Application For Divorce

Chapter 14: CH 14

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While Lu Tao bathed, Cheng Jin looked dazedly at his light screen. 

The blankets had been changed, and he had cleaned well, but he still had the illusion of the man’s girth inside him, which made him feel uncomfortable, and his lower waist was aching.  He looked at the items on the screen, clicked the pharmacy tab, and right in the middle of the screen was a contraceptive.

There were five pills in a box, which cost 15,000 points.

A pill’s efficacy lasts just a month, although there would be a change owing to physical constitution. Some people would experience a longer or shorter effect, but taking a tablet increased the likelihood of contraception within a month by 90%.

In fact, research could achieve 100%, but the reason for ensuring this 10% was still the fertility rate. The planet had decided that abortion was illegal unless the fetus in the womb had serious deformities. Abortion was banned, and if it was discovered or reported, not only would the individual who conducted the abortion be banished, but the doctor who performed the abortion would be severely punished and sent to Hell Planet as punishment. 

Even birth control pills were a thousand times more expensive than on other planets.

This balance used to be nothing to Cheng Jin, but now it gave him a headache. If he ever used that additional money, calculating the balance by deducting the money set aside for his father’s medicine, he’d only have enough for a week’s supply of nutritional soup.

But if he could hand in the order the day after tomorrow, then he could get a sum of money.

Cheng Jin calculated carefully in his head. He no longer dared to wager on the odds of not becoming pregnant, and he no longer dreamt about staying at Lu Tao’s side for the rest of his life if he conceived a kid.

With closed eyes. Cheng Jin still clicked the purchase button. Hearing the successful purchase sound, Cheng Jin was a little relieved. He saw the door of the bathroom open, so he hurriedly turned off his light screen and then went to check on his husband.

The tall man only wore a pair of casual pants. He had a powerful physique, with broad shoulders and a thin waist, and his pectoral and abdominal muscles were especially prominent. Even after laying in a hospital bed for so long, his muscles did not diminish, not to mention that he exercised in the hospital every day after he was able to stand up.

Lu Tao approached him directly, a tiny grin on his lips and the corners of his mouth elevated, as if he was in a good mood. He walked to the side of the bed, stretched out his hand and squeezed Cheng Jin’s cheek, then squeezed it again when he felt it was nice to touch. Cheng Jin had no intention of stopping him. He let him knead him for a while, and when he had enough, he said, “Do you want to sleep?”


Yglulcjiis, Jtfcu Alc tjv qijccfv ab vb wjceji kbgx obg j ktlif, yea tf tjv mtjcufv tlr wlcv jcv cbk bcis kjcafv ab fcpbs atf ufcelcf ‘riffqlcu abufatfg’ yfakffc atf akb bo atfw. Lf cbvvfv ilutais, “Blcvj.” Lf rtgjcx lcab atf delia. Oe Kjb tjv xffc fsfr, rb tf rjk tlr kjlra wbalbcr kfgf j yla rieuulrt. Qtfc tf ijlv vbkc, tf ragfamtfv bea tlr ylu tjcv jcv xcfjvfv tlr kjlra ufcais, atfc tf xlrrfv atf alq bo tlr cbrf. “Gbfr sbeg kjlra tega?”

Cheng Jin shyly rolled into his arms and blocked his face. Lu Tao laughed then suddenly asked, “How did we meet?”

Cheng Jin’s original grin had vanished as soon as he heard his question. He was relieved that Lu Tao couldn’t see his face right now. He paused before saying, “When you recover in a few months, you’ll remember everything.”

“I want to know now. “Lu Tao squeezed his ass, a bit domineering. “Tell me.” 

Cheng Jin had no choice but to speak. “You were a student of the military academy, and I was an ordinary high school student.” Speaking of students, he explained, “On the Imperial Planet, there are no stringent learning standards; ordinary students have average grades, while those with high marks were chosen for the military academy, and those with the best grades can attend the military academy’s headquarters.”

He raised his head and looked at Lu Tao with adoration in his eyes. “Your grades are very, very excellent!!!”

He continued, “The military academy’s headquarters are strictly managed, but there are a few days a month when students can relax, and students from other schools can also enter and play; I was taken to your school by a classmate once, and there happened to be a basketball game going on at the school, and one of the players was you.”

Lu Tao had no recollection of what he said, as if he were hearing someone else’s experiences, yet he listened intently and even teased, “You saw me, then you fell in love with me?” ” 

Cheng Jin’s face turned red, and he whispered, “Pretty much…”

It was indeed almost the case. After he entered, he heard some boys and girls passionately yelling the name “Lu Tao,” a person he had heard for a long time, but with his character as a young master, he didn’t think much of him and only felt that others’ praise was overdone, until he saw an active figure on the court.

