Another Kind of Genius

Chapter 23: 23. Golden Eyed Black Dragon King

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Everyone gaped at him.

"You monsters," Flender muttered while shaking his head. "If only the world could see you now. So young and yet your full combined power could probably win against a Spirit Douluo or below."

Liu Erlong cut in, "Let's not waste time. We still need to look for a suitable spirit beast for Xiao Shen."

Fang Youyou turned to Ru Shenqi. "You broke through too?"

She nodded. "After the battle with the Asura Hydra."


The group set off and plunged even deeper into Star Dou Great Forest.


After three days of searching, there still hadn't been any suitable spirit beasts for Ru Shenqi.

"Don't be disheartened. We'll find something," Gu Xingyun said, trying to reassure her.

"It's okay. I don't want to choose one without thinking about it. The fifth ring is so important for my future growth that I want it to be as best suited as possible."

Silent praise filled Yu Xiaogang's heart. This little girl really is a lot like Xiao San. If only the Shrek Seven Devils could see their new counterparts.

Just then, a roar went up into the air. Ru Shenqi had doubled over, her Fire Dragon Domain activating.

"XIAO SHEN!" everyone cried.

"Stay away! All of a sudden, I can't control my Fire Dragon Domain!"

The sky suddenly darkened. Liu Erlong looked up and gasped. Flender and Yu Xiaogang went pale. The other six children stood, confused.

"A Golden Eyed Black Dragon?" Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong breathed in horror.

"Xiaogang, Erlong, what is a Golden Eyed Black Dragon?"

"It's on par with the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon," Yu Xiaogang explained. "Especially if it's a Golden Eyed Black Dragon King. And from the looks of this one... it appears to be a King."

A shiver coursed through everyone's backs. A determined look in her eye, Ru Shenqi stepped forward, fighting her pain. "I want this spirit beast."

"Xiao Shen... this Golden Eyed Black Dragon King should be a century millennium spirit beast. Yes, it's good, but the risk of spirit backfire is just too great. You're still not strong enough to handle the power fluctuations and resentment from such a spirit beast."

Finally, she revealed another secret. She pulled something out from her sleeve. In her palm rested her langgan stone. Yu Xiaogang stared at it.

"This is how you've been able to absorb the decade millennium spirit rings, isn't it?"

She nodded. "This stone gives me an immortality like protection. Yes, I'll be in pain when I absorb the rings, but I won't die."

Liu Erlong and Flender shared a look. Flender rested a hand on Yu Xiaogang's shoulder.

"It's your call, Xiaogang."

Shaking his head and sighing, Yu Xiaogang said, "We'll help you get it."

The three merged and golden light radiated from them.


The Golden Saint Dragon Luo San Pao appeared and went flying towards the Golden Eyed Black Dragon King above. Bai Shanxin released her spirit and soared up. Shu Jiaxiang leapt up, jumping from tree branch to tree branch to get higher. Liao Suyin used her Jade Poison Tarantula legs to climb a large tree.

"First spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Blossom!"

After Fang Youyou's boost, the Golden Dragon Luo San Pao seemed even brightly. Bai Feng flew faster, Shu Mei's speed became terrifying, and Liao Suyin's climbing became a little quicker.

"King Tiger left arm bone skill, King Tiger Halberd!"

The golden halberd appeared in his hand, and he chucked it upwards. Under a five percent stamina boost, Gu Xingyun had thrown the halberd with a more powerful thrust. The weapon went flying towards the Golden Eyed Black Dragon King.

"Second spirit skill, Swift Flight!"

Bai Shanxin's flying was boosted again, and she soared high above the century millennium spirit beast. Finally, she stopped and looked down.

"First spirit skill, Swift Dive!"

She tucked and came speeding down. Her nails sharpened into talons. As she flew by the Golden Eyed Black Dragon, her hands flashed out, initiating her attack. Upon impact, the dragon let out a fiery roar. Purplish-black flames spewed from its mouth, setting the nearby canopy on fire.

The Golden Eyed Black Dragon thought, Black Dragon Annihilation.

Countless purple bubbles floated out of its mouth. One locking on each spirit master.

"Be careful!" Yu Xiaogang yelled.

"First spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Blossom!"

"Fourth spirit skill, Raging Heavenly Lion!"

"Third spirit skill, Tarantula Reign!"

"Third spirit skill, Shadow Cheetah Fog!"

"Third spirit skill, Clear Crystal Armor!"

All defenses and shields went up, enhanced by Fang Youyou's stamina boost.

"Third spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Regrowth!"

Everyone felt their spirit power restore and nodded towards him. The bubbles floated towards them and exploded upon impact with Ru Shenqi's shields, knocking some of them back.

"Death God Domain, Evolved Skill: Demon Hell!" two voices yelled.

The whole area turned freezing cold, ice sprouting everywhere. Icicles appeared on the tips of the Golden Eyed Black Dragon King's massive wings.

