Application For Divorce

Chapter 20: CH 20

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【The author has something to say:】 

Starting the next chapter it will be V, thank you for all your support o(*////▽////*)q

No updates were added because there weren’t a lot of manuscripts saved o(╥﹏╥)o

Cheng Xu was already 40 years old, but thanks to meticulous management, he appeared to be in his mid-twenties.  In contrast to the charming Cheng Jin, his look was modest, as exquisite, as clear jade, and noteworthy. He appeared to be a gentleman at first impression. When the Cheng family wasn’t bankrupt, he was in charge of most of the transactions, so while he appeared friendly, he was actually rather ruthless.

He was a bachelor. Cheng Jin observed that he had been in love and intimate with various ladies multiple times that he believed he’d have a sister-in-law, but in the end it would always be left unresolved. 

Cheng Jin, on the other hand, had never taken such a thing to heart. After all, his brother was his, and he would be jealous if he spoilt someone else. When he later got more mature, he regretted that his brother was alone and had no one to keep him company.

Cheng Xu panicked briefly when he heard his question, but quickly returned to his friendly grin. “Why are you now asking about that bead?”

“I-I have an urgent need for one, and I need one right now. Ge, do you know who the buyer is? I-I intend to buy one back from them.”

He felt like crying as he spoke. When he faced his closest brother, he used all of his strength, and his eyes turned a bit reddish.

“Sweet treasure, don’t worry, I will help you get one back, is it urgent? Can I give it to you tomorrow?” Cheng Xu softly asked.

When Cheng Jin heard this, he collapsed to the ground, nodded frantically, and muttered, “Yes, yes, yes, you can. Tomorrow is possible.”

“That’s great, don’t cry ah, don’t worry, I will surely deliver it to you tomorrow,” Cheng Xu said with a smile. He paused before asking, “Would it be convenient for me to come over?”

“Convenient! Of course it’s convenient! “Cheng Jin hastily nodded, then beamed through the tears. “We haven’t seen each other for a long time, either. Come tomorrow and I’ll cook something delicious for you.” He paused before he thought of something. “Ge, what are you doing now? Where did you go? Aren’t you tired ah?” 

He hastily considered the bead’s worth again and said in a panic, “And is it really so easy getting it back? Your credit is definitely not enough, right? I’ll transfer mine to you.

Lf kjr ublcu ab agjcrofg atf wbcfs lwwfvljafis ktfc Jtfcu We rabqqfv tlw jcv rjlv, “Gbc’a kbggs, P’w cba algfv, jcv P jirb rjnfv rbwf wbcfs. Ktf yjijcmf lr fcbeut.”

Cheng Jin was no longer the Cheng Jin of before. Cheng Jin used to believe anything his brother said, but now he understood it wasn’t that simple. His brother, though very capable, was a disenfranchised citizen unable to find a decent, legitimate well-paying job on the planet, and he had to bear more of their father’s medical expenses, so he must’ve struggled so hard.

Jtfcu Alc kjcafv ab jrx jvvlalbcji vfajlir jr kfii, yea yfmjerf atfs kfgf cbk ajixlcu lc j mbwweclmjabg, la kjr lwqbrrlyif ab vb rb. Pa’v yf qgfofgjyif ab kjla ecali abwbggbk ab ajix, rb tf gfrqbcvfv, “Yxjs, P-P klii jirb ub ibbx obg la jujlc, jcv lo P olcv la, P klii lcobgw sbe gluta jkjs; kf vbc’a cffv ab rqfcv jcs wbgf wbcfs.” 


After hanging up, Cheng Jin felt that his behavior was too impulsive. He shouldn’t embarrass his brother just to save his own face. If he was at a loss for options, this should be his plan b. After all, he knew his brother would bear any hardship for him, and he didn’t want his brother to suffer for him.

If his brother could lose his dignity for his father and himself, why couldn’t he?

“Even if Lian Wu took it away, he would definitely not give  it back.” And how could he be so judgmental when he has yet to try? 

He just knew that Lian Wu would only humiliate him, so he avoided it on purpose.

Thinking of this, Cheng Jin clenched his fist, bit his lip, and then made a decision. He pedaled the car effectively, and while driving, he texted Andy: What is Young Master Lian Wu’s address? I’m going to apologize.

Young masters, ladies, and gents who frequently purchase luxury items would normally ask the store clerks to transport their purchases back home, and Andy, as the store manager, must be knowledgeable with Lian Wu’s address.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for Andy to provide the address, along with Lian Wu’s communicator access code. 

Cheng Jin was still weak-willed at the core of his being when he received that string of words. He had kept a strategic distance from his former posse since his downfall. Of course, he didn’t have to do so because people would naturally forget him. At most, certain people who enjoy adding salt to an already festering injury would purposefully ask: I heard that your partner’s status isn’t very high? Why else would he not save your family?

Cheng Jin never dared to respond when confronted with such sneers. Lu Tao  was still a regular military academy graduate when he married him. Because of Lu Tao’s wishes, they did not hold a wedding, and Cheng Jin’s father and brother deliberately snubbed this “son-in-law” and never talked about him.

Even those who had a good relationship with Cheng Jin at the time had no idea who his husband was. And he used to pursue Lu Tao in a high-profile manner, but was later covered up by his other deeds.

Cheng Jin did not mention his husband for fear of angering Lu Tao, but he’d occasionally create a fake “my husband loves me very much” illusion. 

After his downfall, he couldn’t to lu Tao in front of others. After everything from then on, his basic social contacts had been cut off.

