Another Kind of Genius

Chapter 20: 20. Vigorous Vajra Bear

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A few days later, the Golden Iron Triangle and five of the Shrek Seven Tyrants arrived at the entrance to Star Dou Great Forest.


Back at Shrek Academy, Fang Youyou and Ru Shenqi focused on their cultivation. All spirit arena battles were put on hold until the others returned.

"Youyou, don't worry. You'll soon reach level thirty and be able to go and get your next soul ring. Hopefully, I'll breakthrough with you. Then, we'll be able to go together."

He looked at her, nodding. "I will work hard to reach level thirty as soon as possible. You should too."

She beamed. "We can cultivate together!"

Just then, Zhao Wuji and Shao Xin approached them. "Kids."

They turned to look at him. "Vice Dean Zhao. Teacher Shao Xin."

"Follow us."

The two adults led them to the mimicry environment out in the back of Shrek Academy. Once they were deep in the forest, Zhao Wuji stopped and turned around.

"You two will try to endure in a battle with me for thirty minutes. If you little monsters succeed, then you'll be one step closer to your next levels. If you lose, you will hopefully gain something from this encounter."

As a rank eighty one Spirit Douluo, Zhao Wuji would be a difficult opponent. He released his spirit, Vigorous Vajra Bear, and eight spirit rings descended around him. With the optimal configuration, the swirls of yellow, purple, and black circled. Both Ru Shenqi and Fang Youyou gulped. Then, they released their own spirits. Rainbow Colored Flowering Lotus appeared in Fang Youyou's right hand. Clear Crystal Eyes activated, turning Ru Shenqi's eyes transparent and lucent. Two yellow hundred year spirit rings appeared around Fang Youyou while Ru Shenqi's four black decade millennium year rings glowed brightly.

Together, the two saluted and said, "Vice Dean Zhao, please enlighten us!"

Shao Xin lit an incense stick. Zhao Wuji's first soul ring lit up. "First spirit skill, Motionless Bright King Body!"

A golden hue surrounded him, and turned into a form of armor.

"Youyou!" Ru Shenqi cried.

"First spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Blossom!"

His flower began to spin clockwise, and a lotus petal flew over and landed on Ru Shenqi's back, a five percent stamina boost surging into her.

"First spirit skill, Clear Crystal Scatter!"

Never before had any of the teachers of Shrek Academy gone head-to-head with Ru Shenqi, and especially not with the aid of an auxiliary system spirit master.

Her eyes flashed, and Zhao Wuji was temporarily stunned, but not disoriented.

"Good!" he roared. "Because of your decade millennium spirit ring, this skill is stronger and can affect higher level spirit masters. Very good! Third spirit skill, Gravity Increase!"

Suddenly, Ru Shenqi and Fang Youyou dropped to one knee. The oppressive power of a Spirit Douluo really was too terrifying. But then, Ru Shenqi smirked.

She growled, "Death God Domain!"

A surge of red energy burst from her. The air suddenly cooled, and her eyes turned deep red. Her strong slaughter intent, fueled by the heinous spirit from Slaughter City, exploded. She roared and stood up.

"Vice Dean Zhao, my domain restricts your power attack system. Watch out."

"Really? Let's see just how strong your Death God Domain really is. Seventh spirit skill, Spirit Avatar Vigorous Vajra Bear!"

Two pairs of eyes widened as man and bear became one. Zhao Wuji grew in height, becoming five meters tall. His whole body was covered in fur, and his muscles had swelled tremendously. With a roar, he broke Ru Shenqi's domain and blew both children back.

Under his spirit avatar, his use of all other rings increases to one hundred and fifty percent for thirty minutes and his defense increases by two hundred percent. For the rest of this battle, I need to be more careful.

Ru Shenqi closed her eyes. Fang Youyou cried, "First spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Blossom!"

His flower spun again, and another petal landed on her. She felt for the fire within her and began to breath. Even breaths in and out. When her eyes finally flashed open, she roared, "Fire Dragon Domain!"

Flames flared from her. She stood up, eyes burning. Zhao Wuji looked down at her.

"Fourth spirit skill, Position Trace!"

Oh no! It's a spirit lockdown skill.

She dashed around, but the trace remained on her.

"Second spirit skill, Vigorous Vajra Palm!"

This isn't good.

Within his spirit avatar, a palm shaped attack left his hand and went shooting towards her. Ru Shenqi gulped and screamed, "Third spirit skill, Clear Crystal Armor!"

Her invisible shield appeared around her, but she knew that up against a Spirit Douluo, her shield would surely break. Her vision peaked, and she watched as the palm came closer and closer. Knowing she couldn't break the lock, Ru Shenqi braced for impact. The palm slammed into her shield, sending her flying backwards. She tumbled and slammed into a tree before falling to the ground. As her consciousness waned, Fang Youyou appeared in her line of sight. His lips moved, and his second spirit ring lit up.

"Second spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Eternity!"

His flower spun clockwise, and a bright rainbow colored light shot from it. The light flew over to Ru Shenqi and surrounded her wounded body like a blanket. Fang Youyou went pale, and blood slowly dripped from the corner of his mouth. He swayed on his feet.

From up above Zhao Wuji watched the whole scene. Good kids. Strong assist.