Basketball was quite a popular sport on any planet, but Cheng Jin had no interest in it since young, but even if he didn’t like it, he could still tell that that person was playing well. His gaze was drawn automatically to the former, but due to the distance, he couldn’t distinguish the man’s appearance. He persuaded everyone around him to borrow or purchase a binocular.

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It was not until the intermission that the binoculars were delivered to him. He immediately scanned the crowd for that dazzling figure. When his gaze was fixed, he happened to see the man’s rolling Adam’s apple. 

It clearly was just an action of drinking water, but the sexiness he displayed made his heart palpitate. And when he chanced upon his face, Cheng Jin immediately fell.

“It turned out to be love at first sight for me. ” Lu Tao laughed pleasantly after hearing this, then pinched his flush cheeks. “And what happened next? Just started actively pursuing me?” His imagination was also rich. “Did I also fall in love with you at first sight, and then we fell in love quickly, and after we graduated, we got married right away?”

Hearing speculations that were completely contrary to the facts, Cheng Jin only felt bitter in his heart, but tried to keep a smile on his face, and asked, “Why do you…think so?” 

Lu Tao said without hesitation, “Because you are very cute.” If he liked him at a glance even after he lost his memory, it must’ve been the same before, right?

“I-is that so?” Cheng Jin froze for a moment. He had a little leap of faith in his heart, although it was still a bit more bitter.

The lord general raised his eyebrows, “Didn’t it develop like this?”

“You turned me down at first.” Cheng Jin lied hard, trying not to reveal any of his flaws. “You must’ve thought I was too young, and then later, I repeatedly expressed my intention until you accepted.” 

No! That didn’t happen!

It was that the Cheng family took advantage of his poor circumstances and threatened Lu Tao. Lu Tao himself didn’t mind being expelled from the Imperial planet, but his weakness was his grandmother, who was paralyzed at that time, and only the Imperial planet had the best doctors. He had already scheduled for his grandmother’s surgery, but the Cheng family used methods to cancel his appointment, forcing him to compromise and marry someone he didn’t love.

In the end, the procedure was not totally successful due to the time delay. His grandmother could sit up, but she would never be able to walk on two legs again.

When Cheng Jin learned the news, he panicked, worried that Lu Tao would not abide by the agreement, and also thought about how to keep him. However, Lu Tao still married him, but went to the battlefield the day after their wedding, and only came back once after more than half a year. 

Cheng Jin didn’t recognize his faults in the past, but when he later realized, he could no longer make up for them.

“Still feeling wronged?” Lu Tao looked at his expression, mistakenly thinking that he had rejected him before, so he still felt aggrieved.

Cheng Jin quickly shook his head. “No.” He tempered his emotions, knowing that his grandmother might tell Lu Tao the truth soon, but he still hoped instinctively to get more warmth from him.

Even if it was a lie. 

“Saying he wasn’t wronged, yet his eyes were red.” Lu Tao pinched his nose and teased him again, “Why are you crying ah? When we just did it, you kept crying and crying, crying non-stop…” He suddenly leaned close to Cheng Jin’s ear, lowered his voice and said, “Crying makes me hard.”

His warm breath sprayed on Cheng Jin’s ears, which brought about itchiness and palpitation. The man’s aura suddenly changed and became a little aggressive. Cheng Jin subconsciously wanted to hide, but before he could move, he was already firmly hugged by the other.

His soft fingers were grabbed and pressed to a certain place. When he noticed the heat and hardness there, Cheng Jin’s eyes widened in shock and looked at the man in front of him in disbelief. Lu Tao made their foreheads touch, and downright said in a suggestive tone, “It’s hard again.”

Cheng Jin blushed, and stammered, “Y-You shot three times…” Once in his mouth and twice in his body, although only a bubble of semen was poured into his womb. 

Lu Tao appeared innocent. “Maybe I held it in for a long time before.”

Cheng Jin’s asshole was numb as soon as he touched his enormous thing. He didn’t have a very outstanding physique. He’d already shot four or five times and squirted three times today; he’d surely not be able to handle another round of stimulation. That could keep him from getting up early tomorrow. But he wasn’t about to turn down Lu Tao’s approaches; after all, he could never ask for anything like this before. “Can I relieve you with my mouth?” Cheng Jin inquired softly, in a bargaining tone.

Lu Tao gave him an expectant look.

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