Another Isekai plot story?

Chapter 3: 3. Woody?

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With the little girl leading the group while holding onto a hunch back to be determined predator middle-aged man being tugged along. Mick could only sigh in self-defense, as he thought about the ever-changing situation he was dragged into by his plea for help.

Least the good thing about what he gotten himself into was that he was given some hard bread to eat with borrowed charity from some of the ladies thought process led to them assuming Mick has not eaten for a while, which they were spot on. 

It only took a few tens of minutes for them to reach Frank's old wood shop with the sun still shining brightly in the sky. This gave Mick some relief as he did not want to be seen being dragged around everywhere by a little girl. Finally shaking his hand and able to arch his back up again, Mick took his chance to start stretching from all the slow running around in an awkward form.

Some of the young ladies' giggle as they follow the small group of mischief children self-claim tour expert. One to keep an eye on Mick to make sure he doesn't do anything suspicious to the children and also to make sure the children are actually bringing Mick to the right place and not just to fool around. 

The sound of woods being chipped could be heard by the entrance

of the store, letting Mick know that he was in an actual woodwork shop and not a totally different meaning shop. 

"Hey old man Frank you there?" 

One of the young ladies called out in front of the shop. Meanwhile some of the kids took this chance to browse around the shop, some looking to see what's new or their favorite toy. Mick follow the small group of kids, because he didn't want to be drag around by little children again if he didn't. 

Many of the wooden furniture was of simple design with some unknown characters sign next to them. This made Mick realize that although he was able to speak their language, he was unable to read their language. This was another task he'd add to his long list of to do list to survive. 

After checking out some of the common products in the store, he turns over to see what the kids were doing. He saw one of the small girls lifting up a wooden doll up high, while another boy was making sounds with a toy doll that looked like a knight. Always one to look to impress the kids in a false pride, Mick decided to grab a doll that looked to be unfinish with it still showing just the form of a person with no real design on it. 

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