Another isekai but this time is a tentacle living armor

Chapter 9: CH.5 P.2

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Luna Pov:

I have been running for a while now... and... I feel lighter, faster... I know, I must have leveled up but... isn't this a bit too much?

Ha... I can see the city... wait, what is that?

I stopped and morphed back to my human form and stared at the city ahead, in the sky there was a flying boat? I have never seen a boat personally, only read about them in the library of... that man... but it was massive, with sails on the sides and it was gray in color and really long and it has the Ustrain Empire flag.

but, that does not matter, right now, I need to get my mistress back into the city and report about the goblins, that amount was not normal...but... I have a little problem, I am a slave right now and they know it, so in either aspect, they will get suspicious that I am not with my owner...


the guards... they aren't asking for is the time!!

I don't know how, but I made it inside don't ask and I am now heading to the inn and headed straight to the room, I finally felt safe again and after seating in the bed drowsiness hit me.

I woke up the next day at noon, and my mistress was nowhere to be found...I started to panic I felt as I was been abandoned again and I curled up into a ball holding my tail between my legs, but something felt different I could feel more hair, and 2 new sensations of movement so when I looked carefully I had 3 tails I immediately checked my skills with the system my mistress gave to me.

wow... I have leveled so much...

*klick* was the sound of the door

When I looked, there was standing:

-Mistress!! (Luna)

I jumped into her embrace as soon as I saw her

POV change (our MC)

ok, now you must be wondering what the fuck just happened to me...

you are... right?

I'll take that as a yes... so when I fell unconscious it was because I had used up all my MP reserves apparently that skill used both all my mass and it needed a good chunk of MP but as it wasn't enough it used even more of my mass as compensation the MP depletion caused me to fall unconscious... but then again that situation could not be called normal.

you wonder what skill it is? well... it is called [spike Devastator (unique to tentacle living armor) it uses the exes mass accumulated in an explosion of piercing spikes around the user to devastate everything, it consumes 400kg of mass and 0 300MP max range 75M radius] it does what the name implies it devastates an area with spikes.

there is also another thing that has to do with the two races that make up my own, yes tentacles exist in this world but they are a summoned entity but they suck out the life essence from living things to live... so back on topic and long story short for my living armor side, we are at literal war with goblins just because wen goblins used us in the past times they never gave us proper maintenance, which I must add I can do on my own for obvious reasons but it is essentially the equivalent for a full-blown spa.

For my tentacle side is a bit different... it is just that they are the perfect target for practicing multi-target stuff that and tentacles also hate goblins because they reproduce so fast so there is little energy to get from them making them really annoying, but later there was a breakthrough and that was to kill them for "sport" and have fun that way yup I am not shittingyou.

that's why I was so over the top, then combining hatred from my armor side and "fun" from my tentacle side you add that with the adaptation from the support system with the unprepared me for that situation and you get that (sis helped me here).

but anyway when I woke up it was already about 8 AM, I was only the body that I have on Luna so I knew luna came here after escaping and as I was the armor that she wore I needed to indicate that I had come back too, so I created a clone and stealthily jumped out of the window into a place within buildings to then go back in through the main entrance.

but while I was outside I noticed something in the sky... well it is so massive it is hard not to notice it, it was a massive airship,

(yes, I know, hiper simple drawing, but bear with it I had little time)

maybe about 120 meters? it had sails on its sides and was all gray so it must have some type of metal armor, but it didn't have any noticeable weapon mounts like a battleship gun turret or a casemate guns soo...o... maybe magic? whatever I have things to do.

I entered the inn was greeted by the receptionist guy and informed of the ending of the room renting and if I wanted to extend it, I said that for now, I wouldn't, but I asked if I could use the kitchen to prepare something and I was allowed as long as I used my own ingredients or pay for what ingredients I used.

now in the kitchen, I made some dough then flattened really fuking well then cut circles out of it while at the same time Cooking some meat along with onions and some condiments, when it was done I cracked an egg wiped it up a bit left it aside then placed a bit of the meat in the center the discs of dough then folded it on itself and closed it then applying a bit of the wiped egg on top to then place them it on an oven the kitchen had essentially making "empanadas" look them up they are quite good of course I was assisted by my [production master] skill as it was quite literally producing something.

in any case, when they were ready I took them out of the oven and threw them in my inventory I had 50 of them and 1 is enough to count as lunch, so... yay.

needless to say, I also made other types of meals that are easy to eat in a camping situation like burgers or skewers.

