back on their cells completely sedated now.

and now event 2:

and it is another that you can expect but it revolved around the guys that were trailing us... as soon as they got to where the cart was they started heading towards the cave and headed straight in not surprised by the lack of guards... well… all except for one that actually stayed outside not before been blown to kingdom come by the force of the explosion. I mean that thing even tho it was really small I probably had the energy of about a 500g of C4... maybe more... there was a lot of dust in there plus the structural damage previously done by me and the acoustics of the cave...

well, the point is that all of them cameout fling out of the cave all beat up, burned, and dismembered...

the only one that was somewhat conscious after all of that was the guy that stayed on the outside.

and after a bit of a "putting his feet on the ground" he quickly got out a sort of small round crystal and started showing towards it saying that the cave blew up, of course, I identified that device as a communication tool and ended his life quickly by biting his neck with my cat form.

You are reading story Another isekai but this time is a tentacle living armor at

I actually could still hear the guy on the other side completely shocked and I wondered...does he see me is it some type of 2-way video communication device? and can I send something through this communications tool?

and... I could not... I wanted to send some explosive magic though but I either don't have the correct communication tool or I don't know-how...most probably the latter... I kept it tho... for research purposes, I bet I can make something better and without the usage of magic... but for now, I might see if I can copy it and make it money.

then I examined what remained of the body in search of something useful like pieces of their destroyed armors and weapons that are pretty much free medium-high quality steel, some long-lasting foods such as dried meat or jerky, and finally some odds and ends that... I dunno... might have some usage.

I got a good haul from all of that I even found a weird mineral amongst the remains of the cave. I notice it because there was some shining on one of the smaller rock chunks... it isn't quite rock or metal... it is more like a crystal...? I don't know haven's seen something like this witch is actually fascinating even appraisal can't recognize it. and I don't want to use investigation... first, because of the headache... second, where is the fun in that?

so I collected all of it, after all, you don't know when it might become useful

I then sent that particular instance back towards the tent

ok, that is about all of the things that happened...




well no, it was already dawn and Luna's ears flutter for a bit when the explosion occurred and after a few seconds, she woke up and looked around before stopping at my face which I smiled at her rather interesting looking at her near sleeping face.

she is cute

-wakey wakey sleeping foxy how were your dreams? (Blake)

-mistress...? ... good after I felt you close (Luna)

-o really? that's good to hear... now... I wonder what to do...(Blake)

I then moved my eyes indicating downwards which got her attention before noticing how she had me all firmly held in place

-what do you... *gasp*(Luna)

she then let go of me with an impressively fast speed before prostrating herself in front of me with her head on the ground

-I am sorry mistress! please don't punish me! please... (Luna)

I seated up and looked at her

-mmm... I wonder what to do... ha if memory serves me right you said you hunted right? (Blake)

she looked at me answering

-yes, I worked as a hunter, and how to dismantle properly... although I wasn't that good on that aspect  (Luna)

haha, no shit... you don't even have the skill... but it's ok.

-then why don't you go hunt something eatable? you can even use the appraisal skill I am lending you to find some eatable plants. also, have you been thought about how to cook something simple? (Blake)

-no I haven't even if most of our employees left some still stayed and they cooked for me... I'm sorry (Luna)

her downed ears are so adorable, but first, I changed her nightclothes into her more normal clothing and gave her a bow

-it's ok don't worry I can teach you how to prepare some simple foods, well you have what you might need now go. (Blake)

I then pushed her out of the tent, once outside she looked around before turning back to me

-mistress? Uhm... where is Grace? don't tell me you... eat her?!! (Luna)

clever little fox...

-mmm... I really wonder if what I should do...there are still some places that I can punish you with... (Blake)

she shuddered at my comment before heading out really fast but with small steps like running away from me... well, she can never run away from me, not anymore.

While I waited for Luna and if you are wondering I am constantly conscious of her, after all, I can't have her getting hurt now can I? so as I was saying it's been a few hours after Luna left and she has actually found some eatable plants and hunted two rabbits and now apparently following a rather big boar that has red lines across its fur. quite the interesting creature...

but anyway... I have been experimenting with body alterations on one of my... prisoners... not the knight ones, two are practically broken and the other isn't too far behind... the bandits however well... you don't want to see... all I'll say is that I had some setbacks... but found a way to return them to normal.

but right now I am testing bone density and metallic bone integration, subdermal armor... muscle types 1 and 2, and how they work and play with their characteristics... and I already have a few prototypes but it's not ready yet...

