Another Isekai plot story?

Chapter 1: 1. A smelly start

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A blue portal appears in a dark alleyway where it spits out a person. Looking to be in the middle age, Mick Rolandton falls face first into a pile of trash full of disposed left over food. Even though the horrible smell of the trash is lingering in the area, Mick was unable to get himself away from the pile of trash. As he just experienced a world of circles and squares of literally everything. (Very mind numbing and dizzy I assure you).
After moaning and groaning for a good hour and collecting his thoughts, Mick finally started noticing his landing spot. The disgusting smell of molding food mixed with fresh batches of left-over squishing under his weight caught his attention. He struggles to worm his way out of the warm bundles of filth stacks. 
"Well fuck."
Mick mutters as he finally manages to feel sweet solid ground with his limbs, then proceed to turn and lay on his back. His mind still spinning from the day light tortures of shapes jumbling in his head. The urge to puke out his lunch was ever just around the corner. Yet using what little man hood he has left; he holds it in.
"Can this day ge-." Stopping himself mid-sentence, Mick just slap his mouth shut. As knowing his own negative luck, he doesn't want to challenge Life into proving him wrong. As that has been a normal occurrence every time, he says it. 
But as if to slap him in the back of his head, he started to hear rustling noises near him. 
Rats of bigger proportion size started nudging closer to his spot. Some of the bigger ones were even shrieking loudly at him. 
Not one to rush into an unknown risk willingly, Mick raised his body up and start to move towards a less hostile environment. Walking towards the edge out of the alleyway Mick was greeted with a wide-open street with dirt and rocks for the road as human can been seen walking about. Most of the people's clothing could be seen as the typical peasant clothing, with it being baggy cloth with dull colors. while some other people were walking around with a range of different type of armors or sagely like apparel. 
Smirking to himself, Mick gave a depressing laughter, which alert some of the pedestrian to look at him. But with the strong smell of trash caressing to his dirty clothes, people avoided him thinking that another broken beggar losing their mind like usual. 
'Welp, it could have been worst.' Mick finally done laughing at his own situation. He just started walking around while keeping his ear open to listen in to everything. 
"Hey, you said that I get this egg for free if I bought that bundle of onions!"
"I said that you can buy these eggs for a discount! Not Free to dim wit!"
"Hey, did you hear that another city was attacked by a wave of monsters again. Good thing is that it's to the edge of the border."
"Right, right. Heard that the kingdoms are finally getting together to solve this problem. Guess it's about that time again hu?
"Check out my new sword man. It's so fucking shiny!"
"Hey, another beggar is losing his mind again. Wana bet how long till we find another body on the street?"

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Good news is that he is able to understand their language well enough, bad news is that he is hearing more people talking about a beggar while giving him the stink eye.  Mick decided that it was time that he started heading towards a different area, as drawing attention to him usually means bad thing happen in stories he knows.

With no clue to where he is and where to even begins, Mick just decided to go find a place where he can clean himself up somewhat, as the smell stuck to this body was starting to make his mind even more nausea.

Not wanting to be arrested for public disturbance with his smell if there is such a rule, Mick did not want to find out. So he tried looking for a water source that does not look to be owned by someone.
After following what seems to be the main road for a while, Mick saw a stream of water that cuts through the city(?) with multiple small stone bridges built over it. He proceeds to the stream.

Already there are multiple people down by the stream with some ledges down next to the stream, some people even standing on the edges. Letting Mick know that it was not deep and that it was somewhat safe that people were not too wary in the water.
Mick took off his t-shirt and pants wearing only his shorts left. Not minding some of the stare being given to him, as the type of embarrassment he had to go through boot camp numb him.
Mick Rolandton was not a physically fit person, with a somewhat round belly and skinny limbs from not working out much at all after finishing his military contract. Mick was just a paper pusher during his service, just passing his time by to fuel his hobby.

Most of the people down by the streams were small kids playing by the stream and varieties of age ladies doing laundries. Some of the kids were pointing at Mick laughing out loud at his body build, and some ladies were snickering by the side while still diligently working on their chores.
Mick on the other hand was using his secret technique to quickly wash his clothes.
“Secret Move: Water Style: Washing Machine!”
Mick dumps his clothes into the water and started stirring the water while holding onto his clothes in a clockwise motion and switching it to the opposite direction after some time. Clicking his tongue after waiting for something to pop up, yet what rewarded him was louder groups of laughter coming from around him.
Mick was not phased though, as he as done imitation of similar action in his own world before. This did help lighten his mood a bit though. As he try to look forward to how this world work and if there is a type of system.
After spending someone time washing his clothes, Mick also decided to dip inside the water after getting more accustomed to the water temperature. Feeling a bit more refresh after dipping into the water. This also helped to calm his mind from panicking from being kidnapped into totally different place.
Some of the bolder kids even started splashing some water towards Mick as they thought he was having a lot of fun splashing in the water.
An evil grin appears on Mick’s face as he saw the water flying towards his way.
“Secret Technique: Water Style: Great Water Barrier!”
Mick angle his arm side with a close palm hand with some force, resulting in a splash of water film flying up to block the water projectile the kids sent towards him.
“Water Style: Water Dragon Spits!”
While the kids were in awe at how Mick blocked their first wave of water projectile. Mick used the opening given to him to do a counterattack towards the children playing in the water, while also making sure not to aim towards any of the ladies doing their chores.
Some of the mature and older ladies were giving grateful looks towards Mick, as he is keeping the kids preoccupied and away from their finish laundry.

“Everyone, quick, get him. Attack the water demon lord!”
The leader of the kids playing started rallying the other kids to start aiming towards Mick, as he was the biggest watery threat to their already drench clothes.

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