Another World Trip: Journey With My Cat and An Otaku Loli Goddess

Chapter 269: Chapter 269 – Between A Rock And A Pebble

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  “What are you doing to my friend?”




  The human? What the hell are you!?

  Many thoughts went through many people’s heads at this moment.

  “I don’t negotiate.” Though Yaomu Pan was mentally knocked for six with the arrival of this… thing, he quickly regained his composure.

  “You’re right, demon!” The cat spat out the last word with malice. “This is no negotiation. This was a question! What are you doing to my friend!?”

  “Ending his life!”


  Yaomu Pan’s energy surged a great deal, pressuring the surrounding experts a great deal!

  Some even fell to their knees under his power!

  “Grkh! It seems he has touched that door!” The Copper Seat was shocked that the Yaomu family had such a genius in their ranks.

  The cat did nothing more than swish its tail around, shocking Yaomu Pan. His power didn’t need to be questioned. As even these existences that collapsed to the ground were some of the strongest powers around, and yet not even they could handle his power.

  This… thing, on the other hand, didn’t react in any adverse way, filling him with an internal sense of dread.


  The cat only cast an impassive gaze in his direction as a formless killing intent erupted. Those nearby felt as if they fell into an ice cellar. The scene of their death flashed by in their eyes, beating on the vestiges of their will.

  It was absolutely terrifying how palpable this thing's killing intent was. Even Yaomu Pan could feel his heart beating in his ears.

  What was this thing!?

  “You end his life and I will burn the Demon Region to the ground!”

  “Who are you to make such a claim, you damned cat, scaled lizard thing!?” The experts of the demon race who were much farther away were enraged that this creature that couldn’t even decide what it wanted to be dared to make such a bold claim.

  The cat puffed out its chest and declared with gusto, “Pebbles! Pebbles the Wondercat!”

  “Pebbles!?” Yaomu Shou was surprised at this time.

  “Pebbles?” Adjudicator Yaomu Pan said with subdued curiosity.

  “Pebbles!?” the rest of the experts said confused.

  “The Wondercat you plebeians!” Pebbles the Wondercat was enraged that they dared to refer to it in such a familiar manner.

  “Pebbles the Wondercat is that you!?”

  Pebbles looked over to see a loli staring over at him in surprise.

  When Pebbles saw who it was, his tail stood up in surprise. “Mina? Mina!? What did you allow to happen to Long Di!?”

  “I didn’t do a thing h-”

  “And that makes you a failure!” Pebbles chastised.

  “Drop dead you stinking cat!” Mina cursed without any care for her status as a goddess.


  Suddenly, Whiskers emerged out of nowhere after being unknowingly attracted by something.

  “A-A Shidashi Mao!” all the demons were shocked at the arrival of this walking calamity.

  Pebbles’s eyes nearly shrank to the size of a pinhead when he spotted Lord Whiskers.

  “What the hell is that? What fresh hell is this!?”

  It was pure chaos! Pebbles’s arrival threw everything out of whack!

  “Enough!” Yaomu Pan was getting annoyed by this.

  “Damn right it is!” Pebbles actually concurred here. “Long Zhe!”

  After calling out this name, nothing happened, and the scene became a tad awkward.

  Pebbles narrowed his eyes and proclaimed, “I’ll tell mother that you bullied me into rebelling against her.”


  Yaomu Pan’s anger finally spiked, and he was about to take action against Pebbles when…



  The sky suddenly became alight with fire at a level that dared to match Long Di’s earth flame!


  Following this, an overbearing and tyrannical draconic aura unfurled that smashed into the land.

  Every demon race expert, even those at the peak of the ninth fusion, fell to their hands and knees under this terrifying pressure.

  A towering figure descended slowly from the sea of flames above. His stature was beyond impressive as powerful muscles bulged on his body. Veins ran across the expanse of them that would betray him as the most prodigious body cultivator.

  His red hair waved gently in the wind while two horns curved back.

  A heat more dangerous than the sea of flames above radiated from him in waves. The trees in the distance that were untouched by the Long Di’s flames before were incinerated in an instant even before they properly caught aflame.

  “I- I know him! That’s Long Zhe! Calamitous Dragon Long Zhe,” one expert sprawled on the ground said in shock.

  “H-He’s Long Zhe!? What’s someone like him doing here!?” the other experts were gobsmacked that such a legendary figure appeared before them.

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  There was no one absolutely no one among them that could match this monster!

  At this time, the crack that caused the spatial displacement closed up, but not before this scene was presented towards everyone. 

   There was one consensus that everyone came to. And that was Long Di wouldn’t be leaving with the spiritual vein root, which was bad news to them. However, there was nothing that could be done about it.

  Several figures in different locations hoped for Long Di to overcome this, but based on how it all looked, it didn’t seem likely.

