Another Me

Chapter 32: Chapter 24 – Plaything **

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My swing didn’t connect but harmlessly waved in front of me. I was no longer inside the house but stood in the yard with several camera men filming my confused appearance. It was no longer raining. In fact, it didn’t look like it rained at all. I also wasn’t injured. And not that I noticed yet, my clothes were still intact without any holes or blood. Janet’s message was a simple, “I’m sorry”. I stood there like a fool as I listened to her breathy voice caress my ear and clenched my fist in anger.

I didn’t notice the show’s commentator at first. But when I finally did his handsome face gave me a beauty crit. And while I did find men to be attractive, it wasn’t to the point where I’d turn into a little nympho, like my friends when watching their idols. Still, I had to admit he was a cut above the rest. It was a shame that, according to Janet, he only dated long legged models.

He was standing between the two fat camera men, like a rose growing out of the weeds. His sensual voice broke me out of my stupor. “Well played, you showed courage, wit, and loyalty to your friend when she was in danger. She is very lucky to have you as a friend.”

“Oh, I doubt she’ll feel lucky when I see her again,” I muttered. My nails had made indents on my palm as I clenched my fists. He gave me a puzzled look, but I didn’t think he heard me because he didn’t ask about it.

I let go of my last spell as he smiled again, his pearly whites flashing in the night. “Why don’t you relax over here and you can watch the show or relax.” He gestured to a canopy the show crew had set up and I saw one of the boys sitting on a chair looking dejected as the crew moved a snack table. The happy crew drew a stark contrast to his gloomy appearance.

He walked me over like a gentleman and leaned in close to ask me one last question, as if asking a big secret. “Can I ask, why didn’t you run? It was obvious that you were outnumbered and outclassed.”

I gave a soft snort before saying, “And what? Leave my friend? Even if I could do that, the only room I thought was safe led to the most danger. Without an exit or allies, I would have been a fish on the chopping block. Besides, I doubt anybody would leave their friend behind just to save themselves.” I saw the gloomy boy jerk when I said the last part and figured I was wrong about people running. Still, I couldn’t blame him for trying to save himself.

A woman in professional attire walked over as I finished answering and took me into the tent with the boy. As she did, I saw another canopy tent on the far side of the house with half a dozen mages standing or sitting in front of dozens of screens. But it was a brief glance and I failed to make out what they were doing. The boy looked up as I came in and I noticed it was one of the boys that had been assigned to Aife. I still didn’t know his name, but he looked down as soon as we made eye contact making it impossible for me to ask.

There were several screens placed around the room so I could see what was going on inside the house. So, I watched Aife shake her hand and her twisted broken fingers snapped back into place. “I didn’t expect that girl to be so strong. If I didn’t have ‘Guardian’ up she would have broken my neck with that punch. Not bad, not bad at all.”

“Like I said before, she is a rare treasure. Her use of so many types of spells indicate she is part of the top twenty percent, possibly higher.” The Ice King added while Mary and Aefi nodded in agreement.

Janet stood next to Pam and was rubbing her hip. I must have used too much force when I pulled her free. Or maybe she hit the wall when I threw her. I wasn’t sure. They both stood behind the main actors like a backdrop. The Ice King seemed to listen to something I couldn’t hear and then said, “They are bringing Alice in, get ready.”

The Ice King, Aife, and Mary all stood in the same place, but Janet and Pam switched spots. A screen nearby showed Alice following a silver ball of goo. It rapidly slid down the hall with her trying to catch up. As she got close to the music room, the lights flickered and went out. And like when I was there, the same piano score began to play. It was just that the slimy silver sludge led her here instead of her coming on her own. But I didn’t know what it was or why she followed it.

The rest followed the same script with her being finally being “killed”. It was very one sided, like an adult slapping a toddler, but she didn’t run. Instead, she tried jumping into the well to free Pam. But the Ice king just shook his head before cocooning her inside the water she jumped into. I glanced at the different screens as Alice, Pam and Janet were being interviewed by the host. I saw Rodriguez on one of the TVs. He nodded to the air, looked at his sleeping friend, and then laid down on the floor as the little girl ghost began to manifest above him.

