Another Kind of Genius

Chapter 34: 34. Shrek vs School of Four Elements

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Yu Xiaogang sighed. "Xiao Shen, show your rings."

She nodded. Soon, four black decade millennium rings and two century millennium spirit rings descended around her. Huo Wu and Feng Xiaotian gaped.

"T- this... how is this possible?" Feng Xiaotian gasped.

Ru Shenqi revealed her langgan stone. Huo Wu stepped forward.

"I gave that stone to ge ge. It was supposed to help him absorb spirit rings with less difficulty."

"Dad gave this to me before he and mom left to go hunt his eighth spirit ring. That's the only reason why I have it."

Huo Wu shook her head sadly. "Ge ge, that Zhi-jie really was too much trouble."

Ru Shenqi looked towards Yu Xiaogang. He shook his head.

Clearing his throat, and changing the topic, he said, "Feng Xiaotian, Huo Wu, tomorrow our schools compete against each other. Perhaps, this conversation can continue another time?"

Feng Xiaotian, being the more sensible one, agreed. He started to pull a protesting Huo Wu away. After they were gone, Yu Xiaogang sighed.

"You've learned a lot today, Xiao Shen. Don't let it affect you too much, alright? The main priority now is still the Advanced Spirit Master Grand Competition."

"Xiao Shen understands."

"Good. Now go back. Perhaps you can help Shanxin figure out some tactics for their fight tomorrow."

"Yes, Grandmaster."

Ru Shenqi turned and exited the office. She found her friends in the cottage out back.

"Xiao Shen!" they called as she entered.

Smiling, she said, "Shanxin, tomorrow you all are going to fight the School of Four Elements. Without Xingyun and I, there's no Death God Domain to restrict them. Han Niansui, I would suggest that like last time, you don't use Dark Cover until the end. Now, everyone, I would suggest that you eliminate the Chi Huo and Tian Shui students first. Lei Ting, as powerful as they are, they're able to be blocked. Tian Shui can freeze you in blocks of ice. Chi Huo can surround you in fire until you fall unconscious from lack of air. Shen Feng is only one, and that's my cousin. He's a Spirit Ancestor, but so are all of you. The Lei Ting students are the only other ones who are Spirit Ancestors; that's another reason why I suggest leaving them for later. Because the Chi Huo and Tian Shui students are Spirit Elders. They're easier to eliminate."

"Will this work?" Shu Jiaxiang asked.

"Are you really going to doubt Xiao Shen? Never once has she lead us astray with her tactics before? How else could we get consecutive wins in the Spirit Arena?" Gu Xingyun countered.

"I'm just asking!"

"I trust her," Fang Youyou, Ming Yong, and Liao Suyin both said.

Xu Tian, Han Niansui, and Gong Xi agreed with him. Sighing Shu Jiaxiang turned towards Bai Shanxin.

"You're the one directing us tomorrow. What do you think, Shanxin?"

"We'll follow Xiao Shen's plan."


The next day, the Shrek party returned to Heaven Dou City's Grand Spirit Arena. Ru Shenqi, Ming Yong, and Gu Xingyun stayed with the Golden Iron Triangle and followed them up to the stands to watch. The other five headed down to the backstage area, getting ready for their match.

The announcer stepped forward. "Welcome back everyone to the second day of the Preliminary Round battles. First up, we have the Shrek Academy Battle Team versus the School of Four Elements Battle Team."

The students from the School of Four Elements climbed the stairs and stood in a 1-2-4 position on their end of the stage. Meanwhile, the Shrek's seven formed a single line.

"What is this?" Feng Changzhi asked. "A weird lineup? And where's my little cousin?"

Bai Shanxin answered, "We can have any lineup we want. Can't I say yours is weird too?"

Feng Changzhi growled. "I'll be waiting to meet my little cousin in the ranking rounds."