When Ru Shenqi woke up, her spirit power was renewed, and her body perfectly well. She stood up and glared at Zhao Wuji.

"Fire Dragon Domain!"

Flames burst around her again, and this time, she concentrated them on one place. Not the opponent, but her own wrist. Her golden wire flicked out, and the flames snaked along it. She ran forward and leapt up, swinging the wire around towards Zhao Wuji. But thanks to the spirit avatar, his defense was almost impenetrable. Unless she had needles, she wouldn't be able to break it.

Her wire slashed across his arm, but did nothing. She roared, "Fourth spirit skill, Clear Crystal Time!"

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Fang Youyou turned to look at the incense stick. After Ru Shenqi had activated her fourth spirit skill, the incense stick seemed to be burning faster. This is the uniqueness of her nearly century millennium spirit ring. Her ability to slow or speed up time.

"Xiao Shen, hold out just a little longer! First spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Blossom!"

A petal landed on her, her stamina boosting again. Zhao Wuji smiled.

"Smart, power up as much as you can. You coordination is not lacking either." He raised his hands up towards the sky. "Fourth spirit skill, Position Trace!"

Zhao Wuji, this time, locked down on Fang Youyou. "Eighth spirit skill, Vigorous Vajra Sphere!"

Ru Shenqi's eyes widened. She raced over and stood in front of him protectively as a golden ball of power grew to one meter in diameter.

"Youyou, let me take this."

He nodded. "Xiao Shen, be careful. I won't be able to heal you again for another five days."


She glared up at Zhao Wuji. "Vice Dean Zhao, don't blame me for being impolite!"

He laughed. "Show me what you can do!" The golden ball launched from his hands.

"Vice Dean Zhao, you'll be the first to experience my trump card! Third spirit skill, Clear Crystal Armor!"

Two shields surrounded her and Fang Youyou. If she got blown back again, the spirit skill would have to break through her shield, hit her, and then break through Fang Youyou's shield before hitting him.


Her deep black and gold stripped skull bone emerged. Zhao Wuji's eyes widened. He had forgotten about her skull bone, and not knowing what it did put him at a slight disadvantage.

Her pupils became like onyx jewels. An immense pressure surged around her. She smirked. Her eyes locked on his, and deep black light shot out.

You can't dodge this.

His eyes flashed deep black. He clutched at his head and let out howl. His spirit avatar disappeared, and he shrunk back to his human body. Zhao Wuji dropped to his knees.

Fang Youyou stepped out from behind Ru Shenqi. They walked over to their Vice Dean and looked down. Shao Xin ran over.

"Xiao Shen, what did you do?" he asked.

"My skull bone skill causes enemies to lose their minds temporarily. Since there's such a power gap still between me and Vice Dean Zhao, he'll only be affected for a day. After that, he'll be fine. Don't worry, Teacher Shao Xin, there's no lasting after-effects."

All three looked at the incense stick. It had burned down. The two Shrek Seven Tyrants had won.

Shao Xin nodded his head. He created a sweet pea and fed it to Zhao Wuji. Standing back up, he said, "I'll take care of Vice Dean Zhao. You two go back first and rest."

Fang Youyou and Ru Shenqi nodded. They leaned on each other and supported each other all the way back to the dormitories. Finally, they parted and went back to their dorms.


The next morning, the two headed to the cafeteria. When they met up, Fang Youyou was grinning from ear to ear.

"What is it?"

"I've broken through to level thirty! I've never used my second spirit skill before; and yesterday, I stretched myself to my limits. It paid off."

Ru Shenqi smiled and looked up at him. "Congratulations!"

Just then, they heard, "YOU LITTLE MONSTERS!"

Chuckling, the two exited the cafeteria and found Zhao Wuji and Shao Xin approaching. Ru Shenqi was taken aback.

"Vice Dean Zhao?"

Shao Xin explained, "My sweet peas can help recover strength, spirit, and mind. With my sweet peas, Vice Dean Zhao recovered faster."

Zhao Wuji stepped forward. "Teacher Shao Xin told me what happened. That skull bone of yours, Xiao Shen, really is too tyrannical."

Ru Shenqi saluted. "Vice Dean Zhao, I only used it because I knew it wouldn't last more than a day. Our ranks are still too far apart. Otherwise, I wouldn't have and just hope that I could bear the brunt of the golden sphere."

Zhao Wuji folded his arms and nodded, pleased. "I admit defeat."

Grinning, Ru Shenqi and Fang Youyou clapped their hands together. Then, Ru Shenqi turned and bowed.

"Vice Dean Zhao, Youyou has broken through to level thirty. Can you allow me to escort him to Star Dou Great Forest?"

"Without a teacher?!"

"If we come across an enemy, I believe Youyou and I can defend ourselves. It'll also give us some real life experience."

Zhao Wuji thought about it. Then, he leaned over and whispered something to Shao Xin who nodded and left. Finally, Zhao Wuji uncrossed his arms. "You can go. Though, Teacher Lu Jibin will secretly shadow you both, just in case something goes wrong and you two can't handle yourselves."

The two children bowed. "Thank you, Vice Dean Zhao."

"Go on then. Teacher Shao Xin has gone to tell teacher Lu Jibin."

After sharing a look, Ru Shenqi and Fang Youyou walked away, heading towards the entrance to Shrek Academy.

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