Her form whispered, “Are you ready?” and with another nod, Rodriguez screamed before she even moved into place. The ghost quickly lowered into place as his friend jumped out of bed and got into a fighting pose. She looked at the boy and with an evil grin, spitefully said, “You’re too late” before sinking into the floor with Rodriguez. After that the dolls attacked his friend and I finally knew where the slimy silver came from. Unlike me, he noticed it and followed it to the final battle. It was just that his battle was lack-luster. When he saw his friend, he didn’t even try to fight but tried to slink away quietly. His ending was quick but brutal.

Watching the screens, it quickly became apparent that the “child protection” act did not exist in this world. I also noticed that no matter what happened outside a room, no noise could be heard by those inside. This was best shown when the thirteen-year-old’s sister got “taken”. He had run out of the room screaming her name, but nobody noticed his shrill voice. Even so, he did his best to save her. He had a spell that made him bouncy and used it to spring around the room trying to down his opponents. It was obvious that they were taking it easier on him compared to Alice and myself, and it took a while for him to be neutralized and sent out.

Interested in what was going on, I grabbed some food off the snack table and watched the different screens. One of the kids either suspected or got tipped off that it was all fake. His acting skills weren’t up to fooling anybody. Frowning, Mary waved her hand and sent him out without a word. But most seemed to not know it wasn’t real until they appeared on the lawn. Perhaps it was common because unlike me, nobody was angry or surprised that it was all a prank.

After everybody was sent out it was close to seven in the morning, and we were all disheveled from our fights. Only two of us didn't have dark circles under our eyes from lack of sleep. As the host walked over, this became more apparent. It was because he was dust free and in wrinkle free clothing. He stood in the middle of our group to give his farewell monologue before we were taken back to our homes. During the trip, I didn’t talk to Janet and quickly left the van. Knowing violence was probably normal here, I was trying not to be angry but being fooled and used by somebody that claimed to be my friend left me feeling bitter.


~ Two days prior, Friday night ~

“Nicole, relax. Stephanie will be fine.” Roy’s mellow voice eased my worries a little and I rested in his arms. They were so warm, so reassuring that I didn’t want to leave them, but I knew Roy had clients he needed to talk with tonight. But I wouldn't be going with him. Instead, he had asked me to help ease the tension with one he had just dealt with. There had been a mistake in one of Roy’s procedures and Mr. Fratrik had threatened to ruin Roy’s career and then abolish his manhood if he didn't fix it. And from what Roy said, he was a man that could do it. So tonight, I had promised Roy I would do my best to help. I wasn’t an innocent flower and knew what that meant. This weekend I was to be that man's companion, not Roy’s, and I was a little excited.

Ever since I met Roy, my sex drive seemed to have gone into overdrive and I couldn’t get enough of him. It got to the point where he bought me a remote control ‘Vibe’ and would have me wear it during the day so he could please me while we were apart. Every time he turned on the vibrator, I knew he was thinking of me, that he loved me, and my mood would improve. But… the thought of being with such a dangerous man, like Mr. Fratrik, made my knees weak and pussy wet. But I couldn’t tell my boyfriend that I was looking forward to having sex with another man, so I talked about my daughter to make conversation.

“You’re right,” I said. “She is surrounded by the television crew and monitored twenty-four hours a day. Even if she wasn’t such a good girl, I don’t have to worry. It’s just that she rarely goes out, I’m afraid she’ll be bullied.”

“Who would bully her? She’s like a little angel. I’ll tell you what, I will give a call over to the studio and make sure they take good care of her. Also, why don’t we throw a few parties with my client’s children if you are worried about her not going out enough. It’ll help her to expand her circle of friends and get her out of the house.”

I nodded as I breathed in his scent and basked in his warmth. I had only ever felt like this once before and that had been twenty years ago. Back then I thought our love would last a lifetime. But two years later, he was dead, and I was pregnant. I never thought I’d feel like this again and with such a perfect man. My thoughts were broken as I spotted the man I was supposed to be with for the next couple of days.

Roy saw him too because he said, “You don’t have to. We can move away. Flee beyond his reach. I don’t need the money as long as I have you.”

I looked into his loving eyes, my heart melting at his words, “No, I couldn’t hurt Stephanie or you. Not if I can help and it’s just for the night. I'll be back in your arms before you know it.” I tried to hide my worry and excitement. My stomach was fluttering as Mr. Fratrik walked up to the car, we sat in. He was a middle-aged man but looked like he maintained himself. But it was the long scar that ran diagonally across his face that made him look vicious. He didn’t say much to Roy before I was taken away.

