Another Kind of Genius

Chapter 2: 2: Icebound Forest

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The day after enrolling at Vast Sea City Primary Academy, Ru Shenqi was approached by the Headmaster and Teacher Cang.

"Xiao Shen," Teacher Cang said. "Since you have full innate spirit power, we're going to take you to find a suitable spirit ring so that you can officially become a Spirit Master."

Ru Shenqi's face brightened immediately. "Really?"

The Headmaster, Bing Dadao邴达到 - given name meaning "Achieve", nodded. "Pack a small bag, then we'll get going. Also, bring a coat, it's going to be cold."

Then, the two adults stepped outside to wait. Elated, Ru Shenqi ran about the dorm room. Since she was currently the only working student, she had the entire Dorm 9 to herself. When she had finished back a spare change of clothes and a hairbrush, she solemnly picked up her most precious possession. It was a white chalcedony langganthe ancient Chinese name of a gemstone (white chalcedony is the "Stone of Harmony" which protects against negative influences, increases energy and promotes emotional balance), a very precious gemstone revered by those on Douluo Continent. Being one of the only treasures left to her by her parents, she didn't want to leave it behind, so she packed it along.

Finished, she grabbed her bag and exited the dorm room. She followed Bing Dadao and Teacher Cang to the entrance of Vast Seat City Primary Academy. Just out front, a carriage was waiting for them.

"Are we riding in that?" she asked.

Teacher Cang nodded. "It's a bit of a way to the nearest spirit beast forest, so we're going to ride there."

The three climbed into the carriage. The driver flicked the reins, and the vehicle lurched to a roll.


When they finally arrived just outside of the spirit beast forest, Bing Dadao, Teacher Cang, and Ru Shenqi stepped down and walked over to the Spirit Empire guards. Bing Dadao showed a Spirit Empire badge, and the guards motioned them in.

"Where are we, Teacher Cang?"

"We're in Icebound Forest."

"Teacher Cang, what spirit beast would be most suitable for me?"

"Since you have a Spirit Body martial spirit, it'll be trickier to decide what spirit beast would be suitable. For your first spirit ring, you should focus on improving your vision. Any spirit beast with excellent vision should work."

"A Mammoth Snowy Owl might work," Bing Dadao commented. "It'll improve night vision, and could possibly give a spiritual confusion attribute, since owls don't see as well during the day."

"Those are rare, Headmaster," Teacher Cang said. "We'd have to go deeper into the forest to see a Mammoth Snowy Owl."

"Ru Shenqi doesn't mind waiting," the little girl said. "I just want the most suitable spirit ring."

Bing Dadao smiled and patted her head. "Then let's just see what comes up."

shichen時辰 - 1 shichen = 2 hours passed with only ten year spirit beasts coming around. But none were suitable, so the party ignored them. They decided to go deeper into Icebound Forest, and headed towards the center. The forest grew thicker and colder.

Suddenly, they heard a ji ji叽叽 - sounds like chirping birds cry. A humongous bird swooped down, its talons just nearly missing them. Teacher Cang stared at it in shock.

"A Mammoth Snowy Owl?!"

Ru Shenqi turned towards Bing Dadao. "Headmaster, may I have this bird for my first spirit ring?"

He nodded. "Teacher Cang and I will do our best to assist you."

Until, then Ru Shenqi hadn't seen either of their martial spirits and didn't know what their spirit rank was. Bing Dadao and Teacher Cang each released their martial spirits. Swirls of gleaming light surrounded the two adults.

Bing Dadao's martial spirit turned out to be a beast spirit, namely the Titanium Horned Sea Dragon. Six rings glowed at his feet: one white, two yellow, two purple, and one black. He was a rank sixty four Spirit Emperor. His body grew larger, muscles stretching taunt. He crouched down, getting ready to move.

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Teacher Cang's martial spirit was a tool spirit, namely the White Rose Scepter. Seven rings glowed around her feet: one white, two yellow, two purple, and two black. She was a rank seventy six Spirit Saint. Her usually blonde hair turned white while her soft peach colored eyes turned a rosy pink.

Ru Shenqi realized that she'd be in good hands. Surely they can help me get this spirit beast.

But what they didn't know was the cultivation level of this Mammoth Snowy Owl. Since it was so rare, not much was known about it.

