Archmage Slacker

Chapter 13: Chapter 13

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As his teeth left a deep rut in the ground, tears flowed from his eyes, and his fingers clutched at the grass and stones in spasms, she laughed, pointing her finger towards the horizon.

- Master, this is amazing, you should see it! - Escaped from a nearby bush and scared away small birds, Asura screamed, just a couple of minutes ago.

Zee sat on a simple wooden stool and tried to carve a figurine out of a piece of wood. It’s came out ugly. It was supposed to be an eagle, and the Goddess sees that if such creatures were real, they would be exterminated. Out of pity.

The lesson was interrupted by a tenacious grip, when her fingers wrapped around his leg with a boot, and pulled at the speed of a modern motorcycle into that very bush. It was useless to resist, even if his life depended on it, his lack of experience would not allow him to cast a spell in such a situation. You know, thoughts often get confused when you hit your head on the ground and nearby trees.

Ten minutes and the torture is over. Zee got up from the ground, spat out various things that filled his mouth, turned around ready to try to chastise the maid, but saw a truly bewitching sight.

There was a forest on the horizon. And he was unlike any Zee had ever seen in real life. The tops of the trees were hidden in thick clouds, iridescent with all colors. Waves of energy rolled over a distant place, colliding with each other, forming ever new shades. It reminded him, aurora borealis . Northern lights. And now he could admire them forever. Below, among the dense foliage, buildings were visible, carved into the trees of the city. Only their outlines could be seen, among the bright glow. Among the towers, which should have been at least a hundred meters high, something was moving, but it was too far away.

Zee opened the manual and found several spells he had been learning in recent weeks. The magic was not dangerous, the worst thing that could happen was an attack of mild dizziness and nausea. A series of circles of varying sizes appeared in the air, at the level of one of the archmage 's eyes . Zee moved his hands, changing the position, order and size of the circles until he was satisfied with the result. The Far View made it possible to expand the possibilities of the human eye, but it showed too wide a view, not allowing you to focus on details and was not suitable for careful observations. This defect was neutralized by several magical restraints. The world's first magical telescope has been created!

Looking at the city with greater clarity, Zee was amazed. Creatures of different shapes and sizes filled the city streets.


He thought, mesmerized by the new sight. Some of them looked like people, with ears and tails, just like he imagined them to be. Others were closer to beasts, even species he couldn't identify in this world or ones he didn't imagine could exist at all. Huge reptiles that look like centaurs, very small feathered creatures fluttering in flocks, leaving a trail of shiny dust. Several giants, covered with something similar to tree bark, stone, scales, all together, slowly walked along with high towers.

- Master, let me see, I'm also interested! - Asura grabbed his shoulder and shook him.

The sound of a distant thunderstorm swept through the area. The waves among the clouds calmed down, began to form more and more slowly, and the veil of fog fell from the sky.

Everything that he saw was covered with a white veil, and no matter how Zee tried to set up the spell, nothing was visible. The forest of giants mysteriously evaporated as if it never existed, merging with the surrounding mountains.

- Well, I wanted to see it! Master, you are a fool! - Asura pushed him, pushing him into the soft earth, and she ran down the hill, feigning tears and a broken heart.

“Yeah, so today she has such a role. Nothing to do, will pout until the evening. Maybe a small bouquet will cheer her up? And yet, what was it? Illusion, the realm of demihumans and monsters? There was nothing like that in the handbook, come to think of it, Airia didn’t even mention that there are other sentient species besides humans…”

In the evening, he handed a crooked wreath, from something similar to small daisies, pouting Asura and her bad mood disappeared. Nearly. Dinner was extremely disgusting, and she made sure that he ate everything to the last bite.


Three more days of travel passed, half of the way was overcome. Beautiful days of travel, only a couple of times he met monsters on his way. Wandering between the trees, Zee encountered a pair of creatures that looked like people, but much larger and had the features of pigs. They were adorned with makeshift armor made of wood, many spikes and ropes made from plants. In their hands was a weapon, bulky and primitive. And capable of killing, there was no doubt about it. The meeting pulled him out of the calm world of fantasy and Zee was ready to give some kind of rebuff in order to escape, but did not have time. The eyes of the monsters widened, they howled, dropped their weapons and rushed in the other direction, much faster than they were typical, judging by their appearance. Asura asked him if everything was alright while holding a fruit basket.

“It’s like I didn’t create it ...”


There was still a long road ahead. Zee hoped it would be just as peaceful and pleasant.

At that moment, something detonated. The shockwave kicked up a whirlwind of dust, plucked leaves swirling around him. Asura stood beside him, her gaze fixed in the direction of the incident, ready to repel the next attack.

