Any Other Name

Chapter 20: Chapter Twenty: Congratulations Are In Order

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Chapter Twenty
Congratulations Are In Order


As both the students who had ‘survived’ and those who had been eliminated swarmed Jenna in jubilation, Vigours was approached by the headmistress. While Emily was just as wrapped up in the celebrations — Jenna had picked him up and tried to tell everyone who would listen that the victorious plan had been his idea — he nonetheless picked up on Ms. Lalonde’s conversation with Vigours. 

“Have you gone soft, Samuel?” she asked the slightly sheepish looking teacher. 

“Look at him, Ellen,” Vigours said, motioning at Dennis who was excitedly bouncing, yipping and yapping around Jacob’s feet, “he’s the size of a watermelon. I sure as eggs can’t yell at that face. Give it a try some time and then call me soft.”

“I will, Vigours,” Ms. Lalonde said. “Now go get cleaned up. I’ll keep an eye on the victors. We may need you to make a trip soon.” Vigours stepped a little closer to ask her a question, but Emily couldn’t hear more as people started to pat him on the head, and it was making it hard to listen to pretty much anything. 

Even older students started to rush towards them. While every year, the initiation was apparently different, outsmarting a teacher was exactly the kind of thing that got you lifted onto people’s shoulders. Emily was jostled out of Jenna’s hands, and he quickly jumped between the legs of excited students until he was sure nobody would step on his tail, and bumped into Sarah, who had run up to see what the commotion was about. 

“Hey you,” Sarah said, nudging him with her nose. “Did you do what it sounds like you did?” They looked at the crowd. Simon was balanced on his Wizard’s shoulder, doing a little war dance, and Jenna — and her flag — were lifted into the air with victorious cheers.

“Um,” Emily said with a little laugh, “yeah.” He still couldn’t really believe it. “It was a lot of luck and things coming together just the way we needed them to, if I’m honest. And it was a group effort.”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t take away what you did, silly,” Sarah said. “Vigours has been fighting since before we were born. He’s a soldier. And you outsmarted him.”

“Ehh,” Emily shrugged, “I think he mostly underestimated us. And we have the advantage of age. And—” Sarah put a paw on his head. 

“Shush. Take the compliment, J— Emily.” She nudged him with her shoulder. “I’m impressed. Come on, let’s get you some food. I don’t think any of you will have any more classes this morning.”

“What time is it?” Emily said as he trotted up next to her. He had no idea how long the exercise had taken, but when they’d started the sun had been barely up, and now it was humming comfortably up high. 

“Like ten,” Sarah said. “Just in time for morning break.” Emily huffed as he realized not just that they’d been running between the trees for hours, but also how hungry he was. 

“Mind if we join you?” Emily looked to his right, and just saw a pair of ankles. He lifted his chin to look at the new arrival. It was the young Witch Sylvie and her Familiar, Erinna the owl, who was the one who had spoken. “We heard you gave Vigours what for, but…” she looked behind her, her head turning like it was on a swivel, “we’re not crazy about crowds.” Emily couldn’t blame them. As more and more students stepped outside after class, the excited group started to grow. Emily was more than happy to have Jenna receive all the praise.

“Sure!” Sarah said. As they tossed introductions back and forth, Emily learned that Sylvie was his age, and that her parents were mages too. Apparently, it was not uncommon for the children of Warlocks to be magic too. Both her parents didn’t really practice magic much anymore these days, although she wouldn’t say why, and she went home to see them on weekends. 

Erinna was a first generation Greek expat, who had been picked up by Afterlife Social Services when she’d gotten very sick. Now, she was a small barn owl.

“I’m so sorry,” Sarah said as they sat down at a table in the cafeteria. 

“It’s okay,” Erinna said. “I was a little… estranged from my family to begin with. And now I have Sylvie.” She gently nudged her head against Sylvie’s cheek. Emily smiled. They genuinely seemed to already be very close. Good for them. 

“What about you two?” Sylvie asked. “Not celebrating with… let me think… Emily, your Witch is Jenna, right?” He nodded. “And… I’m sorry, I don’t know whose Familiar you are…” she rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. 

“It’s okay!” Sarah said. “Leah’s my witch. Leah Stillman. She’s got a lot of energy to burn, so I’m letting her be excited outside.” Sarah rested her chin on the table dramatically. “I’m not nearly as much of a morning person as she is.”

“It’s like, almost noon,” Sylvie said with a chuckle.

Sarah closed her eyes sagely. “Morning doesn’t end until two in the afternoon.” A quiet laugh rippled across the table as a woman with a smile like sunshine and a blush like a ripe peach stepped up to their table, clearly having been informed of the situation. She was also tutting heavily, her rockabilly hairdo bouncing slightly.

“I’ll have Mister Vigours’ head one of these days,” she mumbled, “not letting the students eat before class. Here you go, loves.” She put a tray with milk, juice and water-bottles on the table, and some glasses. “I’ve got some sandwiches ready. Just bellow if you need something, yeah?”

“Thanks, miss,” Emily said politely, and then frowned and looked up at her. “Um, excuse me.” The woman, who had started to turn away, paused with a patient expression. “Uh.” He started to stammer a bit now that everyone’s eyes were on him. “I was just curious what your name was, miss.”