Standing off to the side, Ru Shenqi watched as Bing Dadao charged forward. Teacher Cang launched her fifth spirit skill, White Rose Hexagram. Bright light white shot into the air as six White Rose Scepters drilled into the ground, forming a hexagram. Soon, the white light expanded until the Mammoth Snowy Owl was trapped inside. This is exactly the purpose of White Rose Hexagram, trapping the target so they can't escape.

Bing Dadao jumped high into the air and activated his sixth spirit skill, Sea Dragon Plunge. He front rolled and was soon falling towards the Mammoth Snowy Owl, two titanium horns appearing on his forehead. He plunged the horns into the aggravated spirit beast and flipped it up. The Mammoth Snowy Owl didn't stand a chance. Bing Dadao moved out of crash range, and waited as the spirit beast fell back to the ground. Bright red blood stained its snow white feathers. The Mammoth Snowy Owl looked at the spirit masters with a killing intent, but it was too wounded to move.

Teacher Cang turned to Ru Shenqi. "You must make the killing blow. Otherwise the spirit ring cannot be absorbed by you. Only the spirit master who kills a spirit beast can take its spirit ring."

Ru Shenqi looked at the Mammoth Snowy Owl. Though she pitied the creature, she still desired the spirit ring. Bing Dadao handed her a three cun市寸 - 1 cun is 3.33cm long long dagger. She took it from him.

"Stab it in the heart," he suggested. "Once the spirit ring appears, hold out your right hand and use your spirit power to drawn the ring to yourself. Immediately meditate to absorb the spirit ring."

She bit her lip and nodded. Gripping the hilt tightly, she drove the blade into the spirit beast's chest. The Mammoth Snowy Owl cried out. Soon, light began to emit from the spirit beast. Bing Dadao and Teacher Cang's eyes widened, and they gasped when the spirit ring appeared.

"Sorry, Xiao Shen," Teacher Cang said. "We need to look for a different spirit beast."


"This is a decade millennium spirit ring. If you try to absorb it, it will backfire and your body will surely explode. It's way too dangerous, even for a spirit master trying to advance to the Spirit King level."

"But it's what best suits my martial spirit."

"You have a one in a million chance it will succeed," Bing Dadao said gravely. "We will continue looking."

"Okay," Ru Shenqi agreed sadly.

She pretended to follow them, but soon fell back. Turning towards the Mammoth Snowy Owl, she reached out. The black speckled spirit ring, indicating the spirit beast had cultivated over ten thousand and eight hundred years, began to float over to her. It hung over her head like a halo and began to slowly descend. She sat down in the lotus positionsitting in a cross-legged meditative position and began to meditate.

An intense pain burst inside of her. She felt like her whole body was under attack all at once. The intensity only grew worse. Beads of sweat dotted her forehead. Her back was drenched with sweat as well. Her upright posture started to rock back and forth.

"XIAO SHEN!" Teacher Cang cried as she rushed back.

Bing Dadao, though he, too, was upset, also knew that it was too late. "She's already started to absorb the spirit ring, Cang Huaban苍花瓣 - given name meaning "Petal". We can't interrupt her now."

Ru Shenqi felt her consciousness starting to fade away. Her eyebrows scrunched from the excruciating pressure of the spirit ring. Soon, oblivion took over.


Cang Huaban and Bing Dadao could only watch as the six year old before them tried to absorb the Mammoth Snowy Owl's spirit ring. A shichen passed. Then, another. The sky turned dark, and the resplendent moon shone brightly in the sky, surrounding by illuminated stars.

The two adults kept watch, constantly monitoring Ru Shenqi. She hadn't exploded yet, so they held on to a very small sliver of hope that she'd succeed in absorbing the ring. The night drew on, and dusk came. The hot sun slowly climbed higher and higher into the sky. Another day and night passed.

Finally, on the fifth shichen of the third dayten o'clock am, dark black light burst from Ru Shenqi. Bing Dadao and Cang Huaban stepped forward, worried. As the light dispersed, they saw that her platinum blonde hair had turned white like the feathers of the spirit beast. Ru Shenqi opened her eyes. They were no longer light grey but lemon yellow, the same color as the Mammoth Snowy Owl's eyes.

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