He was frightened of his history being brought up, and he was even more afraid of confronting those he had bullied in the past, for after all, those who were previously inferior to him were now leading a happy life, while he was trapped in the quicksand, drawing out the days of his puny existence.

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Once the general awakens and divorces him, he would depart this realm forever.

He’d lived in two different hierarchies since then. Others could live in magnificence for a lifetime, but he would forever, never change his fortune. 

Cheng Jin suddenly felt that this might be retribution for him.

The young master of the past didn’t know how to be understanding. He didn’t know how many times he threatened people previously, saying, “Cause your family’s bankruptcy and get your family out of the Imperial Planet.” Ironically, he’s now the one facing his threat.

He drove to the home where Lian Wu and his husband lived. Imperial Planet was huge but sparsely inhabited, so soldiers received excellent material perks. Lian Wu and his husband were already major generals when they married, thus the assigned house was excellent in terms of both area and geographical location.

Unlike Cheng Jin and Lu Tao, both of them were ordinary people when they got married, and the allocated house depended on the Cheng family’s connections. The geographical location was good, and the area wasn’t large. The back had been upgraded and looked no more luxurious than the house in front of it. Actually, as a general, Lu Tao could also apply for high-profile real estate, but he didn’t use this right. 

Cheng Jin was nervous as he looked at the home in front of him, but he still dialed Lian Wu’s communicator. After a short while, Lian Wu answered the communicator, and the moment he saw his figure, Cheng Jin’s breath became erratic, and a sense of shame swept over him, rendering him almost speechless.

Lian Wu burst out laughing, as if he’d witnessed something interesting. “ Young Master Cheng? It’s really rare, ah. What are you looking for me for?”

Cheng Jin mustered up his courage, but his momentum remained lackluster. “Young Master Lian, I-I want to ask you something. When looking at the dress today, di-did you take away a bead by accident? They’re blue, very beautiful crystal beads.”

“Taken by accident?” The smile under Lian Wu’s eyes slowly dissipated and turned into a sullen expression. “What do you mean? Are you trying to say I stole one of your beads?” 

Cheng Jin was surprised and hastily stammered, “I-I didn’t mean that…” He wasn’t particularly bright, and he knew his choice of words weren’t proper when he said them, but he said them in the heat of the moment.

“Then what do you mean? You think I stole something, so you came to my door to denounce me for my crimes?” Lian Wu snarled. “Do you still think your Cheng family is the same as the Cheng family of the past? So unbridled!”

“I-I’m not…” Cheng Jin’s face turned pale, and he suddenly regretted his impulsiveness.

He was so useless. Even though he worked his hardest, it seemed as if he was always going in the wrong direction. 

Lian Wu scoffed a couple times, but suddenly his smile turned to pleasure. When the camera turned around, there were two blue beads exuding a bright blue light lying in his hand, exactly identical to Miss Qi’s. Lian Wu quipped, “Beads? Well, it’s not that I don’t have them, but I didn’t steal them from you. After all, these aren’t rare.”

Cheng Jin was surprised. He may have doubted him if he only had one, but he clearly held two in his palm… Cheng Jin had to apologize, hard. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I spoke improperly. I didn’t say you stole from me. Young Master Lian, it’s my fault, it’s my fault. I-I urgently need it now. Is it possible for you to sell me one?”

Lian Wu said, “Come in.” He turned off the communicator after inviting him.

Before long, the locked gate automatically opened. Cheng Jin hesitated for a moment, then resolutely went in. 

The house was spacious, but the inside decorations were not in the normal high-tech design, but rather in a highly luxury fashion. At first look, all of the decorations appeared to be incredibly costly. Thick carpets covered the floor, and numerous ornaments hung on the walls.

The most of them were shiny items, with one or two exceptions. When Cheng Jin stared at them, he felt a bit familiar.

It looked like the same items he had previously sold.

He was about to take a closer look when he heard Lian Wu’s voice from behind him say, “What? You see something nice and want to touch it? “What? You see something nice and you want to touch it? I’m telling you, you’re not in the position now that you could get everything you want.” 

Cheng Jin shook all over, immediately withdrawn his hand, flusteredly turned to face Lian Wu, shaking his head. “I-I didn’t want to touch…”

Lian Wu chuckled mockingly and sat down on the plush sofa, without inviting Cheng Jin to join him. He lifted his chin and placed a blue bead on the table. “Want it?”

Cheng Jin’s eyes was pulled to the bead immediately, and he nodded energetically, then got ashamed because he of his impoverished state. “I only have a balance of 100,000 credits in my account, and I’ll give it all for you. Can you sell it to me?”

“100,000? “Lian Wu sneered, “Say, you don’t know the price of this kind of bead, do you?” 

Cheng Jin was stunned. He remembered that when he sold it, it was 50,000, because his brother transferred the balance of 15 million to him at that time.

Lian Wu maintained his sneer. “This batch of beads was 50,000 at the start of the auction; after so many years, they’ve changed hands so many times, and the price has now climbed tenfold; what’s the point of your 100,000?”

Cheng Jin was terrified. Before, the young master had no concept of money. After all, he could afford all he wanted. Later, when he ran out of money, he discovered how hard it was to make money, and he learned to be frugal on his own. “T-Then, how much does it cost?” stuttered Cheng Jin.

“I’m not short of money,” Lian Wu chuckled, “so I’ll give you the beads, but you have to be my servant for a day at the Orange Floral Banquet.” 

He projected a victorious and cheerful smile. “Everyone knew who Young Master Cheng was. Haven’t you been to the Orange Floral banquet before? Isn’t it true that most people recognize your appearance? If you go be a servant for me, I will certainly have a very enjoyable day, which is far better than wearing any priceless expensive clothes.”

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