Shu Jiaxiang, Fang Youyou and Liao Suyin laughed. "Do you think you can beat Xiao Shen all alone? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"


Feng Xiaotian from the stands sent his son a private message, "Changzhi, enough. Focus on the battle now."

Feng Changzhi growled but didn't say another word.

The announcer called, "Let's see about our competitors today. First up, on the School of Four Elements Battle Team, we have..."

He read off a forty third ranked Spirit Ancestor, who was Feng Changzhi. The two Lei Ting students were forty first ranked Spirit Ancestors. The Chi Huo students were thirty eighth and thirty ninth ranked Spirit Elders. The Tian Shui students were thirty sixth and thirty seventh ranked Spirit Elders.

"Now... on Shrek Academy Battle Team, we have:

Bai Shanxin, spirit Needle-Tailed Swift, forty third ranked Agility System Spirit Ancestor

Liao Suyin, spirit Jade Poison Tarantula, forty second ranked Power Attack Spirit Ancestor

Gong Xi, spirit Shining Citrine Cobra, forty third ranked Power Attack System Spirit Ancestor

Fang Youyou, spirit Rainbow Colored Flowering Lotus, fourth second ranked Auxiliary System Spirit Ancestor

Shu Jiaxiang, spirit Shadow Cheetah, forty third ranked Power Attack and Agility Attack System Spirit Ancestor

Han Niansui, forty third ranked Power Attack and Agility Attack System Spirit Ancestor

Xu Tian, spirit Dazzling Golden Rope, forty seventh ranked Control System Spirit Ancestor

What a tyrannical little group!"

Oh you'll see tyrannical alright, Liu Erlong thought.

Upon hearing Xu Tian's spirit power level, the crowd exclaimed. "So strong already?!"

In the stands, Ru Shenqi scoffed. "Forty seventh level spirit power? Wait until the finals and then I'll show you all true strength."

"Xiao Shen," Yu Xiaogang chided. "Your arrogance will get you in trouble someday."

"But Grandmaster, don't I have the power to be arrogant?"

"Yes, but you're still too young. At twelve years old, you shouldn't be so proud."

The announcer suddenly called, "Alright, release your spirits!"

The stage glowed brilliantly. Ten spirits emerged. On the School of Four Elements Battle Team' side, twenty four spirit rings glowed. On the Shrek Academy Battle Team's side, twenty eight spirit rings lit.

Bai Shanxin took to the air. "Now!"

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"Flowering Lotus Blossom! Flowering Lotus Ten Ton!"

Each member of the Shrek Academy Battle Team gained a five percent stamina boost and a ten percent strength boost, for this would be a long battle.

Shu Jiaxiang and Han Niansui partnered to deal with the Tian Shui students. For the Tian Shui students, Agility Attack systems were their foes since they struggled to lock down on them.

Han Niansui launched three spirit skills in succession.

"Third spirit skill, Dark Wraith. Second spirit skill, Dark Clone. Fourth spirit skill, Dark Quill."

His attributes enhanced. Multiple copies of himself appeared, all with quill-like blades in hand.

Shu Jiaxiang's eyes narrowed. She launched two spirit skills also. "First spirit skill, Shadow Cheetah Silence. Second spirit skill, Shadow Cheetah Claw."

The two Shrek students shot forward and started to fight with the two Thundering Snowflake spirit masters: twins.

Meanwhile, Liao Suyin and Gong Xi went after the Chi Huo students. She launched her third spirit skill, Tarantula Reign, her armor protecting her from the Chi Huo students' fire. Gong Xi used his cobra-like flexibility to dodge and outmaneuver the fire shot at him.

"Fourth spirit skill, Tarantula Web!"

Two webs, boosted by her armor, trapped the Chi Huo students. They started to burn at the silky webs, giving Gong Xi the perfect opportunity to launch his spirit skills.

"First spirit skill, Citrine Cobra Bind!"

Snakeskin wrapped around the two fire attribute spirit masters, making it harder for them to break free.

