Archmage Slacker

Chapter 16: Chapter 16

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Zee was standing at the checkout counter of the convenience store . The girl scanned his purchases, putting them in a plastic bag. The tape was filled with the usual rations that he often bought in a past life. Ready meals, instant noodles, energy drinks. It was quiet around, only barcode reading signals were heard, fluorescent lamps hummed faintly, and the old man who stood at the rack with obscene magazines occasionally coughed.

Outside the window was a dimly lit parking lot, with several cars. Rare butterflies floated in the air, striving for the light.

He looked around, not remembering how he got there. An ordinary store, Zee had been in it thousands of times, but he never thought that this routine would end. The last time he was shopping for provisions for long days of work, he did not even suspect that he would be in another world.

There was a voice.

- “Total five ready meals, ten packs of noodles and eight drinks. You have one head of the Lord of Darkness, please” - Airia lifted her head, an evil smirk played on her face – “Forgot it at home? What can we do now?!".

Her hand reached out from behind the counter and grabbed his neck. The next moment, Zee's body flew into the air and smashed into the shelf with a loud sound, causing an avalanche of goods.

Airia sat on top of him and choked, with a wild grin.

- “Thought to fuck me?! You're a fucking abortion victim! YOU HAVE FUCKED BASTARD! Chance after chance, I gave them to you. But you managed to get rid of that degenerate paladin! Do you think that's it? Decided that I certainly can not get you there? DECIDED THAT I DONT HAVE ENOUGH POWER?!” - She screamed, raising his head and slamming him into the floor.

Zee experienced mixed feelings at this point, because despite the violent actions, expressed in the infliction of potentially fatal wounds, they did not cause any pain.

“I will show you my power! Now you will have fun. Do you think the Lord of Darkness is terrible?! I WILL SHOW YOU THE REAL HORROR” - The nail on her finger turned into an animal claw, with a gleaming tip. She grabbed his hand and drew a sign on his forearm. Zee tried to make out the intricate pattern, but it disappeared under the blood flow from the cuts.

- "Ready! Now they will find you wherever you are. Do you think this trash, Loras, was strong? You will know such torments that you could not imagine! You yourself will run into the arms of the shit-headed Lord of Darkness. Inquisi …” - Light ripples swept through the air. The store began to shake, a small shudder. From the top shelf, a carton of milk fell on the goddess's head. Wisps of white liquid trickled down her face, leaving stains on the cashier's uniform.

The old man started laughing. The hysterical laughter gave way to bouts of coughing. He turned around holding an open magazine in his hands. On the page lay a young girl, a completely naked body, covered only by a translucent veil. Her long, black hair flowed over her snow-white skin, and her eyes began to change color, faster and faster. The image moved, and began to grow, breaking out of paper captivity into reality. Smoke poured out of the old man's mouth, he coughed one last time and disappeared, leaving only a pile of clothes.

The tall girl proudly looked at the goddess, still sitting astride the archmage .

- “Oooh, hello, my little Goddess. It's always good to see you” - She smiled and adjusted her long strand.

- "You! YOU, BITCH, DON'T EVEN THINK OF INTERFERING ME!”  - Airia stood up abruptly and walked towards the girl.

- " I'll play with you another time, now I'm interested in this young man" - She snapped her fingers and Airia was outside the store.

The muffled cry of the goddess shook the store once more. Airia pounded her hands on the glass door, trying to force her way in. The cracks spread like a web, but quickly disappeared.

The goddess stopped for a second, raised her head and let out a monstrous roar. Her thin and graceful hands turned into steel ropes of muscles..

The impact caused the glass to crack and stretch as if it were made of rubber. A flurry of blows left more and more damage that did not have time to recover.

- “How stubborn you are!” - Another snap of the fingers and a waterfall of milk poured from the sky, washing away the goddess into the distance. The windows dimmed, obscuring what was happening outside - "Well, now I can play with you, my boy"

Zee was already up and watching the unfolding events, standing next to the rack. She quickly approached and pressed her body against his. Zee 's limbs refused to obey, and he only trembled, considering the stranger. Her face came close to him, as if she wanted to kiss him, but her lips touched his ear, and the girl whispered.

- “Arara, I see you are embarrassed, my boy. Are you shy? Or maybe you don't like me? Wait a moment” - Her body began to change, gaining weight and becoming covered in a layer of hair. The skin tone changed to a darker one, the face expanded and acquired stubble. One moment, and a naked man, about forty years old, clung to him - “How do you like second option? Do you like it?”

