Another World Trip: Journey With My Cat and An Otaku Loli Goddess

Chapter 229: Chapter 228 – Without A Scratch

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  Not just the demon race experts, but even Yaomu Shou opened her eyes wide in shock.

  “Wait, is this sabre intent!?”


  Because Long Di re-condensed the sabre after it was destroyed, he was able to see just where he fell short and brought it to a point much closer to that of a sabre.

  As a result, more sabre intent could now be imbued into the sabre-ish replacement.

  This sudden increase in the amount of sabre intent truly allowed those nearby to see how talented Long Di was.

  Its destructive intensity birthed feelings of fear and trepidation in the hearts of these demon race experts.

  They felt like if they got too close, just the wind that it generated would tear them apart!

  Pu Ci!

  Blood flew as the Long Di’s sabre cleaved through the many wounds the back surge of lightning inflicted on the thunder dragon rhino.

  Its eyes reddened in rage at Long Di.

  How dare this ant push it this far!?

  The modicum of dragon blood that flowed through its veins gave rise to a sense of pride that it couldn’t be humiliated like this!


  The colossal feet of the thunder dragon rhino came barrelling down where Long Di had landed his latest blow!


  He grit his teeth under the immense pressure the blow generated!

  This wasn’t any spatial or spiritual lock, this was pure weight condensing the air around Long Di to the point where it became hard for him to move or even breathe.

  He struggled to get out from under the approaching blow!

  He was aware that if this blow landed, then there would be nothing left of him! Veins popped on his forehead, legs and forehead, but his efforts were for nought!

  The bottom of the thunder dragon rhino’s large foot touched the first strands of his hair. This allowed him to see just how powerless and how far his somatic essence cultivation base could bring him.

  Not seeing any other choice, he called upon his sea of spiritual force to command the crimson horizon earth flame.



  Suddenly, the crimson horizon earth flame on his body whirled before it exploded with all the fury of a weeb hearing anime being called a cartoon!

  Truly a crime punishable by death.


  The thunder dragon rhino roared out in pain as its leg was burnt to cinders leaving only the bone which was now blackened and burnt beyond repair!

  Because Long Di partially removed the cap on the crimson horizon earth flame, for a short time, its heat and power were unleashed.

  Long Di’s spiritual force was far stronger than his spiritual qi, which was at the four-star-core realm. This was because it was being continuously baptised by his divine tribulation lightning energy.

  In addition, his recent breakthroughs, which called down two lightning tribulations, caused his spiritual force to experience an explosive growth in strength till it rivalled that of a nine-star-core martial realm expert's spiritual strength!

  What could a mere rank 4 overlord class magical beast count for?

  He had to be careful, though. Due to its power, he couldn’t unleash the full strength of his spiritual force.

  If he were to be so careless, then the laws of this realm would wipe him out, since only those with strength within the martial adept realm could enter. The only reason why Long Di could enter was because Yaomu Shou’s second uncle sealed his spiritual energy.

  Of course, the magical beasts born here wouldn’t be affected by this. They could grow as strong as they could.

  Nevertheless, what he had access to was enough for him.

  “I-Incredible!” This time it was Yaomu Baiyin’s turn to be shocked.

  Long Di’s strength was too terrifying!

  “I don’t get it,” another who went by the name Hui Haohan spoke up. “If he can do this much damage, then why not just eliminate the thunder dragon rhino in one go?”

  Yaomu Shou crossed her arms in slight irritation and sighed, “this idiot…”

  “I-I’m sorry Lady Yaomu Shou!” Hui Haohan felt he had misspoken and hastily apologised to Yaomu Shou.

  She waved him off saying, “No, I’m not angry with you, I’m angry with that jackass.” she said, pointing to Long Di.

  She then went on to explain, “he’s not killing the thunder dragon rhino because he’s using it to train.”


  When this bomb dropped, none of the demon race experts could remain still!

  He was using such a fierce magical beast to train!? How arrogant was this!? How overbearing was this!?

  For one to use something to train meant that they were confident and powerful to keep their life, no matter what happened. This was a rank 4 overlord class magical beast with dragon blood in its veins!

  Its strength wasn’t inferior to some rank 5 magical beasts!

  The Spiritual Bingqi realm only allowed those in the martial adept to enter. Could there really be such a powerful martial adept in the demon race!?

  “Surely Lady Yaomu Shou is joking!” Nao Shan couldn’t believe that such a powerful demon remained hidden.

  “Nao Shan, watch your tone!” Yaomu Baiyin bristled at Nao Shan’s impertinence.

  Yaomu Shou only smiled at his reaction as she kept her eyes on the battle, “We’ll see…”

  Nao Shan then looked from her back to the fight.

  Unbeknownst to anyone, maybe even Nao Shan himself, a seed of jealousy slowly took root within him.



  Back to the fight, the thunder dragon rhino roared in pain and anger at its most recent foe.


  In an instant, Long Di appeared before it and plunged his sabre into its mouth before unleashing the full force of his sabre intent within.



  Shredded flesh and copious amounts of blood erupted from its mouth!

  Apparently, its insides weren’t as resilient as its tough hide.

  The thunder dragon rhino staggered back before it fell on its haunches. The loss of a leg and several pounds of its internal makeup made even standing an arduous struggle for it!

  Long Di was much too fast and its most powerful attack was lost to it at the moment.


  Suddenly, the dragon blood qi of the thunder dragon rhino spiked when a white aura erupted, engulfing the body of the thunder dragon rhino!