You are reading story Another isekai but this time is a tentacle living armor at

and if you are wondering I made plates with my skill and some wood from the forest, yey cheats skills.

When I was finished I noticed that Luna was awake but when I started going to my room, I noticed that she was in a mental breakdown, she must have thought that I left her but she forgot that I am literally always with her...

I entered the room and she came crashing down on me and gave me a really strong hug, I just gave her some head pats and noticed that she now had tree tails meaning she leveled up which reminds me I haven't looked at my stats.

yup, I leveled up a lot... way too many killed goblins...

-you gud?(Blake)

Luna just stayed still receiving my pats, but as we needed to go to the guild because I am guessing that Luna didn't go there, I need to report quest completion and the goblin problem so that they can take care of them, but for that, I need her to get back to normal and for that, I took out some of the peaches, I still have lots of them because mostly Luna eats them.

so I moved them in front of her face which instantly got a reaction and she took them from me and started to munch on them happily.


When she finished I asked her to hide her extra tails, which was nearly instinctual to her, we got down to the diner and ate lunch which was steak with vegetable garnish it was quite good, when that was finished we went to the guild which was in full alert apparently they noticed what I did yesterday but don't know what caused it... sorry.

in any case, it went as you would expect having info on what happened and the why, which after receiving the quest completion we were asked to go to the guild master's room where we received a compulsory designated quest to find the goblin's hideout and mark it so that the airship bombs it to oblivion, and of course I was not given any information on the why there was an airship here just that they would help with the goblin menace... I am just D rank...

and I also was to meet with someone else that would accompany... great... well the quest starts at night so I have some time to burn and where did I go? to the smithery, of course, I have to get teach the blacksmith a thing or too mostly things I know from books of my past life but it gets complemented with my skill.

in the smithery, I was greeted and I started my teaching lesson, the blacksmith proved to be a component pupil. luna just stayed at the back observing the weapons that were on display some times trying them out, after a while when we were having a little break to eat something.

-Luna, do you know from where that airship could have come? (Blake)

-mmm... yes, yesterday I saw the flag of the Ustrain Empire (Luna)

an empire... isekai rules say that they most likely are in the bad guy's faction...

-anything you can tell me about them? (Blake)

-mmm...I only know what I have read on my old home but: they have an emperor that is regarded greatly but it is also considered a tyrant... they have one of the most powerful royal mages... and... they are at the leading front on magitec only second to the dwarves, they also have some heroes but I don't know much about it. (Luna)

-thanks that's enough (Blake)

I pated Luna's head again and gave her some of my Cooking from my inventory that was like it was just out of the oven, Luna never has seen this Cooking stared at it curiously and ate it getting a bit burned on the process but ultimately enjoying it.

back into the forging lessons, I made some small parts that normally I would need machining equipment to make again the blacksmith was impressed, whatever these parts are for something I will make later but I still need some cooper and resin to finish it so they just went into my inventory for now.

it was night now, close to the time of the meeting with the other guy for the quest normally the city wall doors are closed at night but we got special permission to use the smaller secondary gates. the blacksmith was happy and paid me 700 dollars and some minerals for the teachings I just said that he must not forget who taught him.

then we headed out to the east city exit where we would meet our companion for the quest. and wouldn't you know it a familiar figure was there.

a figure which made Luna a bit scared and she hid behind me.


world note: system: the system in this world is a basic command-driven one with limited capabilities like knowing HP and MP remaining and indicating skill wen acquired and for those that know the command, level, but there are exceptions and that are the heroes that get an interface where they can see their stats, skills, and more in real time allowing them to plan out better on how to go at a problem the only exception is the individual named Blake that thanks to the love of the goddess it got the title of system master with a sentient interface.


world note: HP and MP system: if the MP of an individual gets to 0 this individual will loseconscience rendering them vulnerable to any type of attack or manipulation, tho there are very specific exceptions. an example of an exemtion would be an external mana battery.

if the HP of a being hets go 0 this one will die but there are exceptions like golems that no matter how many times their HP gets to 0 they will regenerate again aslong as there is mana making the only way to kill them is breaking the always hidden and secure golem core





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