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“Oh, you’re a polite one,” she laughed. “You can call me Miss Melissa if you like, on account of calling me Miss Ferman gets confusing sometimes.” 

“Oh, you’re Charlie’s sister?” Sarah asked excitedly. The woman laughed. 

“Dear me, no. And don’t let her hear you say that. I’m her aunt, on her mother’s side. But I’ll thank you for the compliment, dear,” she said. “Now, I’ll be back in just a moment.” She hurried off, leaving Sarah to hide her nose under the table in embarrassment, just as Simon and Benjamin also joined them at the table. Simon had clearly calmed down a bit. As he was put down on the table, he just huffed and rolled over to look at everyone. 

“Hiya,” he squeaked. “Who are you?”

Another round of introductions — it was obviously easier to pay attention to names and faces after you’d been in danger together. Benjamin and Sylvie apparently knew each other already, since they’d gone to the same school. It made sense for families with magic in them to connect, to send their kids to the same kindergartens and so on, even though Emily had never really given it much thought. To be fair, there was a lot he’d never given much thought. Magic was real. That tended to put things into perspective. 

“So, how are you liking your first day?” Sarah asked happily as the group slowly expanded. Jenna and Jacob both sat down too, with Dennis on Jacob’s lap. “You survived the hazing!” Sarah said excitedly.

“You could’ve warned us,” Simon huffed. “Vigours stabbed us with a flaming sword!”

“No, he didn’t,” Erinna said, “it wasn’t even a real sword. Probably just an illusion.” 

“Still scary,” Dennis mumbled. Jenna put a hand on his head, which seemed to relax the little pup.

“I didn’t warn you,” Sarah said, “because the point is not to prepare. A bit like the homework you had to do. To see what they can expect from us, you know? And, y’know…” she stuck out her tongue. “I also didn’t want to.” 

“You know,” Simon said, “a sneaky little fox really does suit you.” Sarah’s only response was to chuckle deviously. Just then, Miss Melissa came back and put a couple of bread baskets and toppings on the table.

“Those of you who haven’t had breakfast yet,” she said, “dig in.” She gave a stern nod to Sarah. “I know you, Sarah Masters. You have to be in class in ten minutes, and don’t think you’re getting out from under it.”

“Yes, Miss Melissa,” Sarah said sheepishly, but as soon as the woman had turned around with an approving nod, she snatched a piece of bread out of the bowl and scarfed it down. “What?” she said to the audience of raised eyebrows with a little giggle. 

Briefly, Emily considered changing back so he could make himself a sandwich, until he realized Jenna was here, and it wouldn’t even be an option. On the other hand, he wasn’t sure he would even want to if he could. There were some people at the table, Jenna included, who hadn’t even seen him in his human form, his ‘boy mode’ yet. He wasn’t really comfortable with forcing people to see him that way just yet. Not yet

Instead, he tried to use the invisible hand he’d had before, mentally reaching for the bread basket, and trying to visualise carefully taking a slice of bread between two fingers. He closed his eyes and tried to feel it, the texture, the shape of it. As it turned out, doing something like that was easier when he didn’t have the time to really think about it. Just like being a cat, it was easier to do reflexively than deliberately. 

He took a deep breath, and tried again, mentally picking up the bread like it was just there. The slice went up, eliciting gasps from around the table. Its movement was so sudden, he dropped it again with a jolt. He laughed softly, and tried again. He was faintly aware of people around him looking at him, not least of which Sarah. He could feel his tail twitch, which was still better than blushing, as he slowly lifted the slice again. Slowly, very slowly, it hovered over to him, lowered itself to his plate, and exploded. 

“Wow,” Sarah said as she tried to paw a piece of dough out of her ear, “that was… uh…” Emily wanted to sink through the floor in embarrassment. Everyone stared in shock, until suddenly, Simon started to chuckle, then giggle, and then laugh, loudly and heartily. It wasn’t long before the others picked up on it, and Emily himself started to feel a laugh start to rise in his chest. Before he even realized what had happened, he too was laughing so hard it was taking him an active effort not to fall off of his chair. 

Sarah was laughing so hard tears were streaming down her face, and Jenna and Jacob were having to hold on to each other to keep steady. Even Dennis was howling with laughter, quite literally so. They only really had to make themselves stop when the bell for next class rang and Sarah had to hop away. She gave Emily a soft nudge with her nose, and a still-giggling wink, before running out of the room. 

“That was amazing,” Jacob said, finally. “Though I think us Warlocks should probably make your sandwiches for you for now. But I’ve never seen a familiar do that!”

“Yeah,” Emily giggled softly as Jenna put a ham sandwich and a small glass of milk in front of him, “I’m sure there’s a real market for exploding bread!” Another bout of laughter rang around the table, but Jacob seemed adamant on giving the compliment. “For real, Jenna. You two are both fantastic. I think you’re going to do amazing things together, the two of you.”

Jenna blushed, her smile beaming, as everyone around the table raised their glasses of juice in a salute. 

“To Jenna and Emily,” Jacob said. “Two of the coolest new girls in school!” Emily almost choked on his milk. Right. He was going to have to explain that at some point. But not yet. Right now, he just enjoyed the cheers.

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