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  Long Di's heart nearly dropped when this happened as he looked over to where Yaomu Shou and the others were.

  “Get away! Run as far as possible!”

  He injected as much emotion into his voice as possible, which was none, but the volume of his cry instilled a feeling of danger and a need to move within her.

  She grabbed Nao Shan who was mostly immobile and in an imperial manner commanded everyone here!



  She didn’t wait to see if they followed her save for Yaomu Baiyin who didn’t question her orders and took off at full speed.

  Two of the other demon race experts took up the Mountain and Sky Shield since Nao Shan was too injured to carry it before running off with the rest.

  Seeing this, Long Di was still full of apprehension, as their rate of escape was too slow.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Several small explosions stole Long Di’s attention as he looked back over to see the air exploding in numerous areas around the thunder dragon rhino!

  The pressure it radiated was enough to even cause space itself to shudder, and its power only rose as time went on.

  “Well, you’re just a vindictive son of a rhino aren’t you!?”


  As if answering Long Di’s question, the lightning that Long Di knew it had used up before returned with a vengeance!

  Long Di was clearly aware of what this was. The thunder dragon rhino ignited the blood qi in its body to draw out the latent potential power left in its body, and not just any blood qi, the dragon blood qi!

  This brought its power and strength to a point that was past its peak!

  Space being broken down in such a way was a sign that it was approaching the realms of a rank 5 magical beast, which was a terrifying existence in any capacity!

  Long Di couldn’t allow its strength to reach these ranks, as he wasn’t sure if he could survive the aftermath of whatever it had in mind.

  Oh hell, who was he kidding? He knew he couldn’t survive.

  Though Long Di was well aware that this state couldn’t last long, he knew that if he didn’t deal with this properly, he wouldn’t last long either.

  The thunder dragon rhino didn’t move, as the loss of one of its forelegs resulted in it remaining stationary.

  So instead of using this energy to attack Long Di like it would want to, it instead began charging the coruscating lightning energy within its horn and the silver scales that covered its body in patches, causing them to release an intense glow!

  It was going to blow itself up and bring Long Di down with it! The height of pettiness that even Long Di had to look up to!


  Long Di dismissed his sabre and clapped his palms together, causing a plume of crimson horizon earth flame to erupt from within!


  His spiritual force unfurled in full force, which brought the heat and power of his earth flame to the utmost of what he could possibly manage.

  He had to stop the thunder dragon rhino before it reached and surpassed the peak of the 9-star-core realm in destructive potential!

  He spared a glance to Yaomu Shou and the others to see where they were and saw that they weren’t free of the area of effect, so he split a portion of his raging spiritual force to summon his tribulation lightning energy and created a dome that shielded both him and the thunder dragon rhino from others.

  When this was created, he then brought the heat and power of the crimson horizon to the extreme before…


  A massive explosion went off that disturbed the foundations of the land to weep and the skies to change colour!

  Yaomu Shou and the others felt like the apocalypse was upon them as the level of power they felt behind them escaped their realm of understanding!

  In a state of weakness, they looked behind them to witness a fearsome sight.

  A giant dome of lightning with fire and lightning in a constant state of struggle for resistance engaged!

  This meant that a portion of the power was being held at bay somehow and they were only experiencing only a modicum of its power!


  A sound that caused their hearts to rise to their throat echoed as they looked back once more to see the dome with cracks all over until…



  The dome broke apart, unleashing the remaining force explosion upon the land.

  “Stop and defend!”

  “You two! Lend me that for a second!”

  “Baiyin use the bracers in tandem with Juedi Bulwark!”

  Yaomu Shou barked her orders in quick succession. As of now, she was like a general o the battlefield.


  Several cauldrons erupted in an instant among them as they activated their best defensive techniques. At the forefront of all, this was the Mountain and Sky Shield with Yaomu Shou at the helm!

  The shockwaves of the explosion came upon them in no time and covered the land for miles around!

  The power of this move was so shocking that it was felt just outside the core of the Spiritual Bingqi realm where the other powerful experts were congregating.

  Once the blast died down, the landscape underwent a massive change.

  Where once there was a sprawling jungle for as far as the eye could see, was now a barren wasteland with lakes of lava scattered throughout.

  An aura of destruction and stifling heat energy filled the air.


  A breath of air sounded out as a hand, and a head sprouted from the earth like bamboo shoots after the rain.

  It was Yaomu Shou who was swiftly followed by the others who were worse for wear after the ordeal.

  Fear still lingered in their eyes in the end, especially when they saw what became of the terrain.

  Ta, ta, ta, ta…

  Suddenly, the sound of footsteps seized their notice as they looked over to see a flaming existence with a massive ornately decorated silver sabre in hand.

  They immediately recognised the flaming existence and gulped in dread at the powerhouse before them.

  They also eyed the sabre it wielded, which was different from what it used before, but couldn’t shake the feeling that it was familiar somehow.

  The flames slowly receded to reveal a young man with an impassive expression staring at them.

  They stared gobsmacked at him at the meaning. It wasn’t enough that he was still standing after such a cataclysmic move.

  Beyond that, he was fine without so much as a scratch on him!

  What did this mean!? How strong was he!? What WAS he!? Is he human!? He couldn’t be! Yaomu Shou called him a friend!

  Then, as if on a mission to derail their already turbulent train of thought, he thrust them into the cultivation world’s equivalent of the Great Train Wreck of 1918 by asking, “has anyone ever had diarrhoea to the point where your butt swells shut thus causing any fart to bounce back in your body?.... Asking for a friend…”

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