Another World Trip: Journey With My Cat and An Otaku Loli Goddess

Chapter 226: Chapter 225 – Thunder Dragon Rhino

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  Yuanshi Yi didn’t know why, but she felt boundless confidence in his words and so, as if compelled by some invisible will, she took his hand.


  Yuanshi Yi stood up, hopping on one leg as the other one was still badly mutilated.

  However, she didn’t react to this and stared straight into Long Di’s eyes. The eyes to her were the best way to judge a person. They stood manifest in many ways as the windows to the soul.

   The issue here was that she couldn’t discern anything from Long Di’s eyes. Was this some sign that the boy before her bore no soul? Then it would be a curious thing indeed to consider truly, for she felt as if she could trust him.

  “M-My le-”

  “About that.” Long Di fished around his storage ring for something to help deaden her plight.

  After a while, he took out a vial with a pink pill inside that had a swirling line on the outside.

  When Yaomu Shou saw the pill, her eyes nearly popped out of her head.

  “Stop!” Yaomu Shou clambered atop Long Di like an overzealous chipmunk to get the pill.

  Of course, seeing this Long Di kept the pill safely out of reach as he observed her treating his body like the world’s most interesting oak tree. “What are you doing?” he finally asked.

  “Look, just use this!” She quickly took out another medicinal pill from her own storage ring.

  This one was dull red and emitted a faint almost sweet medicinal fragrance. This was the same one she had prepared to give Tie Lang before.

  “So, you’re going to use that?” Long Di asked with a raised brow. “If I remember correctly, you called it the bone-forming blood-siring pill?”

  “Better than what you were going to do! That’s a high-grade bone-forming blood-siring pill you crazy son of a-”

  “Leave my parents out of this,” Long Di requested calmly.

  Yaomu Shou snorted before she flicked the pill towards Yuanshi Yi who clumsily caught it with a questioning look on her face.

  The latter then looked towards Long Di as if looking to him for confirmation that this wasn’t poison.

  When Yaomu Shou saw this, her anger flared in an instant, yelling out, “If you don’t want it, then just give it back!”

  Long Di “It’s fine. It’s a high-quality medicinal pi-”

  Yuanshi Yi heard all she wanted to and swallowed the pill with little hesitation.


  Yaomu Shou brandished her sword, whipping it through the air several times before, bringing it down towards Yuanshi Yi’s leg.

  Pu Ci!

  The little skin and flesh that connected the rest of the foot below the ankle fell to the ground with a low thud.

  Yuanshi Yi’s face went pale at the sight of this. “What are yo-”

  “The pill works best if the affected area is cleared out.” Yaomu Shou said coldly before turning around to leave.

  Before anyone else could react, the bone that stuck out from Yuanshi Yi’s leg emitted cracking sounds before it extended out from her ankle at a swift rate, followed by the growth of flesh at an accelerated rate around it.

  “Urkh!” Yuanshi Yi grit her teeth in pain as the process of healing was not plain sailing.

  Long Di closed his eyes for a spell as if he paid no heed to Yuanshi Yi’s strain before his eyes slowly opened once more. He then turned to Yuanshi Yi.

  “Heal and get better. I may have use of you later yet in this realm,” he advised.


  “You’re going to get in trouble for this at some point you know?” Yaomu Shou stated as they cut through the jungle.

  “Why? Is it because I seem to go around collecting the help of all the cultivation world’s most hated and tabooed races?” asked Long Di.

  Yaomu Shou sighed as she held up her hands in feigned surrender, “Well don’t come for me so hard. Plus, you can’t blame me for thinking that way since you just collected a Mofang Dao while you have… whatever Shen Ling is.” the last part she said in a whisper while paying close attention to Long Di’s reaction.

  The surrounding temperature fell a few degrees when this question was asked.

  Giving her a side-eyed glance, Long Di asked, “Are you trying to say that you know what race she is from and that it is of a tabooed nature Yaomu Shou?”