"Second spirit skill, Citrine Cobra Lunge. Fourth spirit skill, Citrine Cobra Gu."

He lunged forward and small balls of poison spewed from his mouth. The poisonous balls exploded against the webbing and snakeskin, poisoning the spirit masters trapped inside.

Bai Shanxin battled against Feng Changzhi, creating ripples in the air above. Feng Changzhi had inherited his father's spirit, Stormwind Doubleheaded Wolf, and his third spirit skill also allowed him to fly. Xu Tian and Fang Youyou dealt with the Lei Ting students.

"First spirit skill, Dazzling Golden Whip!"

Xu Tian swung her whip-like rope at the Lei Ting students, flinging them close to out of bounds. They activated their lightning attribute spirits and advanced on her. With the Chi Huo students unconscious from Gong Xi's poison, Liao Suyin and Gong Xi suddenly came rushing over to help.

Using her jade armor, Liao Suyin blocked the lightning attack. Gong Xi snaked around to the back while Xu Tian kept them distracted.

"Third spirit skill, Dazzling Golden Ribbon!"

She momentarily blinded them, allowing Gong Xi to release his fourth spirit skill again. Liao Suyin shot forward and used her first spirit skill, Tarantula Bite to prick the opponents, poisoning them. They, too, fell unconscious.

On the other side of the stage, Shu Jiaxiang and Han Niansui had just cornered the Tian Shui students.

"Third spirit skill, Shadow Cheetah Fog!"

A poisonous fog spread over the two Tian Shui students, causing them to collapse.

"Youyou!" Bai Shanxin cried.

"First spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Blossom! Third spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Regrowth! Fourth spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Ten Ton!"

After being strengthened and rejuvenated, the Shrek Academy Battle Team seemed to be almost back to their beginning state. The crowd was shocked.


"Han Niansui!" Bai Shanxin called.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

She looked down at him and nodded. "We trust you."

"First spirit skill, Dark Cover!"

Soon, the entire stage and a three meter height was encased in darkness. Within the darkness, without the aid from the Chi Huo students, there was no light. Feng Changzhi realized that they had been thoroughly beat by strategy and power.

"We concede!" he yelled as loud as he could.

Soon, the darkness dissipated. Liao Suyin, Shu Jiaxiang, and Gong Xi walked over to all of the opponents and withdrew their poison. The Chi Huo, Tian Shui, and Lei Ting students all sat down immediately to meditate and force out the remaining impurities.

The announcer cleared his throat. "What a battle! Such good strategy! Shrek Academy Battle Team has won!"

He looked down at Bai Shanxin. "Captain Bai, did you come up with these tactics?"

She shook her head. "No. Our true captain did."

Her gaze landed on Feng Changzhi and added, "Your little cousin."

Then, the Shrek Academy Battle Team turned and exited the stage, leaving a dumbfounded Feng Changzhi behind.

As they met up with the others, Shu Jiaxiang bowed her head.

"Xiao Shen, I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"Doubting your tactics."

Ru Shenqi smiled. "It's alright. It's natural for there to be a little doubt. At least we beat the School of Four Elements."

Yu Xiaogang nodded. "Yes, Xiao Shen tactics were good, but the execution of them were spectacular. The cooperation I saw today was worthy of Shrek Academy."

"Good, very good," Flender added.

Liu Erlong also had a beaming smile on her face.

"Looks like Shrek can still uphold its name. Hahaha, I wonder how much I'll get when you all battle the Elephant Armored School!"

Liu Erlong screeched, "Flender, you! What need have you for money?! Thanks to His Majesty, Shrek Academy is not lacking!"

Flender darted away with Liu Erlong hot on his heels. The Shrek students shivered in fear.

Slaughtering Corner...

Yu Xiaogang awkwardly cleared his throat. "Alright, it's best if we go now."

The others nodded and began to follow him towards the exit. Just as they were about to leave though, the School of Four Elements Battle Team stopped them.

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