He sat next to me, in his limo, and didn’t wait long before his hands unzipped my dress. In a slightly raspy voice, he ordered me to “take it off”. I looked at the partition that was still open, saw the driver watching me in the mirror, and hesitated. “I said, take it off.” His tone made sure I knew it wasn’t a request and I shivered a little as I did what he said. I wasn’t wearing anything underneath and I felt his rough fingers caress my inner thigh. Nervousness, shame, and excitement warred inside me as I shifted a little and opened my legs to let him have access to what he wanted.

I heard him mutter, “what a little slut” as he pushed two of his thick fingers into my already wet cunt. He wasn’t gentle but I was already sopping wet and with all the sex I had been having recently, he slid in without much effort. His callused fingertips scraped across my sensitive walls causing me to groan a little from the stimulation. He slammed them in and out as I let out soft gasps and my pussy made squishy noises as the car drove away. I didn’t deny his statement. Normally, I would have gotten mad, but I was so excited that his words just fueled my desire to be used. He finally pulled out his fingers just as my moans got louder. His quick withdrawal prevented my climax and I let out a tiny sigh of disappointment.

“You aren’t here for your pleasure. Blow me until we get to the studio.” I didn’t think much but shifted around, opened his fly, and pulled out his semi-flaccid cock. It was only five inches at the moment, but it was already thicker than the only other two men I’ve ever had. I had to open my mouth wider than I was used to. Even so, I had experience, mostly over the last two months with Roy, and I had him hard as a rock within a few bobs of my head. I even used my hands to stroke his shaft like Roy taught me. He wasn’t as big as my boyfriend, and I felt a strange sense of pride. My boyfriend was the best.

I made him cum within a few minutes and he told me not to swallow. Instead, he had me open my mouth and show him. Because of that, the bitter flavor, and the scent of his cum filled my senses until he let me finally gulp it down. Once I did, his stern voice filled the car, “Now play with yourself, but face the driver. I want him to see your face when you climax so make sure you tell him when you’re close. He seemed more excited ordering me around than using me

By now, I needed the release and didn’t hesitate to face forward and spread my legs wide. My actions gave both men full view of my hairy pussy, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was to climax! Being so close before and being denied had caused me to ache with need. Like him, I shoved my fingers inside me. I wanted to have that same feeling I had before but my fingers were much smaller, so I added another, then another; until I was pumping four of my tiny fingers into me at a frantic pace. I barely remembered Mr. Fratrik’s orders as I rushed towards my climax.

I managed to gasp out, “I’m close” before pleasure washed over me and soaked his leather seats with my juices. When I came down from the pleasure, I realized Mr. Fratrik was glaring at me and I shrank a little in fear.

“What did I say? Do it again and if you can’t do it right, I will beat that plushy ass of yours until it bleeds. Do you understand?” His eyes seemed to say that he’d like nothing better than to do it, so I quickly nodded and tried to bring myself off once again. But I was nervous, and it wasn’t as easy this time around. When I finally managed to get off under the drivers gaze, I noticed that we were in an underground parking garage.

Mr. Fratrik got out without saying anything but had grabbed my dress, so I had to follow after him with nothing on. My nipples hardened from the dirty thoughts that ran through my mind. Would there be people here or was it just his place? The sense of the unknown excited me even more. I trailed behind him as he walked to the elevator. Once we got in and the doors closed, he pushed the top floor button, pressed me against the wall, and kissed me with practiced ease. The cold metal walls against my bare skin made me want to push him away but he held me firm until I relaxed into his kiss. The elevator was quick but not quick enough to keep him from teasing my hard nipples. They had always been sensitive and even more so after I had Stephanie, so I was enjoying his attention when I heard the elevator ding as it opened.

It opened into a huge loft apartment. He let me go without a word and walked in. He began to talk even before he took two steps, "I'm not sure you are aware of what's going on and I don't care. Tonight, I am going to be throwing a party and you are the main entertainment. I want you to go shower." He pointed at a far door where I assumed the shower must be and continued, "Your outfit is inside and a razor. Make sure to remove all your hair from the neck down." He turned around and pointed at my fluffy blonde bush. "Including that. Get moving, you only have two hours before my guess will start to arrive."