  “Boy!” A booming voice that nearly deafened everyone present echoed out from Long Zhe. “Release that!”

  By that, he was referring to Long Di. He hated the fact that he had been strong-armed into going along with Pebbles’s antics, but he didn’t have a choice.

  That mother of his was a headache to deal with, even for him. Ah, who was he kidding? He couldn’t deal with her. She dealt with him!

  “I… refuse!” Yaomu Pan said through gritted teeth.

  Long Zhe expressed faint surprise at this before realisation dawned. He then smiled, revealing a set of vicious teeth. “Ah, I see. So you’re at that door, eh? Let’s see what happens when I increase the pressure, then!”


  The void trembled, revealing another figure who instantly stood between Long Zhe and everyone else.

  “Don’t you think it’s too embarrassing for you to bully these juniors?”

  As soon as the figure arrived, the pressure that bore down on everyone was significantly lessened.

  Long Zhe viewed this new arrival with little wariness, “You old thing, you’re still alive.”

  “Hehehe, you know what they say. The wicked live long lives.” the new arrival chuckled as he leaned on his walking stick.

  When Yaomu Shou saw who it was, she was ecstatic. “Grandpa!”

  It was an old demon whose colour had succumbed to time. Wrinkles as deep as ravines covered his face showing his advanced age.

  This was the same demon that usually followed behind the King, the Grand Preceptor. As soon as he sensed that Long Zhe had intruded into the Demon Region, he knew that he couldn’t sit still.

  When he saw Yaomu Shou, he couldn’t help himself from smiling. “You’ve been busy these few days.”

  Yaomu Shou bluish when he said this. The Grand Preceptor then turned back to Long Zhe.

  “May I ask why the famous Calamitous Dragon is here today?” the Grand Preceptor asked.

  Long Zhe snorted, “I am here for the boy.”

  “This child is… of significance. I’m sure you know,” stated the Grand Preceptor.

  Long Zhe’s brow raised high. “So it was him?”

  The Grand Preceptor nodded.

  “Incredible.” Long Zhe then looked down at Long Di. “And to think you would all conspire to kill him!?”


  Long Zhe flew into a rage when he realised, “Your little princess has more backbone than the entire Demon Region!”

  “I am no princess!” Yaomu Shou yelled.

  Long Zhe turned his gaze to her and she could feel her blood run cold.

  Then, his eyes widened as he scrutinised her before he turned his gaze to the Grand Preceptor to find him looking away, not wanting to meet Long Zhe’s gaze.

  “You all did it?” Long Zhe was apparently aware of something when he saw Yaomu Shou. “The wicked live long lives indeed! What a sad fate to bear! Whatever, I am not here for that. I will take the boy and leave. Such is the prince’s wish.”

  “The prince!?” The Grand Preceptor then looked towards Pebbles in shock before his gaze turned a bit strange.

  “Why is he-”

  Long Zhe’s expression darkened, “Don’t ask!”

  “Regardless…” the Grand Preceptor put that feline-ish thought to the back of his mind and got back on track. “The King has asked for the boy’s death.”

  “I don’t care,” Long Zhe replied. “I know she trusts you the most. So do whatever you need to do. I am taking him with me.”

  The Grand Preceptor could feel a headache coming on. He knew how big the matter concerning Long Di was and didn’t want to contribute negatively to it, as it could spell the end for the Demon Region!

  Long Di dying would be best, but these damned dragons and their agenda have now complicated things.

  “I have an idea.” the Grand Preceptor said after a while.

  “What is it?” asked Long Zhe.

  “I’m sure you only want your crown prince associating with someone worthy of his station and race, right?”

  “Yeees?” Long Zhe half-answered.

  “Then how about a test to see if he’s worthy of it? If he passes, then he can leave, but if he fails, then it simply means that he isn’t worthy of either you or your prince’s attention.”

  Long Zhe’s eyes narrowed when he heard, “You know I know you’re playing me, but you’re right.”

  “You stinky lizard! How dare you make a deal with Long Di’s life!? I poop on you!” Pebbles cursed out Long Zhe as hard as he could.

  Long Zhe became enraged at Pebbles’s insults. “You piece of- That’s it!” He then turned to the Grand Preceptor. “I accept whatever condition you set!”

  The Grand Preceptor smiled when he heard this. Truly, the dragons were powerful, but their pride was their greatest weakness.

  “Yaomu Pan,” Grand Preceptor called out to the young Adjudicator.

  “Sir?” Yaomu Pan answered.

  “Release him,” ordered the Grand Preceptor.

  Yaomu Pan hesitated, “But sir I-”

  The Grand Preceptor waved his hand, stating, “I will take responsibility for this. I want to know what his choice is after learning about the soon-to-be annihilation of his teacher’s village and sect and if he can or dares to save it.”

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