Another World Trip: Journey With My Cat and An Otaku Loli Goddess

Chapter 69: Chapter 68 – Cultivation

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  I tell ya, these days, nobody gives you respect. Not even the floating ancient sentient steel stele. I mean, if that doesn’t give you respect, then who will?

  I walked in a separate direction with my Motown Period Siamese Physique. Who knows? Maybe the name will grow on me.


  Long Di took off to modify his technique in a location away from the others. This wasn’t because he didn’t like them, it was because his actions were different. His intentions were to finally adjust his cultivation method.

  There was also no need for him to stay near to safeguard them due to the all-powerful-ish mystical steel stele that was hovering above them like an overbearing parent.

  As he looked back every now and again, he could see when the Destiny Scale generated a field over them, not unlike the one it created to shield Long Di against the lightning punishment from back then.

  When he could see that they were well and truly safe, he released a slight sigh of relief and continued on his way.

  However, he didn’t go too far from them. After all, he was still going to make sure that they were going to undergo his own self-made tribulation to strengthen them even further.


  Within the barrier erected by the Destiny Scale, a sweltering heat could be felt that even distorted the scene inside. The only one that was safe from this heat was Shen Ling, as her current state rendered her unreachable by such means.

  The Destiny Scale was observing each of the disciples and it was honestly astonished that such decent seeds were left to rot away in obscurity had it not been for Long Di.

  [These kids are actually very good talents to aid the keyholder. These two boys actually have a natural Zhong level Earth grade physique and the girl is even more phenomenal with a Tian level Earth grade physique!]

  The Destiny Scale was blown away by the level of talents possessed by the young ones it was aiding.

  What it admired, even more, was that even though they had been given a boon with the spirit stones, they didn’t slack off in their cultivation in the least.

  It should be reminded that body cultivation was immensely difficult. It was one of, if not the most painful path of cultivation there was. The only reason why demons were so prone to taking this path was because of their naturally powerful physiques.

  Humans were nearing the bottom when it came to their natural constitutions. It could be said that over 90% of humans had a Di level Mortal grade physique. This was the weakest constitution among the others.

  From here, it could be seen why the human race did not gravitate towards body cultivation. Their bodies wouldn’t be able to survive the strain required to start this path, much less walk it.

  The demon race was another story because most of the members of this race were at the Tian level mortal grade. This made them naturally gifted body cultivators from birth.

  Some demons were actually at the Di level Earth-grade! This level of talent would cause countless sects to go to war to grab even one of such a seed.

  It could be seen just how incredible the three were, as they were above even that. The only reason why no one knew of them was because they were born within an out of the way village built atop the remains of an old sect.

  The village was composed of demon race civilians that were ordinary mortals. Body cultivation, much like other paths, required wealth if one wanted to get far. Wealth to buy resources was crucial and even the most talented couldn’t get far if they couldn’t get the things they needed to aid them.

  As a result, Tie Lang, Jia Yan and Feng Yu, who should be at the top of their generation due to their heaven given inborn talents, were at the bottom because of the lack of resources required to take full advantage of it.

  Well, at least this used to be the case, but now that they had access to resources that could help them, the benefits of their talents were beginning to display its might.

  Tie Lang and Jia Yan were both cultivating at the same pace. Their expressions were ones of discomfort as opposed to pain, though it was gradually increasing.

  A stronger physique would allow one to bear the strain generated from higher-level body cultivation techniques.

  Though the method they had access to was only at the high-rank Mortal grade, it was amazingly malleable in its abilities.

  Just because they had access to a single spirit stone each, they were able to draw in much more flame-attributed spiritual energy to bolster its normally mediocre effects. This was not something that normal cultivation techniques were able to accomplish. So its miraculous nature was obvious by this point.

  Of course, they were just getting used to it, so the increase of its effect was being carefully controlled by them so they didn’t burn themselves to death.