I was preparing a fire to cook when Grace woke up on the bed in my space, I gave her an energy-intensive breakfast, meaning some high calories after all she had quite the night and seem happy about it, then when she finished I had her run a training course on a... newly built training ground... nothing to hard tho just the basics to get some feedback.

with that going on Luna came back and carried her prey on her shoulders... I guess as a way to show of... but in any case, she actually did a really good job at dismantling them, then the proceed corpses were thrown into my inventory leaving some rabbit with some boar to eat after all it's already around 8-9 AM and Luna will need the energy replenishment, I also saw that she managed to bring quite a bit of different plants, after all, there was a lot of variety on her inventory on edible plants alone and let me tell ya fantasy stuff all the way, but I removed all of the poisonous and dangerous ones, those I can use myself...

well, it was quite the experience for Luna afterward because as she said she never learned to cook, and well... let's just say that she had to eat the burned pieces of meat that we used for her to practice. she enjoyed it nonetheless... head pats helped too.

but anyway she managed to cook one of the simplest types of food for camping and that was: soup... well there are some that are even simpler but given the resources, this was enough it was a bit salty but well-cooked nonetheless.

after eating I let her rest for a bit and prepared a simple bath with some wood laying around, and with magically created water before we dismounted the camp and headed about and I made sure to leave as few traces as possible no traps tho... don't want any innocent casualties.

we headed for where the main path was that's because the trope for finding some bandits or an attacked noble or merchant is always on the main path... I hope I find a merchant... but a noble would work too, but it would have to be one of the "good ones"... I didn't find that many traces of noble activity on Redwell...  just a simple carriage in front of a clothing store with two cloaked figures nothing else... but I don't know if they were nobles... I did see some well-featured faces behind the cloaks... I simply don't know how it's always a hood but it never covers all of the faces so it's partially recognizable, but anyway right now we are walking towards a simple village up ahead I'm guessing that it is somewhat like a rest stop on the way to do some R&R before continuing... we won't be needing it tho it still just about 11 AM (more or less) so I think we will just pass right through.

well not quite... we did see a bakery and I bought some fresh bread that was relatively soft given the quality of the flour used and without yeast even... nothing more happened in the village... well a little kid (I'm guessing not more than 10yo) tried to steal from me with the classic come running crash into me and then snatch the coin pouch before they notice and Get the Fuck out fast... as you would have guessed it didn't work... I do have a small pouch to pass it for the money pouch but it's empty. that and the fact that I raced one of my legs right in front of the kid's leg and made him fall, I was going to catch him tho. but Luna beat me to it... again showing that extremely fast speed of hers... I have a really good idea of how she is doing it... but for now the kid... I like kids btw... just not the extremely noisy ones... anyway...

Luna had the little kid restrained and made him face towards me. incredibly not that many people were looking at us so I guess they spect me to beat him up or something.

-hello little fellow...  I won't ask why are you trying to steal from me... and I won't ask you to stop your "evil" ways after all you must have a reason for it don't you? (Blake)

he didn't respond... he just looked at me with eyes that seem to emanate hatred but also called for help... *sigh* I'm... too weak to kids...

-so what is it? food? sick mother? sister? loan? orphan? (Blake)

I said all of the possible situations that I could remember from the stories I've read and I notice that his eyes twitched when I said, sister... but he didn't respond.

-*sigh*... look, kid... even if you managed to steal from me I would have caught you as you are now... even if I didn't some other bigger kid would have beat you to get it... and as I'm feeling quite generous right now I am thinking of helping you a little... giving you money would result in the same situation that I previously mentioned before so I'll ask you right now, what is your reason...? and I suggest that you respond soon or this opportunity will fly on the wind... (Blake)

I looked at him straight on his eyes and he did the same as sort of making sure that I was saying the truth... and I was... but I am guessing that I'm getting influenced again... I like kids but dealing with them is a chore... in any case, he looked down not saying anything...

-mmm guess you won't take it... Luna, just let him go, let's keep going. (Blake)

Luna faithfully released the boy before coming to my side and before we turned our back on the kid...

the kid tho finally made his choice and whispered:

-it's for my older sister...






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