I ran into the far room, my excitement growing with every step. His commanding tone was such a contrast from my boyfriend’s gentle, caring voice. But I was worried too. What would my boyfriend think of me? I didn't want to lose him. He only knew I was going to be with Mr. Fratrik. What if I met one of the people I was going to be with tonight while I was out with him? And what if Stephanie somehow found out? She’d hate me because what I was going to do was the opposite of everything, I ever taught her. Surprisingly, my worries only seemed to fuel my desire. Perhaps I had suppressed my needs for too long. Being with Roy had awakened something deep inside of me and I didn’t want to stop it.

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But my worries about being known vanished as I walked into the big bathroom. The outfit I was to wear was right by the door and there wasn't much to it, just a bra with holes for my nipples, a skirt that didn't cover anything, and a mask. But it was the mask that made me relax because it would hide my identity. It was made of leather and other than my eyes and mouth it covered everything. Even my shoulder length hair could be sealed inside it. More relaxed, I walked into the clear glass shower and began to get ready.


Two hours later there were dozens of men mingling with each other. I even knew a few of them from the parties Roy had taken me to. They were all powerful people in this city and the next one over. I carried a tray of food around with four other women. I thankfully wasn't the only girl here. The thought of servicing so many men had made my knees a little weak. The other girls hadn't gotten the same treatment as I did but showed up in trench coats that hid their exposed parts.

As I walked around the men would wave me over whenever they wanted something from my tray. But it wasn't long before a man placed his hand between my legs and pushed his middle finger into my cunt. He pulled it out, took an hors d'oeuvre, and ate it while licking the finger that had just been in me. His "nice flavor" comment caused the men around him to chuckle and move closer to me. They circled around me like sharks smelling blood and I did my best to hold the tray steady as they used their fingers to "add flavor" until the tray was empty and they moved away to tease the other girls.

Once I was free Mr. Fratrik brought over three men and in a gruff voice stated, "It is time for the entertainment. Take her to the stage and perform well or your wives will replace her." I looked them over as they hurriedly nodded and assured him, they'd perform well. They looked like everyday men I'd see on the street; neither toned or fat, tall or short. If I had to pick out anything as defining features, it was that one man had a moustache, one was wearing a thick pair of glasses, and the last one was starting to go bald. In short, they were people that were easily forgotten in a crowd, but I had a nagging feeling that I knew them from somewhere.

I didn't have time to think about it as the man that was slightly balding grabbed my wrist and gently pulled me to a slightly raised platform in the middle of the room. As we stepped onto the stage, the men began to sit on the chairs and couches placed around it. A few of them had grabbed the other girls, placed them on their laps, and waited for us to start.

It wasn't until I heard the man with a moustache whisper to the one that wore a thick pair of glasses, "You start. She looks small enough to be one of my students and I never had that fetish. I need some time," that I knew where I knew them from. They were all teachers from my daughter’s middle school. To make it worse, I had met all of them at teacher conferences at least three or four times. But why would Mr. Fratrik bring in my daughter's old teachers and force them to perform?

The other two didn't seem to have the same concern and began to strip. The man with glasses replied, "I understand, take your time."

The last man added, "Now that you mention it, she does remind me of that little tease four years ago."

"Haha, which one. Now-a-days, the girls seem to enjoy wearing less and flashing us to see what we'd do. Tonight, I plan on venting some of that frustration on this little girl," Glasses replied. Being called a girl filled me with a sense of pride. Being with Roy had come with some benefits and every day we got together I could see my body becoming younger, firmer, and sexier. If he wasn't so busy, I probably look like my daughter by now.

"You got that right. It always amazes me that there aren't more pregnancies from the way they act around us but I'm talking about the girl that developed early.” The now naked balding man came from behind and grabbed my tits, bounced them up and down. I felt his lower half growing hard between my legs as he played with my tits like they were water balloons. His hot breath blew into my ear as he continued, “Like these beauties, I think her name was Stacey or something. She was so tiny but had the same sized breasts as this lass. You must remember her. There aren't many girls as developed as she was at that age. If not, I can show you a picture I secretly took of her."

Glasses seemed to think about it, then said, "Was it that girl that always wore revealing clothes but acted innocent? The Blonde?" His look turned lustful as he asked about the girl, and I watched his lower half awakening.