The second explosion was weaker, as if the epicenter was moving away from them.

- I'll go and find out what it is. Go forward! - She said and immediately disappeared from sight.

- Stop!

“Damn, I can't leave her alone again. This time, it won't be easy to get off. And I won’t survive the second such dinner in a week.” With that thought, Zee used his weakened acceleration and stealth to go after his companion.

He found her sitting on a branch of a tall tree, hiding behind dense foliage and studying something.

- Asura, it's me! Help me get up! - He whispered loudly, jumping around the smooth trunk.

- I asked you, Master. Oh God - Asura jumped down from the tree, moving gracefully and silently. Her arms wrapped around Zee's waist and her breasts pressed against his cheek.

“This is not the time to think about it…” He wiped away the dull smile from his face, who knows when it appeared.

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A moment later, they were already in a makeshift shelter. There was a battle going on.

In a small clearing already littered with human bodies, there was a monster. The stone giant, covered with withered grass, resembled a revived heap of stones and could not cause much horror in an experienced gamer from another world, but a snake capable of swallowing a whole horse, which, wriggling, emerged from a rift in the belly of a monster, was disgusting. It’s had no skin, pink flesh glistened in the sun, in places not covered with something like greenish pus, slowly flowing down, but not completely disappearing.

Around the monster rode a small detachment armed with spears, bows and swords. Sometimes they separated, trying to confuse the creature. When the monster's attention shifted, one of the groups attacked it. Even with little experience as a clerk, Zee knew it had little effect.

Until another figure on a horse appeared from the forest. It’s galloped forward at the monster, brandishing a long spear wrapped in many ribbons. Approaching, the rider pulled the reins, stopping the horse and threw out his hand with a spear in a gesture of blow. The ribbons rose into the air and froze, and a blinding beam shot from the tip. In the blink of an eye, he touched the monster's stone body and a third explosion occurred.

The distance was great, more than a few kilometers, but the impact almost knocked Zee out of the tree if not for Asura covering him with her body and clinging to the tree.

- Damn it! - He shouted, deafened by the sound of the explosion - Thank you!

- We need to leave Master, they have no chance, it's obvious. But they can buy us time!

- Wait, we can't just leave them to die, can we? - He protested. Zee did not consider himself a saint, but something in the back of his mind said that he could not let someone die just like that. If in a past life, he could have called the police after seeing a suspicious scene, now he felt he had to intervene. Even though didn't know how.

He used the far sight spell. The cloud of dust has already dissipated. Only a few people remained on their feet ...

“Damn, those are elves! Tall, pointy-eared, blond, it all fits!”

The rider with the spear turned out to be a slender girl, standing leaning on a spear and breathing heavily. One of her eyes was closed, the other was focused on a target.

The monster made a terrible sound. It didn't even have a scratch!

- What the heck?! Such an explosion, and no damage to this damn thing?! Something needs to be done! – Zee opened the skill window and began to scroll randomly through the list, hoping to find something suitable. - Something very powerful is needed, if they can’t handle it, what will I do?! Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Asura remained calm as she assessed the situation as she immersed herself in her thoughts, trying to find the best tactics to retreat. And most importantly, saving his life. Only he was important.

Zee raised his hand and began to read the words he didn't understand, trying to pronounce them as accurately as possible. The spell belonged to the highest magic that could affect reality itself. The name was unfamiliar to him, but the list included damage that far exceeded his health. Hell, even Asura's health! And she was the monster.

He put aside all thoughts, trying to cope with panic and horror, looked into his magic telescope to take aim and said the last word ...

The trigger was pulled.


The world has become an endless whiteness. Without sounds. Without feelings. Emptiness and light that the mind could not accept and believe.


A terrible low rumble brought Zee to himself. There was a streak before his eyes. Like a carved tunnel in the midst of a raging nature. Ideally flat, surrounded by glass walls.

Everything that the spell touched simply vanished, leaving no trace. But the energy was huge, and the effect is unknown, even to the system. Plants that were not completely destroyed were transformed into glass, sparkling in the sun. A gust of wind swept through the forest, filling it with a booming ringing and the sound of breaking glass.

He really wanted to sleep, his strength was running out. Asura picked him up in her arms and jumped down from the tree and ran forward.


The elf lifted her head, knitted her eyebrows and looked in the direction where THIS came from! The monster threatening to destroy her and the elite guard squad just vanished.

The eagle's gaze made it possible to see an inconspicuous man and a tall woman hiding in the foliage. The guy lost consciousness and almost fell.

"I will find you! And this time, Giliad won't stop me"


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