"Break wind like striking thunder, rumble the heavens and split the earth Luo San Pao!"

A massive shockwave emitted from the Golden Saint Dragon Luo San Pao. The force hit the spirit beast, momentarily stunning it.

Following right after, Yu Xiaogang cried, "Break wind like mist, mesmerize to deep sleep Luo San Pao!"

"Swift Demon Cougar skull bone skill, Swift Demon Attack!"

When neither spiritual attacks, Liu Erlong let out a hiss.

Flender muttered, "Of course this dragon has to be immune to spiritual attacks."

"King Tiger left arm bone skill, King Tiger Halberd!"

Soon, another golden halberd went flying and hit the Golden Eyed Black Dragon King in one of its eyes. The spirit beast let out a roar of fury, purplish-black flames bursting from its mouth.

"Shanxin!" Shu Jiaxiang cried.

Bai Shanxin flew over and picked Shu Jiaxiang up. She flew her over the top of the dragon and released her.

"Second spirit skill, Shadow Cheetah Claw!"

Shu Jiaxiang's nails lengthened and tore at the black scales on the spirit beast's back. It let out a howl of pain.

"Third spirit skill, Shadow Cheetah Fog!"

Shu Jiaxiang darted along its body, gradually released her poisonous fog. Bai Shanxin flew over to Liao Suyin and picked her up. She dropped her near the Golden Eyed Black Dragon King's head. Liao Suyin found a weak spot in its neck, in between some scales.

"Second spirit skill, Tarantula Fury!"

Her attributes all increased by five percent. Using her Jade Poison Tarantula legs, she activated her first spirit skill, Tarantula Bite. Each leg plunged into the spirit beast's body, poisoning it further. It roared in pain.

Shu Jiaxiang and Liao Suyin hopped off, dashing to the trees and climbing down. The Golden Iron Triangle broke apart, and Flender released his Four Eyed Owl spirit. He flew up into the air.

"Seventh spirit skill, Owl Avatar!"

His appearance changed as he merged with his spirit.

Sixth spirit skill, Owl Protection!"

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He was surrounded by a golden light, increasing his defense. The boost from his spirit avatar granted him increased strength and agility.

"Fourth spirit skill, Air Blade!"

Flapping his wings, he created blades entirely of air and sent them flying towards the spirit beast in front of him. Then, he immediately dodged out of the range of a counterattack. Liu Erlong snarled and released her Scarlet Dragon spirit. She flew up into the air.

"Seventh spirit skill, Scarlet Dragon Avatar!"

She turned into a massive orange dragon. With a strong killing intent in her eyes, she rushed forward. Her violent tendencies emerged, and she showcased her title of Slaughtering Corner. After she was done, the Golden Eyed Black Dragon King fell to the ground, breaking tree branches and crushing a few bushes along its way.

Ru Shenqi immediately stepped forward. She flicked her wrist, and her golden wire flicked out. It spun around the spirit beast's neck, cutting into skin. She pulled on the wire, hard. Finally, the Golden Eyed Black Dragon King could fight no longer. Soon, its red century millennium spirit ring slowly appeared.

"Third spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Regrowth!"

Everyone once again regained their full spirit power, allowing the others to be able to protect Ru Shenqi while she absorbed the ring. It also allowed her to be at her peak condition to absorb the ring.

She reached out and drew the spirit ring to her. Sitting down in the lotus position, she began to meditate. Immediately, she could feel the resentment of the spirit beast. Its power also overwhelmed her, making her quickly break out into a sweat. Within a few minutes, she had already lost consciousness.

Liu Erlong stepped forward, a worried look crossing her face. Yu Xiaogang wrapped his arm around her waist.

"All we can do now is wait. If she can get this spirit ring without spiritual backlash... then there's no doubt she's the best of this generation of spirit masters."

She rested her head against his shoulder and murmured so the others couldn't hear, "Xiaogang, what if we lose her?"

"Then it'll be my fault. I agreed to let her take this spirit beast for her fifth ring."

Six children and three adults kept a watchful eye over Ru Shenqi for seven days and seven nights. On the dawn of the eighth day, a bright red light exploded.

"XIAO SHEN!" everyone cried.

From the cocoon of the light, a small figure stood up. When the light faded away, they saw that Ru Shenqi's eyes were closed. But there was a wide smile on her lips.

"Grandmaster," she said as she bowed. "My spirit power is at level fifty nine."

Every pair of eyes widened. "WHAT?!"

She opened her eyes, and they were golden. Her hair was still the same black as night color. The greatest change was her physique. She seemed a bit taller, and her body was stronger, more durable, than before.

"My visibility limit has also extended by five more meters, so I can see even farther now."

"Amazing! You've definitely beaten Xiao Wu's record! Fifty ninth ranked at only ten years old!" Flender cried. "Perhaps your eyesight is even better than mine now."