  In truth, this was the reason they didn’t feel much pain before the last time they came here. Even in a place filled with flame-attributed spiritual energy, on their own, they simply couldn’t drive the technique hard enough to make it as effective as it was now. Their physique by itself wasn’t being stimulated if nothing changed.


  Suddenly, the barrier that covered them had strange runes that appeared on it that swam across its surface.


  The originally calm flame-attributed spiritual energy that simply existed passively amongst them began to rush inside the barrier at a terrifying pace!

  The inside became saturated with this spiritual energy in no time at all, which forced the three disciples to speed up the absorption rate, since the steel stele was well aware of the capabilities of their physique.


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  Tie Lang and Jia Yan’s skin was beginning to burn away under the onslaught of the heat!

  Tie Lang’s skin was like most humans, but it was earthen brown and much stronger, whilst Jia Yan’s skin had patches of what appeared to be dragon scales all over.

  However, these characteristics were being blackened by the ferocity of the flame-attributed spiritual energy that was now raging inside the barrier.

  It was Tie Lang who reacted first as his eyes snapped open! “Argh!!!! W-What’s going on!?”

  Jia Yan felt the drastic change and stopped his cultivation as well. Even Feng Yu, who was tempering her cauldron not far away, was also jolted from her immersed state.

  [Calm yourselves future pillars!]

  “Who is that!? Where’s big brother Long!?”

  [This is for your own good and Long Di has temporarily entrusted you to me.]

  Oddly enough, this last sentence was able to calm them down.

  The Destiny Scale didn’t communicate to others like normal. It communicated via its ancient will. Basically, it could transmit its signification as a sort of divine intent.

  This was a method open to those who stood at the peak. Those who stood at this level disdained to lie to those weaker than them. When the kids heard this divine intent and that Long Di was the one who set this up, they believed it because it being a lie was no longer possible.

  Divine intent was sacred, and even those who never experienced its unique connotations would immediately understand that the person or thing that used it would not lie because it’s unnecessary.

  The Destiny Scale went further to advise them that the fire poison they would suffer from this would be expelled later, so they needed to take advantage of this rare opportunity to its absolute fullest.

  The disciples didn’t question this. Whatever this situation was they were thrust into, they would sort that out after this over.


  Both Tie Lang and Jia Yan gritted their teeth to bear the pain they were afflicted with. Their skin and the flesh underneath were now being incinerated at a pace visible to the naked eye!

  Yet as they ran the technique with all their might, the flesh and skin were treating the rampant flame-attributed spiritual energy as a tonic. Each time the flesh and skin burnt away, the technique would be pushed to its limit to restore it again. It came back stronger each time it regrew.


  Unable to take it anymore, they let loose a gut wrenching cry to the sky. The roar of the flame-like spiritual energy drowned out their screams of pain.

  However, they couldn’t stop the cultivation technique. It was the only thing that allowed them both to hold on in the realm of this inferno!

  They had a feeling that if they slacked off in the least they would be burned away into nothingness.

  The Destiny Scale turned a deaf ear to their screams of pain. This was necessary for these disciples’ tempering in the future.

  It even went as far as isolating their senior sister, who was faring much better, from their cries so she didn’t needlessly interfere.

  Due to their high level physiques and subsequent poverty, they never truly experienced the meaning of the phrase ‘digging out one’s potential.’

  They were now in a situation where they would either push themselves to the limit or fall along the way.

  A few minutes passed with the situation still the same. The fiery spiritual energy was swirling around them like a raging tornado!

  They bitterly held on as the pain wracked their bodies. Their teeth almost cracked under the pressure.

  The somatic essence within their body was being refined at an insane rate when suddenly, their eyes shot open in a flash!

  At the same time, both boys roared the same word that signified a step taken in the right direction.



  Two cauldrons, each a heavy bronze, burst into existence behind them.

  It was at this moment that Tie Lang and Jia Yan knew that they were both at the 1st Duan of the Cauldron Forging realm.


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