"Yeah, that's her." I looked away as the man with glasses approached from the front while the balding man let go of my breasts and used them to spread my pussy lips apart and aim his dick into me. He slid in without resistance as the balding man grabbed my skirt. It was only held together with two buttons and with a snap, snap he pulled it off. As I turned my head, I noticed several cameras had been placed to record us from every angle. It was just that I didn't mind since I had a mask on. Instead, I leaned forward a little to let the man with glasses have easier access to me. I even reached around and spread my ass cheeks to allow the cameras to get a better shot.

Satisfied, I closed my eyes to enjoy the sensation of finally being fucked, only to hear Glasses continue, "Your memory is so bad, her name is Stephanie. Even her mom was a little hotty. It wasn't just once that I fantasized about bending them both over my desk and having my way with them. It's a shame she went to high school, and I can't see them anymore. Hey, lay down so I can join you."

My eyes snapped open in shock. They were talking about my daughter, and they remembered us? But I relaxed again because she was no longer in that school. The balding man's dick popped free as he followed what Glassed told him to do. He laid down on the stage and looked up at me.

Glasses whispered in my ear, "Straddle him and continue what you were doing."

I followed his instructions and saw that the balding man's cock wasn't too bad. Like him it was average, around seven inches and neither too thick nor too thin. I gently grabbed it and after making sure it was lined up, slowly sank onto him. He felt bigger in this position, and I was about to begin rise back up when Glasses pushed me forward until my dangling breasts touched the other man's chest. Baldy held me in that position as I felt Glasses begin to push the head of his dick against the entrance of my ass.

I froze as he started pushing and finally gave a startled yelp as he forced the tip of it into me. It hurt. Not only had I never done anal but having a dick already inside me only tightened my neither passage to the point it I felt it was going to tear. But he was unrelenting and forced more and more into me. It didn't take long before both of them were buried all the way inside me.

I could feel their hot cocks sliding across the thin membrane that divided my passages. When they started moving collectively. They pulled out, then in, in perfect harmony and the pain quickly faded away and I began to moan like a whore in heat. It was dirty. It was shameful. But I loved it! The man beneath me used his hand to bring one of my nipples into his mouth and he sucked and licked it as they fucked me. It was just that his tongue was like an icicle. It was obvious he was using a spell. Glasses also gave a short chant and his dick swelled and became bumpy. Mot to be outdone the balding man mutter out an incantation and I felt his cock warm up. It wasn’t too hot but the changes they made stimulated me even more. It was something I didn’t think was possible, and I rolled my hips to try and take more of them into me.

My breathing became ragged as they ravaged my passages and I let out loud moans of pleasure. My mouth opened and closed like I was a dying fish, only to have the third man with the moustache shove his dick into my mouth when it opened without a word. His abrupt action caused me to gag, and my mouth clamped down on instinct. I tried to get myself under control, but I could see little teeth marks that were wrapped around his shaft, about two inches down. I gave a silent chuckle at the thought of how he’d explain that mark to his wife.

But soon I couldn’t think of anything as they began to rapidly shove their cocks into me. The crowd watched as my body shook under their assault. They didn’t say a word and only my grunts, groans, and the squirting noises my pussy made as they both slammed into me, could be heard. I came as the bald man trapped my nipple between his teeth and flicked his tongue across it. My first lover always teased me that I was easy to please and he wasn't wrong. Now, under so much stimulation I body shook nonstop as my orgasms came one after another. I basked in the feeling and let them use me as strangers watched me. Even if I wasn't enjoying it, which I was, I didn't have the strength to stand and leave.

Glasses came first. He pulled out and I felt his spunk splattering across my tiny back. The bald man came next, but he didn't pull out but pushed in as deep as he could before depositing his seed and I could feel my pussy milking him, trying to get everything he had and more. But he was trapped beneath me as I sucked the third man's cock. Since he was still in me, I didn’t let him go and rotated my hips and fucked him until he went soft.

The man in my mouth was only six inches but even so I could only take three and had to use my hand to control how far he could get into me. He had gotten over his moral dilemma and was now trying to shove his rod down my throat. It wasn’t something I could do. Instead, I used my overflowing saliva to lubricate his cock. My loud slurping noises were easy to hear in the silent room, but I didn’t mind as I ground my mound onto the man below me and sucked for all I was worth.

He didn’t last long under my “loving” care and when he finished, he pulled out until only the head was inside my mouth. I felt the moustache man's penis swell and begin twitching right before he shot into me. His seed was thick, as if he hadn’t cum in a long time and it quickly filled my mouth. I had to quickly swallow and was glad that Roy enjoyed getting blowjobs so much. It kept me from making a fool of myself.