"Xiao Shen, what's your fifth spirit skill?" the other Shrek Seven Tyrants badgered.

Grinning, she answered, "Clear Crystal Myriad Flames!"

 Purplish-black flames rose up around them all. The flames were so tall and so dense that no one could see each other. When the flames died away, a proud look was plastered all over Yu Xiaogang's face.

"What a marvelous crowd control skill. I couldn't see Flender or Erlong through your flames."

She nodded. "There's also a variant skill."

"Eh, what?!" Flender gasped.

"It's the Golden Eyed Black Dragon King's attack power Black Dragon Annihilation skill. I can make the same explosive purple bubbles."

Nine jaws dropped in shock. Flender recovered first and cried, "Truly a monster deserving of Shrek!"

"That's not all."

Yu Xiaogang guessed, "There must be a spirit bone. All century millennium spirit beasts leave behind spirit bones."

Ru Shenqi nodded, confirming his guess. "Yes. I think it might be like Tang San's Eight Spider Lances."


"Ultimate Darkness Wings!"

Suddenly, black scaled wings broke out from her back. The purplish-black flames of the Golden Eyed Black Dragon King lit on her wings. She rose up and flew around.

"Fire Dragon Domain!"

Her innate domain exploded and soon, the red-orange flames merged with the purplish-black ones, becoming even hotter, more powerful flames. Everyone stared at her in amazement.

"I can combine my external spirit bone's power with my Fire Dragon domain," she called down. "This way, in the Spirit Arena, I can truly appear to be a fire attribute spirit master."

She landed on the ground, the flames extinguishing. Her friends rushed over and looked at her wings.

"Try to recall them," Yu Xiaogang suggested.

Ru Shenqi closed her eyes. Slowly, the wings folded up and returned to her back.

"Grandmaster, it's hard right now."

"As the external spirit bone becomes attached, the process of releasing and recalling will become easier. I will set up some special training for you to be able to fully control your wings."

She saluted and said, "Thank you, Grandmaster."

"These wings prove the capability of this spirit beast. Well done, Xiao Shen," Flender praised.

"The attack ability of the Ultimate Darkness Element, harnessed by the Golden Eyed Black Dragon and the Golden Eyed Black Dragon King is famous amongst any knowledgeable spirit master of a dragon attribute. Be careful of what you reveal, Xiao Shen," Yu Xiaogang warned.

"Xiao Shen understands."

"Good. Let us return to Shrek Academy then," Flender said.

The others nodded, and the group headed out.


Back in Heaven Dou City, the Shrek Seven Tyrants headed to the Saint Spirit Hall. There, they met with the guards, and soon, Tong Ai appeared. She motioned them in and brought them to the testing room.

Gu Xingyun stepped forward first. "This Spirit Ancestor greets Spirit Saint. I'll show you my rings."

He released his spirit, and fourth rings descended around him. Two yellow, one purple, and one black. Tong Ai's eyes widened.

"A decade millennium spirit ring? Quickly, test your spirit power."

After placing his hand on the crystal ball, he discovered that his spirit power was at the forty second rank.

"Amazing. Who's next?"

After the other Spirit Elders revealed their rings and found out their spirit power, it was Ru Shenqi's turn. She stepped forward and said, "This Spirit King greets Spirit Saint."

She released her spirit and her five rings descended. Tong Ai stared, dumbstruck.


Without a word, Ru Shenqi placed her hand on the crystal. It lit up and glowed splendidly.


Smirking, she asked, "Spirit Saint, can my rings or the crystal lie?"

Utterly in disbelief, Tong Ai led the Shrek Seven Tyrants over to the registration desk. After a few minutes, their badges were etched with the newest records.

Ming Yong's read: Thirty Second Ranked Spirit Elder, Registration Time: Douluo Calendar Year 2656, Registered at Heaven Dou City Saint Spirit Hall

Liao Suyin's read: Thirty Third Ranked Spirit Elder, Registration Time: Douluo Calendar Year 2656, Registered at Heaven Dou City Saint Spirit Hall

Shu Jiaxiang's read: Thirty Second Ranked Spirit Elder, Registration Time: Douluo Calendar Year 2656, registered at Heaven Dou City Saint Spirit Hall

Bai Shanxin's read: Thirty Second Ranked Spirit Elder, Registration Time: Douluo Calendar Year 2656, registered at Heaven Dou City Saint Spirit Hall

Fang Youyou's read: Thirty First Ranked Spirit Elder, Registration Time: Douluo Calendar Year 2656, Registered at Heaven Dou City Saint Spirit Hall

Gu Xingyun's read: Forty Second Ranked Spirit Ancestor, Registration Time: Douluo Calendar Year 2656, Registered at Heaven Dou City Saint Spirit Hall

Ru Shenqi's read: Fifty Ninth Ranked Spirit King, Registration Time: Douluo Calendar Year 2656, Registered at Heaven Dou City Saint Spirit Hall

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