- “Oh, please don’t! FIRST, I CHOOSE THE FIRST OPTION!” - The ability to move returned to him, and he slipped out of the sweaty embrace, hurrying to move away to a safe distance.

She laughed, took a few steps, and disappeared behind a display of goods. The light turned off.
A searchlight lit up in the darkness, illuminating the high throne. The mahogany was covered with gold ornaments. Rows of skulls mounted on spears covered the back. Two snakes with open mouths served as armrests. As if out of thin air, a girl materialized, having managed to change her outfit. A velvet camisole emphasized her feminine figure, leather pants tightly fitted her hips. And the shoulders were covered with a long cloak trimmed with fur.

- “Shaitia Aro Novergrass! I am the Goddess of Dreams. Master of Illusions! Queen Nightm… Okay, more about that, another time. But don't be afraid, mortal, I like you, you can call me Shaiti . And what is your wish? What do you want to see in my kingdom?” - She sat on the throne and leaned on one arm, looking at Zee inquiringly .

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- “I'm sorry, but I don't know how I ended up here. If you forgive me, I would like to return back without causing you unnecessary inconvenience” – He tried to get out of the situation, not feeling a keen desire to continue this acquaintance. Zee 's gaze settled on her eyes, they attracted to themselves, with depth, mystery. His mind began to move away from the body, sinking deeper and deeper, striving for the abyss, in the distance of which the stars sparkled. A snap of his fingers brought him back to reality.

- “Don't stare, boy. You can see, not what you want” - She got up from her throne, approaching Zee. The clothes changed again, becoming a red peignoir, opening an attractive look - “You don't like me that much? Do you want to leave already? We’ve only known each other for a couple of minutes… are you ready to leave a girl alone?”

- “I'm sorry. I just don't want to waste time with such an important Goddess. So, can I leave?” - Sweat broke out on his forehead, she was too close. TOO CLOSE!

- “What an impatient you are… And I could show you a lot. Things out of your imagination. Desires that are even scary to think about. Just say it” - Her long finger traveled across his body, approaching a certain area.

Zee stepped back, bowed, and ran for the exit. His hands gripped the door leaves, trying to open it. Did not work.

“You disappoint me. And intrigue. Tell me, why did you annoy this little girl so much? - Having mocked Zee , Shaiti returned to her throne.

- “I don't know, just an accident, nothing special” - Zee leaned back against the door and tried to push through it with his body.

- “What an intriguer you are, good. You know, I'm bored, my kingdom is large, but deserted. I would like to be outside. You won't refuse me this little request, will you? Well, fine!" - Answering herself, she snapped her fingers and a book appeared in front of Zee , floating in the air and a tiny silver knife - “I will give you my patronage, my protection, and you will show me your world. All you have to do is put a little stamp on it.”

- “B… I’m afraid I’m not worthy of such an honor, Lady Goddess.”

- “PUT A STAMP!” - Her voice boomed through the hall. Merchandise fell off shelves, glass bottles shattered into pieces, and cans burst, releasing jets of carbonated drinks.

Zee wanted it to end.

"What the heck? How did I get here? What does this sick girl want? Fuck, I was... But where was I before? Damn, damn, damn. Okay, looks like she just won't let me out of here. We'll have to agree."

He took the knife and held it to his finger. The blade lengthened and pierced flesh. A drop of blood fell on the page of the book, heavily adorned with all sorts of symbols, magical circles he hadn't seen.

- “Well done, MY boy. An exciting adventure awaits us. Well, now you can go. But don't be sad, we'll meet soon” - Shaiti snapped her fingers and the doors swung open. Zee fell into darkness, moving away from the glowing shop windows.

Shaiti smiled. And she started laughing. And she laughed. And she laughed. And she laughed.


Airiya 's toes took on sharp claws and dug into the asphalt. The flow of milk cut, and she moved to the entrance. The next blow shattered the doors into small fragments that scattered throughout the hall. She entered the store.

Immediately, an elegantly dressed consultant appeared from behind a rack, with a mouse face and protruding front teeth. In his hands was a huge box containing an equally huge dildo .

- “Please, Mistress. An excellent choice for a single woman, BD - 3000. This device will exceed all your expectations, I guarantee!”

Aria froze. Her gaze went blank. She hadn't been this angry in a long time. For a long time, no one dared to cross her path.

Her flesh filled with inner light. She spread her arms and screamed.

The shockwave turned the store, along with everything inside, to dust. Only the consultant burst and circled in the air like a deflated balloon.

She remained in darkness, spitting out streams of light.


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