Another World Trip: Journey With My Cat and An Otaku Loli Goddess

Chapter 132: Chapter 131 – A World Of Tribulation Lightning

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  “I will search for the newly awakened kings in this world, and I hope you’ve not fallen the next time we meet.”

  He took off in a separate direction and soon disappeared. The words he left behind lingered in everyone’s mind.


  As soon as he left, everyone let out a sigh of relief. They weren’t even aware that at some point they had stopped breathing.

  “W-Who was he?” Jia Yan asked, still a bit shaken about everything.

  Long Di shook his head, “I don’t know, but unfortunately I don’t think this is the last we’ll be seeing of him.”


  While everyone was still in a pensive state, Yaomu Shou’s lust flared up once more and this time she charged towards Long Di.

  Unfortunately, he wasn’t in the mood for this (not like he was ever in the mood) and proceeded to use the hilt of his saber to knock her out.

  “W-Why did you not do that when she was on me!?” Xiannu Liang asked him when she saw how easily he resolved the issue.

  “Because one, I didn’t feel like making the effort. Two, I honestly just want to rest and heal myself because I and nerfing go about as well together as rapists and no pandas, and three, I had to be on guard constantly against Miko. By the way, does anyone realise that the name is Japanese?”

  “You were on guard against Miko?”

  “Are a group of pandas really called an embarrassment?”

  “What’s Japanese?”

  A barrage of questions came from Zi Yu, Tie Lang and Jia Yan, respectively. So Long Di got to work on answering them one by one.

  “Yes, I was on guard against him. I appreciate him saving us and all, but rarely is there a person that saves the MC… or his friends, and wants nothing in return. There have been cases in novels where they end up pulling some crap because they earned the MC’s trust and screw them over worse than what the pandas were capable of doing.”

  He then looked to Tie Lang, “Yes, a group of pandas is called an embarrassment.”

  Finally, he turned his attention to Jia Yan, “Japanese, is the language belonging to Japan. That’s a country you’ve probably never heard of.”


  A collective ‘Oh’ resounded, letting him know that their curiosity was appeased.

  “Oh yeah,” he turned towards Xiannu Liang. “Please continue healing Yaomu Shou. I’ll just seal her movements so she can do nothing if or when she wakes up. I’ll do the same to Feng Yu too.”

  “You can do that!?” Zi Yu was shocked after his bold claim. “What is this technique?”

  “It’s no profound technique,” he admitted. “I learned how to temporarily paralyse people from the internet. You’d be surprised at the things you want to learn or research when you watch/read enough anime and manga.”

  “Who is this ‘The Internet’? They sound profound.”

  Long Di stared at Shen Ling who chose to ask this question before staring off into space, “I mean, I think it might be everything,” he said after a while.

  Zi Yu’s expression brightened upon hearing this, “You mean like the great dao?”

  “You know what? You’re right, The Inernet is practically the dao as far as I’m concerned.” Long Di admitted.

  “Wow!” Zi Yu said in praise and reverence to this wise and great sage.

  “You’re pretty basic, aren’t you?” Long Di pointed out.

  “Hmph!” Zi Yu snorted, not caring about the insult, mostly because she wasn’t sure if it was an insult to begin with.

  “Senior brother Long Di, are you going to take senior sister Yaomu Shou into your harem?”

  “Cough! Cough!” A violent bout of coughing came from Shen Ling, who was caught off guard by that question.

  Long Di eyed her before answering Tie Lang’s questions, “I’m going to have to gauge what you hear since it appears you’re fairly impressionable. Now, I have no harem… for now. Maybe I’ll get one or maybe I won’t, I dunno. However, in a case where romance is concerned, regarding Yaomu Shou, eeeeeehhhh I don’t think so.” he said after some thought.

  Shen Ling turned her head away and smiled a bit when she heard this. Honestly, when she heard how Long Di was entertaining Miko’s conversation about harems, their uses, his intentions towards Xiannu Liang and Yaomu Shou and so on, she became a bit irritated even though she knew that Long Di was most likely not serious about it based on his… well, she couldn’t tell when or how, but she and the others (disciples) were beginning to know when Long Di was happy, serious, joking or otherwise. It wasn’t accurate all the time, but they could tell… some of the times.

  It wasn’t his tone or anything, and obviously not his expressions, since there was a lack of those. There was just something about him that made his mood a bit more readable to them.

  Maybe it was because they were spending a lot of time together. Regardless, they didn’t mind in the least the effort that had to be made to read him.