The crowd started talking as the man with the moustache walked off the stage. I could hear them saying things like, "I am taking her ass next", "I want to see Gary and Frank do that. Let’s see if she can take them both at the same time", and she's not bad but not as good as this long-legged beauty". All their voices mixed together and soon became indistinguishable.

Before I could relax a man pulled me up as if I weighed nothing and unlike the three, I was just with, there was nothing average about him. He held me close as he laid down onto the stage and I watched his muscles bulge as he placed me above his massive dick. As he did the crowd went silent and watched as another man ran onto the stage and help guide the other man into me.

The man that ran onto the stage, wrapped his hand around the other man’s twelve-inch behemoth and rubbed the tip of it around my entrance. Once it was wet enough, he placed it at my entrance and the muscular man let me slowly impale myself onto him. I slowly sank onto him as his thickness stretched me to my limit. But he was so big, that only eight inches went in before the head of his dick was resting at my cervix. I thought he was going to lift me up but only nodded to his helper. Then I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders, but instead of pushing me forward like the last guy had, he used all his weight to push me down. The man I was impaled on also added his strength and they both forced more of him into me. I felt a soul torturing tearing as the last four inches slid past my cervix and into my uterus and I broke out into a cold sweat.

I was afraid to move. I hurt so badly but they let me rest and the pain slowly eased to a dull ache. His helper squatted down next to us and began to play with my clit. I placed my hands onto the muscled man's chest to stabilize myself. I didn't want to move yet and let him do what he wanted. A minute passed as he used the juices around my slit to tease me. After another minute he picked up the pace and once the third minute passed, I couldn't help but to slowly rock my hips causing the man beneath me to grunt in pleasure. Hearing him made me smile and I wiped away the couple of tears the pain had brought.

Taking my movements as a sign, he lifted me up an inch or two before letting me drop back down. It hurt but didn't. I could still feel him stretching my pussy as my cervix quiver around his shaft. It was a weird feeling. But as he continued to slowly raise and drop me, I began to relax. I wasn't going to think too much. Instead, I let him use me. Because being used came without guilt, without shame, and I could just enjoy the pleasure. What was better than that?

Soon his movements became more energetic and with a pop, he withdrew almost all the way out. As he did, I felt a suction like force trying to resist his escape. Not only did my walls try to hold him but it felt like a black hole was inside my uterus trying to suck him in. A pulsating pleasure shot through me as that force stimulated all the areas inside me. I gave out a startled gasp, shook and my fingers clawed at the only thing they could get to, his chest. Unhappy with my “attack”, he then rolled me over, grabbed my legs and jack hammered his way back in. There was less pain when he broke through my cervix again and what little there was quickly mixed with the pleasure and took me over the edge.

With a yell, I screamed out my pleasure, "FUCK, AHHH GOD", "YESSSS", "YOU'RE... SOOOO.. DEEP... INNNN SIDE ME..." I kept screaming as he pulled out his twelve inches and slammed it back in, over and over. He was like a machine, and he fucked me until my voice went hoarse and I passed out from sheer pleasure.

I woke up in a bed and wasn't too surprised when I felt a man's dick pistoning into my ass. He spurted off pretty quickly and was replaced by another that pulled my hips up into the air to get better access to my pussy. The men took turns and I let them. Some big, some small but they kept coming inside me until the bed I was laying on was soaked in it. It felt so wrong because I knew some of these men. Some of them even had wives that I got along with. But as they brought me to climax and made me cum, I felt so right. I wasn’t sure if I would ever do it again, but I knew this was a memory I would treasure and I didn’t regret volunteering.

Exhausted, Mr. Fratrik drove me to where I had last seen Roy. This time Roy came over and carried me to his car. I was still naked but wrapped in the cum covered blanket I had been laying on. It was like a banner proclaiming what happened to me. I was expecting to see disgust on Roy’s handsome face, but all I saw was worry and love. He gently placed me into his car and held me like a was a fragile doll he needed to protect as his drive took us to his house.

I nodded off during the drive but felt him carrying me up stair and placing me onto his bed. I wanted to protest. I was still covered in other men's cum but he just kissed my forehead and after undressing, joined me under the covers. The last thing I remembered was him wrapping me in his warm embrace and whispering, "I will always love you."

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