Another World Trip: Journey With My Cat and An Otaku Loli Goddess

Chapter 236: Chapter 235 – Tyrant Dragon Mountain

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  His perfectly powered and timed leap set him and Yaomu Shou on a trajectory for the eye of the whirlpool. As they fell through, their vision was filled with bright white light.


  The Dragons’ Domicile was and is a harsh and unforgiving land. Here, rarely-seen dragons could be seen flying through the skies.

  Some dug through the ground while others paraded the skies. Rivers that cut through the land boasted a variety of species that could bring to ruin many kingdoms if they so wished.

  Countless explosions went off as several dragonkin fought against each other. Berserk energy tore through the land with alarming frequency.

  Teeth ripped through flesh while blood sprayed all over. Claws ripped asunder limbs and space alike!

  An area of a few thousand kilometres was given to these few dragons who wished to settle their disputes.

  The current spectators viewed this with an expression of calm, as if this was to be expected. Dragons were subservient to no one and were innately overbearing and tyrannical.

  Disagreements were rarely settled peacefully as war, battle, and strife permeated their ways and dictated their lifestyle.

  This may seem barbaric to others, but to Dragons, this was a matter of fact.

  Ordinary beasts had no place here and would be crushed underfoot by the wills of the dragons alone.

  Within this realm was a mountain that speared the clouds overhead, as if it wished to pierce the very heavens.

  It was bare, bereft of much vegetation. Only special spiritual herbs had the power to grow in such a harsh and imperious climate.

  This was Tyrant Dragon Mountain, the place of residence of the truly powerful.

  Currently atop the mountain sat a towering beast of a man. His bearing was impressive and his body, decked with muscles as it was, was like the sculpture of the gods.

  Countless runes covered his body, appearing like scales.

  His jaw was broad and firm, which draped him in an austere air. Electric eyes swirling with profundity stared into the distance. His nose was straight and stationed, setting off his features even more.

  An ocean of scarlet hair waved in the wind like a heavenly flame, wishing to incinerate the void.

  In addition, two imposing horns protruded from his forehead until they curved all the way upwards till they pointed back, the tip only ending when it reached the midpoint of his head.

  All in all, this figure was the apex of beast and man alike. Handsome did a poor job of describing him. Left to roam the mortal world below, he would no doubt incur both heartbreak and jealousy.

  His expression was not one of happiness or sadness, but of deep contemplation.

  The surrounding area was wrapped in a constant state of distortion. Looking closely, a dark red, almost black mist-like substance stained the space around him.

  As he sat atop this mountain, there was something about him that demanded fealty and reverence. He didn’t need to ask for it, it would be given freely.

  Even the dragons that flew above, proud and lofty they might be, didn’t dare to fly directly above him as a sign of the respect they held for him.

  This was the case despite the ‘human’ form he assumed. Even with this, none of them thought the lesser of him for it.

  Long Tanghuang.

  That was the name of this being. He was the undeniable King of the dragons, the vanguarded bearer of this title and first of his name.

  Fwap! Fwap! Fwap!

  The sound of wings flapping echoed out as a massive dragon neared the domain of this King. Countless dragons that realised the direction this dragon flew towards looked to see who approached their King.

  Even the dragons that warred paused in their conflict to see who this was. When everyone saw who it was, however, a shudder ran through their spines.

  Though they didn’t realise it, they acted with more tact in their actions. Even the fierce battle carried more… grace in it.

  This dragon flew to where Long Tanghuang was, and before long landed with a heavy thud.

  It surveyed the red almost black-like mist that stained the space above the mountain.

  The dragon scoffed. “Your abilities have grown. Even the void is suffering from the heat you radiate!”

  The Dragon King’s expression remained the same upon hearing this. “I can feel myself approaching another breakthrough. How was he?”

  Anger permeated the dragon’s features when asked this question, “What do you think!? He is progressing but he is still as ruthless as ever!”

  Long Tanghuang nodded with a small amount of surprise. “It seems you’ve grown in your relationship with him.”

  “And what about you!?” the dragon asked the king. “Is he not yours as well!?”