  Yaomu Shou felt a lump form in her throat under Long Di’s gaze. She had wondered before how Tie Lang, Feng Yu, and the others were able to tell what mood Long Di was in when his expression never changed.

  Now, however, a semblance of an idea came to mind. They didn’t use his expression at all. It was his body language, the way he carried himself, and above all, the feeling of the surrounding air.

  Before she asked this question, the atmosphere between them was, if nothing else, relaxing and quite convivial.

  Seeing that she went silent, Long Di pressed his question, “What would your actions be in the face of such a revelation Yaomu Shou?”

  “I-I…” the lump in her throat grew, making it hard for her to even breathe much less answer.

  Long Di could see her difficulty in answering, so he cocked his head to the side before supplementing his question with, “What would you do to your friend in the face of such a thing?”

  Hearing this, Yaomu Shou forcefully swallowed the lump and bravely answered, “Stand by their side of course! I would never betray my friends just because of who they are!”

  The temperature suddenly went back to normal and Long Di’s mannerisms lacking any visible changes went back to normal.

  He shrugged his shoulders upon hearing her answer as he replied, “There you go. Why don’t you try answering these questions on a purely surface level in the future? Excessive thinking about things like this isn’t necessarily a good thing. Sometimes the answer isn’t as hard as we make it out to be.”


  Multiple cracks stole both Long Di’s and Yaomu Shou’s attention. They rushed over to the source of the disturbance and hid themselves behind a cover of bushes.

  A fair distance away was the vicinity of a battlefield. Countless trees were broken down, which was most likely the origin of the cracks they had heard earlier.

  They could see over a dozen demon race experts fighting against a magical beast.

  The demon race experts could barely hold their own. Evident by the numerous wounds that plagued them. The magical beast they faced off against was far from weak, evident by their strain to bring it down despite their overwhelming number.

  Its nearest comparison to a normal animal would be a rhino. The only difference was that it was larger than a normal one by several magnitudes.

  Its white skin had both smooth and rough parts all over while a feeling of heaviness permeated every inch of its flesh. Even with the safety wrought by the distance between them, Long Di and Yaomu Shou could still feel the powerful pressure it exuded.

  Its eyes were similar to that of a serpent, and faint flickers of lightning flashed furiously.

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  What was most eye-catching about it was its horn. It was curved like a treasured sabre with odd markings all over it.

  Even more terrifying was the lightning that coruscated the length of the sabre every now and again.

  The air quivered whenever it moved, warning others of the intense power that lay within.

  “That’s a mammoth thunder rhino! Why is it so strong!?” Yaomu Shou was shocked by the aura it gave off.

  Mammoth thunder rhinos were magical beasts whose strength was in the upper echelons of rank 3 magical beasts.

  For one to be so strong was something Yaomu Shou had never heard of.

  However, Long Di shook his head, “That’s not a mammoth thunder rhino.”

  The knowledge hewn from the bestiary he read was now showing its usefulness.

  “It’s the thunder dragon rhino. Look there.” he then pointed to the rough patches that were all over.

  When Yaomu Shou looked closer, she saw that what she thought were rough patches of its skin were actually tiny silver scales.

  Of course, Yaomu Shou knew of the thunder dragon rhino, but being able to tell the difference between magical beasts wasn’t the easiest thing to do. Especially when some were so similar to each other. She had to admit that Long Di was useful in his own right.

  “Of course, the bestiary said nothing about the ornate nature of its horn,” he added, paying attention to the lightning flickering on its horn.

  Contrary to its name, the thunder dragon rhino was neither a member of the dragon race nor even a distant cousin.

  However, because its bloodline contained trace amounts of dragon blood, more accurately the Deiform Thunder Dragons’ blood, this allowed it to undergo a type of mutation.

  Nevertheless, even though the magical beast only had trace amounts of dragon blood in its body, that was enough to make it a powerhouse among magical beasts of the same realm.