  Nevertheless, she was happy that he clarified out loud that he had no such intentions towards Yaomu Shou.

  “What do we do now, though?” Tie Lang finally asked.

  “Hold on,” Long Di checked the map to get a good read on where they were.

  “So it looks like the place where the pandas normally reside is called the Distant Plains. Gonna put a big X right there going forward,” he said after a while.

  No one spoke up against this. That experience was harrowing in every sense of the word.

  “Since senior apprentice-sister Feng Yu is the only one among us who knows how to steer the carriage pretty well. What are we going to do in the meantime?” Tie Lang asked once more.

  “We’re going to have to wait,” Long Di said after shrugging his shoulders.

  Xiannu Liang was simultaneously healing Yaomu Shou and Feng Yu, so he took the time to try and accelerate the process of his healing.

  Yaomu Shou told him that time was the only way for this particular injury to heal, but he didn’t think that was necessarily the case.

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  So after thinking about it for a while, he got off the carriage to find somewhere a bit farther away to properly heal.

  He was well aware that his cauldrons had a suppressive effect on everyone else, and it seemed to magnify in weight whenever he utilised his cultivation technique.

  He told everyone what he was doing and took off. He didn’t go too far. It was close enough where he could rush back to them in case of emergencies, but far enough where the pressure shouldn’t pose a problem.


  His cauldrons emerged into being. Their pressure was incredible, but Long Di himself was, of course, immune to it.

  ‘Their pressure seems more concrete somehow. Is it because I used their pressure to suppress the cauldrons of that Nitu Demon?’ Long Di thought to himself. He could feel that the pressure of his cauldrons was different somehow.

  He never knew about that ability himself and wondered how many other uses he was ignorant of. He decided he would ask Yaomu Shou to enlighten him on whatever he might be lacking when he was finished here. So he decided to put these thoughts behind him for now.

  He focused himself as he initiated his cultivation technique.


  Grey lightning began to crackle all over his body and his star cores as well.


  A sea of spiritual energy from the surroundings surged toward his cauldrons! His star cores in particular were shining resplendently as the Heavenly Levyance tribulation lightning danced all around.

  A cloud appeared overhead as his cultivation technique ran full force!

  The lightning danced furiously all around as the pressure that occupied the area was tremendous!

  He found that the lightning qi that surged towards his dantian was being stripped of the trace amounts of divine energy that made it Heavenly Levyance lightning.

  At this point, all he had was a glorified lightning based cultivation technique.

  However, when all was said and done, it did look damn impressive from the outside.


  The two elders that were observing the children were shocked beyond all sense of reasoning.

  “T-This is tribulation lightning!” Uncle Yan said with an aghast expression.

  “But how is this possible!? No man under the heavens should be able to harness the lightning of the heavens itself!”

  They were sensing the lightning that the cultivation technique drew in before the Destiny Scale siphoned the divine energy that the lightning naturally possessed. Yet, the two were right to be shocked… just like everyone else.

  After all, by cultivating this energy, Long Di was practically challenging the prestige of the heavens itself!

  Uncle Yan’s expression was stern as he stared at Long Di trying to regain the earth esse that he was still missing.

  “I refuse to be shocked by anything else this child throws at us! You hear me!? Give me your best shot to shock me again, I dare you!” Wan Li shouted.


  “Hhmmm… looks like I may need to take out the Destiny Scale once more,” Long Di said to himself.


  As soon as he said this, the Destiny Scale appeared with a crash. It’s time perfused aura spread out.

  Anyone of a certain level would know that this is something that is far from simple. Its very nature would shock those who would dare to look deeper into its unfathomable depths.




  As the divine lightning spread through Long Di’s body, a feeling that he had sorely missed returned to him.

  I must say tribulation lightning has a different feeling to it than normal lightning qi,’ he thought to himself.

  ‘However, this is just normal cultivation and running the tribulation lightning through my body isn’t doing much of anything. Let me try something else.’

  As he thought this, his body took on the appearance of a crystal, almost see-through in fact. There were dots of lights that covered his body as well, like the boundless stars.

  The Profound Myriad Heavenseize Physique had reemerged once more.

  “What the…”

  Suddenly, something extremely bizarre took place between the physique and the tribulation lightning that crackled all over.

  Long Di’s physique seemed to be absorbing the tribulation lightning. Right now, the inside of his body seemed to be a world fraught with tribulation lightning among a sea of stars.

  “I’m thinking I’m really starting to love this physique of mine.”

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