  Long Tanghuang nodded once more, “True. However, I have my own plans. This generation will be heralding bloodshed on a scale ne’er seen. Atavism is necessary for survival.”

  The dragon went silent at this before it turned around, facing away from the King.

  “… I plan to meet it,” the dragon said after a while.

  Long Tanghuang rose an eyebrow and finally stood up.

  Ktch! Ktch! Ktch!

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  The void trembled and sparks went off, almost as if the void threatened to catch ablaze from just his movements!

  The dragon sensed this and wheeled around to see Long Tanghuang staring back. A single step back and the narrowing of the eyes were all the actions taken to signify the dragon’s wariness of the King’s next move.

  However, the King simply walked forward until he stood before the dragon. He looked at the scales and claws and took in the power the beast radiated.

  “Well? Is this all I’m worth?” he asked.

  “Grrr…” the dragon let out a growl before a powerful aura untethered.


  The large dragon turned illusory while a blurry silhouette took form at the base. The more faded the dragon turned, the more solid and concrete the lines of the silhouette became.

  The lines begat curves that belonged to a woman. The curves were extreme in every way, yet they appeared natural; as if nothing less could be accepted.

  Colour and tone came into being as the last wisp of the large dragon that it was dissipated as if it never existed. Left in its place was a dangerous woman.

  Danger was an apt word here. To say she could be the downfall of myriad kingdoms and countries was an egregious understatement. Her eyes rivalled that of the King before her as they peered deep into the hearts of any who gazed upon her.

  Her figure was striking, taboo even, in its severity. There was a fury to her beauty. It raged and permeated within every fibre of her being.

  A dress of flames covered her in all the right places. A split opened at the thigh, which showed off her shapely legs if she took but a step.

  A single glance upon her would stir the embers of lust within lesser and greater men alike.

  Of course, the man before her stood above all these.

  This was the Queen of the dragon race and the mother of Long Tian Yan also known as Pebbles.

  Thus, she was the wife of the King that stood before her. Yet there was no softness in the eyes of the other, as if love in the traditional sense, or any sense for that matter, didn’t exist between them.

  When he saw her take on the form granted by spiritual body attainment, he came impossibly closer.

  Her expression was as cold and draconian as his.

  With a sweep of his arm, he wrapped it around her waist, bringing her to him, smashing her full breasts upon his chest before he stared deep into her eyes.

  “My queen.” His deep voice reverberated. “Stay.”

  Her eyes narrowed upon hearing this.

  Strange. She wanted to leave, but Long Tanghuang wanted her to stay?

  Long Tanghuang never demanded anything of her unless it was of paramount importance.

  But then, what could be of more import than her current mission?

  Seeing the question in her eyes, he delineated, “The affairs of that thing have come much closer.”

  When she heard this, an expression of shock took her. “Is this true!?”

  He didn’t answer, nor did she expect him to. He considered his words gold and so did she. Very little was enough here, so that was all he gave.

  “Where!?” she asked, a bit impatient.

  “Observe alongside me,” he requested.

  “Will you permit me to act?” she asked, furrowing her brows.

  Asking permission for something isn’t something she was used to. In fact, she can count on one set of claws the number of times she has asked permission for something from anyone. Nevertheless, she chose to ask this time around.

  This was because this was something her man had discovered, and she didn’t want to disturb his plans in any way if he had any. After all, a good queen had to think of her King as well.

  He thought for a moment, before nodding.

  “With conditions,” he added.

  A small smile curled at the end of her lips. Her hand suddenly rose and buried itself in his hair.

  She grabbed a fistful of it before pulling his head in for a searing kiss.

  None of the dragons below paid attention to this or commented on this. Anything that had to do with this Queen of theirs they wanted nothing to do with.

  A good minute passed before she released him. Long Tanghuang, appeared unmoved by this, but the slight blush that coloured his cheeks exposed him.

  This woman of his was as overbearing as ever; a queen truly worthy of the Dragon King.

  She had more pink to her cheeks than he, but she also wore a sly, devilish smile as well, seemingly satisfied with him.

  “This queen is pleased with your answer!”

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