  With that being said, this was an overlord class rank 4 magical beast.

  In fact, the modicum of dragon blood rushing through its vein granted such a boon to its strength that it wasn’t inferior to some early-stage rank 5 magical beasts.

  As a result, not even star core martial masters would carelessly engage in fights with such an overlord-class rank 4 magical beast.

  Of course, the more than a dozen demon race experts fighting the thunder dragon rhino could give a firsthand account of this.

  Based on the aura they gave off and the cauldrons they featured, these experts were all within the core formation realm and the early stages of the core formation realm at that. Most were one-core martial adepts with pitifully two-core martial adepts sprinkled throughout.

  Even though there were over a dozen of them, for these martial adepts to go against an overlord class rank 4 magical beast was nothing short of courting death.

  When Yaomu Shou saw the demon race experts fighting the magical beast, her expression turned grave.


  At the same moment, the thunder dragon rhino stamped on the ground with its powerful two front feet, rocking the landscape all around.

  Lightning crackled along the patches of silver scales before it took off into a run. Its target was a demon with a large brown shield.

  There was a carving of a mountain that pierced the sky engraved on it giving it an air of immovability and absolute defence.

  “Senior apprentice-brother Nao Shan!” one of the experts yelled out.

  “Ah!” Nao Shan released a battle cry as the cauldrons sped up behind him.

  The shield he held released a brilliant glow, proving that it was a spiritual artefact.

  “Mountain and Sky Shield!”

  The carving of the mountain and sky on the shield lit up. A faint image of the mountain and sky appeared before the shield.

  By now the thunder dragon rhino was already upon him and with its blade-like horn slammed into the mountain and sky.


  The mountain and sky shook under the force the rhino carried with it! 



  A figure flew out from the point of impact before crashing into a nearby tree. Blood stained his robes and his listless body that slid down the tree did little to confirm his life or death.

  “No! S-Senior apprentice brother Nao Shan!” one of the female cultivators of the group had tears streaming down her face as she shakily held her weapon.

  “Watch out!” Another one warned her to keep her wits about her or else she would end up the same way further weakening their power.

  She then turned her attention to Long Di. “We need to help them!”

  “Whhyyyy?” asked Long Di. He wasn’t necessarily heartless by any means, but his sympathy well was bottomed out for today. They could thank Yuanshi Yi for that.

  He had a shirt back home that read ‘I can only please one person a day. Today isn’t your day. Tomorrow doesn’t look good either.’ He lived that mantra at the moment and his question proved it.

  “They’re my comrades,” she nearly yelled out. Not that it would have made any difference considering the amount of noise the battle over yonder was generating.

  “Huh…” was Long Di’s first reaction before he followed up with, “This may make little sense in the beginning, but uh… stay with me here. Could you please keep one hand on the steering wheel, put the other one on the gear stick, ram it in reverse, and back the hell up? Where did this come from?”

  Yaomu Shou couldn’t even begin to decipher the more than  84% bullcrap that Long Di spoke and just went for the 16% she could understand, answering, “I have accomplices among those in the demon races! They and their sects and/or families are aligned with me and the Yaomu. They’re annoying, but I can’t lose them here!”

  “Quick question,” Long Di asked calmly.

  “What!?” Yaomu Shou was about to go crazy when she saw how nonchalantly Long Di was treating the whole situation.

  “Why do you guys call it a thunder rhino when it's doling out electricity? Plus, it came from the thunder dragon bloodline when the thunder dragon is wretched in lightning. Am I the only one that sees something wrong with that picture?”

  This was a question that gnawed at him for years when he was reading cultivation novels.

  “Long Di!” Yaomu Shou had a half mind to strangle him! Could he not ask these questions later!?

  “Fine…” Long Di got up and activated his Profound Myriad Heavenseize Physique.


  A surge of flames erupted from his body in an explosive blazing inferno before a portion of it wreathed him in its cloth entirely.

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